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Your Reoccurring theme for losing? Lets help each other not lose.


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Usually a lack communication: no one calling targets, everyone splitting off for their own kills... while your team is probably fighting a 3v1 on many fronts, and everyone slowly dies.


The worst part is the slowly dying part, especially if you're a bunker spec. Dying out of sync with your team members means less chances to group and coordinate attacks.

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The main reason to why I lose is no particular one reason, but rather a summation of many of them, some of which may or may not be present in a game at any given time.


Sometimes it is the mismatching team comps, sometimes player skills, sometimes it is poor morale, sometimes an AFK, sometimes I dont even know, everything should be going well but instead it is not, sometimes they have a premade, sometimes we have a premade, sometimes people dont do the objectives, sometimes people go to the objectives but forget everything else, sometimes it's me, sometimes it is not, sometimes is none of the above, sometimes is all of the above, sometimes just some.

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Fighting a player I know I lose to. Even on the same class and same build. Some times I have an arrogance in. No way. I can totally take him next time. Then end up dyig 2-3 times.


Now a days if i know the other guy is more skillful than me. I am just not gonna fight him and find fights where I know I can take.


Sounds simple but pride really did ruin alot of my games.

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I lose because I suck. But it aggravates me more because I get paired with teammates who suck as bad as I do. Having a win/lose ratio of 1:5 is just demoralizing, and quite frankly I think this game is garbage. It's got a great artistic design, but I can't sell the gameplay itself. But boy oh boy, some rewards are locked behind reward tracks. Or there isn't a dungeon community left to play with in PvE. If the game didn't autokick for inactivity, I'd probably just AFK every match and leech rewards while I worked on projects in Illustrator.

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1. Not disengaging/kiting/jump puzzling when my CDs are low, or when the fight doesn't go our way.

Sometimes it's just wishful thinking that with teammate rezzed we can turn this around, or that target at 10% who's already safely blown CDs and begun to kite... nope.

Disengage, save up CDs, when a person gets to a side node he/she will need the tools to win the 1v1 or stall it.

I think this goes with not chasing, burning up CDs just to reach your target and then being unable to take it out in a short time, will complicate things very quickly.


2. Insisting on challenging a player that I lost against in a 1v1 (skill/build is superior).

It's like a desperate gamble, and all I do is throw the game when I die again because I care about winning so much I can't see the Rev coming in for the best outnumber moment of his/her week.


3. Playing while unable to focus.

Either lack of sleep, or tired from a full day, or bad mood... I end up predictable, stupid and possessing the reflexes of a 20 year old Labrador.

I'm honestly pretty darned average and bounce around Gold3, but sometimes I feel like watching a player at 800 doing his thing. After the match my head would be filled with the utterly fulfilling emotion of regret.

The worst thing you can do after 2 losses and getting that gambling mood is to keep playing... there's a very big chance you're all set up to throw your own games with *passion*. Not to mention run right into your last team who recognizes you for your contribution... to the enemy.


I'm not saying your team doesn't matter though, it does to a big degree depending on how well they play, (more so than) what builds they run. Just don't give up yourself and keep playing, some of the best matches I've experienced are from close losses or skin-of-teeth comebacks.

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This is happening recently, just in the last few days. But the slightest inconvenience and a teammate will say 'gg'. Like wth?! It's only 150-90. How is that gg?!


I swear to you, I've come back from games where we're 200 points behind! You three cap for 30 sec to a min, easily read the rotation of the other team and steam roll. People give up too easily. After reading the other comments, I think players are just exhausted from a long day. Take a break then. Calm down and play again later.


Also, communicate with your teammates. In other pvp games I played, communication was key. But GW2, no one talks and just hopes for the best. Say stuff like

-Going far

-Inc home, mid, far

Sometimes its the little things that determine a game

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Poor communication, our bunkers or warriors chasing off point around spawn areas, me being forced to defend mid as a thief. Most of the time I just get told "it's just a game". I mean it is just a game, but I have more fun when I win! The hardest trouble I personally have is adapting to when my team wants to play the role of decapper instead of me. Forces me into a lot of unwanted fights as a thief.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> another reason for losing is no communication. I wish there was some kinda radio thingy like in counter strike where you can call for help.


Would be a huge plus. Just played a game today where a scrapper cc'd me off the node and capped. Quickly explained to team and told them I needed a +1 to finish him quick.


Got a chrono to burst him down with me, and got the node back... Use communication everyone! Lol

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Yeah, just played a match with a scourge who didn't even throw down shades. Just used a axe/dagger build and tried to kill everyone with Ghastly Claws. Combined with a thief that couldn't decap and an ele that just threw down salt but couldn't fight. I'm already bad at PvP as it is without having to babysit people who are literally dumber than vegetables.

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Poor rotations plague me more than anything nowadays. Team got wiped mid and is now regrouping on close? Our scourge goes mid and 1v3s. Blames me for not giving him backup.


The other thing is class flexibility. OPTIMALLY (but not always necessary), everyone should be able to play at least 1 type of each role (+1, Bunker, Duelist, etc,)


Being able to swap class archetypes puts the entire team at a much better advantage.


If you want to avoid losing a ton, find someone of similar skill level to you, and duo Q with them. Most people are willing to accept as long as you’re not playing like a monkey.


And lastly, a thing I learnt from my friend.

“every time you die, it’s 100% your fault, not anyone else’s.” e.g: leaving the point, picking your fights, etc,. A good thing to ask yourself whenever you die is “what did I do wrong there.”


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> @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> I lose because I suck. But it aggravates me more because I get paired with teammates who suck as bad as I do. Having a win/lose ratio of 1:5 is just demoralizing, and quite frankly I think this game is garbage. It's got a great artistic design, but I can't sell the gameplay itself. But boy oh boy, some rewards are locked behind reward tracks. Or there isn't a dungeon community left to play with in PvE.


I run at least 16 dungeon paths a day, and outside of times where most people are at work or in class, there's always LFG groups out there in the dungeon list. I question the effort you've put into finding or making a group.


I do agree that matchmaking is terrible. I was a plat-ranked player for the past 6 seasons, but the frustration was too great for me this season, and I've decided to walk away from ranked forever. The problem is is that the same ridiculous matchups plague unranked too. I see people with top 25/50 titles stacked against my team, which at best might have 2x top 250 ppl on it (including myself).



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My problem is "what do I do, what do I build, and where am I supposed to be?" which is not something I learn in a day. You'd think me with MOBA experience would translate into the mini-version but it does not. Pathing is not clear to me as a new player and I think putting me up with some bots would be very helpful instead of using training dummies.

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The quick and easy that I see my team losing...

1) They don't read team chat.

2) lack map awareness

3) Won't attack the focused target

4) chase lone enemies around the map

5) Try to be a hero and feed a group of enemies

6) Simply not caring about winning and just there for the pips.


I'm not saying I'm a Legendary level pvp'er. I'm way far from it, but I've learned alot about rotations and builds since I started pvping back in season 5.

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