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Does having the same armor upgrade help?

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> @"retiredair.3876" said:

> The question still is do the same upgrades help, which is better than a mix of upgrades?


Better for what?


Many meta builds use all 6 runes to achieve the full bonus. Some do not.


It depends on what your build is supposed to do and which runes you pick.


If your question is general about:

"Do 6 piece rune sets get used?"


Then the answer is: yes.

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In simple term: Yes. Having 6 of the same rune on your armour means you get all 6 bonuses, so it's better.


If you want to get more complicated than that then it depends. What profession are you using? What build are you using? What content are you playing with it? If you're in a group then what are the other people using? What is your role in this group? The answer depends on all that, and even then it may not be a straight-forward yes or not. I don't know of any builds which use 6 different runes, but there are some which use 4 from one set and 2 from another, because they're trying to achieve something very specific which can't be done with just 1 set.

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> @"retiredair.3876" said:

> The question still is do the same upgrades help, which is better than a mix of upgrades?


@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" answered your question right away. Why do you claim "the question still is", when it was answered even with the addition of a link where you will find how rune and sigil boni stack?

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Minor Runes have two boni, so you need 2 of them to get both boni. Major Runes have four, so you need 4 of them to get all four boni. And Superior Runes have six boni, so if you want to make use of all six, you need to equip 6 of them.


Each bonus stacks with the previous one. So if a rune gives +25 Power in its first slot, +50 in its third one, and +100 in its fifth slot, that would make a total of +175 Power, but _only_ of you have at least 5 of the same rune equipped. If you want to use all six boni the rune offers, you will need 6 of them (as previously mentioned).

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Unless you have some reason to suspect otherwise, just use 6 of the same. 99% of the time you'll be making the right choice, and even if there were some alternative combination that works better, the difference would be so slight that it wouldn't much matter. Just don't select a rune that has a 6th upgrade that doesn't apply to your class/build.

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