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Align A.E.D with similar heals


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Petition to bring aed in line with similar heals. At this point in time its overtuned as fuck. Yes you can play arround it we all know that but that doesnt justify the duration beeing twice as long as similar heals like defiant stance or glint heal. Even Rebound duration is lower and thats a fucking elite.

My suggestion. Make it 4 seconds duration. Its more then enough for a emergency heal which a skilled player can play arround. At the moment a engi can literally pop it at 60% hp and still be fine because it lasts way to long.

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The mechanic is hugely different to Defiant Stance or Glint Heal, since you can still burst the Engi down to literally 1% and be fine. 4s would be underwhelming. I don't even run it in its current state since I find it to easily countered and don't to waste my strongest GM trait on it to make it viable.

Rebound is arguably lackluster, but that doesn't mean AED should be too.

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AED is fine imo. I don't even think it's THAT common actually.


I don't think the mechanic is really comparable to rev and war heals. They can be used any time to get 4 seconds of breathing space (which is crucial to get CD-s back, etc.) PLUS either reset the fight by being fully healed or getting rid of hard focus.


With AED you can just keep hard focusing the engi and he will most likely die in 1-2 seconds after trigger anyway. At least that's my experience. There is absolutely no 'window period'.


just my 2 cents

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I mean I can see why someone might complain about it, it's 8s where you can't kill the engineer or they get a massive heal, cleanse and shocking aura (yes I know it's traited) so it makes an escape as engineer much more likely or they can go ham with relative impunity.


The thing is at the current state of ridiculously high damage I don't think it's a major issue as you can deal another 12k damage to them if they go aggressive thinking they're safe. Sure if damage is toned down it might be especially if Goldenboy Holosmith is still left with too much kit baseline.


Though I think Healing Turret is probably the strongest heal in the game per class, it's a 5k heal + 1k regen + water field and can blast itself (+1.3k) and Engineer has been dumbed down enough you can get a second combo for another 1.3k and it cleanses 2 conditions from all allies.


That's usually an 8.5k heal with 2 conditions cleansed every 20s (more likely every 23-24 due to overcharge) with a toolbelt skill for a bit more healing in a pinch, it's quite frankly massively overloaded baseline with what engineer has. There's not a lot of 20s CD heals that come close to this much utility baseline where most have to trait to compete in healing per cool down and aren't AoE. Don't just take what I say as fact, check them out on the wiki.



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The reason why not a lot of engineers don't like using A.E.D. is that it's a healing skill that relies on your enemy dealing damage so it can heal you to its fullest potential. It's a stupid design choice because anyone can see the A.E.D. icon below your health bar and just kite you until it ends. Once it ends, the healing is gone and it barely heals you to the point that you can continue to fight.


Reducing the duration to 4 seconds may seem like a nice idea, but that would also make it worse as players can kite you for 4 seconds instead of 5 seconds and it won't heal you as much, wasting your healing skill and having to wait 30 seconds (24 seconds if using Gadgeteer) to heal yourself again. Not to mention that it only removes damaging conditions, compared to the healing turret which removes 2 conditions of any type.

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ha, funny saw a holo yesterday revived himself 20 times in game with that. was very frustrating. i think aed is not the Problem in General. it is more like **if you stop hitting** holo because of aed, **its like 5 secs of invul.** in that time he can EZ Escape from every fight because of his massive mobility.

**if you still hit him he revive with 60% of life**. and its already really hard to bring a holo down to 0 hp. doing it twice is nearly impossible in an even number fight. and even than he still can use Elixier s and boots to come out. so it is more the Overall set of utilities of holos that is problematic.

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Thing is if damage goes down, lets say by 25% it means that people do less damage.


This then makes AED a lot less certain that it will proc as people are better able to bring you down to 1-2k health, kite then kill when AED wears off.


Maybe 8s traited is a bit long and instead of more duration could be a bigger heal on the trait but as I said earlier in the meta of high damage it's not a major issue imo and if damage is toned down AED would lose some of it's viability so....maybe address the power creep first?

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> The reason why not a lot of engineers don't like using A.E.D. is that it's a healing skill that relies on your enemy dealing damage so it can heal you to its fullest potential. It's a stupid design choice because anyone can see the A.E.D. icon below your health bar and just kite you until it ends. Once it ends, the healing is gone and it barely heals you to the point that you can continue to fight.

Thing is, it's a terrible idea to wait out AED, if he is out of CDs you will just burst his HP down again in no more than 3 seconds.

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It seems like one of those heals like infused light or defiant stance meant to punish spam but with the 8 second duration it often feels like it is more worthwhile to just brute force your way through by giving them the big heal and just doing more damage rather than waiting so long for it to go away. This is especially true since the base healing without taking lethal damage is still a semi respectable 4k, for a difference of 8k so as long as you can do more than like 1k DPS to the engi (very little especially in a team fight) during those 8 seconds it is more efficient to just damage through it. Wouldn't say it is op per say, but it definitely feels like it isn't working in practice as it is meant to. I should add though that because there are situations where it is sometimes better to brute force your way through it, and sometimes it is better to hold off makes it one of the highest skill cap heal skills in the game for both the engi and the people trying to kill the engi as the choice isn't as straightforward as it is for other heals, which is nice.

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I've never seen a good player complain about AED... That said, this must be a troll thread, or you don't know how easy it is to counter by not bursting the guy.


Literally, you know if the guy is traited for it because not only doe she channel it while not receiving any heals, but he receives shocking aura, which doesn't help him trigger his heal.


Like I said, just counter it by not bursting him. OR, if you have an ally, just burst through his health. It's not that hard.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> I've never seen a good player complain about AED... That said, this must be a troll thread, or you don't know how easy it is to counter by not bursting the guy.


> Literally, you know if the guy is traited for it because not only doe she channel it while not receiving any heals, but he receives shocking aura, which doesn't help him trigger his heal.


> Like I said, just counter it by not bursting him. OR, if you have an ally, just burst through his health. It's not that hard.


I know that u can just "not burst him" but 8 seconds is still a respectable time period especially in a 1v1 scenario where if u get him to say 10% hp with the current damage values sneezing would proc it meanwhile he can keep pressure up. And its also not that simple to just "kite it" because lets be real here if u play aed holo u probably have rocket boots equipped so u have to resort to jumping puzzles at least and also 100% sure give up the node ur on. All that from a healing skill.

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> @"Bashi.8902" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > I've never seen a good player complain about AED... That said, this must be a troll thread, or you don't know how easy it is to counter by not bursting the guy.

> >

> > Literally, you know if the guy is traited for it because not only doe she channel it while not receiving any heals, but he receives shocking aura, which doesn't help him trigger his heal.

> >

> > Like I said, just counter it by not bursting him. OR, if you have an ally, just burst through his health. It's not that hard.


> I know that u can just "not burst him" but 8 seconds is still a respectable time period especially in a 1v1 scenario where if u get him to say 10% hp with the current damage values sneezing would proc it meanwhile he can keep pressure up. And its also not that simple to just "kite it" because lets be real here if u play aed holo u probably have rocket boots equipped so u have to resort to jumping puzzles at least and also 100% sure give up the node ur on. All that from a healing skill.


Most engineers have to use AED before they're being bursted, so let's say at 40% HP. During that 8 seconds, use conditions like immob, poison, chill or even knockbacks to both drain his HP and control where he is.


By keeping him at distance and or locked down, you can just "sneeze" on him as soon as he gets the measly 4k heal that you receive when AED does go off without proccing the 12k heal.


It's not hard, and if you're complaining about to an AED engi, I'm sorry, you need to keep working at your gameplay.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> uh it lasts 5 seconds? whats the problem here? or just a troll post.


Troll post, mostly, although it does last 8S when traited.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> The reason why not a lot of engineers don't like using A.E.D. is that it's a healing skill that relies on your enemy dealing damage so it can heal you to its fullest potential. It's a stupid design choice because anyone can see the A.E.D. icon below your health bar and just kite you until it ends. Once it ends, the healing is gone and it barely heals you to the point that you can continue to fight.


It also involves a lot of guesswork. You have to guess when the enemy will do enough damage to trigger the full heal. This is why most engineers don't take it -- you have to very carefully guess when you can heal, otherwise you used a pretty bad heal instead of the more reliable Healing Turret.


This means you need to activate it when you're low on health already, which is generally a big risk because you could get stunlocked out of using it.

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im very fond of gadgets (aed+rocket boots), combining them indeed feels like 8 sec invul sometimes but the sacfrice is big imo as well

you lose strong gm trait and powerful utility in water turret and photon wall, elixir s or u depending to your liking but it means big drop in dmg and sustain in general.

don't be fooled by the big burst heal of 12k, it's not a lot considering you don't really have other forms of condi cleanse, no protection so dont be scared to trigger the aed just safe your burst and preferably stability. They are mostly forced away if it triggers or not, that makes it a weaker duelist and weak on point in general but obviously a lot more mobile


not problematic i think so i disagree the nerf suggestion

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> All I think AED needs is a more obvious telegraph, Infused Light has a huge blue glow around the revenant indicating "Don't attack this person" whilst AED doesn't really have something like that


AED can self proc though by overheating on Holo.


Its the only way I use AED anyway but took a lot of practice to pull off right, I honestly didn't think anyone used this heal anyway.. It's usually too reliant on enemies being silly and bursting you while its up.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > All I think AED needs is a more obvious telegraph, Infused Light has a huge blue glow around the revenant indicating "Don't attack this person" whilst AED doesn't really have something like that


> AED can self proc though by overheating on Holo.


> Its the only way I use AED anyway but took a lot of practice to pull off right, I honestly didn't think anyone used this heal anyway.. It's usually too reliant on enemies being silly and bursting you while its up.


Not sure I missed something here but why did you quote me?

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > All I think AED needs is a more obvious telegraph, Infused Light has a huge blue glow around the revenant indicating "Don't attack this person" whilst AED doesn't really have something like that

> >

> > AED can self proc though by overheating on Holo.

> >

> > Its the only way I use AED anyway but took a lot of practice to pull off right, I honestly didn't think anyone used this heal anyway.. It's usually too reliant on enemies being silly and bursting you while its up.


> Not sure I missed something here but why did you quote me?




Infused light has a telegraph but it doesn't have an ability to self inflict damage like Holo can.

So even if you gave it a huge tell, it probably wouldn't make much difference. Players could work around it.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > All I think AED needs is a more obvious telegraph, Infused Light has a huge blue glow around the revenant indicating "Don't attack this person" whilst AED doesn't really have something like that

> > >

> > > AED can self proc though by overheating on Holo.

> > >

> > > Its the only way I use AED anyway but took a lot of practice to pull off right, I honestly didn't think anyone used this heal anyway.. It's usually too reliant on enemies being silly and bursting you while its up.

> >

> > Not sure I missed something here but why did you quote me?




> Infused light has a telegraph but it doesn't have an ability to self inflict damage like Holo can.

> So even if you gave it a huge tell, it probably wouldn't make much difference. Players could work around it.


Ah alright I understand what you're trying to say, even though it can be triggered with overheat, I still think it needs a good telegraph. It's only fair.

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