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[Suggestion] Solo-able Dungeons Story path.


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Would be basically scaling, each champion are elite, each elite veteran, and so veteran regular enemies.

Example: For defense phase like reprogramming during CoE story, the bar fill 2 times faster and less enemies spawn.


OR, because that thing would require to edit the whole path, here is an easier method:

If entering alone story path, you have access to a golem like "special force training area" for raid which one can buf you with might, protection and so on....


Pretty plz, I love taking my time and explore everything, and it's better alone, I don't want to be blocked due to mechanics/ enemies.

I don't care, if you consider buffing yourself when you are alone doing story as cheating, remove rewards it's fine, I just want to be able to finish it.

And of course it's not available when your party is 2 and + members.

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This could be easily resolved by provided you with NPCs that actually do something, similar to henchmen in GW1. WoW also had some solo events that seemed like you need a 5-person party to complete, but they gave you massive buffs while I the instance and you had some pretty powerful NPCs to accompany you.


But ANET has already said that dungeons are dead content, and that all future efforts will be towards fractals. The change to the Arah dungeon was different because fighting Zhaitan is the final step of the personal story - kind of important that - wheras the other dungeon stories run parallel to your personal story and don't interact. You can do all the personal story having never set foot in a dungeon, and there wouldn't be any real gaps that would confuse the player.


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It's unlikely, regardless of the merits.


Among the reasons ANet stopped making significant updates to dungeons was that they were originally written with older tools and scripts that the game now uses. So there are no longer any "small changes;" any change ends up becoming very involved. Then they also have to concern themselves with rewards and with playability... not to mention whether they want to make things easier to solo in an MMO.


As @"Jeknar.6184" notes, they probably don't have a conceptual concern about making the stories soloable; this is more a matter of it being more work than it looks like to us.

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I would have not complained if at least Npcs were usefull, sorrow's embrace story last day: Inquest inspector was beating my knees, Eir and Caithe haven't done anything: -no rez when down

-So small damages that you don't see it on ennemies, -suicide themselves once you are dead.


Thx everyone, guess I will write a special group description.

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One of the things that bothers me about the Victory or Death story chapter is how many people get there without ever playing the dungeons and learning about Destiny's Edge, or after orgetting about them.


So I would also prefer if the story paths were actually part of the Personal story, and received the same treatment as Arah story.

During the story, characters receive mail updates from their friends in destiny's edge, but that can't compare to playing the paths.

The times at which those mails are received would be the perfect points to insert the remaining dungeon stories within the Personal story.


It could be also a good time to make the Explorable paths account-wide unlocks too so players only need to play the story once to have the explorable modes unlocked for all characters.


Even better, since there's 25 explorable paths, it could be possible to make the fractal gate a hub point to them all, using the same interface as fractals since that panel has 26 entries.

Players could walk to the fractal gate as usual, and they would get the fractal panel as usual, but there would be a new button to switch to a new Fractal Dungeons tab. There, filling the 26 slots in the lists, players could find all existing 25 explorable paths, plus an 26th entry to go to a random one.


Better still, the 25 explorable paths visited from the fractal gate could also get 4 tiers of difficulty set in a similar way to fractal difficulties, with instabilities and the like. With T1 difficulty being easier than the current dungeon difficulty, while T3 and T4 being slightly harder.

Then, fractal dungeons would give fractal relics, plus dungeon tokens instead pristine relics, and the dungeon vendor could get new items that can be purchased with those currencies, gold, and maybe other currencies like karma and matrices, depending on the item. Examples of possible 'new' dungeon rewards could be:


* Ascended gear with dungeon skins.

* Recipes to make novelty versions of dungeon tonics.

* A few new skins, like:

* Breathers skin versions of dungeon headgear like the Sorrow's Embrace helmets.

* Actually visible [spine guards](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Back_item#Loot "spine guards").

* Restored Orrian weapons, that look how they would have looked before they spent ages underwater.

* Items with alternate versions of dungeon skins, or recipes to craft them out of the original items, like:

* Day-only and night-only versions of Ascalonian weapons.

* Ghostly ascalonian armor with a dyeable ghostly glow.

* Clean and polished versions of the council ministry armors.

* Actually golden golden wing weapons.

* Aetherized nightmare court armors with dyable aether effects.

* Glowing yellow nightmare weapons, since we already have magenta and cyan weapons.

* Overloaded forgeman armor with glowing eyes and flames coming off the glowing parts.

* Green glyphic/dark asuran weapons, as we have red and blue already.

* Flame legion armor with dyeable flames.

* Ignited flame legion weapons with flames and smoke coming off them.

* Kodan weapons that do not have ice.

* Icy Kodan armor.

* Charged inquest armor with glowing neon edges and moving parts like ticking gears.

* Green inquest weapons since we already have blue and red inquest/mystic forge weapons.

* Purified Dragon's Deep weapons. Softened, rounder, white and gold. Without spikes and faces, so they no longer look like they are possessed by a demon.

* Purified orr armor, that look what they may have looked before their wearers became risen, without bones, claws and spikes and the like.



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But I don't understand, as @"MithranArkanere.8957" said, why Anet aren't deleting old dungeons since it's dead content and forgotten magics? With the technologies we have now, each path could be remade as "fractals:bis" like a cool little hub where you can choose the paths to do. Where you have to go once you reached the corresponding level to finish the dungeon story. It can be nice way to revamp all that lost contents which were glorious in the past.


Story entrance would stay where dungeons are whereas for paths, you have a hub. Stories are added in personnal story, and a green star marker appear on the dungeon once you have the level. Dungeons are awesome to learn game mechanics.



NOTE MY WORDS: I would prefer aborting developping gemstore items, living story, and extensions for 3 months to focus 100% on abandonned things: dungeons, sab w3-4, more unique armor skins that you can obtain easily like the core ones, pass to old lion's arch.....

PLZ just look at fractals and recent ls maps, CoE v2 with the help of sandswept isles team! SorrEmb v2 with the help of thunderhead keep!

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Hmm hmm doing coe with dpistols, grenade kit, elixir, supplies crate...

I shouldn't be forced to use a special skillset, it should be doable with anything. Any spec, any weapon. If not, it's not soloable. It's a STORY. Should not even require you to open lfg. And as easy as personnal story since it's STORY, maybe it's implicit, but without the mail from personnal story nobody would have ever known about dungeons.


That's all.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> But I don't understand, as @"MithranArkanere.8957" said, why Anet aren't deleting old dungeons since it's dead content and forgotten magics? With the technologies we have now, each path could be remade as "fractals:bis" like a cool little hub where you can choose the paths to do. Where you have to go once you reached the corresponding level to finish the dungeon story. It can be nice way to revamp all that lost contents which were glorious in the past.


> Story entrance would stay where dungeons are whereas for paths, you have a hub. Stories are added in personnal story, and a green star marker appear on the dungeon once you have the level. Dungeons are awesome to learn game mechanics.



> NOTE MY WORDS: I would prefer aborting developping gemstore items, living story, and extensions for 3 months to focus 100% on abandonned things: dungeons, sab w3-4, more unique armor skins that you can obtain easily like the core ones, pass to old lion's arch.....

> PLZ just look at fractals and recent ls maps, CoE v2 with the help of sandswept isles team! SorrEmb v2 with the help of thunderhead keep!


They are still part of the story sub-80. Nobody is really asking to revamp the core story, but it probably cannot be done for the exact same reasons. The difference is that dungeons could be relevant even post 80.


remaking a dungeon so it's fractal level of quality sounds nice, but how much of the playerbase will really appreciate that, when they could have made a new fractal with said resources? And new players probably wouldn't even notice the difference...

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While refurbishing old content does take resources (sometimes having to remake instances completely), it is always less costly than making new content, as quite some things are already done, like story planning, voice recording, model assets, most enemy skills, etc.


But just for making dungeon story paths part of the Personal story there doesn't have to be reworks of instances. They could be optional story steps inserted in the story. The story sends you to talk with the NPC at the door, then optionally you can go into the dungeon and play the story.


At the very least direct people there at the time the personal story matches the dungeon story.



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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> At the very least direct people there at the time the personal story matches the dungeon story.


You receive a mail from ~~Lady Camilla Einshorn~~ your herald indicating where is the dungeon entrance when you are in the appropriate level of the dungeon. The big issue here is that you need 5 people and finding a group for story mode can take ages.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > At the very least direct people there at the time the personal story matches the dungeon story.


> You receive a mail from ~~Lady Camilla Einshorn~~ your herald indicating where is the dungeon entrance when you are in the appropriate level of the dungeon. The big issue here is that you need 5 people and finding a group for story mode can take ages.


If the mails were enough to direct people do dungeons, I would not hear people asking about who Destiny's Edge is when they do Victory or Death as often as I do.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > At the very least direct people there at the time the personal story matches the dungeon story.

> >

> > You receive a mail from ~~Lady Camilla Einshorn~~ your herald indicating where is the dungeon entrance when you are in the appropriate level of the dungeon. The big issue here is that you need 5 people and finding a group for story mode can take ages.


> If the mails were enough to direct people do dungeons, I would not hear people asking about who Destiny's Edge is when they do Victory or Death as often as I do.


If the dungeon still require a group to be done, people will not hear who Destiny's Edge is regardless of going to the Dungeon door or not.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> At the very least direct people there at the time the personal story matches the dungeon story.


sadly, ANet didn't even get this right. The dungeons do have a story of their own that runs parallel to the personal story, and it's only through mails that you are notified of them. However, the first dungeon opens up at level 30, when story wise, destiny's edge meeting and split-up (which kicks off the dungeon parallel story) happens in the first scene of the level 40 story arc. :(


I wish ANet would fix that, and at least to include the intro section to lion's arch as part of the level 30 story, and to not send the invitation to the catacombs until after completing it.


Though even this feels like a clunky solution. :/ it's these small things where the game lacks polish.

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Strangely it seems Anet aren't ignoring dungeons since they assume peeps know about them: Specimen chamber in sandswept is CoE v2, but sadly most of players don't know why Kuda says "Father would be so proud" apart if you have done the corresponding dungeon. Even subject Beta is a reference to subject Alpha.


As living world season 1, I would incite players to play twilight arbour aetherpath.

Aetherblades/Scarlet deserve one dungeon for themselves bigger than the little part in twilight arbour.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Hmm hmm doing coe with dpistols, grenade kit, elixir, supplies crate...

> I shouldn't be forced to use a special skillset, it should be doable with anything. Any spec, any weapon. If not, it's not soloable. It's a STORY. Should not even require you to open lfg. And as easy as personnal story since it's STORY, maybe it's implicit, but without the mail from personnal story nobody would have ever known about dungeons.


> That's all.


It's a story DUNGEON. Not a story instance.


There is nothing wrong with the game forcing you to use new tactics once in a while.

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