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2x2 arena?


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I've been playing GW2 for about a month now and i'm really enjoying it. I love competetive side in MMORPG games, especially PVP arenas.

But I noticed how pvp rank rating doesn't make any sense. You just can't get your correct personal rank because of the bad players in your team. Every match i'm top damage, offence, kills. Always looking for best strategies for the matches, always communicating, but many doesn't seem to care. There are many good players, but there are much more of the bad ones that will ruin your rank score.

So the only thing that would make the pvp better in Guild Wars 2 is 1x1 or 2x2 arenas.

What do you guys think? Am I right or wrong?

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People been asking for it for 6 years. 2 years ago they announced they will start on a 2v2 system utalizing something called swiss style tournament. Well see how many more years it will be befor they decide to hurry things along.


I kinda wish they didnt try to reinvent the wheel (so to speak) and just release equal pvp opportunities that gw1 had.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Swiss isn't a 2v2 specific system. Swiss is a tournament style that we're working on for AT's. We had a 2v2 tournament week several months ago. We will likely do so again in the future. Though, I think we'll probably do a different special event week format before that.


The 2v2 tournament was very well received imo, a repeat would be nice especially as we've had a few balance patches since so the meta has shaken up a bit.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Swiss isn't a 2v2 specific system. Swiss is a tournament style that we're working on for AT's. We had a 2v2 tournament week several months ago. We will likely do so again in the future. Though, I think we'll probably do a different special event week format before that.


is there any chance you can make a ranked 2v2 mode though? Just use the same maps but disable side points, first to 100 wins.

I feel like thats a very simple thing to do for you guys but I honestly wouldnt know as Im not a coder.


put it in for a season and see how it goes sorta thing.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > Swiss isn't a 2v2 specific system. Swiss is a tournament style that we're working on for AT's. We had a 2v2 tournament week several months ago. We will likely do so again in the future. Though, I think we'll probably do a different special event week format before that.


> is there any chance you can make a ranked 2v2 mode though? Just use the same maps but disable side points, first to 100 wins.

> I feel like thats a very simple thing to do for you guys but I honestly wouldnt know as Im not a coder.


> put it in for a season and see how it goes sorta thing.


Ooooooor. Get rid of any ranking system for solo-q and make the competitive ranked scene team based (either 5v5 or a smaller 3v3 or 2v2 arena). Ranking people based on randomly made teams never did and never will make sense. And it will ALWAYS make for a terrible FEELING experience, which is the most important thing.


I could only imagine what ranking players in random BG queues would do to WoW PvP. Yikes.


i.e., Anet design philosophy encourages toxicity and negative player sentiment. They are using math to solve the human heart. Bad bad bad.

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Just a duo que matchmaker option in unranked would make a lot of people happy. Add a sticky in the pvp forum that pvp is not balanced around 2v2 and gg. And don't pull that "You can play it in custom" it costs money and nobody bothers to even look at that tab. Conquest is stale and no amount of new conquest maps will fix that.

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just make a battle royale/ last man standing, no downed state game mode. maybe even add the ability to build forts. shoots, anything besides more conquest.....mix it up already. its a dead horse...make it twitch a little...and clean up the loot. cant even open pvp chests with all this garbage and like 500 currencies in game.

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> @"shadowstone.9817" said:

> Why cant the 2v2 system be included in all ranked seasons? I agree that you can do all you can do in 5 v 5 matches and still lose due to incompetent players and poor match making system. 2v2 would be a nice additional way to gauge player ability and rankings. Just a thought...


2v2 is way to unbalanced to be in ranked.

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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"shadowstone.9817" said:

> > Why cant the 2v2 system be included in all ranked seasons? I agree that you can do all you can do in 5 v 5 matches and still lose due to incompetent players and poor match making system. 2v2 would be a nice additional way to gauge player ability and rankings. Just a thought...


> 2v2 is way to unbalanced to be in ranked.


I dont see how 2v2 is going to be more unbalanced then 5v5. In 5v5 you have greater possibilty of outnumbered fights and morr skills being thrown around. And you cant balance a class for a 3v5 sitchuation. That is the opposite of balance classes.

In a 2v2 you have less classes and skills being thrown around making understanding a fight easyer to comprehend therefor being able to balance better in small sitchuation.

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1v1 and 2v2 are really volatile in any game i have seen 3v3 is the place where it is somewhat balanced and 5v5 is balanced around the idea of that the team with worse team fight potential can out rotate the strong teamfight team. The issue comes when some professions do above average at all of the categories in circle quest.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Swiss isn't a 2v2 specific system. Swiss is a tournament style that we're working on for AT's. We had a 2v2 tournament week several months ago. We will likely do so again in the future. Though, I think we'll probably do a different special event week format before that.


If you already have it, why can't it be put into unranked, then ranked when anet feels confident it can go into ranked. Or just into ranked and unranked.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"shadowstone.9817" said:

> > > Why cant the 2v2 system be included in all ranked seasons? I agree that you can do all you can do in 5 v 5 matches and still lose due to incompetent players and poor match making system. 2v2 would be a nice additional way to gauge player ability and rankings. Just a thought...

> >

> > 2v2 is way to unbalanced to be in ranked.


> I dont see how 2v2 is going to be more unbalanced then 5v5. In 5v5 you have greater possibilty of outnumbered fights and morr skills being thrown around. And you cant balance a class for a 3v5 sitchuation. That is the opposite of balance classes.

> In a 2v2 you have less classes and skills being thrown around making understanding a fight easyer to comprehend therefor being able to balance better in small sitchuation.


You can play almost any class and get to the top in 5v5, there's a decent diversity, 2v2 on the other hand is firebrand scourge only.

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I wonder how would this work out:


- Having 5v5's in AT's for more competitive apporach is already a good thing on its own. We get premade teams and one fights the other to see which one is better. This is neat.

- 5v5's in unranked for dailies, practice and whatnot. It's the good old standard for every player to go and have fun solo, duo or premade

- 2v2's as ranked instead of 5v5's ranked.


The idea behind the last point is that 5v5's ranking system is simply inqonsequential. How can you boast about rank that is achieved based on a small fracture of your own impact, which is also under the influence of the effect of how bad/good are your teammates and enemies. Solo play in a team setting, what is the point of it? The competetiveness of it is hardly plausible. I stopped playing ranked a few seasons back when I got to the top 250 reaching the rank somewhere between 60-70 after a bizzare winning streak of a dozen matches per 2-3 losses. Mostly my teammates were on my level or higher, but our enemies were just awful. To achieve a high rank farming bronze/silver level players made me feel both baffled and ridiculed. Even now I stumble upon some discussions where people say how top players stay at the top with a hardly realistic win ratio by tanking up to 3 players for a whole game or something of the sort. That already implies that players they fight are not a challange to them and their skill, although undeniably remarkable, is not used to its full potential to be a proper evidence to their rank.

Yes, we've heard numerous discussions on how the matchmaking algorithm is believed to work as intended, but there are too many players of low skill that play classes which artificially raise their skill ceiling, which ends up with them reaching high platinum or low legendary while being only good/decent fighters, but still behaving and rotating like newbies do. I don't know how does that happen, that despite the best efforts the system still leaves a massive impression of being basically rigged.


I believe that 2v2 ranked would level the playing field considerably, as it would tighten the dice toss factor and force players to earn their rank with a more direct approach, and strategy. Probably the algorithm would have it easier to combine players of similar skills, and it would be easier to start a duo instead of a whole premade, or to play solo rock-paper-scissors with 5v5 matchmaking.


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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"shadowstone.9817" said:

> > Why cant the 2v2 system be included in all ranked seasons? I agree that you can do all you can do in 5 v 5 matches and still lose due to incompetent players and poor match making system. 2v2 would be a nice additional way to gauge player ability and rankings. Just a thought...


> 2v2 is way to unbalanced to be in ranked.


Solo queue 5v5 is way too unbalanced to be in ranked.


2v2 would better reflect peoples rank too, with the duo queue restriction this means I won't have to play randoms anymore and have my match decided by the mood of children...

Furthermore with 2v2 competitions being a thing now, it would be a great practice area and feature to have a button to queue up for some 2v2, knowing Anet though I'm sure they would limit the 2v2 to solo queue.


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Honestly. All ANet needs to do is start a GvG ladder that is completely separate from solo que that utilizes the 5vs5 format and maps currently being used.


This would be extremely popular and would make Guilds more involved with an actual Leaderboard for Guilds that play PvP.


Just like in the original Guild Wars 1.


Why this has not been implemented yet is absolutely mind boggling.

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There are so many great Suggestions made by the Community on how Anet could improve this practically dead PvP Mode, but it seems as if Anet just didnt bother about it.

Could it be that the Dev-Team is too busy creating living Story and designing Gemshop Gimmicks while completely abandoning the other Modes?

WvW is waiting now over two Years for the promised remaster, still nothing happened.

2v2 was a good Idea, but only ONE Tournament is simply not enough.

Beside that, Tournaments should be much more frequently, waiting hours to play a few Matches is just ridiculous.

I remember there was this (shameful) vote about removing 5v5 from PvP and back then Anet stated that there will be a second vote after a while.

To this day it did not happen...And Anet didnt seem to care at all.

I am sure that the Majority of the Community finally sees how bad this Voting was and how much it damaged and toxified the PvP Community.


Score penalty brings a lot of frustration, on top of that Communication seems to have died out in ranked, its a bit weird for a team based mode, in which Teamplay should be mandatory.

But since its randomized, no one bothers about the team mates at all.

Most of the time, they get their rewards anyways, no matter if win or lose.

The matchmaking Algorythm ignores completely one simple Fact:

Its a Team based mode, intentionally built for full Teams on each side 5 People.

It is also very disturbing to see this mode being the only mode in the whole game, in which its not allowed to join a ranked match with your own full team.

It contradicts the promises by Anet that the game supports Teamplay and social interaction, since this System divided the playerbase into a bunch of egomaniac Mindsets.

Ranked became practically gambling.

Either you are lucky to get capable Players in your team or not.

Many many good Players left the Game because of this Mess.

Along them a lot of Streamers, which promoted the game.

Its no Surprise, since Matches became mindbogglingly boring, it doesnt matter if you win or lose, most Matches are high wins or high loses.


Practically nonexistent.

I wish personal Stats would be more important in this Mode, which calls the Rating "Personal" Rating, without including anything personal in the Rank beside the Win or Lose, which is dependant on random Players.

Stats could add up to the personal score, so that in case of a lose, the player could have a chance to reduce the Score penalty by playing good and on a win, a player could get more points if his performance was good.

It would motivate Players to keep going instead of giving up early, like how they do at the moment.


I play this game since day 1 and to be honest, i dont expect any positive change anymore in this game.

After seeing Anet ignoring countless Suggestions on improvement, i would say Anet practically buried this mode.

Its very saddening, because the Game has still so much unused Potential and Anet simply dont seem to see that at all.

I was a huge fan of Guild Wars 1 and 2, i wasted 14 Years of my life in this game and mainly played PvP in both.

Seeing this mode dying like this makes me angry and sad.

Angry, because Anet simply dont want to listen to the Community and sad, because my once favorite Game became a mediocre Game with a highly toxic Community, as a result of this glorious Rank and Reward System.

I guess its time to move on, but GW3 will not be an option for me anymore, too many Disappointments ive seen by Anet, i will not support that anymore.


Beside that, MMOs are practically dead, so a GW3 MMO would be a bad bad idea anyways ....

Since Anet never did anything else beside MMOs, i dont expect anything from Anet in the future.

Blizzard understands that MMOs are dying, so they created other Games to maintain their Profits.

Anet will disappear, if they keep trying to stick to MMOs.

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> @"LeBub.9053" said:

> There are so many great Suggestions made by the Community on how Anet could improve this practically dead PvP Mode, but it seems as if Anet just didnt bother about it.

> Could it be that the Dev-Team is too busy creating living Story and designing Gemshop Gimmicks while completely abandoning the other Modes?

> WvW is waiting now over two Years for the promised remaster, still nothing happened.

> 2v2 was a good Idea, but only ONE Tournament is simply not enough.

> Beside that, Tournaments should be much more frequently, waiting hours to play a few Matches is just ridiculous.

> I remember there was this (shameful) vote about removing 5v5 from PvP and back then Anet stated that there will be a second vote after a while.

> To this day it did not happen...And Anet didnt seem to care at all.

> I am sure that the Majority of the Community finally sees how bad this Voting was and how much it damaged and toxified the PvP Community.


> Score penalty brings a lot of frustration, on top of that Communication seems to have died out in ranked, its a bit weird for a team based mode, in which Teamplay should be mandatory.

> But since its randomized, no one bothers about the team mates at all.

> Most of the time, they get their rewards anyways, no matter if win or lose.

> The matchmaking Algorythm ignores completely one simple Fact:

> Its a Team based mode, intentionally built for full Teams on each side 5 People.

> It is also very disturbing to see this mode being the only mode in the whole game, in which its not allowed to join a ranked match with your own full team.

> It contradicts the promises by Anet that the game supports Teamplay and social interaction, since this System divided the playerbase into a bunch of egomaniac Mindsets.

> Ranked became practically gambling.

> Either you are lucky to get capable Players in your team or not.

> Many many good Players left the Game because of this Mess.

> Along them a lot of Streamers, which promoted the game.

> Its no Surprise, since Matches became mindbogglingly boring, it doesnt matter if you win or lose, most Matches are high wins or high loses.

> Challenge?

> Practically nonexistent.

> I wish personal Stats would be more important in this Mode, which calls the Rating "Personal" Rating, without including anything personal in the Rank beside the Win or Lose, which is dependant on random Players.

> Stats could add up to the personal score, so that in case of a lose, the player could have a chance to reduce the Score penalty by playing good and on a win, a player could get more points if his performance was good.

> It would motivate Players to keep going instead of giving up early, like how they do at the moment.


> I play this game since day 1 and to be honest, i dont expect any positive change anymore in this game.

> After seeing Anet ignoring countless Suggestions on improvement, i would say Anet practically buried this mode.

> Its very saddening, because the Game has still so much unused Potential and Anet simply dont seem to see that at all.

> I was a huge fan of Guild Wars 1 and 2, i wasted 14 Years of my life in this game and mainly played PvP in both.

> Seeing this mode dying like this makes me angry and sad.

> Angry, because Anet simply dont want to listen to the Community and sad, because my once favorite Game became a mediocre Game with a highly toxic Community, as a result of this glorious Rank and Reward System.

> I guess its time to move on, but GW3 will not be an option for me anymore, too many Disappointments ive seen by Anet, i will not support that anymore.

> Beside that, MMOs are practically dead, so a GW3 MMO would be a bad bad idea anyways ....


No one voted to remove team queue, we were under the impression they would be adding a solo queue rather than replacing team queue with solo queue.


We were basically tricked into it and the second vote to finalize the trial was swept under the rug.


With any luck the introduction of Swiss will allow us to play as a team again with friends in our times rather than preset every few hours.

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