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Why does Anet link up a spoiler article about POF story on the POF FB page?


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Title says it all. After all the suggestions from Gayle and Anet to put 'spoiler warnings' in their discussion titles the ANET POF Face Book links an article to Forbes (with Devs) and the gives away something that happens in the story right in the post that cannot be missed. Who ever manages that page needs a little talking to. Thanks, I am only 1/2 way through the story.

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The Facebook post and the article title only tells you that a character 'had to' die. It doesn't tell you who died, how or why. (And honestly characters dying is not unusual for this game - one of the most common complaints I see is that it's impossible to get attached to any of the characters because they're barely introduced before they die. Although another common complaint is that it's all cuteness and light and nothing bad ever happens.)


And if you click on the article when you don't want spoilers then honestly I don't know what to tell you. There is no reason to think an article with a title like that is not going to include spoilers or that it's going to be briefly mentioned at the end with a warning - it's made pretty clear the entire article is about the big plot twist.

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