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PvE Condition Scourge rune question


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I've only ever used Nightmare, but if I had to guess ? .. I'd say its because the 4% Condition Damage might equal or exceed the +175 from Nightmare runes, and the minion summon benefits the necro in various ways, even with condi cleansing.


I prefer the higher duration of the Nightmare runes, though, which translates to raw DPS in long fights.

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> Lich, Renegade, and Nightmare are for slightly different builds. There are other options, too.


> Renegade assumes a good crit rate on a hybrid build


> Nightmare adds pure condi dps


> Lich adds some vitality instead of damage


Can you help me understand why the meta build would use Lich over Nightmare? It would seem more DPS would be preferable?

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Two reasons;


1. Jagged Horrors add a fairly decent amount of sustained damage to NPC's

2. The increased Vitality means life force management is a bit easier, since Scourge uses flat amounts, but all life force generations is a % of maximum.


You actually might end up with higher overall DPS with Lich runes in a raid scenario, but it is almost all lost against highly mobile targets.

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Renegade: 100 ferocity, 175 condidmg, 7%condidmg

Lich: 15% consideration, 175 vitality, 4% condidmg, summons a jagged horror

Nightmare: 10% fear duration, 20% condiduration, 175 condidmg, transfer a condition and blind


So overall: renegade gives highest condidmg, but no duration, also ferocity is useless as you do like maximum 10% power dmg as a condi-scourge


Lich sacrifices raw condition dmg, but gains some vitality a jagged horror and condiduration


Nightmare gives only raw condidmg and duration.


Right now you want to activate a f-skill every second if possible to provide a dhuumfire proc, to maximize your dmg output.

So having a bit of extra lifeforce (from vitality) helps a little bit.

If you played renegade before, I'm sure you remember that we had to use a lot of expertise infusions to maximize our condiduration. On lich runes that's not needed anymore, and we get some more condition dmg from infusions. As well as a jagged horror that also applies bleeding from its autoattacks


As for nightmare: the fear duration is a wasted stat. Sure the condition dmg is higher than you get from lich, as well as the duration, but you are missing the jagged horror and as far as I remember, you overcapped bleedduration (maybe worth with different bufffood, don't remember)

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