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Scourge is Broken in WvW, Please balance it


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> @"Swamurabi.7890" said:

> It's too bad that the Necro class has always needed a babysitter to succeed in PvP and WvW.


Pretty much true, would be nice if necro could be successful without the babysitter. But looking at the proposed changes it isn't going to happen. Nothing there to improve the state of reaper either :(

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> "Scourge is Broken in WvW, Please balance it" ??


> umm...No!!


> All classes beginning in Hot 1.0 to Hot 2.0 Pof are broken.


> Picking on 1 class for pvp+wvw imbalance is a joke.


> Thief core the longest running bad design class broken class alongside mesmer are the #1 reason why pvp+wvw remain broken and not competitive. Secondly, thief core alongside mesmer are the sole reasons why Anet lost a huge margin of its player base including a huge margin of its profit within gw2 5 years.


> Infact: Condi (Ghost) Thief+Condi Mesmers were the most toxic condi classes in 4 years, and guess what? Condi Thief+Condi Mesmers outperforms Necro-Scourge condi.... so where are the outcry?


> Necromancer been abused and hurt so many times over and over again with uncalled nerfs after nerfs just to satisfy the Elites profession Ego's.


> To keep Necromancer as the lesser class while they are buffed over and over again


> To take away any and to strip away any chance they might have to be viable....


> To take away any worth they might have


> To take away any hope they might have


> Unbelievable!




> Conditions are their identity, it is what makes them who they are.


> --Don't You Feel Anything For Necromancer?--


> And you want to take this away from them?








> " -**You Know What Hurts So Much, It Is When Someone Made You Feel Special Yesterday But Makes You Feel Like You're A Nobody Today** "

> Neccromancer


> ![](http://lynleahz.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/loneliness11.jpg?w=700&h=560 "")


well this like biggest bullcrap i have seen, i play thief i play scourge well actually i dont but w/e.


so when i did go my thief super uber condi build double short bow and w/e dodge to give tornament / bleed etc balabalabala i went with blob i did my thing i didnt manage to do a jackshit tbh..

cus unlike necro my poison or bleed or w/e condi u like didnt come with impact imagine if my thief would do ~2k dmg on every condi i apply.

o boy man id just dance around zergs with dodges wrapping em into condi's blowing em up, but i dont i cant do it.



scourge which i did play and insta dropped is so piss easy on the other hand man its like old guardian loot stick, except im blasting everything from 900 range, do i need a escape or w/e people saying here? no i dont if im dieing whole blob is most likely dieing i dont need to escape when my whole blob has already been wiped.

if my blob isnt dieing im not gonna die also even if i go in downstate i rally in matter of seconds cus i tag like no other idiot around me.


scourge is just all wrong, either u do condi or dmg or corrupt boons u dont do all at ones simple as that anet has to fix it.

scourge can basically do everything at a safe distant. dunno how people complain my scourge dies to fast im rolling around on full zerk reaper and doesnt die fast at all infact im blowing up people with it

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scourge is killable with range spike ( mesmer gs for example ). Problem is that when you fight against a group, imho, if there is a scourge, he is the first that u need to take down .... don't fight a scourge in close space .... run and range ... and jump on him only when he is near to die. In blob fight imho problem is that ranged players should be try to target scourge at first. it is a matter of coordination

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The problem isn't so much the build but the ability to do high DPS while using a very tanky set of armor. With Trailblazer you're basically the tankiest player in the squad with a high health pool and high armor + barriers on top of that. It's very low risk/high reward.


Did a full scourge raid once with my guild (so like 20+ necros only squad) and it was laughably OP. Constant barriers, massive AoE corrupt and condition bombs, etc. We have done full one profession raids before (including necro before PoF) and this was by far the most success we ever had. Usually it's just fun but any decent group wrecks us but the scourge one was both fun and scary good.

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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> Well problem is that nobody wanna do this kind zerging more than couple months. These players who enjoy fight middle of red circles 24/7 won't play this game long. They get bored and quit.


Since PoF launched I'm playing a fraction of the time in WvW than I did prior to it.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> issue. ppl q because of hard to beat scourge.

> reason. lack of scourge class understanding and their own class having not mastered it yet.

> solution. practice.


We all know how easy is to 1111 from afar a scourge..... not every one playes mobility range with high damge classes... or has a zerg behind it.


Still it is supid.... force the rock paper scizor in bad gimmick and pretend it is a rock paper scizoe effect, rather than make a gameplaay where skill from palyers side would matter.


They need to loose something in exchange of other, and it isnt the skill nerf nor damage nerf that Anet does as fake balance that will sove it.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > issue. ppl q because of hard to beat scourge.

> > reason. lack of scourge class understanding and their own class having not mastered it yet.

> > solution. practice.


> We all know how easy is to 1111 from afar a scourge..... not every one playes mobility range with high damge classes... or has a zerg behind it.


> Still it is supid.... force the rock paper scizor in bad gimmick and pretend it is a rock paper scizoe effect, rather than make a gameplaay where skill from palyers side would matter.


> They need to loose something in exchange of other, and it isnt the skill nerf nor damage nerf that Anet does as fake balance that will sove it.


Lol, you wont get many bags on scourge by pressing 1111111 from afar.....in fact you will probably get "binding roots" and pew pewed from 1500 ;) and die.

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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> scourge is killable with range spike ( mesmer gs for example ). Problem is that when you fight against a group, imho, if there is a scourge, he is the first that u need to take down .... don't fight a scourge in close space .... run and range ... and jump on him only when he is near to die. In blob fight imho problem is that ranged players should be try to target scourge at first. it is a matter of coordination


Sometimes, the trailblazer dire ones are pretty tanky and have a lot of hitpoints along with the shields.


I think their shields were poorly implemented. I get that they were losing their extra hitpoint bar with scourge instead of the reaper and death shroud. I get they were also being designed to be support in a way. But it should have only been placed when you were casting desert shroud, there shouldn't have been multiple sources for it. I think they were just given too much utility overall as well. Their condition bombs can be troublesome still if you're close to them, but I find other high damage skills in the game to be broken and in need of balancing. I don't think they need to be nerfed, but sometimes the amount of them running in a zerg is a bit much especially when the entire area is just red pulsing circles, the balance between elite specs this time around wasn't done well.


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> @"Shazmataz.1423" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > issue. ppl q because of hard to beat scourge.

> > > reason. lack of scourge class understanding and their own class having not mastered it yet.

> > > solution. practice.

> >

> > We all know how easy is to 1111 from afar a scourge..... not every one playes mobility range with high damge classes... or has a zerg behind it.

> >

> > Still it is supid.... force the rock paper scizor in bad gimmick and pretend it is a rock paper scizoe effect, rather than make a gameplaay where skill from palyers side would matter.

> >

> > They need to loose something in exchange of other, and it isnt the skill nerf nor damage nerf that Anet does as fake balance that will sove it.


> Lol, you wont get many bags on scourge by pressing 1111111 from afar.....in fact you will probably get "binding roots" and pew pewed from 1500 ;) and die.


1500range pew pew... every one dies for that(from a rangerthat know what is doing) if they cant gap close. since ranger has a decent uptime of unblockables(6sec), even on pet swap(3sec), even if u cast guardian WoR will bypassit... u cant imagine how useless i feel when i drop WoR or sanctuary or even shield dome and the target gets killed by a ranger,sadly everything is AOE or unblockable bursts.

when those rangers have thief shared venon....


I guess that's Anet way to say... buy a dammn spambrand for the heals bot.

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> @"Gallagher.3146" said:

> They need to just remove the moving AoE around the player's body, having a zerg of even 5-10 people run at you with a pulsing AoE combined with the ground targeted shroud spam is simply too much damage.


They won't change the core mechanics of a class. It's hugely disappointing, but this shitshow is our lot for the next two years. :( IMHO, PoF was a disaster.

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coordinated fb cleanse x blocks x dodge got this.


no hating fb yeah. =) with the proper traits x gear, you got this.


core rev dwarf, gice em some rite.


they push you. spam f1 3 of fb. it keeps them together interupts their bombs.


when interupted, call for your cor phasemash meteors x wells.

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> @"Slugonaut.9841" said:

> Anyone who says scourge isnt broken, go watch any of the GvG NA tournament where almost every team has at least 5-7 scourges with 5+ Firebrands. Come on now, its ridiculous. In a 15v15 matchup almost half the team is one class, hell almost 2/3 of the entire squad is only 2 classes. That's the epitome of broken if you ask me.


And yet it would take only 2 Rangers on the opposing team to annihilate all the Scourges. I rest my case, Scourge isn't the problem, players are and their unwillingness to adapt. GvG is about dancing around and waiting for a good opening to strike by forcing your opponents to waste cool downs. What on earth is a team full of scourges and firebrands going to do against a couple of rangers focusing firing down the Scourge? Reflection walls? Too easy to walk around and fire. All the opposing team needs to do is just kite the group until the scourges are dead; it'd take less than a minute. Players these days and their hard-headed ways are unbelievable.

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> @"Gallagher.3146" said:

> They need to just remove the moving AoE around the player's body, having a zerg of even 5-10 people run at you with a pulsing AoE combined with the ground targeted shroud spam is simply too much damage.


What's funny is they changed plague to plaguelands for the sole reason of making the pulsing nightmare unique to scourge.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Slugonaut.9841" said:

> > Anyone who says scourge isnt broken, go watch any of the GvG NA tournament where almost every team has at least 5-7 scourges with 5+ Firebrands. Come on now, its ridiculous. In a 15v15 matchup almost half the team is one class, hell almost 2/3 of the entire squad is only 2 classes. That's the epitome of broken if you ask me.


> And yet it would take only 2 Rangers on the opposing team to annihilate all the Scourges. I rest my case, Scourge isn't the problem, players are and their unwillingness to adapt. GvG is about dancing around and waiting for a good opening to strike by forcing your opponents to waste cool downs. What on earth is a team full of scourges and firebrands going to do against a couple of rangers focusing firing down the Scourge? Reflection walls? Too easy to walk around and fire. All the opposing team needs to do is just kite the group until the scourges are dead; it'd take less than a minute. Players these days and their hard-headed ways are unbelievable.


Dunno, any competent team would focus them down pretty fast, especially if there was only two

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"Slugonaut.9841" said:

> > Anyone who says scourge isnt broken, go watch any of the GvG NA tournament where almost every team has at least 5-7 scourges with 5+ Firebrands. Come on now, its ridiculous. In a 15v15 matchup almost half the team is one class, hell almost 2/3 of the entire squad is only 2 classes. That's the epitome of broken if you ask me.


> And yet it would take only 2 Rangers on the opposing team to annihilate all the Scourges. I rest my case, Scourge isn't the problem, players are and their unwillingness to adapt. GvG is about dancing around and waiting for a good opening to strike by forcing your opponents to waste cool downs. What on earth is a team full of scourges and firebrands going to do against a couple of rangers focusing firing down the Scourge? Reflection walls? Too easy to walk around and fire. All the opposing team needs to do is just kite the group until the scourges are dead; it'd take less than a minute. Players these days and their hard-headed ways are unbelievable.


Could you please show us a video of how you win a GvG against a good GvG guild using that strategy? :D


I'm very curious indeed...

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Cant believe there are so many ignorant players.

Ofcourse scourge is massively overpowered these days. You can run very tank and still have that high DPS. In fact these days in blob fights scourges push and play like they are playing melee class cause they have that option due to tankiness and how unbalanced the class is in terms of blob fights.


Damn hell there isnt even a single day where i dont see 15-20 scourges in enemy blobs push with their melee train. This shouldnt exist like that, ranged class being very tanky and still having that dps to outshine everyone.


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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Scourge was the biggest mistake of PoF and should be deleted from the game and all proof that it ever existed must be destroyed also


> But firebrand also needs some heavy nerfs


Scourge is almost deleted. Playing IT Will grant you epilepsy,lag feeling And out of babysitting by OP FB's you can practice And master Up art of waypoint using after you try roaming ?. Not even talk about PvE.

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Its not hard to balance classes I think they just like flavor-of-the month mechanics even though it has shown to hurt the game mode. I'd rather see combat tied more to map terrain. like everyone can fight with no penalties in a camp, keep, or on a road, but heavy plate is gonna be at a disadvantage in a marsh, as to where heavy plate will do better in say snow prone areas verse those in lighter less padded gear. *shrugs* It would make it a little more dynamic IMO.

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