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Suggestions for Sevenshot


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It's meant to be a reverse shotgun skill so it can deal its best damage at 900 range. As for making it auto-converge on your target, I am pretty sure the attack cone is static so at best the attack would always face your target but shots would still miss around them at closer range.


If I were to remake the attack and keep it's current form and idea I would make the projectiles independent and give the skill a ground targeting reticle where all of those projectiles converge to. Also would increase the width of the projectiles and have them explode on impact.

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What about changing it so that you "charge" your shot, so the longer you charge, the more projectiles connect (and also allow for movement at same time but cannot shoot from sides or back, it has to keep focus on target los in frontal cone to "lock on")? I dunno, maybe might not be that good but it's something different. Maybe make the projectiles behave similar to citadel bombardment?

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For me, the most important setting has to change of Sevenshot (and Scorchrazor), is set the arrow free from the ground.


Sevenshot and Scorchrazor's arrow goes like

![](https://i.imgur.com/DQ3mETm.png "")

Please forgive my desperation drawing skill ......


So if the gap is an abyss (like Uncategorized Fractal), the arrow will never hit you target.


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Yes, even though once you get used to, the skill is pretty powerful, it is not really user friendly. Also locks you into a position far away from a group, so you do not benefit from most boons. It would be fine if they just made the area deal total damage and condis to everyone in the cone, just lower the stacks or the damage. But right now, the only way to get max condis on an enemy is if you precisely calculate the projectile trajectory and the movement of the enemy. No other skill requires this much effort to function properly.


Not to mention the "gap" issue.

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They just need to make the arrows converge on the spot you target so you could use the skill close, mid, or long range and it all then depends on how well you can aim it. Right now, having them all converge at max range either kills the skill's damage or forces you to make adjustments to land it that would sacrifice boons, etc.

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> @"Alik.9651" said:

> For me, the most important setting has to change of Sevenshot (and Scorchrazor), is set the arrow free from the ground.


> Sevenshot and Scorchrazor's arrow goes like

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/DQ3mETm.png "")

> Please forgive my desperation drawing skill ......


> So if the gap is an abyss (like Uncategorized Fractal), the arrow will never hit you target.


It's even worse than that. It requires LoS on impact.

If your target is at the bottom of the gap, Scorchrazor won't hit it. You'll get some 'obstructed ' or 'no LoS' message even though the flamewave goes right through it.



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