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Bounty Feedback [merged]

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Bounties were the answer for HoT meta maps complaints. At least that's how I see it. They are not shutting down enitre maps, they do not break the pace of exploration, they are player-activated, smaller in scale, allowing to be done at any time, "hop in, hop out" events. Seems like a great idea!

(and I hated that HoT had only meta maps. I always wanted mix of different types of open world content - exploration, world boss, meta, whatever else they can cook in one release - now bounties).


And believe me - I gave bounties a try. Multiple times, with big zergs, with small squads. And kitten me how they are boring. Boring champ trains with weak rewards. You keep bouncing from champ to champ without any purpose except getting some weak loot. You can say - hey don't do them for an hour, kill 2-3 and be gone. Yeah, well I can get the achievements and never return to those beaurifully crafted maps (oh I love those maps). And at this point I'm thinking of going back to Verdant Brink and Auric Basin. I love these, not only for aesthethics but also for events and progression they bring and rewards they give. That epicness still thrills me.


If only one map contained this kind of meta event. Every single Bob and his mom who's like me would be happy to have something new to chew on and all the other Joes from California who love relaxed exploration could enjoy everthing else this great expansion has to offer.


So I see the place for bounties. And I'm happy there are a lot of people who enjoy them. It's just not enough for me to keep playing new maps. I want to make story on my second main, do 2x map completion, get last mount, max masteries and goodbye Crystal Desert. At least for now, cus I still believe that something new will happen soon (LS4 or PoF 2.0) and my mind will be blown away. Remember, PoF will evolve across next 2 years, just like HoT did.


In conclusion an important note:

If something changes, I'll definately stand for PoF model. Base expac with exploration zones and LS releases adding more to them and/or adding new maps with metas. This would be perfect. HoT killed the game for lot of players for a long while. LS3 brought stuff most people like about GW2. I predict that's now Anet tactics to reverse the content type, but we will see.

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Some of them need a story background, pre or build up or something to explain why they are there, however we don't want massive events if they are meant to be quick but something to make it more interesting. The old Champ trains at least had some background - well some of them.


And yes rewards could be better - at least for the legendary ones, I spend more time salvaging /selling stuff and sorting inventory then ever before. - Burning through salvage kits.


On a positive note The map design I have seen is great, and **no need for a HOT map wide meta** however the maps need more of a challenge to get people coming back.

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I think they're okay, non legendary ones need to be slightly more rewarding to increase longevity imo.

The non legendary bounties should have a 50% change or so to give you 1-2 elegy mosaics, along with slightly increasing the amount of things we can buy with them, aside from funeral gear.


The reason for this is because there is really no reason to do them after you get the associated achievements you desire, or you just like doing them for the sake of doing them. Unless there is some other unique thing about them I'm not aware of atm.

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> @etsubmariner.4690 said:

> I find bounty trains all the time. Sadly, I don't find good bounty commanders all the time. They start up a bounty train, and then rush madcap to the bounty while everyone else tries to keep up, usually taking some super cool. highly improbable path to get there, resulting in further delays for some participants. Some commanders will also link the WP they intend to go to even when that's not the WP they'll go to next. For the love of god, stop linking WPs until you're sure which WP is the one.


> Also, the game really needs to be more vigorous about placing people in squads into the same map 100% of the time. I can see if a map if simply full, but every time I or some other players load into a map as we waypoint ourselves to death (see above) where we're not in the same map, the map I then have to manually "join" isn't full. Ever. Why would the game not have this simple wicket? In squad? Load into same map. Every. Single. Time. Please.


This. OH SO MUCH this.

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> @Korval.3751 said:

> > @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> > Bounties have only one problem. rewards are a joke.


> That's not why you do bounties.


Actually, you do. The word itself implies as much. Hunting someone for a monetary reward. That's the whole of the story behind this feature. There's absolutely nothing more to it. Surely you don't do this for fun?

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Honestly each bounty could have a mini meta chain that leads to it. Like a raid on a bountys HQ or tracking it's location down via clues of it's past known destinations or gathering and creating a ley infused bait or lure to bring it out. Short and sweet enough, not too long, but interesting and a variety that makes sense and somewhat makes the bounty make more sense too because these are supposed to be difficult hunts, i.e. hard to get ? But thing i realize is that they already packed maps full of mini chains, that not many people do aside for certain achieves or collections. So if bounties get a bit more context we'd need a tone down on some.less necessary events. also up the rewards.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

> Bounties as they are right now, are a fail.



> - Solo Bounties, which become more challenging as you rise up in your Bounty Hunter Ranks which are enemies in the open when that when you spawn them, then only you can deal damage to them, nobody else, specific content for Solo Players in regard of bounties should same as much exist, as like those that are Group Content


oh God - YESSSSS


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I believe each bounty, at least the Legendaries do have a special item they drop, but it's one of those super, super rate things that no one has gotten yet, hence why no one knows about them...otherwise you get slightly more of the same rewards as for a doing a heart or event.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:


> **•Make marks map-wide.** Perhaps organization time isn't that big of an issue, but players aren't seeing the bounties or playing near bounty boards. A notice of a bounty being started with a map marker on the map might help bring more people in.



I agree 100% with this statement Rauderi. I think it would be awesome if there was some red, pulsating, X on the map showing where a bounty was in progress. That way all you would need to do is open your map, see the event is in progress, go to nearest waypoint, hop on mount and go join in on the fun! The way it is set up now, how do you know where an event is going off? There are no META events, which disappoints me. No boss trains to do. Bounties are the only way to really enjoy being active in a group atmosphere with a common goal......and get some loot as well :)

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> @Ashur.7648 said:

> There are countless bounty trains going on, where large squads take on multiple if not all bounties.


Where are all these bounty trains when I'm playing? Is it only US players who run those, is that why there's never any in my time zone? :/


> @Ashur.7648 said:

> I agree 100% with this statement Rauderi. I think it would be awesome if there was some red, pulsating, X on the map showing where a bounty was in progress.

I'm not sure how much that'd actually help, though. I mean, chat alerts such as "legendary wyrm at my tag" never seem to work. Couple of players turn up, not enough to kill it in ten minutes. And as for the other bounties, I imagine that most of the time they'd either already be dead or the timer is running out by the time you travel to the bounty.


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Loot trains. I really love GW2 and I feel the expansion is just absolutely incredible from a gameplay/level-design perspective. But man, loot trains. I could do without them in the world. With that in mind, it's the one part of the expansion that I don't like. I love the idea of "hunting" a mob across the world, but the implementation of the bounties right now is just a glorified SW chest run.

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Yeah, I'm kind of shocked that it's 2017 and the devs still haven't realized that map-wide event markers are needed to point out large scale events. They still have these dinky "within walking distance" event indicators even for mega-bosses. This is especially criminal now that we have mounts that allow us to cross most of a map within a minute or two. I mean, I entered Elon once with a character who'd never been there before, following an LFG about the Deadhouse being run, and dashed over there within a minute or so, the opposite end of the map (there are some handy sand portals along that route).


So yes, definitely broadcast that a Bounty is active and it's location. And definitely don't give players any reason to tag the board before heading out there, I'm still unclear as to whether there is any benefit to doing so, but if so, it needs to be removed, because a player that joins into the fight who was nearby deserves just as much credit as one who was hanging out in town when the bounty started.


One thing about rewards, I've gotten a few bounties where I get these tablets for beating them? A different tablet for each boss? What sort of inventory nightmare is this? Either have a deposit tab for them or make it so there is only one of them so they can stack better, not separate tablets for each boss you fight.

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ppl moan about everything really, but it is important to look closer and see if it is really worth whining or not. Bounties are badly implemented but their concept is not bad. They may be a bit of boring, more than silverwastes, but less than doing over and over fractal 40. They just need to be waaaaay better rewarding...

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> > @Korval.3751 said:

> > > @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> > > Bounties have only one problem. rewards are a joke.

> >

> > That's not why you do bounties.


> no not? And why are we doing them? or question 2. what do you do on the new maps to get stuff and gold?


you leave them

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I participated in a bounty train this weekend and these bounties are just terrible.

The legendaries are quite ok, but the champs are way overtuned. They have stupidly high HP, do a crapton of damage and their mechanics are just annoying. Not difficult, but annoying. And what's about that stupid shield, that forces you to be in melee range to damage them?

The most annoying bounty was that hyena in crystal oasis that teleported around non stop. 90% of the fight consisted of chasing around the enemy to land maybe 1 hit, before he teleported again. Took ages to kill him. No one has that many CCs...

Sorry Anet, but no. Once i have the achievements, i'll never do them again. Not for these crap rewards.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> I believe each bounty, at least the Legendaries do have a special item they drop, but it's one of those super, super rate things that no one has gotten yet, hence why no one knows about them...otherwise you get slightly more of the same rewards as for a doing a heart or event.


I wonder about this. If this is true, then that would certainly increase the replay value of this feature. You will *always* find people doing the Ogre Wars events in Fields of Ruin, because there is this minute chance of the boss dropping Sam, a 300+ gold TP item needed for the Treasure Hunter collection. I have proposed adding another Treasure Hunter type collection to PoF: the Bounty System seems like a good way to implement that.


So I hope you are right. But shouldn't we have heard something about that right now from a lucky player?

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