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Ascended Armor question


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Hi Guys,


Background: I currently have a full ascended viper set with 150 AR, and doing T4s frequently. Now, I wish to have other sets as well (one power and one support) to try different playstyles.

The question is: which is easier to make additional ascended sets? Should I craft them regularly, or should I use the "Grandmaster Commendations"? I feel like the Commendations cost less alltogether, but require several fractal relics, so it might take longer to craft them.

What is your personal opinion? Which is more effective?



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I only crafted full set ascended for my Ele when started frac, playing Frac regularly drops me so many ascended chests (both weapons and armors). Now I am having 7 alts and 6 of them are fully ascended with meta builds, 1 is almost full set. Never had to crafted a single piece again.


So if you are not so rush for another roles, playing your main and eventually you will have many dropped ascended chests. Thats my journey.

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Keep your relic and pages for later : infinite potions, Mist Attunement buff, etc.

You have many way to have ascended armors : craft, (fractals and raids), WvW mechant, PvP merchant, and the luck (fractals essentialy, but also in wvw/pvp rewards/loot); you should craft 1 or 2 armors first (berserker is most needed) and then vary activities to loot or buy pieces for the others characters.

I have 21 characters, they all have one or more ascended sets, I only craft 3 armors and the rest is loot and wvw/pvp merchant

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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> Well, I am happy for you, but it seems that Fortuna has not blessed me that much. I have managed to get into T4s approx 2 months ago, running them almost every day ever since, and I only got 1 ascended armor chest so far, for a different armor class. :(


What do you mean different armor class? Ascended chests provide all types of armor weights.

Legend has it, do fractal achievements all, hit all 100 to boost luck with ascended chests.

Another legend says that cursing 'o drops' helps as well.

Dunno how else to help. 2 mounts -1 ascended chest is tough bad luck.

P.S. don't waste your fractal relics.


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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> Well, I am happy for you, but it seems that Fortuna has not blessed me that much. I have managed to get into T4s approx 2 months ago, running them almost every day ever since, and I only got 1 ascended armor chest so far, for a different armor class. :(


I usually open chests in SW after finish the Mordent Slaying. My Magic Find is boosted to 400% or more and then I open chests. I am not sure if this help to increase the rate to get ascended chests or not. For the unwanted stats ascended pieces, I change the stat using Mystic Froge and Voila. I found it way cheaper than crafting or buying with Relic but its time consuming. Relic is very valuable, save them.

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I'm personally a fan of using currency for armor, but if you're doing T4s daily, those armor/weapon chests will come. As someone above mentioned, I'd prioritize getting the Infinite Fractal Potions first (costs about 18,000 relics or so for all 3?) as it just makes doing fractals so much easier when you aren't worried about potions expiring.


After doing T4s for 7months I have about 10 armor chests and 7 weapon chests in my bank. Ironically I also have hundreds of research pages and thousands of relics, but I've geared up 3 characters in the past few months, and none of them necessitated me crafting anything more than an insignia to use in the mystic forge.

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In short wait for the drops.

I like to save up 21 of each chest and then do a right click and open all at one time on each stack. Last week I got 2 armor pieces and 2 weapon box drops along with 10 ascended salvaging tools. I have had good luck doing it this way. You may as well or maybe not.. All I know is before I started doing it this way I could sometimes go two weeks without one drop when I opened my boxes each day. Rng is rng but worth a try if you are having a long dry spell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tell few people what’s easier. Since you already have a room for t4s. I honestly would wait on drops. If you raid with this toon also, and aren’t left behind, I wouldn’t buy mats to make the grandmaster marks. I would just use mag, and let the fractals give me good drops. Also I would use prestine frac relics for the mist trinkets. And farm bitterfrost for the rest of the 3. So later on (if) build changes, switch the stats on the mist trinkets.


When you already have 1 set, take your time, earn your gold back and spend it on other things. Ascended drops, drop like crazy and very unexpected. One thing you know, you craft an ascended piece, next thing you know you get that same drop you crafted.


Take your time with the next set.


You truly only need 3 sets. 1 class for power, 1 class for condi, 1 class for healing.


If you already have a group, take your time with your gear. You don’t need to craft another set that’s like 300 gold. If you do it right, you just buy pieces your missing. And only spend about 30 gold. Which is nothing impactful to your bank.


Also if your raiding, start your envoy collection. It gives 1 ascended armor set when finishing. Then do the envoy collected 2. Which gives another armor set.

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