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Is your reaction to the "Tame The Warclaw" teaser trailer positive or negative?

The Night Fox.6018

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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.


> Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.


Just allow it in owned territories just like the current gliding in WvW.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.

> >

> > Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.


> Just allow it in owned territories just like the current gliding in WvW.


won't happen or how are they supposed to pull down gates?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.

> > >

> > > Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.

> >

> > Just allow it in owned territories just like the current gliding in WvW.


> won't happen or how are they supposed to pull down gates?


Plz read the relevant quotes.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > > > I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.

> > > >

> > > > Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.

> > >

> > > Just allow it in owned territories just like the current gliding in WvW.

> >

> > won't happen or how are they supposed to pull down gates?


> Plz read the relevant quotes.


unique rules for each mount is such a bad idea i didn't think ppl would suggest it

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To start this: I don't have any hard feeling towards that mount whats'o'ever. I have my doubts, but it can turn out great again.

There are other things that piss me off instead:

1. Negliance towards major problems in WvW (again) - We still have insane problems in many parts of this gamemode and instead of fixing them Anet tries again to make us shut up with a shabby mount. I mean, it feels like on alliances is working one dude, whilst the rest is, for instance, working on said mount. Put your resources into alliances if you wanna have a happy costumership. Then, the performance issues in WvW in BvBvB fights: It is insanely embarrassing, that one dude is able to make something better/fix it partly where a whole team of devs was like "It's impossible"; "that won't fix anything" etc.

2. The problems this mount will bring to the WvW community at release: Has Anet nothing learned from pip release? The main community couldn't play their gamemode because - yes we still have no alliances, where queues and such are more balanced - they were stuck in queues for the evening where they'd normally wanted to play the gamemode they playing the game for. Meanwhile, the PvE'ers were sitting afk in spawn etc to farm pips and blocking out the whole gamemode. I doubt this will be any different.

3. The usual release balance/broken issues - just remember when Anet had to move Ogrewatch because you could glide in on the release of gliding.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Grohiik.1852" said:

> > > I am pretty sure that you will only mount up in your territory which makes sense.

> > So it was pulling down a door on it's own side in the video?


> If your read the original quotes, you could see that I was talking about the possibility to use our current mounts, like the springer and the griffon in WvW.

> Because there were concerns of players that this would invalidate WvW by flying / jumping over walls, I made myself more clear by adding that this should only be enabled in the currently owned territories.


he wasn't talking to you tho

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...with less than 5 fps . potentially.

the skills look pretty low level a slight improvement on pvd isn't going to change the world.

the movement is less than the glide.

and this isn't pvp, bring your gear and elites this is endgame material.

I don't get what all the crying is about.




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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > All for more mounts and this one definitely seems interesting.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What i'm interested in knowing is whether this mount will be usable outside of WvW or whether it will be exclusively obtained and used only in WvW.

> > > > > > I'm more than happy to **play some WvW** to get the mount even if it has little to no use in PvE but if it's only useable in WvW I won't bother.

> > > > >

> > > > > And what you stated is the entire issue. It sounds like you PvE for the most part, which is fine. Yet instead of getting things that people who are more or less dedicated to WvW have been asking for, we get PvE content. Nothing that advances this PvP game mode.

> > > > >

> > > > Purely PvE, I don't like WvW in all honesty for several reasons.. the biggest being that the game mode is a hollow shell of what it was originally designed and promoted to be.

> > > > Large battles between huge numbers of players.. defending forts and keeps against the hordes of players!!

> > > >

> > > > In all the years I played this game.. I never once had that genuine WvW experience... all i've ever seen in WvW is a glorified game of ring around the rosies.. just groups of people running in a very big circle capturing abandoned forts then moving onto the next while an enemy group does the same thing.. I cannot stress how unbelievably tedius and boring that is and that is pretty much the entire WvW experience as far as I've seen.

> > > > It's the main reason I am eagerly hoping that the WvW revamp will finally make WvW an actual World vs World experience like it was always supposed to be.. then i'll gladly play it more so.. maybe even regularly ^^

> > > >

> > > > > What this comes down to is that you will begrudgingly play a game mode like those going after Gift of Battle or Catmander tag to take whatever the end result is outside of WvW. This doesn't _improve_ WvW at all.

> > > >

> > > > Pretty much.. I already have to play the mode when I want to make a legendary, and years back I had to play when I wanted map completion too.

> > > > I do agree with you, the mount alone is absolutely not going to improve WvW although personally I do like the idea of mounts in WvW and I do like the look of this one so far.

> > > >

> > > > The biggest problem with WvW imo is the fact that WvW is just a very badly designed game mode in general that was greatly oversold as a feature for Gw2.

> > > > It's population declined so much over the years being one of the main reasons why it stagnated and neglected by the devs.

> > > > Why bother with a game mode hardly anyone plays right?

> > > >

> > > > I think the mount is going to bring a lot of people to WvW.. specially if it can be used in PvE.. and thats something WvW does desperately need to even warrant it's continnued existence.. but in it's current state I doubt they will stick around after they got their Warclaw.. which overall will make the mount kinda wasted.

> > > > I think this mount would have been a far better addition to hold back until the big WvW revamp had already dropped because if WvW does get significantly better from that Revamp (which I really hope it does) then a lot more players who played it for the mount.. would likely stick around afterwards because they found the content enjoyable.. I'd certainly be one of them.

> > >

> > > Mounts will literally amplify all of the things you just cited as problems with WvW. Not help them. Actual active WvW players have said as much time and time again, yet Anet is only listening to PvE players apparently.

> >

> > The only problems I cited is that WvW is underpopulated and was oversold as something it never lived upto.

> >

> > Those problems are not going to be fixed or made worse by the addition of a mount imo.. if anything the mount will bring more people to WvW but due to WvW just not being a good game mode they won't stick around for long... nothing short of a total revamp to WvW is actually going to fix that problem since the core problems with WvW are because WvW in it's current form simply sucks and isn't enjoyable to the majority of Gw2 players.

> >

> > I know a lot of WvW fans are not going to like hearing that but it's the truth.. WvW has a low population because it's just not fun.

> > You need this population boom to WvW for WvW to justify both it's continued existence and to justify that this big WvW revamp is worth all the time and money Anet is investing into making it happen.

> > I still think the mount itself is a feature they should have saved until or after the Revamp since the people it will bring into WvW are more likely to stick around after the revamp than they are now.. but they saw fit to announce the mount now.. and I can't speak for their reasons until they've given them which I assume they will do on Friday's livestream.

> >

> > I agree a lot of concerns are valid such as how the mount will effect the game mode but until Anet actually give us those details it's really all based in speculation on how the PvE mounts function.. and this one is unique since it's designed primarily as a WvW mount.

> > Those calling for it to outright be removed before even knowing how it will work are really overreacting imo.. at least give Anet a chance to justify this decision first.


> I'll be quite candid, you don't seem to play enough WvW from your first post to see the problems that are plain as day...if you say I didn't leave any feedback to state the problems then go look at some of my other WvW forum replies or on some other player feedback I agreed on to get the gits of it.


> Cheers


I've stated that myself.. i'm not a WvW player.


But I do recognize that the main problems with WvW all stem from the fact that the game mode is dull, boring and mostly lacking a large population to warrant Anet's time and constant attention to fix.. hence why it takes so long for anything to get fixed in the first place.


It seems like every time Anet do something to try and increase that population it's met with huge backlash from WvW players who for the most part are annoyed because the game mode will get traffic from PvE players..

Even the best WvW players started out as noobs who had no clue what they were doing.. and these PvE players will end up significantly increasing the loot gain for more experiend WvW players as well since they will be easy prey.


That fact is WvW will always be neglected unless it gets more popular.. and it's never going to get more popular unless it starts attracting players from PvE.. If WvW players don't want those PvE players in WvW then they're basically saying they want WvW to die.

Anet deserve a lot of credit for keeping the mode alive for as long as they have despite the minority who play it.. many other companies would probably have shut it down years ago because they'd see it as a waste of resources to continue supporting.


I do have faith in WvW.. I think it had a lot of potential.. but in it's current state it's a waste of time to both play and support.. that's why it desperately needs a population boost more than anything.

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I think this mount is a waste for WvW, it should've been exclusive to PvE in which you can summon the Warclaw to help you during combat on top of being able to mount it.


The lore implication would be very easy: Due to what happens after LWS4 Episode 5, you need more help than ever in the field because of the sheer increase in Branded lines -> There, a new collection with challenges similar to the Griffin mount in PoF maps but you travel around LS4 maps instead.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > > I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.

> >

> > Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.


> Just allow it in owned territories just like the current gliding in WvW.


Still no. Part of the ply in WvW is that if you are not at a tower or keep to defend it that it is harder to get there through enemy lines. Gliding already trivializes this to some degree. Why would we want to further trivialize it?

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > All for more mounts and this one definitely seems interesting.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What i'm interested in knowing is whether this mount will be usable outside of WvW or whether it will be exclusively obtained and used only in WvW.

> > > > > > > I'm more than happy to **play some WvW** to get the mount even if it has little to no use in PvE but if it's only useable in WvW I won't bother.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And what you stated is the entire issue. It sounds like you PvE for the most part, which is fine. Yet instead of getting things that people who are more or less dedicated to WvW have been asking for, we get PvE content. Nothing that advances this PvP game mode.

> > > > > >

> > > > > Purely PvE, I don't like WvW in all honesty for several reasons.. the biggest being that the game mode is a hollow shell of what it was originally designed and promoted to be.

> > > > > Large battles between huge numbers of players.. defending forts and keeps against the hordes of players!!

> > > > >

> > > > > In all the years I played this game.. I never once had that genuine WvW experience... all i've ever seen in WvW is a glorified game of ring around the rosies.. just groups of people running in a very big circle capturing abandoned forts then moving onto the next while an enemy group does the same thing.. I cannot stress how unbelievably tedius and boring that is and that is pretty much the entire WvW experience as far as I've seen.

> > > > > It's the main reason I am eagerly hoping that the WvW revamp will finally make WvW an actual World vs World experience like it was always supposed to be.. then i'll gladly play it more so.. maybe even regularly ^^

> > > > >

> > > > > > What this comes down to is that you will begrudgingly play a game mode like those going after Gift of Battle or Catmander tag to take whatever the end result is outside of WvW. This doesn't _improve_ WvW at all.

> > > > >

> > > > > Pretty much.. I already have to play the mode when I want to make a legendary, and years back I had to play when I wanted map completion too.

> > > > > I do agree with you, the mount alone is absolutely not going to improve WvW although personally I do like the idea of mounts in WvW and I do like the look of this one so far.

> > > > >

> > > > > The biggest problem with WvW imo is the fact that WvW is just a very badly designed game mode in general that was greatly oversold as a feature for Gw2.

> > > > > It's population declined so much over the years being one of the main reasons why it stagnated and neglected by the devs.

> > > > > Why bother with a game mode hardly anyone plays right?

> > > > >

> > > > > I think the mount is going to bring a lot of people to WvW.. specially if it can be used in PvE.. and thats something WvW does desperately need to even warrant it's continnued existence.. but in it's current state I doubt they will stick around after they got their Warclaw.. which overall will make the mount kinda wasted.

> > > > > I think this mount would have been a far better addition to hold back until the big WvW revamp had already dropped because if WvW does get significantly better from that Revamp (which I really hope it does) then a lot more players who played it for the mount.. would likely stick around afterwards because they found the content enjoyable.. I'd certainly be one of them.

> > > >

> > > > Mounts will literally amplify all of the things you just cited as problems with WvW. Not help them. Actual active WvW players have said as much time and time again, yet Anet is only listening to PvE players apparently.

> > >

> > > The only problems I cited is that WvW is underpopulated and was oversold as something it never lived upto.

> > >

> > > Those problems are not going to be fixed or made worse by the addition of a mount imo.. if anything the mount will bring more people to WvW but due to WvW just not being a good game mode they won't stick around for long... nothing short of a total revamp to WvW is actually going to fix that problem since the core problems with WvW are because WvW in it's current form simply sucks and isn't enjoyable to the majority of Gw2 players.

> > >

> > > I know a lot of WvW fans are not going to like hearing that but it's the truth.. WvW has a low population because it's just not fun.

> > > You need this population boom to WvW for WvW to justify both it's continued existence and to justify that this big WvW revamp is worth all the time and money Anet is investing into making it happen.

> > > I still think the mount itself is a feature they should have saved until or after the Revamp since the people it will bring into WvW are more likely to stick around after the revamp than they are now.. but they saw fit to announce the mount now.. and I can't speak for their reasons until they've given them which I assume they will do on Friday's livestream.

> > >

> > > I agree a lot of concerns are valid such as how the mount will effect the game mode but until Anet actually give us those details it's really all based in speculation on how the PvE mounts function.. and this one is unique since it's designed primarily as a WvW mount.

> > > Those calling for it to outright be removed before even knowing how it will work are really overreacting imo.. at least give Anet a chance to justify this decision first.

> >

> > I'll be quite candid, you don't seem to play enough WvW from your first post to see the problems that are plain as day...if you say I didn't leave any feedback to state the problems then go look at some of my other WvW forum replies or on some other player feedback I agreed on to get the gits of it.

> >

> > Cheers


> I've stated that myself.. i'm not a WvW player.


> But I do recognize that the main problems with WvW all stem from the fact that the game mode is dull, boring and mostly lacking a large population to warrant Anet's time and constant attention to fix.. hence why it takes so long for anything to get fixed in the first place.


> It seems like every time Anet do something to try and increase that population it's met with huge backlash from WvW players who for the most part are annoyed because the game mode will get traffic from PvE players..

> Even the best WvW players started out as noobs who had no clue what they were doing.. and these PvE players will end up significantly increasing the loot gain for more experiend WvW players as well since they will be easy prey.


> That fact is WvW will always be neglected unless it gets more popular.. and it's never going to get more popular unless it starts attracting players from PvE.. If WvW players don't want those PvE players in WvW then they're basically saying they want WvW to die.

> Anet deserve a lot of credit for keeping the mode alive for as long as they have despite the minority who play it.. many other companies would probably have shut it down years ago because they'd see it as a waste of resources to continue supporting.


> I do have faith in WvW.. I think it had a lot of potential.. but in it's current state it's a waste of time to both play and support.. that's why it desperately needs a population boost more than anything.


Here's the problem with WvW. Once we had server pride and people enjoyed playing in their servers with their friends and guilds. Problem is there was a big problem with how Anet determined world size and populations and that affected matchmaking. The players begged for better matchmaking and also wanted tyo be better rewarded for their time (ie: defenders being able to earn the same loot as zergers, etc). Anet answered with tournaments that offered some extra rewards and prestige, but also opened the door to server bandwagoning which hurt server populations leading up to a tournament and sometimes split guilds or just outright killed some server WvW communities. Eventually the damage was so bad, along with other problems that came from the infamous April patch that drove away a lot of players over 2 years, that Anet then decided to add megaservers to the game. This killed a lot of WvW recruiting, and in turn further hurt smaller WvW servers. Some more tournament action and the introduction of easy to get loot (smack a yak and wait method) brought in a bunch of players to WvW that aren't necessarily there to play the format. Add to that the fact that it became obvious that training through a map was a better investment of time rather than actual battles and the introduction of a huge and gorgeous map that feels empty all the time due the severely killed population in WvW and now we're at the point where this mount is nothing more than a carrot to get warm bodies in there for a short time. It still won't address population issues in the long term, lag issues that have been around for years, or create incentives for people to play the game mode as envisioned. The groundwork for WvW to be in this state was laid down ages ago and its not like the desires of the community were unknown. The mount is simply tone deaf and screams of a financially driven decision. Not a player/customer based one. While nowhere near as bad as some other game devs currently in the news, this kind of monetizing the player base instead of offering up things the players want is not a sustainable business model. Make quality and people will gladly pay for it. Treat players as ATMs and they will turn their backs on you. Whales can only keep a company afloat for so long.

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If only they had showed a video from the public test server after extensive live testing with real players involved to give feedback and with 40-50 people a side showing how awesome this would be...that would be a real improvement.


Oh wait. The video doesn't even have another player in it. Probably because wvw is now so deserted it's a good demonstration of what it will be like on your mount:-)


Instead we get some pve solo trailer which doesn't give us any information or comparisons or even how you go about getting it and unlocking the skills and roughly how long it will take to unlock the skills or how it interacts with the mountless and how much of a disadvantage the mountless will have.


It's almost as if they don't really give a monkeys about wvw.

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My reaction isn't strong enough to go full positive/negative yet. I'm leaning negative, but in an alternate universe where WvW is well-populated, this could _maybe_ be cool.


Mainly, I don't know why they tacked siege damage onto it. It probably won't make combat any worse, but it could radically alter siege play. What happens if 50 cats show up and start yanking a gate down? How does this change blitzing objectives? Faster blitzes won't lead to more fights and will hurt defensively as well. No one wins.


On the other hand, giving a base mobility option is ok. It shouldn't be faster than a thief, but it could help out a necro. And it's kind of cool.


I just hope this isn't the BIG announcement they were talking about. This is just a potentially disastrous add-on. There's no best-case scenario where adding giant kitties will make WvW more generally desirable.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Grohiik.1852" said:

> > I am pretty sure that you will only mount up in your territory which makes sense.

> So it was pulling down a door on it's own side in the video?


I was literally falling asleep on the chair when I wrote this, so rip.

What I was meant to say was, I just hope that when you siege, that there will be a hardcap of how many Warclaws the team can use.

But I insist it's still too early for any judgement.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I've stated that myself.. i'm not a WvW player.


> But I do recognize that the main problems with WvW all stem from the fact that the game mode is dull, boring and mostly lacking a large population to warrant Anet's time and constant attention to fix.. hence why it takes so long for anything to get fixed in the first place.


> It seems like every time Anet do something to try and increase that population it's met with huge backlash from WvW players who for the most part are annoyed because the game mode will get traffic from PvE players..

> Even the best WvW players started out as noobs who had no clue what they were doing.. and these PvE players will end up significantly increasing the loot gain for more experiend WvW players as well since they will be easy prey.


> That fact is WvW will always be neglected unless it gets more popular.. and it's never going to get more popular unless it starts attracting players from PvE.. If WvW players don't want those PvE players in WvW then they're basically saying they want WvW to die.

> Anet deserve a lot of credit for keeping the mode alive for as long as they have despite the minority who play it.. many other companies would probably have shut it down years ago because they'd see it as a waste of resources to continue supporting.


> I do have faith in WvW.. I think it had a lot of potential.. but in it's current state it's a waste of time to both play and support.. that's why it desperately needs a population boost more than anything.


The main problem isn't that WvW is dull/boring/empty. Rather, WvW is dull/boring/empty because of the main problems. Even if a push is made to bring new players into WvW (something I support), it isn't going to be successful in the long-term unless they improve on the main problems. It's like trying to fill a leaky bucket by turning up the faucet.


If WvW has to get more popular before they acknowledge any of the major issues, then all hope is lost. The Alliance system _may_ do some good, but since they haven't seemed to grasp much before...it seems unreasonable to expect them to suddenly make the gamemode widely enjoyable.


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From an old WvWer point of view who stopped near HoT release fater 3 years of full time WvW play :


WvW main issues are :

1) ZERO map strategy since HoT class powercreep and shield generator. (And no more structure gestion.)

2) ZERO doubt when you engage an outnumbered fight. Aka you know how most fights will end even before starting it so they is ZERO interest to do what they call "fight".

With more people superior to what they do. Aka you can have 30 people who rollface their 3 in 1 skills while drinking their coffee, they will win against 15 people who coordinate. That's was not the case before class powercreep.


It's only a karma train mode with blob > all.

The more they increase zerg/blob effectivness, the less this mode will be interesting. (Also the more attack > defense, the less fight you have.)

Finally they success to transform a good unique feature with much potential to a mindless PvE mode.

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