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Insane lag and server delays


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I love this game and everything is has given me, but im seriously tired of the game always not wanting to work on Tuesday, server delay of up to 3500 ping is not even close to normal, and waiting for 6-8 hours for it to "fix itself" has become annoying, I seriously hope this is looked into as its becoming a huge annoyence.


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I'm not sure which region you are playing from but either NA or EU side you are not alone. I'm playing from NA side and have been having packet loss/lag spikes since the middle of January. I've been researching the issue and apparently packet loss/lag is a big issue across multiple ISP's and multiple games right now. If you go to cox's internet forums there are several threads about the issue. Some are even suggesting that cox may be throttling traffic to and from amazon's servers. Not sure about that but..


[https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22609/gaming-we-need-a-plan-of-action-upstream-packet-loss-cox-com-isp](https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22609/gaming-we-need-a-plan-of-action-upstream-packet-loss-cox-com-isp "https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22609/gaming-we-need-a-plan-of-action-upstream-packet-loss-cox-com-isp")

[https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/21288/severe-packet-loss-upload-to-amazon-web-services-fortnite---update-1-9](https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/21288/severe-packet-loss-upload-to-amazon-web-services-fortnite---update-1-9 "https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/21288/severe-packet-loss-upload-to-amazon-web-services-fortnite---update-1-9")

[https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22591/i-am-getting-tons-of-packet-loss-while-playing-fortnite-lags-out-many-times-per-round](https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22591/i-am-getting-tons-of-packet-loss-while-playing-fortnite-lags-out-many-times-per-round "https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22591/i-am-getting-tons-of-packet-loss-while-playing-fortnite-lags-out-many-times-per-round")

[https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22253/las-vegas---severe-upload-packet-loss](https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22253/las-vegas---severe-upload-packet-loss "https://forums.cox.com/forum_home/internet_forum/f/internet-forum/22253/las-vegas---severe-upload-packet-loss")

And sadly it seems as though most of the routes to amazon's servers go through cox's equipment.


I have a tech coming out today to look at what is causing the high ping at that first hop but no clue what to do about the rest. I guess we might have to wait until service actually stops completely before they will fix it.

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> @"Noah.7951" said:

> I love this game and everything is has given me, but im seriously tired of the game always not wanting to work on Tuesday, server delay of up to 3500 ping is not even close to normal, and waiting for 6-8 hours for it to "fix itself" has become annoying, I seriously hope this is looked into as its becoming a huge annoyence.



these high pings and lag started when anet decided it would be a good idea to use spyware to catch hackers. Id say get used to it cuz i dont think anet is going to change it. not like a dying company cares anyway.

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I'm having serious issues with this right now, and it is ONLY related to my connections in GW2. Everything else is stable. It is becoming very frustrating and difficult to play.


The issue has been steadily getting worse over the last couple weeks.

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Same problem here from Ontario. Unable to play for days because of massive ping. Pinging GW2 servers in cmd hangs at amazon. I tried everything I could do on my end from flush dns/renew/etc. to reinstalling the game completely.


What the hell is going on? Never had this problem before. Ping spikes up to 3k is insane.


For me it is also ONLY GW2 that has issues. Changed DNS from to as well and still nothing other than everything else loading faster now.

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> @"altruisticcoffee.1689" said:

> Ruufio, I'm from ontario, too, and have been having massive lag issues with pretty much every amazon-hosted service for the past 4-5 days. Did it just fix itself for you earlier this afternoon?


Just checked since you said that and tested about 5 minutes in-game and so far all seems to be fine. Averaging 69 ping right now since the afternoon, as you said.

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> @"matadornz.7409" said:

> WvW is sadly unplayable for me with a ping avg 1.2k(kitten!!!). Anet should have planned to mitigate all of this prior to the release of the warclaw. C'mon anet get your house in order.


1.2k ping? I envy you for having such a low ping as I'm getting between 4k to 8k ping or random disconnects and then cant login for several minutes after the disconnect. When its not lagging I can play WvW without any issues for hours but when the lag start the whole game is unplayable. I originally thought it was just wvw and EB as that was worst as SoS BL was more playable but still laggy. Even just running around LA I'm getting major lag spikes. Just trying to mount up takes like 30 second to a minute.....

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I'm having the same problems since tuesday with the new update. A lot of crashes, chat message takes around 8 to 15 second to appear in channel, infinite loading screens...and it happens at any moment of the day. It becomes even annoying to try to play if you know that you'll have do log out/log in 15 times for the evenning :(

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> @"islena.2157" said:

> I'm having the same problems since tuesday with the new update. A lot of crashes, chat message takes around 8 to 15 second to appear in channel, infinite loading screens...and it happens at any moment of the day. It becomes even annoying to try to play if you know that you'll have do log out/log in 15 times for the evenning :(


I'm having your issues with the delay in sending of text messages. I start to type, then I have a long delay before letters appear as I type them, and after hitting enter it takes additional seconds for the messages to appear.

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On Euro server and this happens for me almost every Tuesday and even worse during updates. Everything else works perfectly except GW2. So bad that I cannot even load a char for 6- 12 hours whenever there is an update because it gets stuck on the loading screen and eventually error messages out. Really frustrating whenever there is a release and I have to wait over a day to play it because I cannot connect to the server.

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> @"Lesan.4903" said:

> Please do a hard server reboot, or let someone do it. And reboot the routers while at it, lag is insane, and when coupled with being forced to go WiFi only, that gets even worse from there.


Nice idea beter 1 or 2 days or a week,deep reboot please arena........

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