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Why the new mount pulls the gate with a rope when other mechanics in WvW push it to break it???


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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> I don't think it's an oversight. Gates are only modeled to be destroyed one way. And they decided they wanted this to be a pull skill not a ramming skill, either as a design choice, or some manner of balancing/mechanics issue (hard to say pre-release). It may be immersion breaking to some, but I'm sure it was still a deliberate choice to have it that way (even if it was just a choice of convenience).


I'm pretty sure they made it a pull as a balancing issue.


The kitties are highly mobile (compared to siege), and ramming the door takes only a moment. They could move around, making them difficult targets until it's time to move in for another hit.


Pulling, however, requires them to be fairly still. They attach the rope/chain, and back up until it's taut. Then, they dig in and pull. This takes longer before it starts to do damage and keeps them in one spot, giving defenders a better chance to shoot them and dismount the riders (possibly before they even manage to do any damage).

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