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Thief hate

Jack Redline.5379

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief?


> > Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory


> This is why. Thief is one of the least noticeable players on the field for their own team, if they are doing their job correctly. A thief should only be visible to their team if they are helping win an outnumbered match and then should be immediately gone after that in search of other objectives to harass. The only other place a thief would be visible to their team is if they're dead.


> It is easy to blame a thief because when your team has wiped, if you are doing your job as thief you _have not died._ , so some scrubs will go: "Hm, I wonder why my entire team just wiped at mid to a dragonhunter and scourge. Surely it can't be because we all ran in one at a time and stood in aoe-bomb circles instead of splitting the map/pressing the weak nodes, it has to be because the one guy alive didn't come die with us because he was too busy doing what we were supposed to be doing!"


> Don't take it too personal. Just let the hate empower you. People are gonna hate rogue classes whether they are doing well(because stealth is obviously op) or poorly (because trash thieves are more handicapping to a team since they are easier to kill) so don't let it bother you too much.


> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:


> > I don't complain about thieves. Maybe I don't see the complaints like thieves do, because I don't play thief.

> > And although I dont play thief, I think I have a good comprehension of what makes a great thief in my maps

> >

> > With all classes there are levels of play.

> >

> > The levels as I see them are bad, acceptable, good and Great.

> >

> > A bad thief will die. (Don't die.)

> > A bad thief will try to solo far. And then die. Bad.

> > A bad thief will go melee in big fights and you guess it, die.

> > A bad thief will stay in a losing fight instead of decapping point

> > A bad thief wont cap/decap.

> >

> > Acceptable thief wont die

> > Acceptable thief will decap.

> > But they dont contribute so much to +1's

> >

> > A Good thief will

> > -not die.

> > - will +1 and give pressure and from a Ranger/Sb perspective help vs a 1v2 (to end one)

> > - A good thief will cap and decap

> >

> > -Great thieves

> > Don't die

> > Decap and Cap

> > +1 and pressure and add support dmg to 1v2's to end a target quickly

> > -Will Leave as soon as he thinks you have the fight in hand

> > -Will pressure between points

> > -Can win 1v1's consistently

> > -Know when to leave a losing fight and contribute else where

> > -Know when to leave and sneak back to cap

> >

> > Side point From someone whose playing against Great thieves, it seems like they are everywhere at all times.

> > Go mid they are there.

> > Go home they are there.

> > Go far, they are pressuring you and slowing you up, softening you up for what you are going to face at far

> > Great Thieves can add so much support to a thief, they can carry more often than not. (obviously, everyone needs a decent team to do well)

> >

> > A bit more than 2 cents

> > but that's my impression

> > on the quality of thieves you will

> > face and have on your team

> >




> Also everything this guy said is spot on.


> > -Will Leave as soon as he thinks you have the fight in hand


> .... **[squints, has flashbacks of thief hate for staying until downed individual is dead/stomping them after downed players rez multiple times that match due to people refusing to clean up]**


> What perfect world do you live in where your team can finish a player after you leave?


1- I hope I have the right idea about thieves. The class never appealed to me, because, Im not that good (honestly) and my internet has never been good enough imo, to be able to be good.


2-The last part, lol... holy $hi*

I''ve had this happen way too many times. Im leaving like, 'alright, you can finish this easy', nope they screw it up.

I mean, one time is too many, but I digress.


How difficult is it to know how every class stops the stomp and avoid it? That is basic fu** k ing gameplay.

They don't need to know class rotations work, when to dodge, when to push burst and where to CC. Its simple aye eff


/rant over

carry on

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said: So much delusional talk in your posts i feel almost bad for you. Do you want me to link all pro leauge including esl cups of whole HoT and you will see 0 thieves in every game. The only time thief saw gameplay was near end of HoT after they kept on nerfing pretty much everything including the reason thief didnt see play (rev) you do know majority of HoT mesmer was KEY 100% in every comp. And it pretty much was through whole vanilla as well due to portal

> >

> > calling me delusional is pretty sad, living in denial there. I started gw2 since its beta and i never played gw2 seriously because gw2 doesn't require individual skill. It's a team based game with an objective and the skill bar of this game is pretty low, in general most classes are incredibly easy to play mechanically and EVERYTHING ELSE IS CIRCUMSTANCE/TEAM/BUILD/CLASS. I knew that from the start which is why i never bothered wasting my time with gw2. It's not only about fame it's also about fun, i don't find it fun when I PERSONALLY LOSE due to other people's incompetence or lack of dedication or skill and in gw2 there is no avoiding this - in other games the individual has a lot more influence and the game modes are also a lot more competitive than gw2 which is why i didn't play gw2 .The "esl pro league" stuff is completely irrelevant because its from forever ago, because this game's sample size is incredibly small and you have sample bias when you scrim each other against the only good teams. You influence each other on what is played, this game has never had big competitive scene even during esl times it was the same people over and over. There's a trash game that i used to play that had a 1 million dollar prize but it also only had the same 15 people competing over and over again and then when they went to fight people over-seas the meta was completely different from their understanding

> >

> >

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > the MAT final where 2x mirage/chrono almost won the mAT, and as i said if it wasnt for them BOOSTING helm for $$ (he is not good and hes paying them to get boosted) and the thief team almost loses, hmmm but isnt teef OP? What did teef do the whole game??? Count how many decaps/kills/caps the thief got vs how many kills mirages got :) ontop of that, you could legit have replaced the core guard with another mirage that is decent and legit destroyed the finals.

> > >

> >

> >

> > they still lost, the winning team had random inactive plat3 thief who doesnt even play with them normally and they're still playing on alt classes and somehow until 2 weeks ago ppl were saying that they suck but now they're suddenly the favorites? lol good joke

> >

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > Frostball when he is serious, drazeh and kaazer all 3 incredibly good mirages and im 100% sure 3 of them would farm you all over if they spent time on the game again

> >

> > and whos delusional now?

> >

> >

> >

> >


> I swear you are like the donald trump of gw2, so out of your mind delusional it's actually hilarious.



you are in way over your head


you compare me to duelists when i've never played for duels but for teamfights, my build is for team fights and the irony is i've *still* killed those people multiple times, you either don't want to acknowledge me either are delusional by thinking that you can compare me to a bunch of random people that are only good in a game where skill is opinion based when my efficiency in a proper team is much higher than theirs and what i can do is much rarer than what they can do


"gw2 person1: IM A GOOD PLAYER






this is basically gw2 in a nutshell

a never ending yelling contest because the game mode itself limits players. Again, that's why i never stuck with gw2 and i'll never take this game serious. Let's imagine that the maximum human skill possile is a number of "100" then the max skill in gw2 is 40, it's easy to reach and more people can reach it than a game in which the max skill would be 80 or 90 or even 100, which is how other games are. I know you've never bothered getting serious with other mmorpgs but trust me they are nothing like gw2


some other games required 10x more apm than gw2 is even capable of requiring on top of considering way more thing for you to be mechanically good at the game and you could be rewarded for being able to do all these things but not in gw2 because of the nature of the game.


the difference between us is that i've actually been good at other games so i have more objective knowledge and judgement than you do while you're living in a bubble and are refusing to admit the truth


i don't dislike you cus im not a kid and i don't hate on ppl that flame me but i do dislike bs


you only select the facts that favor you and ignore the ones that don't, i'm not arguing about mirage's status in the past.I can find discord logs of me talking to ppl (not gw2 players) and telling them that "finally i get to play an op class for once in my life" but that was before the barrage of nerfs the class got and we live in today and it's been like that for quite awhile now. At the same time thief's power might've varied over the years but it's always been meta and that's because no one else could do what a thief could and even now revenant/guard can gank as good as thief but have lower mobility (and increased something else , in other areas)


thief isn't fun to play against, even mirage is more fun to play against. DE is cheesy bs (i don't think DE is good) and when normal thieves are successful their enemies don't feel like the game is fair due to how the class is designed

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it


> I am sorry to say this; it is Anet whose to be solely blamed for thief hate. For the past 6 years; the vast community has begged Anet to address thief toxicity and Anet intentionally ignored their plead-they increased Thief toxicity even more ---almost every professions now can 1 shot


> It is not the thief player to be hated but Anet design for thief to be toxic to the balance of the game.


> Unfortunately; in the end, everyone suffers. The community; thief players, active players, players who left--who are planning leaving, new players who are on the verge of packing up, including Anet innocent staffs who paid the price harshly---who are going to lose their work-life-dependent job

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69585/discussion-thread-arenanet-news-of-21-february-2019-merged#latest


> **My question to is; in the end, was Thief and non-genuine Mesmer toxic designs worth it??**



> That is what toxicity does; it spread toxic pollution, it destables, it destroys every healthy elements...... everything in its path including the innocent


> **Thief design is the root cause of Gw2 destruction and hatred**-

> -Non-Genuine-Mesmer was designed as an excuse for Thief design-



> (There will be no end to the instability of the of the game including its players, Anet;staffs

> until Thief and Mesmer are completely reworked from the ground up with healthy roots.)


What mmos have you played before GW2

I started a loooong time ago.


Reality check--

**Stealth classes have always been complained about.**


Side note- While Mirages have some stealth, visual clutter might as well count as a 2ndary stealth.

I mean, if you can't spot them, they might as well be stealthed.


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said: So much delusional talk in your posts i feel almost bad for you. Do you want me to link all pro leauge including esl cups of whole HoT and you will see 0 thieves in every game. The only time thief saw gameplay was near end of HoT after they kept on nerfing pretty much everything including the reason thief didnt see play (rev) you do know majority of HoT mesmer was KEY 100% in every comp. And it pretty much was through whole vanilla as well due to portal

> > >

> > > calling me delusional is pretty sad, living in denial there. I started gw2 since its beta and i never played gw2 seriously because gw2 doesn't require individual skill. It's a team based game with an objective and the skill bar of this game is pretty low, in general most classes are incredibly easy to play mechanically and EVERYTHING ELSE IS CIRCUMSTANCE/TEAM/BUILD/CLASS. I knew that from the start which is why i never bothered wasting my time with gw2. It's not only about fame it's also about fun, i don't find it fun when I PERSONALLY LOSE due to other people's incompetence or lack of dedication or skill and in gw2 there is no avoiding this - in other games the individual has a lot more influence and the game modes are also a lot more competitive than gw2 which is why i didn't play gw2 .The "esl pro league" stuff is completely irrelevant because its from forever ago, because this game's sample size is incredibly small and you have sample bias when you scrim each other against the only good teams. You influence each other on what is played, this game has never had big competitive scene even during esl times it was the same people over and over. There's a trash game that i used to play that had a 1 million dollar prize but it also only had the same 15 people competing over and over again and then when they went to fight people over-seas the meta was completely different from their understanding

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > the MAT final where 2x mirage/chrono almost won the mAT, and as i said if it wasnt for them BOOSTING helm for $$ (he is not good and hes paying them to get boosted) and the thief team almost loses, hmmm but isnt teef OP? What did teef do the whole game??? Count how many decaps/kills/caps the thief got vs how many kills mirages got :) ontop of that, you could legit have replaced the core guard with another mirage that is decent and legit destroyed the finals.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > they still lost, the winning team had random inactive plat3 thief who doesnt even play with them normally and they're still playing on alt classes and somehow until 2 weeks ago ppl were saying that they suck but now they're suddenly the favorites? lol good joke

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Frostball when he is serious, drazeh and kaazer all 3 incredibly good mirages and im 100% sure 3 of them would farm you all over if they spent time on the game again

> > >

> > > and whos delusional now?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I swear you are like the donald trump of gw2, so out of your mind delusional it's actually hilarious.



> you are in way over your head


> you compare me to duelists when i've never played for duels but for teamfights, my build is for team fights and the irony is i've *still* killed those people multiple times, you either don't want to acknowledge me either are delusional by thinking that you can compare me to a bunch of random people that are only good in a game where skill is opinion based when my efficiency in a proper team is much higher than theirs and what i can do is much rarer than what they can do


> "gw2 person1: IM A GOOD PLAYER






> this is basically gw2 in a nutshell

> a never ending yelling contest because the game mode itself limits players. Again, that's why i never stuck with gw2 and i'll never take this game serious. Let's imagine that the maximum human skill possile is a number of "100" then the max skill in gw2 is 40, it's easy to reach and more people can reach it than a game in which the max skill would be 80 or 90 or even 100, which is how other games are. I know you've never bothered getting serious with other mmorpgs but trust me they are nothing like gw2


> some other games required 10x more apm than gw2 is even capable of requiring on top of considering way more thing for you to be mechanically good at the game and you could be rewarded for being able to do all these things but not in gw2 because of the nature of the game.


> the difference between us is that i've actually been good at other games so i have more objective knowledge and judgement than you do while you're living in a bubble and are refusing to admit the truth


> i don't dislike you cus im not a kid and i don't hate on ppl that flame me but i do dislike bs


> you only select the facts that favor you and ignore the ones that don't, i'm not arguing about mirage's status in the past.I can find discord logs of me talking to ppl (not gw2 players) and telling them that "finally i get to play an op class for once in my life" but that was before the barrage of nerfs the class got and we live in today and it's been like that for quite awhile now. At the same time thief's power might've varied over the years but it's always been meta and that's because no one else could do what a thief could and even now revenant/guard can gank as good as thief but have lower mobility (and increased something else , in other areas)


> thief isn't fun to play against, even mirage is more fun to play against. DE is cheesy bs (i don't think DE is good) and when normal thieves are successful their enemies don't feel like the game is fair due to how the class is designed


I literally linked most tournaments played in HoT, you ignored the fact there was 0

Thieves there yet saying ”thief always been meta” yet you see mesmer in all those games but no thieves.


These are facts.


Now, last reply to you because all you say is just a load of nonsense.


Mirage is busted and obnoxious to play against and so is DE. And i hope both gets nerfed to the ground

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.


Treb sucks tho... Means ur team is fighting 4v5 if you are o Treb.. and any person smart enough will move out of an area with a big red circle that takes some 2-3 seconds to land...

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said: So much delusional talk in your posts i feel almost bad for you. Do you want me to link all pro leauge including esl cups of whole HoT and you will see 0 thieves in every game. The only time thief saw gameplay was near end of HoT after they kept on nerfing pretty much everything including the reason thief didnt see play (rev) you do know majority of HoT mesmer was KEY 100% in every comp. And it pretty much was through whole vanilla as well due to portal

> > >

> > > calling me delusional is pretty sad, living in denial there. I started gw2 since its beta and i never played gw2 seriously because gw2 doesn't require individual skill. It's a team based game with an objective and the skill bar of this game is pretty low, in general most classes are incredibly easy to play mechanically and EVERYTHING ELSE IS CIRCUMSTANCE/TEAM/BUILD/CLASS. I knew that from the start which is why i never bothered wasting my time with gw2. It's not only about fame it's also about fun, i don't find it fun when I PERSONALLY LOSE due to other people's incompetence or lack of dedication or skill and in gw2 there is no avoiding this - in other games the individual has a lot more influence and the game modes are also a lot more competitive than gw2 which is why i didn't play gw2 .The "esl pro league" stuff is completely irrelevant because its from forever ago, because this game's sample size is incredibly small and you have sample bias when you scrim each other against the only good teams. You influence each other on what is played, this game has never had big competitive scene even during esl times it was the same people over and over. There's a trash game that i used to play that had a 1 million dollar prize but it also only had the same 15 people competing over and over again and then when they went to fight people over-seas the meta was completely different from their understanding

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > the MAT final where 2x mirage/chrono almost won the mAT, and as i said if it wasnt for them BOOSTING helm for $$ (he is not good and hes paying them to get boosted) and the thief team almost loses, hmmm but isnt teef OP? What did teef do the whole game??? Count how many decaps/kills/caps the thief got vs how many kills mirages got :) ontop of that, you could legit have replaced the core guard with another mirage that is decent and legit destroyed the finals.

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > they still lost, the winning team had random inactive plat3 thief who doesnt even play with them normally and they're still playing on alt classes and somehow until 2 weeks ago ppl were saying that they suck but now they're suddenly the favorites? lol good joke

> > >

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > Frostball when he is serious, drazeh and kaazer all 3 incredibly good mirages and im 100% sure 3 of them would farm you all over if they spent time on the game again

> > >

> > > and whos delusional now?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I swear you are like the donald trump of gw2, so out of your mind delusional it's actually hilarious.



> you are in way over your head


> you compare me to duelists when i've never played for duels but for teamfights, my build is for team fights and the irony is i've *still* killed those people multiple times, you either don't want to acknowledge me either are delusional by thinking that you can compare me to a bunch of random people that are only good in a game where skill is opinion based when my efficiency in a proper team is much higher than theirs and what i can do is much rarer than what they can do


> "gw2 person1: IM A GOOD PLAYER






> this is basically gw2 in a nutshell

> a never ending yelling contest because the game mode itself limits players. Again, that's why i never stuck with gw2 and i'll never take this game serious. Let's imagine that the maximum human skill possile is a number of "100" then the max skill in gw2 is 40, it's easy to reach and more people can reach it than a game in which the max skill would be 80 or 90 or even 100, which is how other games are. I know you've never bothered getting serious with other mmorpgs but trust me they are nothing like gw2


> some other games required 10x more apm than gw2 is even capable of requiring on top of considering way more thing for you to be mechanically good at the game and you could be rewarded for being able to do all these things but not in gw2 because of the nature of the game.


> the difference between us is that i've actually been good at other games so i have more objective knowledge and judgement than you do while you're living in a bubble and are refusing to admit the truth


> i don't dislike you cus im not a kid and i don't hate on ppl that flame me but i do dislike bs


> you only select the facts that favor you and ignore the ones that don't, i'm not arguing about mirage's status in the past.I can find discord logs of me talking to ppl (not gw2 players) and telling them that "finally i get to play an op class for once in my life" but that was before the barrage of nerfs the class got and we live in today and it's been like that for quite awhile now. At the same time thief's power might've varied over the years but it's always been meta and that's because no one else could do what a thief could and even now revenant/guard can gank as good as thief but have lower mobility (and increased something else , in other areas)


> thief isn't fun to play against, even mirage is more fun to play against. DE is cheesy bs (i don't think DE is good) and when normal thieves are successful their enemies don't feel like the game is fair due to how the class is designed


For someone who claims to not take GW2 seriously at all or that there are other games that are way better and take way more skill, you do sure take a ton of time to write massive replies to comments. You clearly care way more than you let on.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.


> Treb sucks tho... Means ur team is fighting 4v5 if you are o Treb.. and any person smart enough will move out of an area with a big red circle that takes some 2-3 seconds to land...


But a lot aren't smart enough :) Plus, you can just stand in the treb shots without having to worry about melee or just stun someone so they get hit.


Skyhammer is even easier to dodge than treb. And decapping a point only takes 4 seconds.

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.

> >

> > Treb sucks tho... Means ur team is fighting 4v5 if you are o Treb.. and any person smart enough will move out of an area with a big red circle that takes some 2-3 seconds to land...


> But a lot aren't smart enough :) Plus, you can just stand in the treb shots without having to worry about melee or just stun someone so they get hit.


> Skyhammer is even easier to dodge than treb. And decapping a point only takes 4 seconds.


Idk, another thing is that as a trebber you are not contributing anything whatsoever when it comes to actual point capture, and you can only be trebbing 1 node at a time.

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.

> >

> > Treb sucks tho... Means ur team is fighting 4v5 if you are o Treb.. and any person smart enough will move out of an area with a big red circle that takes some 2-3 seconds to land...


> But a lot aren't smart enough :) Plus, you can just stand in the treb shots without having to worry about melee or just stun someone so they get hit.


> Skyhammer is even easier to dodge than treb. And decapping a point only takes 4 seconds.


On a lower lvl sure. Anyway g2 + no 1 is going to get hit by treb. Hammer is a completely different thing it's worth all 3 caps. That's way more powerful because it changes up the rotations.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> > > > People just do it automatically because everyone does. Same as how people rage when you're on Treb yet overcommiting heavily on Skyhammer is normal. Keep in mind that when you're playing you can't really pay attention well to what's happening everywhere at once since you're concentrating on your own play. Some don't realize that and then come to conclusions based off of little to no information. And then rage at the Thief.

> > >

> > > Treb sucks tho... Means ur team is fighting 4v5 if you are o Treb.. and any person smart enough will move out of an area with a big red circle that takes some 2-3 seconds to land...

> >

> > But a lot aren't smart enough :) Plus, you can just stand in the treb shots without having to worry about melee or just stun someone so they get hit.

> >

> > Skyhammer is even easier to dodge than treb. And decapping a point only takes 4 seconds.


> Idk, another thing is that as a trebber you are not contributing anything whatsoever when it comes to actual point capture, and you can only be trebbing 1 node at a time.


Multiple people don't speed up capping.


Treb has it uses. It also is useless in certain situations and people using it in those situations is probably what causes all the rage around Treb.

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Only time I dislike thieves is when they are actively not side capping when their team is team fighting.


If you can't even decap (not full cap) but disengage and decap no matter if mid is a win or lose, you are not doing your job. Your role is to +1 and overall be annoying. Trying to teamfight is more of a detriment unless there are already people low or downed for you to eat.


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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it


I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO

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> @"Aleksej.7453" said:


> I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO


Why hello there bud. I am pleased I already have a reputation. As far as validity of my build goes it managed to get me to Plat 2 three times this season so I'd say it is a good enough build :) Also I havent made this thread because I would be upset about getting flamed by team mates. If you really know who I am you know exactly howbig of a douche I am and that alone could give you pretty good picture about how much I care about what my team says.. I made this thread because I have friends thieves who do care and try being rly helpful and that salt isn't encouraging not only for them but also for any other thief. I know ppl salt Thieves a lot I bet you kniw that as well. I made this for ppl to get a bit more considerable to Thieves. If anyone wants to salt me they are welcome to do so xD I can roast better than Pyro from TF 2 xD

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > You realize thief is the only class in guild wars 2 that has been meta since 2012?

> > >

> > > Thief is overpowered in conquest. It doesn't matter if it dies 1v1 to dragon hunter or whatever, the game isn't about 1v1 or about kills and what thief can do is overpowered for conquest. Idiotic mobility (no cooldown blinks btw) paired with the best ganking too in the game (steal) in a game where ganking people who are fighting someone else and then snowballing in a 5v4 is the best strategy.

> > >

> > > anyone complaining about thief is in the right , automatically

> >

> > L m a o.

> >

> > I think you mistake mesmer for always being meta since 2012.

> >

> > Just before you reply with some nonsense as always. Almost 90% of HoT expansion thief was incredibly strong, however legit all other classes were broken beyond belief. Thief couldnt +1 anything, not even in ranked.

> >

> > Then we look at mesmer which has been meta from beginning and still is.

> >

> > Now youll reply but mesmer isnt played in tourneys!!! No because not one topteam is scrimming or sticking together to evaluate other comps than fb scourge, if id have the players id legit play like 3 mirage/thief/Chrono.

> >

> > We almost lost to Zan's team which was slb/chrono/mirage/core guard/holo - if they would swap out their core guard (who they are carrying for money) to another class - like another mirage i'm 100% certain they'd beat us, or hell why not just another chrono even.

> >

> > Game was 500-490~ and we had capricorn which was a good map for us



> Twisting the facts to protect your class doesn't give you any favor. Anyone whos actually played gw2 from the start knows that what i wrote is true. Since metabattle went up the class hasn't been removed from top of the charts either and there's a reason for that. I don't really care about mesmer because i only started playing the class when mirage came out and i only like mirage, mesmer itself is irrelevant to me. It wasn't meta since the game came out, it was a mediocre class for most of the time and even when hot came out mesmer was still bad except some patches in which chrono got busted. I would know because i played other classes back then (warrior and ele for the most part) and i never had any issues with mesmer except the GENERAL GW2 ISSUE THAT I HAVE which is full glass cannon power builds which reduce the skill requirement and make the game a 50-50 dice roll, and the old meta was a mesmer+thief roaming and not just mesmer.


> yes i'll reply mesmer isn't played in tourneys and there's a reason for that, mesmer is garbage. If you had the choice to play 3 mirage/thief/chrono you'd lose because there aren't 3 good mirage players on the server. I can 1v2 almost all mirages in gw2 at the same time and have done so many times in game only due to how bad they are and before they blatantly copied 90% of my build it was even more one-sided because before i started playing this game more actively the mesmer meta was completely different and by some coincidence chance my build happened to hard-counter mesmers (it wasn't intended since my build was made for team-fights but happens to be able to 1v1 cus that was my secondary focus) which made them change their builds after


> and then for zan's team, as if 1 person makes that big of a difference in a game with TEN people. If you swapped out any of the non-mesmer classes with a worse player and suddenly the game would go completely the other way around. And core guard? Core guard is broken and it's cheesy but it's not a viable/ good class. It has limited potential but it's also lower risk and easy to play, it can find a room in a competitive team but it's role is very specific and it's basically a thief/revenant with more sustain and staying power but worse mobility, it's the same role/class but with different strengths which are more situational. The class itself is op cus its over-statted but having a person on core guard means you're just having someone insecure in playing something more impactful. Mirage on the other hand isn't like this, mirage is a properly designed class which rewards effort if you don't play the defensive build and you should have more classes like this and not less, because this is healthy design. Rewarding and promoting player skill and difference is what the game should aim to be and there are very few classes that do this. Even thief for all it's "difficulty " is incredibly easy to play in comparison to mirage but the skill thief requires is general gw2 skill and knowledge and knowing where and when to fight, which is a skill on itself , but the class itself is very easy mechanically in comparison to a more offensive and dps mirage build which has to consider and play with illusions, stamina , limited defense and proper dps spread because condition dps is easier to deal with and you can't just mash buttons and get damage with it and you have to pressure people else they won't die out


> I play mirage and i know all about mirage, unlike people that don't play mirage and talk against mirage. Mirage isn't as mighty as this forum keeps trying to make it sound and it's play-rate and win-rates speak to that. It's not winning tournaments and it's not placing high in soloq either // on average // when compared to other classes. Top 10-20 is almost always full of holo,slb,thief, revenant.

> I've mentioned 100 times that mirage has 2 builds, more defensive and more offensive one. You can't clump up both of them together because there's a huge difference between them. Sage amulet for example pretty much increases your healing by 50% which is ridiculous and it, combined with chaos and near permanent protection from chaos, increases your survivability by a lot but at the same time if you fight someone with ok sustain but way more dps than you - you just lose, you also have lower impact on team fights or skirmishes. Non-sage amulet without chaos makes you squishy and your defense relies on actively protecting yourself which is player based and it should be rewarded and it 's not as easy as people think cause mirage has the lowest vigor uptime in the game besides maybe guard which doesn't have any (minus from condi to boon conversion which ironically might even give it the same time of vigor as mirage cus of all the vigor nerfs mirage has) and you don't have any more dodges as mirage than other classes do but you need dodge for offense and defense, which makes it harder to use.


> but this thread is about thief, i don't think it's wise to argue against facts and facts are that thief is the only class in gw2 that has been meta since release. Back in pre-hot days i played a warrior and i never lost 1v1 (ever, against anyone, not even 1 round out of 10+, as long as i had cooldowns and hp when the fight started) except occasionally some of the better thieves , which could be un-hittable, how about that. Isn't it ironic when people mention mirage has a lot of dodges when it has two dodges with limited vigor and then there's thief with multiple weapon dodges with no cd and 10 times more stamina. Xd


> and i wanna address one last thing, you say that if you had the option you would play with a lot of mirages and i can somewhat agree to this but my reasons are different. (im only talking about todays meta and not 1 year ago btw, with all the nerfs already in place. I agree mirage was broken before vigor nerfs which are more than half a year old by now) Mirage is rewarding class but it isn't faceroll against better players with viable builds. That's how all classes should be because that's how you make a good game but mirage is also hard if you want it to be rewarding and that's why you can't make a full team of mirages because there's simply not enough good mirage players left. And if you're using mirage or chrono to bunk then you can just get soulbeast cause it's better against more matchups. Chrono dies to condi much easier than slb and mirage bunker isn't as good as other classes played on the same level


The appropriate response to a wall of text this magnitude is:



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > You realize thief is the only class in guild wars 2 that has been meta since 2012?

> > > >

> > > > Thief is overpowered in conquest. It doesn't matter if it dies 1v1 to dragon hunter or whatever, the game isn't about 1v1 or about kills and what thief can do is overpowered for conquest. Idiotic mobility (no cooldown blinks btw) paired with the best ganking too in the game (steal) in a game where ganking people who are fighting someone else and then snowballing in a 5v4 is the best strategy.

> > > >

> > > > anyone complaining about thief is in the right , automatically

> > >

> > > L m a o.

> > >

> > > I think you mistake mesmer for always being meta since 2012.

> > >

> > > Just before you reply with some nonsense as always. Almost 90% of HoT expansion thief was incredibly strong, however legit all other classes were broken beyond belief. Thief couldnt +1 anything, not even in ranked.

> > >

> > > Then we look at mesmer which has been meta from beginning and still is.

> > >

> > > Now youll reply but mesmer isnt played in tourneys!!! No because not one topteam is scrimming or sticking together to evaluate other comps than fb scourge, if id have the players id legit play like 3 mirage/thief/Chrono.

> > >

> > > We almost lost to Zan's team which was slb/chrono/mirage/core guard/holo - if they would swap out their core guard (who they are carrying for money) to another class - like another mirage i'm 100% certain they'd beat us, or hell why not just another chrono even.

> > >

> > > Game was 500-490~ and we had capricorn which was a good map for us

> >

> >

> > Twisting the facts to protect your class doesn't give you any favor. Anyone whos actually played gw2 from the start knows that what i wrote is true. Since metabattle went up the class hasn't been removed from top of the charts either and there's a reason for that. I don't really care about mesmer because i only started playing the class when mirage came out and i only like mirage, mesmer itself is irrelevant to me. It wasn't meta since the game came out, it was a mediocre class for most of the time and even when hot came out mesmer was still bad except some patches in which chrono got busted. I would know because i played other classes back then (warrior and ele for the most part) and i never had any issues with mesmer except the GENERAL GW2 ISSUE THAT I HAVE which is full glass cannon power builds which reduce the skill requirement and make the game a 50-50 dice roll, and the old meta was a mesmer+thief roaming and not just mesmer.

> >

> > yes i'll reply mesmer isn't played in tourneys and there's a reason for that, mesmer is garbage. If you had the choice to play 3 mirage/thief/chrono you'd lose because there aren't 3 good mirage players on the server. I can 1v2 almost all mirages in gw2 at the same time and have done so many times in game only due to how bad they are and before they blatantly copied 90% of my build it was even more one-sided because before i started playing this game more actively the mesmer meta was completely different and by some coincidence chance my build happened to hard-counter mesmers (it wasn't intended since my build was made for team-fights but happens to be able to 1v1 cus that was my secondary focus) which made them change their builds after

> >

> > and then for zan's team, as if 1 person makes that big of a difference in a game with TEN people. If you swapped out any of the non-mesmer classes with a worse player and suddenly the game would go completely the other way around. And core guard? Core guard is broken and it's cheesy but it's not a viable/ good class. It has limited potential but it's also lower risk and easy to play, it can find a room in a competitive team but it's role is very specific and it's basically a thief/revenant with more sustain and staying power but worse mobility, it's the same role/class but with different strengths which are more situational. The class itself is op cus its over-statted but having a person on core guard means you're just having someone insecure in playing something more impactful. Mirage on the other hand isn't like this, mirage is a properly designed class which rewards effort if you don't play the defensive build and you should have more classes like this and not less, because this is healthy design. Rewarding and promoting player skill and difference is what the game should aim to be and there are very few classes that do this. Even thief for all it's "difficulty " is incredibly easy to play in comparison to mirage but the skill thief requires is general gw2 skill and knowledge and knowing where and when to fight, which is a skill on itself , but the class itself is very easy mechanically in comparison to a more offensive and dps mirage build which has to consider and play with illusions, stamina , limited defense and proper dps spread because condition dps is easier to deal with and you can't just mash buttons and get damage with it and you have to pressure people else they won't die out

> >

> > I play mirage and i know all about mirage, unlike people that don't play mirage and talk against mirage. Mirage isn't as mighty as this forum keeps trying to make it sound and it's play-rate and win-rates speak to that. It's not winning tournaments and it's not placing high in soloq either // on average // when compared to other classes. Top 10-20 is almost always full of holo,slb,thief, revenant.

> > I've mentioned 100 times that mirage has 2 builds, more defensive and more offensive one. You can't clump up both of them together because there's a huge difference between them. Sage amulet for example pretty much increases your healing by 50% which is ridiculous and it, combined with chaos and near permanent protection from chaos, increases your survivability by a lot but at the same time if you fight someone with ok sustain but way more dps than you - you just lose, you also have lower impact on team fights or skirmishes. Non-sage amulet without chaos makes you squishy and your defense relies on actively protecting yourself which is player based and it should be rewarded and it 's not as easy as people think cause mirage has the lowest vigor uptime in the game besides maybe guard which doesn't have any (minus from condi to boon conversion which ironically might even give it the same time of vigor as mirage cus of all the vigor nerfs mirage has) and you don't have any more dodges as mirage than other classes do but you need dodge for offense and defense, which makes it harder to use.

> >

> > but this thread is about thief, i don't think it's wise to argue against facts and facts are that thief is the only class in gw2 that has been meta since release. Back in pre-hot days i played a warrior and i never lost 1v1 (ever, against anyone, not even 1 round out of 10+, as long as i had cooldowns and hp when the fight started) except occasionally some of the better thieves , which could be un-hittable, how about that. Isn't it ironic when people mention mirage has a lot of dodges when it has two dodges with limited vigor and then there's thief with multiple weapon dodges with no cd and 10 times more stamina. Xd

> >

> > and i wanna address one last thing, you say that if you had the option you would play with a lot of mirages and i can somewhat agree to this but my reasons are different. (im only talking about todays meta and not 1 year ago btw, with all the nerfs already in place. I agree mirage was broken before vigor nerfs which are more than half a year old by now) Mirage is rewarding class but it isn't faceroll against better players with viable builds. That's how all classes should be because that's how you make a good game but mirage is also hard if you want it to be rewarding and that's why you can't make a full team of mirages because there's simply not enough good mirage players left. And if you're using mirage or chrono to bunk then you can just get soulbeast cause it's better against more matchups. Chrono dies to condi much easier than slb and mirage bunker isn't as good as other classes played on the same level


> The appropriate response to a wall of text this magnitude is:


> k


Under an assumption anyone bothered to read it

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> @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it


> I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO


LOL please explain what a "real" thief build is? Because all the "noob condi thieves" I know (including me) are all mid to high plat. Im guessing you are NOT plat or even gold.. If you were you would notice this... And im willing to guess if I found you in the mists.. Your badge would be hidden, which means youre probably silver.. But hey, those cookie cutter "meta" builds are great for thieves that want to stay in silver/low gold :) If you want a thief build that can actually do something (help the team/cap-decap/bunker/teamfight exc) and get you to plat...... stick to condi.

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it

> >

> > I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO


> LOL please explain what a "real" thief build is? Because all the "noob condi thieves" I know (including me) are all mid to high plat. Im guessing you are NOT plat or even gold.. If you were you would notice this... And im willing to guess if I found you in the mists.. Your badge would be hidden, which means youre probably silver.. But hey, those cookie cutter "meta" builds are great for thieves that want to stay in silver/low gold :) If you want a thief build that can actually do something (help the team/cap-decap/bunker/teamfight exc) and get you to plat...... stick to condi.


pretty sure you are gold/low plat at best

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it

> > >

> > > I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO

> >

> > LOL please explain what a "real" thief build is? Because all the "noob condi thieves" I know (including me) are all mid to high plat. Im guessing you are NOT plat or even gold.. If you were you would notice this... And im willing to guess if I found you in the mists.. Your badge would be hidden, which means youre probably silver.. But hey, those cookie cutter "meta" builds are great for thieves that want to stay in silver/low gold :) If you want a thief build that can actually do something (help the team/cap-decap/bunker/teamfight exc) and get you to plat...... stick to condi.


> pretty sure you are gold/low plat at best


I wear my badge with pride :) I bounce between plat 1/plat 2. anytime ya wanna come see, please let me know cuz I don't turn mine off.

remember.. you can get away with being carried through silver/low gold... but once youre in plat... your good looks or your friends didn't get you there. this thing called skills does.

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:


> remember.. you can get away with being carried through silver/low gold... but once youre in plat... your good looks or your friends didn't get you there. this thing called skills does.


I got multiple people to Plat who dropped as low as low-silver the moment I stopped playing with them, it is definitely friends who can get you to Plat easily.

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Thief has the best mobility and even though there are builds that come to close to traversing the map are not as good.The way the matchmaker works is that if your team has a thief the other team has a thief, and the one team that has a thief with build that doesn't have mobility is forced to have one person on fending off the thief and forcing by default one team to be always under +1 situations, which in turn causes people to get angry. This is also why people don't like having 2 thieves in one team, they have to be coordinated to don't step on each other's toes and that also puts a lot of pressure on the other 3 people for the lack of extra body in fights. Thief skill is not about mechanical skill , it does involve it but the most crucial skill is the ability to read the situation and make the correct decisions.

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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it

> >

> > I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO


> LOL please explain what a "real" thief build is? Because all the "noob condi thieves" I know (including me) are all mid to high plat. Im guessing you are NOT plat or even gold.. If you were you would notice this... And im willing to guess if I found you in the mists.. Your badge would be hidden, which means youre probably silver.. But hey, those cookie cutter "meta" builds are great for thieves that want to stay in silver/low gold :) If you want a thief build that can actually do something (help the team/cap-decap/bunker/teamfight exc) and get you to plat...... stick to condi.


Meta is just a good concept of what a build should look like. Anyhow my reply to Jack comes from playing 1 game with him and 2 against him so im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Peace toxic person who got offended and likes condi thieves lol


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> @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"rowdy.5107" said:

> > > > @"Aleksej.7453" said:

> > > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > > > > Why always if a team is loosing ppl start salting thief? Thief is doing the best god kitten job he is able to do and you start salting him for not being able to do enough? What if he did enough and his teammates were simply bad? Thief is not the cause of the lost match. The cooperation of the team is. Thief is only as good as his team is it is not a class that can carry a whole team to victory. Stop hating on Thieves if the team is loosing kitten it

> > > >

> > > > I know who you are. Ur thief name is Redbladed Jack and u play condi build. Maybe want to start playing some real build and get less rage at you LMAO

> > >

> > > LOL please explain what a "real" thief build is? Because all the "noob condi thieves" I know (including me) are all mid to high plat. Im guessing you are NOT plat or even gold.. If you were you would notice this... And im willing to guess if I found you in the mists.. Your badge would be hidden, which means youre probably silver.. But hey, those cookie cutter "meta" builds are great for thieves that want to stay in silver/low gold :) If you want a thief build that can actually do something (help the team/cap-decap/bunker/teamfight exc) and get you to plat...... stick to condi.

> >

> > pretty sure you are gold/low plat at best


> I wear my badge with pride :) I bounce between plat 1/plat 2. anytime ya wanna come see, please let me know cuz I don't turn mine off.

> remember.. you can get away with being carried through silver/low gold... but once youre in plat... your good looks or your friends didn't get you there. this thing called skills does.


cool story, take a printscreen and upload a pic of ur rating

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