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Gaile Gray, where are you?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


This is devestating to me. I expected a cut in the new blood, not the literal foundation builders. Jesus Christ they've ripped the heart of our game out from us. The people who made the choice to do this to our devs, to our community, to our game are fools. This is some serious City of Heroes tier BS. I'm disgusted and heartbroken. I don't know what to think about the future.


None the less, Godspeed to you and the rest of the crew we've lost.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


> This is complete BS. NCSoft said GW2 wouldn't be affected, but this proves otherwise.


> Sorry to see you go, hope to see you land on your feet and continue to do what you love doing.


I've said it a million times. If you have gamed MMOs long enough, you know that NCSoft is as shady as they come. Never trust them.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


This is a very hard to swallow pill at this particular moment. Game Directors come and leave. Developers come and leave. Also, Game Community Managers come and leave.

BUT at this moment a lot of simultaneous things happen and communication between Anet and players is more important than ever. ANet response - it let the Community Manager to leave !!! Sending a clear signal to the players that from this moment the community can very well bark to the Moon. With the same result as trying to reach ANet ears.


Look what ANet says about the future of the game and what they think about the players (highlight added):


**We know you have a lot of questions about the future of Guild Wars 2**. We want to share with you what to expect moving forward for the game. First and foremost, we are still fully committed to all of our players and ongoing support of the game. We will be moving directly from Living World Season 4 into Season 5 as promised, and we plan to continue a regular cadence of updates and releases.


**We know Guild Wars 2 is important to you, and as our players, you are important to us. Rest assured that we are still working to add great new content to the game**. We are deeply grateful to all of you for your support during this difficult time.


So, "We know you have a lot of questions about the future of Guild Wars". As a result we let the Community manager to leave. Until we will find a replacement (if we will find) please ask everything you want.


Then - "We know Guild Wars 2 is important to you, and as our players, you are important to us. Rest assured that we are still working to add great new content to the game".


I have serious doubts about "as our players you are important for us". Because look at what Ben Benjamin says on his blog: **For those of use working on GW2, our mandate was essentially to make it look like there was the same level of resource devoted to GW2, when thyey astually steadily moving people off of it into the other projects.**


This is how we are important? By delivering lies? What can you bring now to convince us that this time you speak the true? You can at least ask your Community Manager to try to communicate to the players and explain what your message means.


OH!! Sorry. We are alone now.


Farewell Gaile. At least don't delete your GW2 account. Who knows, maybe the players will still be able to speak with you ingame :)

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I honestly got to say with the list of devs that have been announced to be leaving over the last couple of days, i got to seriously ask if its worth while to continue investing in this game at all, ( gems etc ) as we have no idea what is happening going forward, they just got rid of the main point of communication to the forums etc, giving the general feeling around social media, Anet/GW2 is on a slippery slope at the moment, which is a shame.


Anet need to massively up their game when it comes to communication with us, the wall of silence really cannot continue, i guessing that alot of things are going to be scrapped now ( future raids, JPs, Alliance system WvW, overhaul of sPvP )


Good Luck to the devs who gave us a great game over the 14/15years

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> I did not see that happening, so i guess Anet have decided that going forward we will be getting NO communication from them, giving that most of the info we got came from Gaile, at this point im not sure Anet have any idea what they are doing, i dont foresee us getting any information going forward, and this very well could be the beginning of the end for this game.


> Good Luck Gaile


Wrong, Gaile did not speak to us because she was such a nice person, she did because her managment told her to do so. there are PR departments for a reason. comunication will probaply be the same (lets put aside if that is positiv or negativ), but comming from another person(s).


sad to see someone prominent go though, even i have no personal feelings attached to her.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > I did not see that happening, so i guess Anet have decided that going forward we will be getting NO communication from them, giving that most of the info we got came from Gaile, at this point im not sure Anet have any idea what they are doing, i dont foresee us getting any information going forward, and this very well could be the beginning of the end for this game.

> >

> > Good Luck Gaile


> Wrong, Gaile did not speak to us because she was such a nice person, she did because her managment told her to do so. there are PR departments for a reason. comunication will probaply be the same (lets put aside if that is positiv or negativ), but comming from another person(s).


> sad to see someone prominent go though, even i have no personal feelings attached to her.


I agree she was told to, as it was her job, but you didnt see any other dev showing up, the PR team for this game has been a disaster for years now, they have never got it right, and tended to do damage control after the bomb went off, point is, people know Gaile because she did communicate with us, we have been asking for years for better communication and this is what Anet decide to do instead, they are all over the place, having talked to a few friends that i game with, it is probably best not to invest any money in this game until Anet get on here and give us a clear road map of what they are planning, as right now it feels like tomorrow it will be a post stating we are closing the servers down, thanks.


According to a post on reddit Anet let 100 devs go, so it would be nice for Mike O'Brien to come on here over the next few weeks and give us a road map of what will be happening, we needs comms from the very top on this.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > I did not see that happening, so i guess Anet have decided that going forward we will be getting NO communication from them, giving that most of the info we got came from Gaile, at this point im not sure Anet have any idea what they are doing, i dont foresee us getting any information going forward, and this very well could be the beginning of the end for this game.

> > >

> > > Good Luck Gaile

> >

> > Wrong, Gaile did not speak to us because she was such a nice person, she did because her managment told her to do so. there are PR departments for a reason. comunication will probaply be the same (lets put aside if that is positiv or negativ), but comming from another person(s).

> >

> > sad to see someone prominent go though, even i have no personal feelings attached to her.


> I agree she was told to, as it was her job, but you didnt see any other dev showing up, the PR team for this game has been a disaster for years now, they have never got it right, and tended to do damage control after the bomb went off, point is, people know Gaile because she did communicate with us, we have been asking for years for better communication and this is what Anet decide to do instead, they are all over the place, having talked to a few friends that i game with, it is probably best not to invest any money in this game until Anet get on here and give us a clear road map of what they are planning, as right now it feels like tomorrow it will be a post stating we are closing the servers down, thanks.


> According to a post on reddit Anet let 100 devs go, so it would be nice for Mike O'Brien to come on here over the next few weeks and give us a road map of what will be happening, we needs comms from the very top on this.


some devs did. but again, it wasn´t their job to. basicly ALL devs (or departments in that regard) where speaking to us TROUGH gaile. it will be staff member #278 who will take that job now. i still don´t think the information "flow" will be better or worse than in the past. but yeah, i agree, PR/Communication was/is horrible. a clear roadmap is LONG overdue, i recently quit since the "maybe they deliver the content i want next time, just stick with it a little longer" -game wasn´t fun anymore. gl to anyone

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


Very sorry. You were the face of the campaign in this forum, and not just an official manager - but a real, lively, responsive, excellent employee.

I will really miss your presence on the forum.

In my opinion, your dismissal is a **big** mistake of the Arena.

I wish you now to have a good rest, to get away from sad thoughts, and I am sure that you will soon find a new excellent work.

Thank you for all that you have done for the community.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


As a former member of a GW1 community (The Boat Crew) that started to log "frog talk" and Gaile's appearances in LA, long before there was any official forum, twitter or reddit, I want to say thank you for all the community relations work of the past 14 (?) years. You and Lindsey Murdock have been the heart and soul of the franchise for me. I wish you all the best for things to come.



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I'm absolutely gutted by the loss of Gaile. She's always been a gracious presence to the community and has handled all of our feedback, both poised and poisoned with grace and professionalism unmatched.


Gaile, if you're still reading this, I wish you the best in whatever your next steps are and want to send a big thanks to all that you've done for this community. People always talk about how GW2 has such a great community and I genuinely believe you've played a strong role in setting that tone. Best wishes.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


Gaile. Love you and wish you well too on your future endeavors.


Your ranger is officially an honorary in Your Math Teacher [MATH] roster of our offensive trappers.


Thank you so much.

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All this huge waterfall of info about fired ANet stuff require some direct info from NCSoft.


We saw that fired ppl:

1. Worked on GW2 before & MAYBE did work on it before fired.

2. DEFINITLY work on GW2 (like Gaile) but was not part of GW2 technical support/development.

3. Technical support/development stuff what have left ANet on their own decision.


So this list demonstrate that real actions of NCSoft MAY not correspond with current NCSoft statement about future of GW2. Hope they will provide updated statement about it to clarify it. REALY clarify, not bla-bla. I don't interest in production plans (release dates, etc) but i have to be sure about current vision of NCSoft about its decisions. Like "we will see our revenue & costs in next 6 month & will make review with any possible future decision, no guarantee" or "we want to make ANet like "studio of 1 game" & remove possible support/administrative overhead & we give long term commitment about future of game".


Hope on transparency... very.



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