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Seriously people ? against mounts in WvW ?


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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > Those that not change did not get effected those that change got More options now and happy Win-Win

> >

> > Build diversity does effect Balance but changing 1-2 traits and utility skills from swiftness and movement speed to something else by the player during WvW wont break the game...

> > some people allready DOING it ... did it break something ? yeah i tought so... if it would be THAT big of a prob and broken strong your making out to be then everyone would have long switched of from their Utility and movement speed stuff to these SO called broken Ability and trait combo stuff your saying but thats not the case because thats NOT TRUE...

> >

> > **this issue your trying to build your argument on DOES NOT EXIST**


> That makes no sense. So now you say build diversity DOES affect balance? Do you even read what you write?


> _"some people allready DOING it ... did it break something ? yeah i tought so... if it would be THAT big of a prob and broken strong your making out to be then everyone would have long switched of from their Utility and movement speed stuff to these SO called broken Ability and trait combo stuff your saying but thats not the case because thats NOT TRUE..."_


> You don't get it, so I am moving on. Best of luck with your future arguments.


what i was TALKING over there i was talking about the diversity this Mount changes would bring not the whole game design so im staying corrected......

of course im not getting it when the issue your building your argument on does not exist......

THINK man THINK !!!...


you can change utilities while traveling then back to combat utilities before fights so where is this issue again ????

its just an annoying and sadly right now necessary hassle for many people.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> > > > -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> > > > -Swiftness runing speed max

> > > > -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**

> > >

> > > So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

> > > Not that good proposal.

> > >

> >

> > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....

> >

> > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......


> There are no pros dude.


> The pros you wrote down are simply a try to push on "bringing the mounts into wvw".

> And don't say other ppl are trolls why you are the real one.


> But let us quote your "pros"


> +++

> 1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

> 2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

> 3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

> 4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.

> +++


> 1. swiftness related, and related to ppl who does not want to play wvw in group ( and probably bad roamers )

> 2. And then? it's like you said "cmon dudes, they will only give swiftness... classes with rogue will always outrun you". So what's the point in bringin mounts if there's already a swiftness spam?

> 3. You are not forced. You trade movement for dmg or something else. It's something called "make the build you like". I'd like to take different traits with my thief, but i prefer to bring a balanced build instead. but everybody can chose its own build.

> 4. With all the problems which afflict wvw devs would work on swiftness traits and bring mounts just cause reasons? really?


> They should work on balance and lag fixes instead.


1. and ? does not change anything

2. More build options and diversity without feeling forced into movement speed

**3. there is difference betwin swiftness spam for traveling and taking utilities that give long range charges,jumps,dashes... Allot of people only have swiftness utilities eguiped while they travel the moment they get near to the zerg or commander they Switch the utility off making it a FORCED unecesary hassle for these people they not trading with these ANYTHING to ANYTHING just making their life annoying.... then their these bad movement speed traits that some classes stack forever in wvw...**


4. Balance and lag fixes is an Ongoing work that never ends in all mmos with this logic we should NEVER EVER get anything implemented until this 2 things that never truly be finished gets finished....


as i said with mounts you don't lose anything you dont lose your current builds your play style anything at all

you and everyone else only gain a bit more diversity and even removes some unnecasary hassle like changing your utility skills and even weapons sometimes after you finished traveling and getting near a zerg/group fight.....

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But it's the same dude.

I mean, if you remove swiftness as a support/movement skill, there will only be another build ( i mean it only will change, but not sure, the meta ).

For an instance, with my DD thief still i will take the dodge with swiftness, cause imparing movement effect removal and dmg reduction.


As for wvw lag, is not something related to mmo, but to that specific part of the game ( cause of the massive number of players ).

I can agree that the work will be always ongoing, but still i wouldn't like to see something which could bring lag introduced.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> But it's the same dude.

> I mean, if you remove swiftness as a support/movement skill, there will only be another build ( i mean it only will change, but not sure, the meta ).

> For an instance, with my DD thief still i will take the dodge with swiftness, cause imparing movement effect removal and dmg reduction.


> As for wvw lag, is not something related to mmo, but to that specific part of the game ( cause of the massive number of players ).

> I can agree that the work will be always ongoing, but still i wouldn't like to see something which could bring lag introduced.


swiftness not gets removed you can stay keep it and build like that but allot of people hate it allot and switness not realy helps you much in combat its more of a travel tool then anything realy.... the very begining swiftness originaly was implemented for speeding up the running around / traveling... in WvW its nothing else now just an Over spammed necesity that could be used for something better....


on the lag part.... im not realy sure that mounts would cause as much issue/lag as people think it would. i mean your mostly gonna see mounts only when traveling not during fights.... so sure these mounts are all well animated but that alone wont gonna blow the server up... its not even close to the load the servers gets when 60+ people start throwing 23111615 stuff on each other....

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I am not sure about lag too, that's why i say "could" instead of "will".

> A word from a Dev could help ( though if they will decide to introduce the mounts, it won't be a try. As for other things, once you give you can't take back ).



they will implement it im sure i mean its more money for them also future WvW mount rewards anyone ?

i want to ride a dolyak...........just for lols

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > > > > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > > > > > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > > > > > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

> > > > >

> > > > > Read what i wrote....

> > > > >

> > > > > it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> > > > > so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....

> > > > >

> > > > > so this is not an issue....

> > > >

> > > > Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.

> > > >

> > > > Other guy is right.

> > >

> > > lags happens from all the ability spam happening in group fights not from traveling jesus....

> >

> > Ok you clearly haven't played wvw enough. Lag happens when graphics are introduced at duplicate levels that most computers can't handle.

> > I get that you want it, most longterm wvwers do not.

> >


> Server/internet lag wont happen from mounts traveling thats a given that happens when zergs crash with all those abilities and millions of stuff going around that overloads the servers + also fps lag


> Fps lag the only thing that could happen while traveling with mounts servers and ability lag wont happen from that...

> **but then get better PC dont punish people by not implementing gameplay stuff JUST because your PC cant handle it...its like the guy next door have only a windows 98 PC and he wants to play GW 2 so we nerf down everything to Supermario level.............**

> OR Options graphic menu and set it a bit lower if you realy must play with a PC that cant handle it.... THATS the reason Options in all the games out there...


> the lag your talking about seems like FPS lag...


Oh wow, so if you don't have an expensive PC, stop ruining the game for others?



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You can enjoy your mount all you want in EOTM as long as it never makes its way into wvw I am fine with that - unecessary in so many ways which was already highlighted previously by many posters in this thread. Even then, I don't think it should be in eotm either. People are too fixated on shoving a square peg into a circular hole - it fits its role perfectly in pve, but this is not a 'creative' addition for a wvw type environment. Either you trait for speed or you don't, you have all the freedom to choose how you want to tailor your build - there is just a tradeoff. If all you wanted was just to look cool, then ask Anet for a mount tonic for wvw or something.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> soooo many people here don't have imagination.....


> most of the points and cries against it are INVALID..... ALL of these can be worked around with tweaks and disabling stuff...


> the ONLY REAL VALID point is the Lag..... <<<< if devs can get arround that so it stays the same not makes the lag worse then there is 0 absolutly 0 reason to not get mounts in WvW.


> **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> -Swiftness runing speed max

> -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**


> there all of your peoples issues are fixed


> Pros:

> + helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

> + Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

> + More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

> + Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.


> Cons:

> - if they can work around the increased lag then NOTHING.


> seriously someone tell me ONE real valid point against it ( outside of lag we don't know if anet can fix that or not yet so we dont know if its a real issue bassicaly )


> seriously sometimes i just think Players just outright don't want others to have fun stuff in a GAME because they not like that one specific stuff so they don't want ANYONE else to have fun with it.



There are many valid reasons against mounts, and it’s not just lag.... WvW maps are way too small for mounts. Also, objectives were not created with mounts in mind.


If the devs ever completely redesign wvw then sure, but as is, it would be poorly implemented (see territories and gliding).

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what your asking for is a bastardization of mounts. i would rather not have them then have them without their unique character. let them keep all abilities other than MAYBE combat abilities but only usable in space you control then nerf the griffens to be basically gliders with raptor leap because free flight would be OP even in your owned turf # mountain side treb


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As a roamer, I would enjoy seeing mounts in WvW. Getting around the map by yourself is not like it is in a zerg. Most of the time, you need some sort of movement ability and it hogs up a utility, weapon, or rune slot to do so. Having a base speed increase for players when they are not in combat would allow roamer build freedom to not have to take movement skills.


As for the matter of escaping on mounts, I suggest people try mounts out in Pof. Leaving combat is not a instant thing. It requires a player to get a significant distance away from you. If someone can break combat with you, they can get away from you. I will agree the issue of endless chasing is a problem, but we shouldn't punish everyone for issues with certain builds.


This whole thing about mounts is just gliders all over again. When Anet first announced it, I saw several people completely loose their minds at the thought thinking it would be the end of wvw. As anyone who plays knows gliding did nothing of the sort. Mounts are just another of these. People will always overreact to theses sort of changes.

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> @zerorogue.9410 said:


> This whole thing about mounts is just gliders all over again. When Anet first announced it, I saw several people completely loose their minds at the thought thinking it would be the end of wvw. As anyone who plays knows gliding did nothing of the sort. Mounts are just another of these. People will always overreact to theses sort of changes.


the general agreement of the community then is the same as it is now...... ONLY IN TERRITORY YOU CONTROL. if you could use any of the base mounts in enemy territory you could bypass walls consistently. if you could use griffin at all you could place siege in places it cant be countered without taking the zone it was placed in.


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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> >

> > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)


> Read what i wrote....


> it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....


> so this is not an issue....


> Lag mostly happens in zerg fights where you get dissmounted anyway

> During traveling the visual clutter that all the people creating with their mobility and swiftness abilities etc would be just replaced with Mounts... so there isn't much of a visual clutter increase....


If it's just for a "Mount version" of swiftness, what's the point ?

I want the mounts to be as fast as they are actually, it could really build up some nice attacks.

I'm against slow mounts, I think they just need an other place to rule WvW, it would be strange having a jackal or a raptor going as fast as a character with swiftness.


Mounts in the old borderland : No

Mounts in the desert borderland : Probably

Mounts in maps made for mounts : Yes !


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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> + helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.


It's called balance, if someone makes a build with lots of mobility then outside of thief that comes at a cost, likewise if someone makes a build with low mobility then that is made up for by being stronger in other ways, so basically you want to bypass that basic level of balance, maybe stick to PvE if you want to roleplay with your mount.



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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> sooo many people aren't realy reading the whole thing and comment again with the No nay because i dont like them with arguments that i again if you read i allready adressed why its not an issue................


> BAH online communities sometimes....


Oh, they're reading. That's why they are telling you that your argument is weak and transparent. You've only addressed why you think it is not an issue with opinion and "might nots/wouldn'ts", rather than facts you can prove, and you definitely can't prove your opinions because you're not a gw2 developer.


It is ok to step back and say hey, you've given me new aspects and issues to consider, but it seems it is you who is not listening. You just want mounts, damn the consequences.


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Hmm lets start with the fact that its going to be a lag machine. Then lets add in the fact its devs time on a game mode that can already do with quality of life improvements in about 50 other areas. Then your argument changes them to a perma swiftness buff which makes them completely pointless. Essentially all youre arguing is that I want to see pretty things but I dont want them to do anything, and shouting down the people who disagree with you because they are actually thinking about it. Fact is, people are reading your post, and just ignoring it because you yourself do not see how it is a wasted argument.

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