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Best wishes to all of you at ArenaNet in these stressful times. May Dwayna bless you.

My Eles Aranimda and Aranumda will stay with you. To whatever end.


_You have my fire magic to bring you light, when all other lights go out._

_You have my water magic, to heal your wounds._

_You have my air magic, to help you breathe when stress takes it to your throat._

_You have my earth magic, to keep you with two feet on the ground._

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Yep. We'll be fine well into the immediate future. 5-10 years. You're safe to buy things you like and not worry it'll be gone forever soon.


For quite a while now the team was stretched thin working on other projects we probably won't know about for a long time if ever (mobile games, GW3, GW: Overwatch, ??? who knows). If anything per the restructure we should be seeing a new singular focus on GW2.


It's a cold comfort though given the people we had to lose. But many talented people remain and new talent was undoubtedly raised up by the old guard. Don't give up on the game. It was a crappy decision handed down from NCSoft corporate. Don't punish Anet for it. They'll come back from this.


Godspeed to the devs that were laid off. Lots of talent on the game market now. Wherever they land will be worth watching.


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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> It was a crappy decision handed down from NCSoft corporate. Don't punish Anet for it. They'll come back from this.



If their profits were going down and operating costs were going up then this was completely reasonable decision, far from a crappy one.


Punish is maybe too strong of a word, but we players should definitely demand and expect more, especially after this. ArenaNet is the one behind lack of meaningful content, behind lack of balance and fresh ideas, not NcSoft. Ignoring player feedback and suggestion. Completely ignoring that certain professions are... ehm "less then desirable" in entire game modes. Only delivered content is content that gets forgotten and ignored after 2 hours of playing (or few weeks if its festival content). People in every game mode have been crying for some time now. They were either ignored, or addressed way, way too late. Armor skins, mount skins and chairs is not what keeps players playing MMORPGs.


None of this is a shock, and NcSoft has nothing to do with this, unless they were the ones who pushed for development of these side projects and actively insisted that resources are syphoned off from GW2.


> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Yep. We'll be fine well into the immediate future. 5-10 years. You're safe to buy things you like and not worry it'll be gone forever soon.


This game is seriously lacking behind its competition (ESO, WOW, FFXIV) which all seem to push out more meaningful content on more steady basis, This is all in a game genre that is decaying and can't really attract new players and new generation of gamers. There is no significant potential pool of new gamers that MMORPGs can attract in 2019. Which is why modern MMORPGs are becoming like migration trains where people get fed up with one game and then migrate to other.


Only way that this game can survive for 5-10 years is if something changes and we players demand that it changes.


I apologize I had to come in and rain on your parade. I'm glad that some people are optimistic even though I am not. If you folks feel that buying stuff is gonna help, by all means go for it and enjoy.

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I just wanted to say to the developers at Arenanet, as a long time customer since 2005, playing the first Guild Wars beta, hang in there. Don’t give up.


Just to quote from Path of Fire, when almost all hope was lost and the world in peril, gripped in a potential Cataclysm. The Commander stood up to the ex God of War, with a near impossible task.


“Balthazar: I am fire! I am war! What are you?

Commander: Still standing.”


Take courage Arenanet, drive through this challenging time, this impossible task, stand up to your metaphorical “God of War”. And when the great deity bellows at you, like a giant to an ant. Muster forth all strength and let him know you’re “Still standing.”

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> Yep. We'll be fine well into the immediate future. 5-10 years. You're safe to buy things you like and not worry it'll be gone forever soon.


I'd feel so much better if they would come out and say this. That's really all I want to hear.


Arenanet is an amazing company, but NCSoft is the killer of MMOs. I'd feel a lot better knowing that at least Arenanet has plans for this game a few years out. We may never be able to predict when NCSoft will just come out of nowhere and swing the ax, but at least knowing Anet thinks we're OK would be good enough for now.

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> @"kasoki.5180" said:

> I apologize I had to come in and rain on your parade. I'm glad that some people are optimistic even though I am not. If you folks feel that buying stuff is gonna help, by all means go for it and enjoy.


If you wanted to have an honest discussion about the issue you could have taken it to any of the countless threads discussing it pragmatically. Instead you chose the one where people are trying to encourage and show support for Anet. Nice job.

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