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Accepting Applications for WvW Key Opinion Leaders (KOL)

Edward H Angle.1407

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In my IRL profession, we use Key Opinion Leaders to express knowledge and influence in their respective field of interest. Often times, these are specialists who have gone through additional years of training to become experts beyond the scope of a general practitioner. Having served as a KOL in my IRL work, and combined with my expertise and raw skill in WvW, I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first KOL.


In addition, I am accepting applications for a few more KOLs in WvW. If you think you quality, please fill out the application below. A selected group of applications will be shortlisted for interviews and successful candidates will be informed after that.


Prerequisites: (if you are on Blackgate or Vabbi or Dragonbrand, you are exempt)

-Minimum rank of Platinum or higher

-Minimum UD progress of 100k

-Must be knowledgable and proficient in at least 2 classes


1. What is your main class in WvW

2. What is your current rank in WvW?

3. Which server do you play on? (Please do not apply if the answer is HoD)

4. Why do you qualify to be a KOL

5. What experience do you have in the hardcore WvW scene?

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So basically, OP assigned themself the title of "Key Opinion Leader", gave them the right to take applications, interview candidates and choose successful candidate for a self-made position in a game community.


Also OP said:

> Having served as a KOL in my IRL work, and combined with my expertise and raw skill in WvW, **I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first KOL**.


> In addition, I am accepting applications for a few more KOLs in WvW.


> Prerequisites: (if you are on Blackgate or Vabbi or Dragonbrand, you are exempt)


> 3. Which server do you play on? (Please do not apply if the answer is HoD)

and having "Key Opinion Leader" under their signature.


If this is not a troll post I don't know what is.


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There's something to be said for getting a bunch of people together with similar interests to brainstorm and speak with one voice. And there's a long historical tradition of groups calling themselves the "majority" even when they are a niche minority.


So the OP can call their group what they like and submit learned treatises to ANet about what they want.


And ANet will treat it with all the respect it deserves, for any well-worded suggestion from any group, one of many valid opinions.

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> @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

> In my IRL profession, we use Key Opinion Leaders to express knowledge and influence in their respective field of interest. Often times, these are specialists who have gone through additional years of training to become experts beyond the scope of a general practitioner. Having served as a KOL in my IRL work, and combined with my expertise and raw skill in WvW, I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first KOL.

'kol' might sound interesting if you key wvw'r to give your opinion to wvw and help IT update and better gamemode.


> In addition, I am accepting applications for a few more KOLs in WvW. If you think you quality, please fill out the application below. A selected group of applications will be shortlisted for interviews and successful candidates will be informed after that.

Who are You for suggesting this?


> -Minimum rank of Platinum or higher

> -Minimum UD progress of 100k

Im a roamer on na servers off primetime for 4 years, i dont get 1/2 rank a fight i won, on a good Day i gain 4 ranks. Im currently 2.6k which is gold. Does this mean i am not experienced of enough?

> -Must be knowledgable and proficient in at least 2 classes

And what about role in the game mode, the last people want is another group of zerglings dictating roamers and havock how to play


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> @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

> In my IRL profession, we use Key Opinion Leaders to express knowledge and influence in their respective field of interest. Often times, these are specialists who have gone through additional years of training to become experts beyond the scope of a general practitioner. Having served as a KOL in my IRL work, and combined with my expertise and raw skill in WvW, I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first KOL.


> In addition, I am accepting applications for a few more KOLs in WvW. If you think you quality, please fill out the application below. A selected group of applications will be shortlisted for interviews and successful candidates will be informed after that.


> Prerequisites: (if you are on Blackgate or Vabbi or Dragonbrand, you are exempt)

> -Minimum rank of Platinum or higher

> -Minimum UD progress of 100k

> -Must be knowledgable and proficient in at least 2 classes


> 1. What is your main class in WvW

> 2. What is your current rank in WvW?

> 3. Which server do you play on? (Please do not apply if the answer is HoD)

> 4. Why do you qualify to be a KOL

> 5. What experience do you have in the hardcore WvW scene?


And the purpose of all this is to...

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I'm now accepting applications to be my tea fetcher. If you're on [insert server name here], you are exempt. You must also be minimum level Argyle. With years of experience drinking loose leaf tea, I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first totally pointless leader of absolutely nothing.


On a serious note, why? What is the point of this? Why should we care?



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ESO has this. It's called Class Representatives. Streamers (like Alcast) and community members who have proven to be knowledgeable have been assigned this role and work closely with the development team on class balance. It's working I think.


But with GW2 I'm skeptical. ANet don't even do Beta testings via PTS. Anything done until now doesn't look like they care about community feedback.

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> @"Edward H Angle.1407" said:

> In my IRL profession, we use Key Opinion Leaders to express knowledge and influence in their respective field of interest. Often times, these are specialists who have gone through additional years of training to become experts beyond the scope of a general practitioner. Having served as a KOL in my IRL work, and combined with my expertise and raw skill in WvW, I am clearly the most obvious candidate as the first KOL.


> In addition, I am accepting applications for a few more KOLs in WvW. If you think you quality, please fill out the application below. A selected group of applications will be shortlisted for interviews and successful candidates will be informed after that.


> Prerequisites: (if you are on Blackgate or Vabbi or Dragonbrand, you are exempt)

> -Minimum rank of Platinum or higher

> -Minimum UD progress of 100k

> -Must be knowledgable and proficient in at least 2 classes


> 1. What is your main class in WvW

> 2. What is your current rank in WvW?

> 3. Which server do you play on? (Please do not apply if the answer is HoD)

> 4. Why do you qualify to be a KOL

> 5. What experience do you have in the hardcore WvW scene?


This was a funny post, but nowhere near as funny as the "Bear Bow" thread from years ago some of us started when asking for it to be nerfed because of how dominating it was. Ah, good times.

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Given my background and name, I'm clearly the most obvious candidate to take your application for the fluffy, solitary white room.


Please fill out the following application:

1.) Why do you think you're the "OBVIOUS" candidate and the most knowledgable person in the game?

2.) Who the heck are you?

3.) Is this Michael Scott?

4.) Do you even know how paper is made???


Seriously though, you can give all the key opinions you want, but don't try to say you're the most knowledgable person in the game and then try to make other people prove they're worthy to be your underlings. Lmao.

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