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Anyone feel the update didn’t say enough?


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i tink anet said enough about recent events.

> the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises


I would be fine if stuff took longer, or if stuff had to be canceled for other more important projects. I just want to know what they are trying, it’s easier to be supportive, when you know their goals a bit.


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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > i tink anet said enough about recent events.

> > the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises


> I would be fine if stuff took longer, or if stuff had to be canceled for other more important projects. I just want to know what they are trying, it’s easier to be supportive, when you know their goals a bit.



we kinda know their goals, they want to keep gw2 going for as many years as possible

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Kam.4092" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > i tink anet said enough about recent events.

> > > the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises

> >

> > I would be fine if stuff took longer, or if stuff had to be canceled for other more important projects. I just want to know what they are trying, it’s easier to be supportive, when you know their goals a bit.

> >


> we kinda know their goals, they want to keep gw2 going for as many years as possible


I guess I’d like to know if more things other than living world would come out. I’d love a guild vs guild like PvP option that was a huge thing about GW1, and the selling point for many. I’d like new weapon types. Living Story maps are in need of Metas that reward a good amount of unique rewards like skins, and a good amount of gold. The last map was great for this, and the map with an armor set. I’d like meta achievements to give more than armor pieces.


Overall this game is great, but needs to spice things up, instead of the same type of releases. There’s a lot of things they could do, and I hope we can see some of what I listed.



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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Kam.4092" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > i tink anet said enough about recent events.

> > > > the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises

> > >

> > > I would be fine if stuff took longer, or if stuff had to be canceled for other more important projects. I just want to know what they are trying, it’s easier to be supportive, when you know their goals a bit.

> > >

> >

> > we kinda know their goals, they want to keep gw2 going for as many years as possible


> I guess I’d like to know if more things other than living world would come out. I’d love a guild vs guild like PvP option that was a huge thing about GW1, and the selling point for many. I’d like new weapon types. Living Story maps are in need of Metas that reward a good amount of unique rewards like skins, and a good amount of gold. The last map was great for this, and the map with an armor set. I’d like meta achievements to give more than armor pieces.


> Overall this game is great, but needs to spice things up, instead of the same type of releases. There’s a lot of things they could do, and I hope we can see some of what I listed.




i'll repeat myself


>the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises


so anet can't tell these things unless they're at a point that it's guaranteed to come out.

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I do believe that it's too early for them to get too specific, but that doesn't mean there is no reason for concern. Whereas I expect communications to be ambiguous and non-committal since that seems to be the norm, the update does little to appease underlying fears with regards to the long term of this game.


I certainly do not claim to know what is exactly going on and how many people would be upset and stop playing for example if they announced there will be no more expansions. However, I've danced that dance with SWTOR already and it's not a good place for me as a player to be in. So I'm not going to dance that dance here again in the hopes that one day we might get such news.


For me it's simple. This game needs regular expansions, no more than 1.5-2 years apart or this game will grow stale. I understand that's not everyone's view but it is mine. The last year if played GW2 consistently for the first time since launch. Before that I never lasted more than 2-3 months before I got bored, however, I am getting bored again and upcoming LS chapters won't change that.


So to me the fact that expansions are specifically NOT mentioned in any shape or form is telling to me. It means that at this moment they cannot commit to say yes there will be more expansions. The only reason why this would be impossible to commit to is because they are not sure at this moment whether or not they will be able to do so. And that by itself is not so strange. I mean losing 35% of your staff (143 people) is a major blow to the studio. But understanding it doesn't change the point that with no expansion on the horizon, I'm close to abandoning this game yet again because I'm bored with it. Not because there is nothing to do but because what there is to do is less and less interesting because I did the things I really wanted to do.


Maybe they will come out with some message in a few weeks telling us something more. Maybe it will be the announcement that they will no longer be able to do expansions but will do beefier LS chapters in the future. That wouldn't help me but that could be one way this game will go. They might at some point say that there will be a new expansion but that they cannot give the exact timing yet but it will be next year for example. Or they might dodge the topic entirely making more and more people wonder whether this game is still interesting to them.


I think that people who say that ArenaNet cannot say anything because of the fear of the broken promise syndrome forget that not saying anything also can cause damage to the player base, especially in a situation like we are now. This situation being a combination of over a third of the studio being laid off while before that already they choose to do another LS season instead of an expansion.


And again, people who say that ArenaNet will know best, shouldn't have to be reminded that they thought that as well with their side projects and we all know now how well that turned out.


So I do not know where things are going. I do know that the current update tells too little for people like me, although I do understand there's not much they can say at this point. I just hope that people realize that not saying anything also has detrimental effects.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*


> and you know this because?


He's probably referring to Josh Foreman's comments on twitch where he said that after PoF was released the game was handed over to the LS teams and the rest of the people were put on these unannounced projects. That seems to indicate that they purposefully chose to delay the next expansion for the sake of these projects.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*


> and you know this because?


Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > >

> > > and you know this because?

> >

> > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?


> you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it


Keep telling yourself that. You're not here to discuss but defend. Which is why you spout out oneliners without any arguments

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> I was hoping for more things like hope for an expansion, or plans to rebuild Raid, and Fractal teams. I know it may be too early for these details, but I hope in the future we have more vocal devs again like Ben. We need a vocal group for Anet, especially now.


The update was a very diplomatic one. Long enough, fine words, no content. We know that Anet **still** loves GW2 (for how long, no info). We know that they had a number of unknown projects. We know that ANet considers the SAB return to be seen by the players as a plus for the Company. They plan more WvW events. And they delayed the launch of the mount (I hope they will cancel the mount - **this** will be a big plus in my opinion). Promises for LS (no info about how often). No word about any expansion. We can guess (no exact info) the cleaning team is not doing its job - they wait for the dust to settle (the dust has been not cleaned !).


As a note - for my people, associating **the dust** with the future has one of the worst imaginable signification. So, I think the metaphor with "the dust settling" is not the best here.


> @"derd.6413" said:

> the issue is that if anet says much more and it inevitably changes ppl will freak out about broken promises


Why to change? Why to not stick to the promisses? It is so hard to know what you can do and what not? It sounds that breaking promisses is the normal thing in this world. In my opinion breaking a promise is a lie. And should be penalized somehow. Yes, if you say nothing you cannot lie. But is this the best thing in this situation?


> @"derd.6413" said:


> we kinda know their goals, they want to keep gw2 going for as many years as possible


This is not something hard understand. What we don't know is how much effort are they willing to put into this.

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> @"derd.6413" said:


> come with a good argument and i'll give a good argument in return


That's not how discussion works lmao. Either you have an argument or you don't.

You ask me how I "know" this "exactly".So, I am giving you the reason why I think it is that way. And you say. That's your opinion. Like that would be a logical argument against any of the things I've listed.



>@"derd.6413" said:

> while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.



Then in the next sentece you have no problem giving your own "opinion", where you "think" and "believe". I've at least told you WHY I "think" and "believe", you however didn't. So how about you check your standards for "good arguments" again. You have given no example or argument how you reached your conclusions whatsoever, yet had the audacity to tell me what a "good argument" is. Ridiculous

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> @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:


> > come with a good argument and i'll give a good argument in return


> That's not how discussion works lmao. Either you have an argument or you don't.


you made the positive claim so you have to proof it, that's exactly how argumentation works


> You ask me how I "know" this "exactly".So, I am giving you the reason why I think it is that way. And you say. That's your opinion. Like that would be a logical argument against any of the things I've listed.


your argument isn't bad because it's an opinion but because it's the same argument everybody uses when they point fingers at a scapegoat whenever something goes wrong.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> >

> > > come with a good argument and i'll give a good argument in return

> >

> > That's not how discussion works lmao. Either you have an argument or you don't.


> you made the positive claim so you have to proof it, that's exactly how argumentation works


> > You ask me how I "know" this "exactly".So, I am giving you the reason why I think it is that way. And you say. That's your opinion. Like that would be a logical argument against any of the things I've listed.


> your argument isn't bad because it's an opinion but because it's the same argument everybody uses when they point fingers at a scapegoat whenever something goes wrong.


What's "positive" here? I can just say that you've made the "positive" claim that LS isn't hurting the game. So proof is on you.

Again, that's not how discussion works. If it would, no one would ever have to discuss anything with anyone. "You tell me!" , "Ohh no, YOU tell me!", "Not until you tell ME!"

I am more and more astonished by you lol


The fact is that the game is outperformed by competitors with arguably worse quality, game mechanics, convenience features, customization options, lore, story, combat, class and world design etc. Why? You're the one person here that makes the astounding claim that this has nothing to do with the content itself of the game?`You are the one that is telling himself and everyone else that the studio has not been focussed on this content that has the very obvious flaws, that I've previously listed?


So how about you telling us exactly what makes you "believe" that the studios focus on 2-4hrs of content that get released every 3-4 months is something that is so good that it trumps the competition in a way that new ppl get attracted to GW2 and veterans don't get bored with it.


NCSOFT doesn't think that this is the way to go. All the other coompetitors ddidn't think that this would be the way to go. And if you look around the forums and reddit, something you yourself implied and basically admittred by saying "it's the same argument everybody uses", where you realize that this is a COMMONLY shared issue with many ppl familiar to GW2, then you should realize that what I am saying is in no way outstanding.


So make this argument for LS, something everyone here would love to hear.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > > > >

> > > > > and you know this because?

> > > >

> > > > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

> > >

> > > you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it

> >

> > I think it's clear that GW2 can't keep up with just doing LS. Expansions boost revenue and increase gem store spending for a while until it tapers down again. Particularly after PoF gem store spending went up quite a bit but it's dropping again (as per the financial report of Ncsoft). So delaying the expansion is already a bad move and if they aren't able to do expansions anymore because of the layoffs it will also be bad for revenue. Of course the game will still last for a while since the cost of ArenaNet has been brought down by about a third.


> while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.

I also don't agree with the hysterics and knee-jerk reactions that the game is going to die now or whatever. I believe that even if the game would go into maintenance mode today there is enough of a core fanbase to keep the game going for at least a few years and it's not going into maintenance mode as they are still bringing out content.


I do not know if they've outright cancelled expansions but they did decided to at least delay it and now they lost over a third of their staff. So again I do not know, but I do wonder if that leaves them with enough staff to keep up the LS chapters AND make a new expansion in the meantime. There is enough information to ask that question, but not enough to answer it.

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It was enough for now..


Keep in mind that it's kind of a mess over there right now and Anet is still figuring out where everyone is going to go and what they're going to be working on and who's best suited for which tasks etc.

It's going to take a while before everyone is settled in to what they'll be doing going forward.


Hopefully when that's all sorted out Anet will come out and give us some clarity on the future of Gw2.. stuff like expansions are still going to come along when the time is right etc

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> I would love to know what the "unannounced projects" are. Was it a totally different game, a mobile game (maybe related to GW), gw2 exp or gw3?


Definetly wasnt an expansion. Why would they cancel an expansion since now they will put full focus on gw2 ? If anything, they would go even harder on that expansion now.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and you know this because?

> > > > >

> > > > > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

> > > >

> > > > you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it

> > >

> > > I think it's clear that GW2 can't keep up with just doing LS. Expansions boost revenue and increase gem store spending for a while until it tapers down again. Particularly after PoF gem store spending went up quite a bit but it's dropping again (as per the financial report of Ncsoft). So delaying the expansion is already a bad move and if they aren't able to do expansions anymore because of the layoffs it will also be bad for revenue. Of course the game will still last for a while since the cost of ArenaNet has been brought down by about a third.

> >

> > while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.

> I also don't agree with the hysterics and knee-jerk reactions that the game is going to die now or whatever. I believe that even if the game would go into maintenance mode today there is enough of a core fanbase to keep the game going for at least a few years and it's not going into maintenance mode as they are still bringing out content.


> I do not know if they've outright cancelled expansions but they did decided to at least delay it and now they lost over a third of their staff. So again I do not know, but I do wonder if that leaves them with enough staff to keep up the LS chapters AND make a new expansion in the meantime. There is enough information to ask that question, but not enough to answer it.


they've still got around 250 ppl working at anet (and we now know all of them work on gw2) which is still alot of ppl (iirc there were 126 back at the game's launch) so i doubt there's any trouble on that end.


all in all i think it's kinda pointless to worry about it until we get more news about xpacs (which i doubt we'll get until near the end of season 5)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > and you know this because?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

> > > > >

> > > > > you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it

> > > >

> > > > I think it's clear that GW2 can't keep up with just doing LS. Expansions boost revenue and increase gem store spending for a while until it tapers down again. Particularly after PoF gem store spending went up quite a bit but it's dropping again (as per the financial report of Ncsoft). So delaying the expansion is already a bad move and if they aren't able to do expansions anymore because of the layoffs it will also be bad for revenue. Of course the game will still last for a while since the cost of ArenaNet has been brought down by about a third.

> > >

> > > while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.

> > I also don't agree with the hysterics and knee-jerk reactions that the game is going to die now or whatever. I believe that even if the game would go into maintenance mode today there is enough of a core fanbase to keep the game going for at least a few years and it's not going into maintenance mode as they are still bringing out content.

> >

> > I do not know if they've outright cancelled expansions but they did decided to at least delay it and now they lost over a third of their staff. So again I do not know, but I do wonder if that leaves them with enough staff to keep up the LS chapters AND make a new expansion in the meantime. There is enough information to ask that question, but not enough to answer it.


> they've still got around 250 ppl working at anet (and we now know all of them work on gw2) which is still alot of ppl (iirc there were 126 back at the game's launch) so i doubt there's any trouble on that end.

That doesn't tell us anything really. First of all the game launch was preceded by nothing for years. So in 2007/8 development stopped for Guild Wars and they did nothing else but build GW2 from then on. So the 5 years they had there they didn't need to work on LS chapters. In short comparing it to the launch team makes no sense.


> all in all i think it's kinda pointless to worry about it until we get more news about xpacs (which i doubt we'll get until near the end of season 5)

That may be good enough for you but not for me. I worry about it now because I feel my interest in the current game starting to fade because I'm running out of things I like to do. If as you say we have to wait till the end of season 5 to find out about expansions I'll be long gone. I'd like to prevent that but I'm not the type to hang around for a year and hope that I finally get that good news.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > and you know this because?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it

> > > > >

> > > > > I think it's clear that GW2 can't keep up with just doing LS. Expansions boost revenue and increase gem store spending for a while until it tapers down again. Particularly after PoF gem store spending went up quite a bit but it's dropping again (as per the financial report of Ncsoft). So delaying the expansion is already a bad move and if they aren't able to do expansions anymore because of the layoffs it will also be bad for revenue. Of course the game will still last for a while since the cost of ArenaNet has been brought down by about a third.

> > > >

> > > > while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.

> > > I also don't agree with the hysterics and knee-jerk reactions that the game is going to die now or whatever. I believe that even if the game would go into maintenance mode today there is enough of a core fanbase to keep the game going for at least a few years and it's not going into maintenance mode as they are still bringing out content.

> > >

> > > I do not know if they've outright cancelled expansions but they did decided to at least delay it and now they lost over a third of their staff. So again I do not know, but I do wonder if that leaves them with enough staff to keep up the LS chapters AND make a new expansion in the meantime. There is enough information to ask that question, but not enough to answer it.

> >

> > they've still got around 250 ppl working at anet (and we now know all of them work on gw2) which is still alot of ppl (iirc there were 126 back at the game's launch) so i doubt there's any trouble on that end.

> That doesn't tell us anything really. First of all the game launch was preceded by nothing for years. So in 2007/8 development stopped for Guild Wars and they did nothing else but build GW2 from then on. So the 5 years they had there they didn't need to work on LS chapters. In short comparing it to the launch team makes no sense.


trust me when i say that if they can launch an mmo with less then 150 devs then they can maintain an mmo with more then 250.


> > all in all i think it's kinda pointless to worry about it until we get more news about xpacs (which i doubt we'll get until near the end of season 5)

> That may be good enough for you but not for me. I worry about it now because I feel my interest in the current game starting to fade because I'm running out of things I like to do. If as you say we have to wait till the end of season 5 to find out about expansions I'll be long gone. I'd like to prevent that but I'm not the type to hang around for a year and hope that I finally get that good news.



i don't know what it is you like to do but you're not gonna convince me that xpacs are the only time anet adds to that list. and even then if you don't want to stick around, then don't, maybe lurk the forums and reddit occasionally for updates but don't force yourself into doing things you don't like, you're only gonna sour your experience with the game

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Adenin.5973" said:

> > > > > > > > > > The only thing I am interested in is a new expac announcement and *them admitting that the LS is a major part of the problem in their strategy for how to move forward with the game*

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > and you know this because?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Do you say that focussing on one time only throw away content that takes months of dev time to deliver sparsely spread out 2-4hrs of content every 3-4 months is something that is benefitial to the playerbase of an MMORPG?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > you know LS is the reason gw2 is failing because you don't like LS. got it

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I think it's clear that GW2 can't keep up with just doing LS. Expansions boost revenue and increase gem store spending for a while until it tapers down again. Particularly after PoF gem store spending went up quite a bit but it's dropping again (as per the financial report of Ncsoft). So delaying the expansion is already a bad move and if they aren't able to do expansions anymore because of the layoffs it will also be bad for revenue. Of course the game will still last for a while since the cost of ArenaNet has been brought down by about a third.

> > > > >

> > > > > while i agree that LS isn't the big money maker but i also wouldn't call it the reason gw2 is "failing" and "going to die soon" or whatever the hysteria mob is saying RN. there's also no reason to believe anet has outright cancelled xpacs.

> > > > I also don't agree with the hysterics and knee-jerk reactions that the game is going to die now or whatever. I believe that even if the game would go into maintenance mode today there is enough of a core fanbase to keep the game going for at least a few years and it's not going into maintenance mode as they are still bringing out content.

> > > >

> > > > I do not know if they've outright cancelled expansions but they did decided to at least delay it and now they lost over a third of their staff. So again I do not know, but I do wonder if that leaves them with enough staff to keep up the LS chapters AND make a new expansion in the meantime. There is enough information to ask that question, but not enough to answer it.

> > >

> > > they've still got around 250 ppl working at anet (and we now know all of them work on gw2) which is still alot of ppl (iirc there were 126 back at the game's launch) so i doubt there's any trouble on that end.

> > That doesn't tell us anything really. First of all the game launch was preceded by nothing for years. So in 2007/8 development stopped for Guild Wars and they did nothing else but build GW2 from then on. So the 5 years they had there they didn't need to work on LS chapters. In short comparing it to the launch team makes no sense.


> trust me when i say that if they can launch an mmo with less then 150 devs then they can maintain an mmo with more then 250.

You've got to be kidding. Why on earth would I trust you on your word? If anything I would be wiser to distrust you since you ignore my arguments so you can maintain your narrative. That's not a good sign for me.

> > > all in all i think it's kinda pointless to worry about it until we get more news about xpacs (which i doubt we'll get until near the end of season 5)

> > That may be good enough for you but not for me. I worry about it now because I feel my interest in the current game starting to fade because I'm running out of things I like to do. If as you say we have to wait till the end of season 5 to find out about expansions I'll be long gone. I'd like to prevent that but I'm not the type to hang around for a year and hope that I finally get that good news.

> >


> i don't know what it is you like to do but you're not gonna convince me that xpacs are the only time anet adds to that list. and even then if you don't want to stick around, then don't, maybe lurk the forums and reddit occasionally for updates but don't force yourself into doing things you don't like, you're only gonna sour your experience with the game

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. My experience of the game is already souring if you want to call it that and because of that I would do better to quit playing soon or it will sour me against the game even more. It's ironic that you first correctly say that you do not know what it's like to be me and then to tell me how it will affect me. That's rather a contradiction. Again, a reason not to trust your judgments.


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