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BUG HALTING PROGRESS: Quest: "Roots of Terror"

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Ok, so this is the second time in a row this has happened to me on the same character...


I Enter "Roots of Terror" instance. I take a path, kill the chak, talk to the magister, but then when it comes to "Talk to Braham" he just starts following me around like a party follower and after a moment then just stands there and won't interact with me at all. I cannot complete this quest.


Edit: I have reported this via the in game bug report also.


Edit, Edit: After 10 minutes of doing nothing. Not interacting, not talking, just, nothing. he finally started to comment on the chak filled pit and progressed the story. But to have to wait 10 minutes for an npc to prob their dialogue is still ridiculous.

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You don't have to wait 10 minutes, you have to walk near the chaks with him. I never had a bug in this instance. After talking to the Magister, you HAVE TO walk very near to the chak pit and he starts talking. This is not a bug, this is just not beeing clear in the quest log. Also, "ALL CAPS" won't help you to get more attention!

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There are some wonky triggers in the cave and it's unfortunately possible to accidentally miss them. There's a few spots that the NPCs seem to have to cross just so, or their dialogue doesn't initiate. In this case, it sounds as if Braham missed a check point inside the tunnels _before_ the chak pit, and that's why his dialogue isn't triggering. It might be possible to return to the start and slowly walk Braham back through.


These issues have been there since HoT launched pretty much, so they aren't "halting progress" so much as just making it horribly annoying to move forward. After encountering the bug a couple of times (relatively few, considering how often I repeated that section), I found it easier just to restart if Braham wasn't cooperating... and avoid trying to speed through the instance too quickly (as is my usual habit).


I'm 99.99% sure that will work for you, even thought it's frustrating to restart.


If your goal is to make sure ANet fixes it, then please be sure to use the in-game /bug reporting tool when you first notice the issue, because that gives the QA team additional diagnostic info they need. Try to be as specific as possible in describing what you did prior to noticing the issue... and what you've done to try to work around it.


And finally, consider not snapping at other players who are just trying to help.


_edit: minor corrections to clarify_


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> @"Automaton.2751" said:

> > @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> > You don't have to wait 10 minutes, you have to walk near the chaks with him. I never had a bug in this instance. After talking to the Magister, you HAVE TO walk very near to the chak pit and he starts talking. This is not a bug, this is just not beeing clear in the quest log. Also, "ALL CAPS" won't help you to get more attention!


> Yea, thanks, cause I didn't try that already...


> Oh and my use of caps or otherwise has nothing to do with you, nor will your sage wisdom affect my usage of it in the future. Though, if I were feeling even slightly more annoying than I currently am then it would have literally had the opposite effect, as I'm sure it would have had with many other people anyway.


Well, then go on and figure your issues out by your own. With that attitude I am not going to help you any further in the future. Have fun playing the game, I don't care about your issues!

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There are some wonky triggers in the cave and it's unfortunately possible to accidentally miss them. There's a few spots that the NPCs seem to have to cross just so, or their dialogue doesn't initiate. In this case, it sounds as if Braham missed a check point inside the tunnels _before_ the chak pit, and that's why his dialogue isn't triggering. It might be possible to return to the start and slowly walk Braham back through.


> These issues have been there since HoT launched pretty much, so they aren't "halting progress" so much as just making it horribly annoying to move forward. After encountering the bug a couple of times (relatively few, considering how often I repeated that section), I found it easier just to restart if Braham wasn't cooperating... and avoid trying to speed through the instance too quickly (as is my usual habit).


> I'm 99.99% sure that will work for you, even thought it's frustrating to restart.


> If your goal is to make sure ANet fixes it, then please be sure to use the in-game /bug reporting tool when you first notice the issue, because that gives the QA team additional diagnostic info they need. Try to be as specific as possible in describing what you did prior to noticing the issue... and what you've done to try to work around it.


> And finally, consider not snapping at other players who are just trying to help.


> _edit: minor corrections to clarify_



Thanks mate, you actually had some helpful advice, haven't been back to that quest again since, but will certainly try that out if needs be next time, 3 more toons to run through with. Gotta admit, when I had problems with Braham I did literally just leg it through the dark tunnel, killing a few mobs and out the other side, so that just might have been it.


And yea, I reported it via the in game bug report too, so it should have gone to the devs to look into at least, even if it doesn't get/can't be fixed.


> @"Wubbbi.8172" said:

> Well, then go on and figure your issues out by your own. With that attitude I am not going to help you any further in the future. Have fun playing the game, I don't care about your issues!


To be fair dude, you weren't helpful in the first place, you just assumed I hadn't done something exceedingly simple and advised me to do that instead of getting more information on the problem. So next time you want to help someone, presumably not me going on what you said, instead of assuming the simplest answer is the *one* thing the person requiring help hasn't already done, ask first. Or just give a more highly detailed explanation of potential problems, like the other guy here did. That way you can increase your usefulness to other people in the future. :)

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Yea, I get your point, but my point is that instead of assuming someone hasn't tried the absolute simplest solution to a problem and explaining it to them, it's probably best to think of the second solution, or at least ask first. I mean, let's change the topic for a moment, if I was trying to get help to start my car, and explained what was happening, would you assume I hadn't put the key in the ignition? Or even that it was out of fuel? No you'd start by asking what I had tried and only after exhausting other possibilities would you go to something that simple. I'm not trying to say I'm a rocket scienting or particle physicist, but I'm hardly a stupid man either, and it really, *REALLY* bugs me (Read as "effs me off") when someone assumes I need the simple solution explaining to me.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Bumping because this is *still* bugged.


Unable to finish Roots of Terror because I can't interact with Braham after defeating the chak at the end, at the "Talk to Braham" step.


The wiki suggests that if you die during the fight, it may bug. I didn't die, and it still bugged. I let Braham finish talking, and it still bugged.


I ran this story a few months ago with a friend, and it also halted at the same spot. Had to restart it.


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