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Urrgh, annoying type of nerfs to mirage


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I like how they barely mentioned mirage but thoroughly nerfed it, mechanically in multiple ways gets shafted, 2/3 of axe abilties nerfed a good bit, illusionary ambush made almost double cooldown. - the infamous dodge nerfed also(i can maybd understand that).


They really targeted axe damage in a big way for pvp, and made it harder to confuse enemies with illusions(illusionary ambush). So yea they really wanted to both outright nerf damage a good chunk, mechanically make it harder to play mirage but also make it less good at confusing pvp enemies when fighting them, pairing with reducing penalty for playing like a nub against it(spamming during confusion peaks). Stacking on strong nerfs in all those aspects ouch it's a big nerf. Seems like they wanted mirage less good vs nubs, but also took away a chunk of ability to compete vs good players. Nerfed reward for skill plays(ineptitude also).


Scepter time i guess, until that gets nerfed down too.


The only good thing is, maybe we can finally have a bit of peace from the QQ babies begging for nerfs because they can't be arsed considering enemies skills when fighting. Nubs win again, devs giving in. All in all, i can live with most the changes, but i am just a bit sad axe skills lost some targeting. Felt good.

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imo these nerfes were to harsh (i hate mirage), since changing skills so it cant focus enemies on ur back was a good enough. but tbh axe is overpowered - specially axe 3 that didnt get proper treatment. but as ur mentioning scepter needs nerfs imo. hybrid weapon that can 1 shot in zerker, is not an example of a balance

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Apart from the dodge nerf mirage didn't need touching especially the axe nerfs, it just goes to show that the people who are thick as kitten and don't know how to fight a mesmer shout the loudest and get what they want.


There are so many things at the moment that make me want to uninstall this game and look for something else.

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> @"Colly.4073" said:

> Apart from the dodge nerf mirage didn't need touching especially the axe nerfs, it just goes to show that the people who are thick as kitten and don't know how to fight a mesmer shout the loudest and get what they want.


The Mirage condi builds were faceroll easy to play, nearly unkillable at range, attacked from every direction, solid bunkers (ridiculous amounts of reflect, invuln, high vit/toughness) with exceptional damage output on anything that didn't have a zillion clears (as in 15+ stacks of torment/confusion in a couple seconds). I don't know how the torment, confusion, dodge and ambush nerfs are going to play out but the Mirage condi builds were clearly OP. The power variants are going to feel they are tuned down too much IMO but no class should rely on the honor system to keep players from exploiting OP condi builds.


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> @"Colly.4073" said:

> Apart from the dodge nerf mirage didn't need touching especially the axe nerfs, it just goes to show that the people who are thick as kitten and don't know how to fight a mesmer shout the loudest and get what they want.


> There are so many things at the moment that make me want to uninstall this game and look for something else.


Quite the contrary. The axe nerfs were generally appropriate and a good way to reduce the power level of the build. The dodge nerfs, on the other hand, have wide-reaching ramifications that impact many other builds and were the real stinker of these notes.

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What Pyro said. MC should never been touched. If you look at pof beta profession pools you will see that mirage was at the bottom in terms of popularity, now it was not only MC that was bad at the time, there was a lot more bad stuff but still a source of clunkiness was MC.

You cannot change a mechanic after several years of release and expect it works, people have develop muscular memory and timings that are now deeply ingrained. Imagine if they change steal to have a cast time or up the cds on ele attunement change, it would break all the flow and feel like kitten. Same thing will happen here.

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As a Mirage roamer in WvW (DPS Axe/Torch + GS)...The nerf to my Axe DPS....not needed (condi nerf was what was needed)....however the change to illusionary ambush was def overkill. I can see them increasing CD by like 5s...MAYBE 10s at most (with giving it some sort of positive change like boon or condi cleanse or something), however almost doubling its CD was overkill.


Axe DPS isnt much of a thing compared to Axe Condi...they altered the wrong aspect. Condi will still overperform. This is what happens when devs listen to the QQ'ers instead of the mirage community who actually has been telling them what about us actually needs to be nerfed.


Its my scrapper all over again...non meta build nerfed to unplayability. Too much fashion wars invested in my mirage to change tho lol.

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Shortening mirage cloak was inevitable as axe was not the only thing broken on mirage. Staff/scepter/torch mirages were overpowered too. And in general mirage had way too much mobility for every possible build. Every single aspect of these mirage nerfs is reasonable.


Nerfing axe wouldn't have been enough. Nerfing mirage clock wouldn't have been enough. And the 20s cooldown of illusionary ambush was a punch in the face of others players. In the context of possible combos that utility skill was more powerful than a thief steal which is even a class mechanic.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

Why you even come here to spit nonsense such :

> And the 20s cooldown of illusionary ambush was a punch in the face of others players. In the context of possible combos that utility skill was more powerful than a thief steal which is even a class mechanic.


Random teleport that can bug out is better than STEAL ? Can you be even more clueless than that?

>And in general mirage had way too much mobility for every possible build

Without sword and any access to swiftness too much mobility...rofl


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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> As a Mirage roamer in WvW (DPS Axe/Torch + GS)...The nerf to my Axe DPS....not needed (condi nerf was what was needed)....however the change to illusionary ambush was def overkill. I can see them increasing CD by like 5s...MAYBE 10s at most (with giving it some sort of positive change like boon or condi cleanse or something), however almost doubling its CD was overkill.


I agree with this 100%.


I also roam WvW with Sword/Torch Axe/Pistol and it's become my favourite roaming build of any of my classes. It is NOT condi build but a Hybrid build using Grieving stats and the nerf to axe that is incoming will render this build utterly useless, Nerf the condition output of mirages by all means but don't ruin a weapon mechanic and damage to achieve this.



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