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[Suggestion] Tonic box, toy box and tool box


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I suggest, as the title says, the implementation of a tonic box, toy box and tool box that are account wide and globally accessible.

This would improve the value and usability of tonics and toys and it would make it easier to access tools when swapping characters.


**Toys and tonics**

Right now I feel like buying a toy or tonic doesn't give anything that helps you get through the game's content, it's only for entertainment.

When it takes up inventory slots and is a hassle to bank and unbank to use it on different characters and especially so if it's a toy that costs gems, that's sort of like punishing the player for having items that "don't really do anything" and thus discouraging it.



I know, there should be a balance between having to use inventory space, so that you should be restricted, and quality of life.

But I feel that especially with tonics and toys, this should not be a thing.

The Tool box can be up for discussion, since tools have actual utility use, but it'd be nice if they were included as well, because they're cluttering and it's a hassle.


**Account inventory slots**

Account inventory slots is a defense for not implementing the tool box, but I don't think they're a defense for the toy or tonic box for the reasons stated above.



**Definitions and implementation suggestion:**

**Tonic box:**

The tonic box is a storage for tonics, working similar to the finisher storage, but you trigger the tonics directly out of the storage.

Make endless tonics actually endless, you can always un-trigger them with the un-transform skill anyways, so a duration is not needed.

Tonics with charges could also have a function to recast them when they end, but that's not as important.


**Toy box**

Could be implemented similar to the Tonic box.

"Toys" are toyboxes, birthday shooters, carpets, kites, etc.

Alternatively there could be secondary, infinite, account wide inventory limited to only storing toys and allowing the player to use them out of that inventory.

Alternatively again, if it's important that toys have to be carried non-account-wide-ly for the sake of the economy, there could be a bank tab with an infinite inventory for toys only.


**Tool box**

Could be implemented similar to the Tonic box.

"Tools" are items you use to "unlock" or "reveal" things, be it silverwaste shovels or zinn devices.

It's mostly a hassle to have to bank and unbank them if you want to swap character, and they take up a lot of inventory space.

But for tools, as stated, it's understandable since it has utility use and is part of "the actual game" so to say.

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I will always support someone bringing up the topic of a tonic box or cabinet or whatever you want to call it. I don't buy tonics anymore, even ones I think are really cool, because the ones I do have don't get enough use due to the inconvenience of them. They just sit in my bank doing nothing for the most part. Toys I will support as well because those are also sadly neglected.


Tool box sounds more like what is mostly referred to as a keychain when people bring it up. It's also a highly asked for QoL change and I support that idea as well. As you say, it does have a game play function (rather than pure cosmetic), but if they hadn't spammed our inventory with them, I doubt people would be complaining as much. So yeah - kind of a problem of their own making.

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Why not putting everything into a single "Toys & Tools" box?


It could be another tab in the bank. Whenever you get any kind of tool, gizmo, toy or everlasting tonic bound to a character or the account, it would get unlocked there, and you'd be able to go the the bank and take out copies of it.


It could even extend to lore books.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> Why not putting everything into a single "Toys & Tools" box?


> It could be another tab in the bank. Whenever you get any kind of tool, gizmo, toy or everlasting tonic bound to a character or the account, it would get unlocked there, and you'd be able to go the the bank and take out copies of it.


> It could even extend to lore books.


I feel that they're a separate type of item and that they're used in separate ways and thus deserve separate functionality.

But I wouldn't mind a single inventory for all of them, that would also be good enough.


As for the books, I definitely want a similar book case, but there was already a thread about it and I didn't want to encroach on it.


For the toys, I can agree with having it in the bank since you normally buy them from the gem store and it could impact the number of sales negatively, but that's still a bit of too much hassle for something that's "just for entertainment". I still think it would, all in all, impact the sales positively even with them being account wide and globally available because I have a hard time imagining people buying multiple toys to keep on different characters except in rare cases. Though I'm not the one with numbers, ANet are.

For the tonics, I absolutely think they should be globally available. But honestly, a bank tab just for getting them out of the way so that I can still keep them would be better than nothing. But it wouldn't make them useful.

The point with making the inventory for them globally available and account wide is that it makes the items more "useful".

Since they're only for entertainment, they are "useless clutter" in the inventory when you're farming or waiting for raids or whatever you do.

But then you want to play around while waiting... But your stuff is at the bank... And that's too far away, so you just go to youtube while waiting instead.

So the boxes would potentially increase the social interactions ingame if they could be accessed anywhere.

And it would likely increase sales of toys.

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The main reason to have them in the bank instead the hero panel is because where they are used the most often there's always banks nearby: Cities and other outposts where players concentrate.


Then if there's any you use more often, you can always get an account-wide slot to put them there.


This way the hero panel is not filled with unnecessary extra tabs not everyone will use that much.

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> @Mikuchan.7261 said:

> **Definitions and implementation suggestion:**

> **Tonic box:**

> The tonic box is a storage for tonics, working similar to the finisher storage, but you trigger the tonics directly out of the storage.

> Make endless tonics actually endless, you can always un-trigger them with the un-transform skill anyways, so a duration is not needed.

> Tonics with charges could also have a function to recast them when they end, but that's not as important.


Also please let us pick the morph from multi-tonics, either directly from the tonic box or via hotbar.

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With regards to tools specifically:


Why not have the different tools be wardrobe unlockable? Change the system so buying a tool gives you the basic unlimited tool and a wardrobe unlock for the specific skin/animation. For the tools that have special bonuses I'm sure they can tie them to the wardrobe skins somehow.


It's always seemed odd to me that gathering tools are the only thing in the equipment panel that don't use the wardrobe system.


For tonics and toys though, yes, we need a way to store them separately from normal inventory management as there are simply too many of them now.

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I really would welcome the idea of a collection like tab which would hold things like Tonics, Toys, Musical Instruments, etc... The problem is it would free up inventory and that might be a big no no for anet who seem to be hell bent on making us buy more inventory slots to hold stuff like multi keys to open loot and soon to be identifying items.

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> @Athuanar.8576 said:

> With regards to tools specifically:


> Why not have the different tools be wardrobe unlockable? Change the system so buying a tool gives you the basic unlimited tool and a wardrobe unlock for the specific skin/animation. For the tools that have special bonuses I'm sure they can tie them to the wardrobe skins somehow.


> It's always seemed odd to me that gathering tools are the only thing in the equipment panel that don't use the wardrobe system.


> For tonics and toys though, yes, we need a way to store them separately from normal inventory management as there are simply too many of them now.


That would be indeed the ideal case. It would encourage players to get more skins. Instead selling them as tools that cost 1000 gems, they could split them between everlasting tools that cost 600, then skins that cost 400. Or 1500 for tools and 1000 for skins when sold in a pack to save gems.


Way more people would buy them then.


I think I compiled ideas about it before. Let me see... Here are the two I like the most that I compiled in Reddit:


* [Centered around the 'bonus effect' as enrichments you apply to tools.](


* [Centered about an overall overhaul of gathering.](



Overall, what I think would work the best would be splitting gathering tools in 3 parts:


* The skin and visuals, that you'd select in 3 slots in the wardrobe and would overwrite the visuals of whatever is equipped in the equipment panel.

* The actual tools that you equip either per character or account-wide.

* The bonus effect.


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