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"Guild Wars 2 will not get a third expansion, at least not any time soon" - Mike Z

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Guild Wars 2 right now, for the most part is becoming stale. Things are either too easy for skilled players or too hard for casuals- there is no in between. I think Anet needs to focus on finding a balance, WvW needs focused GvG & more emphasis on PPK. PvP rank rating is incredibly unbalanced-You can get bronze players against diamond or higher players in ranked games. What the actual fuck? Certain classes are incredibly underwhelming in PvP and there is a holy trinity in WvW & PvP. Raids feel all but abandoned - 2 prominent raids guilds have gotten ready to close up shop due to the lack of interest. All of the raid discords I follow are ghost servers. The PvE content is a breeze to go through and once you're done, there isn't much else, unless you wanted to repeat fractals over and over until there isn't much more to do so you AFK in cities. I'd say a new expac would only make people forget these issues for a week at best.

IMO, Anet needs to refocus where they want their games direction to go. For me, GW2 has alot of potential- I just really don't see it being an ultimate game changer in the MMO market or ever reaching the potential is has.

Sometimes I see advertisements about GW2 and do you know all they say? "The mounts are cool! -random player.1234" "These mounts are game changing! -Another random player.1234" And that's it. Nothing to draw you in. I'd think to myself if I didn't ever play GW2 that "Oh, must be one of those cash shop games."

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> > Expansion is just contents in bulk (imo). As long as the game continue to release new contents (like living story etc) it will be fine. On the bright side, good to know the story with Kralk won't be rushed to an end (Mordre*cough*). But if possible, a little request; would like to see new npc/monsters models added together with every new maps added.

> >

> > Best motivation and reason(at least for me) to explore and venture. Eg. The feeling of wanting to move forward while leveling and playing expansions (HoT & PoF) is to see new enviroment & new monsters. Eg. HoT maps is fun. Same for PoF , encountering Hydras for the first time etc, but it gets boring when same models is reused frequently or altered slightly(branded/ awakened) :frown:. LS4 is good, maps such as Jahai etc. is beautiful but would feel better with new monster models. (Love the rifts linking to different enviroments idea, was actually hoping one would linked me to a new world with monsters not seen before, teaser or some sort). Hope LS5 will offer new npc models.


> mmos without expansions are the ones on life support, very few people will pay to play the same content over and over

> the number of posts/views in this thread should give you (and them ) a clue, to how important they are

> just look at the decline pre HoT...LS is NOT enough


You don't need expacs to add content rs doesn't have expacs they just add content reguraly

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What is getting stale is the constant moans and complains, people all too excited to light their torches and sharpened their pitchforks. Demanding things their way.

Maybe we would know more if it wasn't for all the negatively, I barely see much praise.

Time will tell.


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> @"yann.1946" said:

> You don't need expacs to add content

True, you don't. They are just best at adding some major features, and at generating hype. You never get as much hype and advertisement value out of your regular smaller scale content releases - they are simply too low key for that. Also there are features that can't be easily partitioned into smaller updates, and practically require a bigger content update to introduce. They also require a lot more effort and costs to produce - something you'd like to at least partially pay off by bundling it into a paid update (whether it is called an expac or dlc).


If Anet is indeed abandoning expac model (and so far it seems they indeed do exactly that), it means they will be releasing less features than before. Overall content releases may stay the same. but it will be mostly story and maps. There will be less changes/enhancements to the core game systems however.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > You don't need expacs to add content

> True, you don't. They are just best at adding some major features, and at generating hype. You never get as much hype and advertisement value out of your regular smaller scale content releases - they are simply too low key for that. Also there are features that can't be easily partitioned into smaller updates, and practically require a bigger content update to introduce. They also require a lot more effort and costs to produce - something you'd like to at least partially pay off by bundling it into a paid update (whether it is called an expac or dlc).


> If Anet is indeed abandoning expac model (and so far it seems they indeed do exactly that), it means they will be releasing less features than before. Overall content releases may stay the same. but it will be mostly story and maps. There will be less changes/enhancements to the core game systems however.




We'll that entirely depends on how they go about it. But I agree that xpacs are the easiest way to generate hype both inside and outside the community :)

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Time and again I've said this and I will say it again. "If you are not already invested in this game, there is nothing that will bring you in." New players don't care about anything other than something with rule of cool factor to get them into it. The games current incarnation is not something new players will be drawn too as much as we would like to assume, there is alot of content and they will feel behind and overwhelmed.


The races if you didn't know them from guild wars 1 would leave you either making a human or a sylvari, the norn don't embody what they are at all and the charr are like the soy-boy version of what they once were. The story in base is horrible compared to the current living world which people wouldn't see until they get to that point and spend the money to get the episodes (Idk if they would be invested enough?)


Core tyria needs a rework to be up to snuff with current world zones made in the living world; We need more cosmetic options and more customization for all the races and we need more toward class fantasy (None of them really fill the role, niche or feel they should) Necromancers need to be darker, all they are now are casters with black and green energy but thats it they don't feel terribly different from the other classes.


* Each class needs to feel unique and fit a theme, to help players understand the differences as it stands now they seem almost the same to most eyes.

* Races need love, need more customization and nuisances

* Core tyria needs love

* Need to find a better way to advertise the game, the commercials we have really don't showcase anything cool to wet the pallet of new players interest.

* Gain player good will by giving long requested things, which will spread word of mouth at how good A-net is at listening.

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