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What are your Top 5 Story Chapters and why?

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In hopes of people posting their favorites, so that ANet might read this thread and get a good impression of what story contents people love the most. <3


Here's my Top 5 list:


1. **Personal Story: pre-Claw Island** (some of the available paths)

2. **Path of Fire: The Departing** (Domain of the Lost)

3. **Path of Fire: Facing the Truth** (Kormir's Library)

4. **LWS4 Long Live the Lich: Be My Guest** (Joko's dungeon)

5. **LWS4 A Bug in the System: The Road to Rata Primus** (Inquest location with all its puzzles)


1: I loved the simpler tasks during the Personal Story, like saving the children in Kryta from a crazy toymaker's mind spell or feeling like a real noble during the reception and trial, retrieving an ancient Norn relic warhorn, facing my charr father who's a supposed criminal and helping him to escape execution, and so on. Tasks don't always have to be super heroic to make for a good adventure. Also, having the choice of how you want to proceed made me feel like my character was unique and special - a feeling never to be had again later on in the game.


2: I was in total awe the first time I entered this story instance, the Domain of the Lost. Wow! What a cool idea and what an exciting turn of events that was! Reliving the past, retrieving my identity. I had goosebumps throughout the entire experience.


3: The Gods were such an important part of GW1. You felt them every step of the way, a feeling that I dearly miss in GW2. This story chapter let me experience that feeling for one last time. And what a beautiful location it was, too. The additional achievements let you explore the library in total, and it was worth the time.


4: I was missing one of the most beloved aspects of any fantasy role-playing game: dungeon crawls. This story instance allowed me to have that feeling for a short while in GW2 (for the first time since the Ascalonian Catacombs), and I enjoyed every second of it, the traps in particular. The mechanics of the final battle against Joko were fun, too, but the absolute highlight, without a doubt, was the final cutscene of Joko's monologue and his demise. What an enjoyable villain and storyline, away from the elder dragons rut.


5: The beautiful, cozy Olmakhan village and its population is a location I love to return to. I enjoyed doing all the tasks there, including the achievements that sent me across other regions of Tyria. But this story chapter in particular was the most fun, even though it included asuran tech, which I am usually not a big fan of. It was great fun to do those puzzles and sabotage the Inquest. It is always extremely enjoyable to deal with villains that are not elder dragons, and this chapter definitely delivered in that department.


P.S. Honorable mention: Discovering all those "out of nowhere" spots in LWS4's A Star to Guide Us: Chaos Theory. Oh my! Visiting all those peculiar locations ("through space and time") in the middle of the desert was amazing, I was having so much fun with that! The mushroom cave cracked me up big time. The map per se was quite enjoyable (I wish we could have explored the beautiful palace outside of the race and story instance), and other story chapters here were also well executed for most part (e.g., I had tons of fun doing the Sniper achievements).

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1. **PS, 1-35.** Because very centered on your race and the associated lore.


2. **Road to rata Novus in HoT act 2.**Simply because it's the only mission where you see and underground asuran city, sniff.


3. **PS, defend LA against Risens.**Because it's old LA, and the mission is well done with the sewers, the robbers etc...


4. **Tracking the scientist LS4E2.** The first mission where you can 'incarnate' inquest, not killing you if they see you outside the suit. Very sneaky intrusion, well done, even the following step in lab sigma 05 is awesome.


5. **The Charge LS4E2.**Here it's more about easter eggs, lore and the fact that everything went wrong, scary and funny in same time, I loved it, hope to see more things like that mission in particular.


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It's hard for me to put them in order, but my top five list contains:

* LS4E5 for sheer *shock* value. (I hope I don't have to explain *why*...)

* PoF: The Departing, especially in the Domain of the Lost, and the crew's reactions when I returned. (Honourable mention for my second run through that, cheesing the Eater of Souls on a Minion Master Reaper having finally discovered an actual use for Longbow Dragonhunter the first time.)

* Joko finally getting his, and what exactly happened to him.

* Human Noble PS chapter 1. Dunno why, but I really like that one.

* The Vigil PS chapter 4 in Ebonhawke and environs, beating the ever-living carp out of the same idiots as Sergeant Eilye Jeyne.


Honorable mention to my first attempt at LS4E3, when there was a server-crash bug in PvP somewhere, and I got disconnected *exactly* at the perfect moment. Joko said, "And...scene. I do hope you'll join me in Gandara for Act Two, Commander—I've reserved you a front row seat. Exit Joko," ... and ... Crash-disconnect!

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> * Human Noble PS chapter 1. Dunno why, but I really like that one.


Oh yeah, that was awesome! I loved the feeling of nobility during the party, the reception and the trial, exposing the bad guy and using my influence for good. You could converse with the NPCs and truly felt "in character" while doing so.

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Mm, difficult pick. I am not sure if these even end up being my top favourites. But some that come to mind immediately:


1. Personal Story for Charr, level 1-30 stuff


Specificly Blood Legion. I am nostalgic about it, and remember how I started as a little charr. I also think the charr storylines have been well made.


2. Victory or Death - the part where we face the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan


This is just outstanding. Such an epic battle, and in a way ending to the personal story. Even though th Eye is not very hard, the set up, the atmosphere and pacing are just perfect.


3. Hearts and Minds


Something about this story instance always makes me feel thrilled, it feels like an ending, I enjoy the dialogue, I enjoy the pacing and the fights and the feel of it.


4. Dragon Vigil


It was just epic, defending Aurene from the swarm of Destroyers


5. The Crystal Dragon


Spoilery so I wont mention more about it. Just everything. Beautiful work.



Other mentions:


1. The whole One Path Ends storyline

2. Shadow of the Dragon instances

3. Ascalonian Catacombs story mode

4. Citadel of Flame story mode

5. Claw Island

6. Apatia 3

7. Any instance with Galina and Snarl

8. Rata Novus stuff

9. Taimi's Game

10. Heart of the Volcano

11. The Sacrifice. Vlast... 3 And all the memory crystals.

12. Glint's Lair and Kormir's Library and the Mists and the Tomb of the Primeval Kings, all that was beautiful

13. The Way Forward

14. Everything about A Bug in the System

15. Be My Guest

16. Storm Tracking

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I shortened the lists drastically, each of them had the length of an entire page. I just listed my personal highlights of each chapter:


I. Flashpoint:

- The intro-mission is absolutely mindblowing - Combining magic and science <3.

- The most beautiful vertical map and you cannot really get lost there.

- The best pre-griffon mastery, usable in guildhalls.

- Awesome backpack quest, the trees you plant remain permanently in Tyria - back to the roots of Living World.

- The only final instance in the entire game that ever gave me shivers and still does until today.


II. Head of the Snake:

- The intro-mission was just epic. From that day on I preferred Logan > Rytlock.

- After Harathi Hinterlands the first real warzone. DS is an instanced map for me, sorry :S.

- One of the best puzzles in the game which actually used traps again.

- Beautiful secret areas.

- The best final instance, feels like a real path of the dungeon.


III. A bug in the System.

- Red XIII

- By far the best fishing-system yet.

- The backpack, all stages look just awesome.

- The music inside Rata Primus.


IV. Daybreak

- All Monkey Island easter-eggs.

- Amala, by far the most epic bossfight of a non-story-relevant character. Each form is amazing.

- The first city.

- Koss.


V. Living Story 1: The Battle for Lion's Arch

- everything.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> [...]

> 3. Ascalonian Catacombs story mode


Ooh, you're right! :) Loved that one as well, would have loved more old Ascalonian content and references in the game (there's never enough ;) ).


> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> II. Head of the Snake:

> - The intro-mission was just epic. From that day on I preferred Logan > Rytlock.


Agreed. :)

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Hard to say, there are so many story chapters I love, so in no particular order:


- all of the asura level 10 and 20 storylines because asura <3

- the lvl 20 norn storyline with the gear warband (blacked out), the interaction between norn and charr is priceless

- the lvl 40 priory storyline, especially the instance where you try to build a scabbard for the sword, the dialog between Sieran, Gixx and the player character (especially if it happends to be an asura engi) is awesome

- honorable mention to Retribution (lvl 60 retaking Claw Island) if you've recruited Professor Gorr to the cause. I don't generally like that instance, but getting hands on Gorr's vacuumagic polarizer suddenly turns it into a lot of fun :D

- season 3 episode 2 Taimi's Game, especially the destroyer of bananas

- all of season 3 episode 5 since it takes part in my favourite map (Draconis Mons)

- season 4 episode 2+4 (more asura <3 )

- Crucible of Eternity story mode (yet more asura <3 ) for my favourite in-game quote ever: Who are you two and what have you done with Logan and Rytlock? (Zojja)

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> 1. PS chapter 1 to 6 because it's your character and not Anet character




> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> - honorable mention to Retribution (lvl 60 retaking Claw Island) if you've recruited Professor Gorr to the cause. I don't generally like that instance, but getting hands on **Gorr's vacuumagic polarizer** suddenly turns it into a lot of fun :D


That's true! It's been so long and I only had that path happen one time, but now that you mentioned it... :)

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In no particular order, and Spoilers (obviously):


Personal Story Step 0: This is My Story.

I love the diversity between the races, and their relative calls to action. We jump feet-first into large-scale questing and big boss fights right off the bat. You demonstrate both to yourself and to "the world" that you are a person of high worth and merit, but also one among many. It's much better than people telling you that you're great because you had a dream or brought them cabbages or whatever. Couldn't ask for a better tutorial and introduction scenario.


Personal Story Step 6, Part 2: The Battle for Claw Island.

Pretty self-explanatory, really. Despite all the bad things that happen or could have happened up to this point, this one really drives home that you are at war, and war is hell. On the other hand, it also shows that with courage, we can persevere, and that there's no shame retreating, or in asking for help from people who have no reason to want to help us specifically (RIP Commander Talon).


Heart of Thorns Act 1, Chapter 4: The Jungle Provides.

I positively adore the Itzel. This is the quintessential "learning how to navigate the jungle" quest, mission-critical to Heart of Thorns, and it pulls it off brilliantly, showing off the intricacies and vistas of the various maps. It also demonstrates that not everything we meet in this new area is a monster trying to kill us, and gives us that glimmer of hope in an otherwise devastating situation built upon in the next few chapters. Reminds me of the scenes on Endor from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, without copying directly.


Path of Fire Act 3, Chapter 9: The Departing.

Another pretty self-explanatory step. It proves that our dear Commander is not infallible and most certainly not immortal, in sharp contrast to the entire rest of the story. It shows that sometimes, it just doesn't matter how strong you are or how well you've prepared; that there is always someone out there better and stronger than you. If not for the... events of the chapter, that could have been the end of our story, and possibly the world. Very powerful imagery and scenario.


Path of Fire Act 3, Chapter 12: To Kill a God.

The word "epic" isn't grand enough to describe this encounter, even if mechanically it's fairly simple. This elevates the boss fight scenarios posed by both Zhaitan and Mordremoth "even further beyond". Plus, we finally get to see what's so kitten cool about Sohothin aside from being just another Fiery Dragon Sword... and boy do we ever.

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Just about everything in 10-20 in general, where the story still felt personal. Mostly grew bored of the story once you started on the first quests for orders.


Special shout out for specific ones: Damsel in Distress Princess Logan, I shall forver laugh at that scene. And the entire Drunk Norn line, it's still awesome. And GW1 Pre-searing.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Personal Story Step 0: This is My Story.

> I love the diversity between the races, and their relative calls to action.


While I think that GW2's "tutorials" hardly deserve their name, I agree that - from a story perspective - they were nicely woven. Loved your other examples and explanations. :)


> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Just about everything in 10-20 in general, where the story still felt personal.



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A few more noteworthy sections; some of my personal favorites:


Personal Story Chapter 3 (Sylvari), Step 2, Option 2: Bramble Walls

A fanciful romp through a zombie-infested Lionguard fortress. Our Sylvari Valiant decides to ally with Iowerth of the Durmand Priory to "test pilot" remote-controlled mini munitions golem technology. Plant bombs and mines, lure zombies into traps and ambushes, and clear out the fortress, all from the safety of a hill "miles" away! This is one of the first "transformation" missions players experience, and easily one of the most fun... and explosive! Rumored to be inspired by the late TotalBiscuit, who, while interviewing developers during Beta phases, suggested "an attack that punts a gnome at the opponent".


Personal Story Chapter 8, Step 7, Option 1, Part 2: Air Drop

Another transformation mission where we follow the Priory's plan and pilot a golem. This time, however, get get our very own "giant mecha" power armor (possibly inspired by Iron Man), complete with a giant, intensely-satisfying, directional laser cannon. There's nothing quite like lining up columns of some of the toughest enemies we face up to that point, and watching them melt away in a single, well-placed, sustained burst. The flashy colors, the sound effects, the other things the golem powersuit can do, I felt like a real "super hero" mowing down swaths of enemies. You almost always feel pretty strong in this game, but this is the first time I felt like an absolute badkitten. I wonder what ever happened to that suit...


Personal Story Chapter 1 (Charr), Step 1 (Blood Legion): Chain of Command

A very different call to action for our heroic Charr soldier. Instead of being rewarded and imposed-upon for saving the day and fighting alongside the mighty Rytlock Brimstone, you begin with a dressing-down. "You disobeyed orders! abandoned your post! you're worthless as a soldier! YOU got most of your warband killed!" ...and he's not entirely wrong. This offers a nice contrast to the other "look at how great you are" first chapters, and Steelbane is a great antagonist and bully. This is a fantastic insight into the ~~Klingon~~ Charr culture, and how a "real" soldier moves up the ranks.


Living World Season 1, Chapter 1, Special Event 4: Super Adventure Box.

Before this became our annual April festival, the Super Adventure Box was an intermediary event during Living World Season 1. While the Molten Alliance were temporarily driven back, Asura inventor Moto (we all know him by now) revealed the first ever full-immersion holographic simulation space, the Super Adventure Box. Naturally, to promote his creation, Moto generated holographic creatures all over Tyria for our heroes to fight... or to take over the world, whichever came first. The drastically different art style, the simplistic, almost non-existent story line, the surprisingly challenging platforming, the myriad hidden secrets... the SAB references gaming's first "renaissance" era, with more than a few nods to the NES and it's chief creator and game designer, Shigeru Miyamoto. Half joke event, half tribute to gaming, all pure, silly fun. There's a reason this became a recurring event, despite being designed as a one-off prank, but nothing compares to that first time we "thought inside the box"

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Still a noob here, but just done the personal story from the battle of claw island, all the way through to the end of retribution (in one sitting)


I know some will consider the story line to be cheese- but i loved it and felt it knocked any questing of wow out of the park...


The differing storylines actually make me want to make alts...

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1 - Claw Island, because Tybalt.

2 - Cleansing Orr with Trahearne, really liked this one because it joins together all of the personal story up to that point with a lot of the characters we'd met up to that point and gotten close to.

3 - HoT opening instance, this one really set a defeat and loss tone for the PC, which I feel like it was the best one they've done at that point in the game and I actually felt the loss, unlike the most recent one, which everyone knows is only temporary.

4 - Shell Shock storyline, Almost as good a loss to the PC as 3 and felt like we actually lost the respect of everyone in the Pact.

5 - Battle with Kralk in the last episode, even though we know she's coming back, was still a really shock and sad moment for me when she died and was not expecting it.

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1. All personal stories up to lvl 30. There was an attention to detail in those early stories that you don't see anymore from anet. You create your character and get to see that translating into the story, something surprisingly rare in a genre called mmoRPG.


2. All of the Orr storyline up until the silly Zhaitan fight. Every map seemed opressive and you truly felt like leading a hopeless army against an overwhelming force. Too bad they botched the final battle.


3. The final HoT instance. An epic battle on two fronts, if you take the DS meta into account. Taking on the elder dragon ,both physically and mentally, was a boss battle done right for me. Which is ironic since it was also a bugfest. Sadly, they went back to shooting them with big guns in the latest LS.


4. Kormir's library in PoF. The chapter itself is just exposition but that instance is by far the most beautiful in the game for me. Plus you finally get to meet a deity, acting like one, instead of the sorry excuse of a villain that is grumpy old man Balth.


5. City of hope in HoT. Tarir is my favourite area in HoT and naturally I like the chapter introducing it. The city itself is gorgeous and all the temple challenges gave me an old school crpg feel. The cinematic reveal in the end is also very well crafted.

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