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What is your favorite Mount/Mount skin and why? How can they improve?

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Grand Lion Griffon is tippy top fav. I use the griffon quite a bit when traveling, and I'm a sucker for lions so, yeah, had to get it.


My savior is the armadillo, though. I hate bugs and wouldn't use the Roller mount without the skin.


Now gimme a Skimmer as a flying broom (no cats/bats, please) and maybe I'll buy that too. :3

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I'm still holding out for a Destroyer themed mount set. I'd pay 2000 gems ten times over for that

> But mourn your bones if you make them vinetouched like the backpiece, anet!




Why not both? They could probably make two sets. Although before we had two destroyer sets I’d also like to see mordrem, risen, and icebrood

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > I'm still holding out for a Destroyer themed mount set. I'd pay 2000 gems ten times over for that

> > But mourn your bones if you make them vinetouched like the backpiece, anet!




> Why not both? They could probably make two sets. Although before we had two destroyer sets I’d also like to see mordrem, risen, and icebrood


Why not both?

Because they made a vinetouched set of the wings, and never gave us the normal destroyer wings and I have yet to forgive anet for that.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > I'm still holding out for a Destroyer themed mount set. I'd pay 2000 gems ten times over for that

> > > But mourn your bones if you make them vinetouched like the backpiece, anet!

> >

> >

> >

> > Why not both? They could probably make two sets. Although before we had two destroyer sets I’d also like to see mordrem, risen, and icebrood


> Why not both?

> Because they made a vinetouched set of the wings, and never gave us the normal destroyer wings and I have yet to forgive anet for that.



Hmm, good point. We should be campaigning for those wings then! Would be epic

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For me that's Springer.

Globally, the mounts I use the more are raptor and springer. Out of those 2, the springer is the one allowing me to go everywhere without a need to change mount. So yes, it is slower than a raptor, but on the other hand, the raptor is very rapidly stuck / slow down by obstacle, so all in all, I tend to be on springer most of the time. In term of skin, it is the one having the most skins I like. My preferred one is the star one.


Aside of those two, I use skimmer when there is water (typically, very great to cross over long distances safely via water, like in Strait of Devastation area). I use the griffon only in the specific case I want to go safe over long distances and have the possibility to go up high enough to do that. That's not in many places. I never use jackal and beetle.

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**Jackal.** <3

Fastest mount on uneven terrain.

Can avoid ANY fall damage.

Easy to control and change direction.

Fast endurance regen, easy dodges.

Looks nice and elegant.


My favorite Jackal skin is Mad Realm because I like the wings and the dye channels.

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Fav mount is the Raptor, but my fav mount skins are the summit wildhorn (because it's a far more mature design compared to the normal giant bunny), and the Northern feather wing (because it looks more like what I would expect a griffon to look like).


As far as improvements go, more mount skins that are different species to the original would be nice, or more physical (read as: model) variation, and less silly magical effects. I almost bought the new raptor skin that gives it a set of nordic-looking armour, but was put off by the snowy effect. Things like a feathered raptor with armour and saddlebags, or a skin that makes the skimmer look like anything other than a giant gross floating stingray, or a skin that makes the roller beetle into a charr rollercycle would be appreciated.

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  • 3 months later...

It's that time of the year again, where I resurrect a dead thread to style on everyone with my sick & wicked mount skills. I've got two pics for ya'll today. The first one is a the new favorite skimmer of mine:


![](https://i.imgur.com/OBvDBHp.png "")


Yep. Thunder skimmer. Southsun Torpedo. I happened upon this color scheme by accident. I was experimenting around with changing between yellow, red, and orange skimmers, and while swapping through different options, this one just "clicked." Normally, I only two tone my mounts, because to my primitive male brain, anything more than two colors is confusing and offensive. But if it flows well, then my brain stops screaming at me. Next one, is the new Skyscale mount.


![](https://i.imgur.com/EZX4n9W.png "")


Sometimes simplicity is best. It's a lava wyrm. Bioluminescent with midnight fire and destroyer orange. I've got about 8 other skyscale skins, but none of them (well, one) can really compare to the standard lava wyrm look.

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If I had to choose one from among the mounts that I have (no flying yet), I would choose the Shrine Guardian jackal. All the mounts are fun to use but this is the one I use most often and was the first mount skin I bought. I also like the primeval jackal for my phantom-themed necro, and the love how customizable the effects are through the dye channels!


The original raptor looks great but I also really like the lizard-like primeval raptor — great skins!


I love Petey and the roller beetle is super fun! For me I will only buy skins that keep him a beetle — will buy the scarab skin when it becomes available again.


Griffin, wow, so many lovely skins! I bought both of the premium skins but there are many others that I would like to get eventually as well. Skyscale also has a great original skin and the lovely Shimmerwing! Yes, I’m crazy, three premium skins now for mounts I haven’t yet unlocked! :lol: Working on it!


I do like the springer and skimmer mounts as well, especially the utility of the former and the smooth gliding movement of the latter. No skin has jumped out as me as a must buy and I do like the original appearance of the skimmer. The only mount with no appeal to me is Warclaw because it looks grotesque/gargoyle-like to me, but I had little interest in WvW anyway.


Improvements? I _need_ a sylvari jackal that dashes forth in a swirl of leaves! Other than that, no complaints and thank you, Anet, for making GW2 mounts so delightful! :3

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I like my spotted cat skin for the griffon the best with the kitsune jackal second mostly based on the fact I use the griffon so much more. I may pick up the Skyscale pack because I really like the basic shape and have mainly wanted more dye channels which this gives along with some pattern and head shape choices.

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Favourite Mount/Skin - Whilst I love the Skyscale, my mount love is always going to be with my Raptor. Namely with the Heavy Armoured one.


Why? - In the description it actually mentioned that this skin is of Charr design. My main character is a Charr.


Improvements - One of the major things I would love to see, is racial looking mounts. So mounts themed around the playable races, an example being Sylvari with Sylvan looking mount skins, with their own unique dyes and even night glows which can be edited? Asura with their own brainy, runic armour skinned mounts and so forth. I think it would be great addition to the current available mount skins.


- Other improvements which I would like to see is backpacks for mounts to give the mount a more unique and personal feel? So if we say for example each mount had a inventory slot, or better your mount stows your equipped weapons maybe automatically?

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The **Raptor skin Bog Hunter** could be slightly improved.

As it is, it's one of the best skins a Charr can have, a stronger neck and the larger hips makes a real difference in accomodating the charr body.

Problem is… the legs and feet, wich remained thin and too short due to the stronger body.

Solution would be to thicken the legs and lengthen the feet and claws just a little bit… asking for taller legs is out of equation because it would imply modifying the body.

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I originally voted for the **Shrine Guardian Jackal**, but now that has been bumped to my second favorite by the **Nightfang Griffon**! I just LOVE this mount! The design and dye channels are amazing and I LOVE the animations!!! =)

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Skyscale is easily my favorite because I LOVE dragons, but since that’s not an option i chose griffon since it was the closet thing to a dragon for a long time. Functionally all the mounts are amazing! I do think the newest 3 are more lacking in skin options though so I’d really like to see more skins. Especially warclaw since there’s literally one mount bundle. Put a few of those in the next license please

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My favorite mount is the raptor. Jumping with it is just really satisfying.


My favorite mount skin is the Shimmerwing skyscale skin. I love the butterfly esthetique. Unfortunately, this skin never quite looks as good as it does in the dye window. The colors look great in the preview, but the lighting in actual areas sometimes makes it hard to distinguish darker colors.

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