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What do people do for fun in the game now a days?

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So earlier this year I made my way back to the game after getting the PoF expansion; and to keep this short, I pretty much played through the story once, explored the new areas and tried out the new sub-classes to a certain extent..And now what? I'm already getting bored with the game again and it was the same after HoT came out: I stopped playing after just a few months because I got bored.


What do people do for fun and how do you keep your interest in the game? Raids don't interest me one bit, fractals are just a chore that never changes, WvW I actually did enjoy for a bit, but like most other things it's just a repetitive type of game-play.


P.S: I have seven characters that're maxed out, and no idea what to do with them.

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Firstly I think it's important to remember that GW2 was designed from the ground up to be a casual MMO. Which amongst other things means it was never intended to be something that could be played all day, every day indefinitely without running out of stuff to do. It's not a problem if you find yourself taking breaks from the game, whether that's for a few days, a few weeks or only coming back when there's a new release.


As for what you do when you're in the game it really depends on what you enjoy. For me that's exploring the maps - not just to get map completion, but to really see what's there. It takes me ages to do it because I want to talk to all the NPCs, poke into corners to see if there's anything hidden there, take screenshots of anything I find interesting, and when I come across achievements or collections which appeal to me I like to try and complete them without a guide. I also collect mini pets so I spend a lot of time doing achievements, getting karma and gold and otherwise working on what I need to unlock them. (Recently I've been doing a lot of griffon races to try and get the mini griffon mount.) And I like replaying the story using different characters so I can make different choices or just see how race and profession choices change the dialogue. Or just to see it again - like re-reading a book.


Other people really enjoy playing WvW or PvP and tell me it stays interesting because fighting real people means no two fights are exactly the same. Others like helping new players through the game, doing raids and/or Fractals for challenging PvE gameplay, collecting skins and items they like, doing meta-events because they enjoy the big, coordinated fights, or a bit of everything.

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I play this game for 4+ years and somehow I always find something to do... Done map completition with 6 characters. I like to go back to low lvl maps and remind myself how beautiful they are. There is alot to do in this game, I'm playing fractals, silverwastes, HoT metas (almost every day at least once), WvW and sometimes I go for World Bosses (mostly Tequatl, Claw of Jormag).

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i have one main character to do fractals and other stuff.

then i have 3 more chars with the most rich perma nodes .

and i have 5 chars standing at several locations to open chests every day.


Currently i'm building my third legendary. so i farm gold doing meta daily, gather iron, running SW and fractals.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> i have one main character to do fractals and other stuff.

> then i have 3 more chars with the most rich perma nodes .

> and i have 5 chars standing at several locations to open chests every day.


> Currently i'm building my third legendary. so i farm gold doing meta daily, gather iron, running SW and fractals.


OK. Understood. This is what you do for your Legendary.

OP asked "What do people do for fun in the game?"


I do a map completion ATM. Not because I absolutely need something from it, but I want to start the Living Story with a charr and I want to make it lvl 80 without the use of Tome of Knowledge (I used one of the .... many scrolls to lvl it at 20).

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > i have one main character to do fractals and other stuff.

> > then i have 3 more chars with the most rich perma nodes .

> > and i have 5 chars standing at several locations to open chests every day.

> >

> > Currently i'm building my third legendary. so i farm gold doing meta daily, gather iron, running SW and fractals.


> OK. Understood. This is what you do for your Legendary.

> OP asked "What do people do for fun in the game?"


and i have fun doing it. What is fun everybody has to decide for himself


And he asked

> I have seven characters that're maxed out, and no idea what to do with them.

I've listed some

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I'm grateful for all the answers, in the end I posted this partly because I was curious to see what keeps other people playing for long periods of time and partly because I wanted to see if something would come up that could peak my interest more and/or if there was something I hadn't thought about.


If anyone else comes across this thread feel free to keep posting, always interesting to see what people like :)

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I play with my guild. Whatever anyone is doing. Because for me the fun is being a group with friends. Sometimes, like today we ended up doing a Silverwastes meta run (farming gold, karma, and bandit crests, which I sometimes need for legendaries), The Karka Queen, cause i twas up and we were on Southsun, some story with a guildie who needed help, a couple of the new Living Story zones completed, dailies, because that 2 gold takes almost no time.


I'm working on quite a few long term projects. This game is all about choosing a goal and going for it, and when that's done choosing another goal. There are plenty of goals in the game. Achievements, unlocking skins, collecting endless tonics, collecting minis, making legendaries, PvP seasons, WvW, daily fractals...it depends on what you're into. I'm into a bit of everything so I never run out of stuff to do.

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I just do some daily things like Pact Supply, Sunken Chest, Flax nodes and the Dailies of course. A couple of World Bosses, maybe the HoT metas if I have time or able to get in a populated instance.


After that I just chill out in whatever racial starter zone I'm on and help new players get acquainted with the game.

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I find old and new collections and try to complete them for the skins. Current irons in the fire are completing the Requiem armor set and the Dragonsblood weapons and some of the LS3 collections. I was hoping to buy everything at the Beetle races and maybe start buying some track for the guild hall, but the Mac adventure bug has put the brakes on that for now. (Too bad, because I love the beetle races!) That will be on again when/if they fix it. Also, every week I rank a key farmer up to 40, which involves completing three maps on the new character and their personal story through the confrontation at Lion's Arch. (I am due to relax on that soon, since I have only one more character to rank up to complete the priory/whispers/vigil weapons collections. Just when I am getting bored with it, too, good timing.) Doing the dailies is fun, it gives me reason to play more in older areas. Also enjoy exploring and map-completing older characters, and now and then doing HoT metas or world boss fights just for the fun of it.

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Sometimes you just need to step back for a bit.


One useful exercise is to create a new FTP account, without masteries/mounts and all the gadgets, and start the game anew. There's something really fun about playing a level 1 character from the ground up. I guarantee there are heart quests, challenging vistas that will have you falling to your death, and early game stuff that were interesting the first time around that you've completely forgotten about. You can start a new character of course, but it's not nearly as limiting. Plus you can help out some newbies and make new friends without completely carrying them.


If you get bored, well you've always got your main account to fall back on.

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I hate to come across as pedantic, but this is a video game, and EVERYTHING you do in it should be fun. Additionally if what you are doing is fun, then it's importance in the eyes of you or others is irrelevant, as the singular goal of GW2 is for you to have fun.


What I do for fun:

- T4 Fractal dailies

- WvW

- Map completion for a 20% chance at getting a BL Chest key (with a 90% chance of getting disappointed with the results of opening said BL chest)

- Meta events for loot and fun, most notably Verdant Brink, Auric Basic, Dragon's Stand, Silverwastes.

- World Bosses if they spawn when I'm looking for something to do.

- Personal Story on alt characters / leveling a new character/profession.

- Collection / Achievement hunting (I need to be REALLY bored to do these, as they are the least fun activity imo)


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What do you enjoy? Have you tried crafting, and do you like that? If so, play with (not work on) getting all the crafting avenues up to max. If you like playing with characters' builds, get your chars all the specializations, then the accompanying specialization weapons, then noodle around with various builds. Kill all the World Bosses. Do all the jumping puzzles. Collect armor, weapons, minis, dyes. Get all the HoT and PoF mastery points. Get all the mounts. (New one today in WvW.)


As others have said, have fun. When it stops being fun, it's not a game any more; it's a chore.

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when I don't have any active goals, my daily routine is just doing daily, the treasure hunting key, and a couple of flax farms.


If I have time to be around, what I do depends on what's available: I'll jump to sandswept isles to check if the lab pre is soon (tons of volatile magic), and I stay for the bosses (these fights tend to be very challenging). I'll hop on kourma and check if the meta is active, need those map currency for crafting and minimizing my cost of getting leatherworker to 500. :P


If there's an upcoming dragon's stand, I join. It's a large time investment, but really fun when you can see it through.


Daily Istan metas when feeling like it (still too easy to end up with a full squad that trivializes the content).


Slowly climbing up fractals (at the end of T2 currently, and I am getting an ascended armor piece every few weeks or so, eventually will gear all my characters in ascended without spending money crafting :D).


I've been thinking of doing some collections to update my weapons to ascended, too. So add that to my potential future goals.


Also, inventory cleaning often takes me to do bandit bounties, and facing the legendary executioner is always a challenging fight.


Inventory cleaning means I also desperately need to run more desert highlands treasure hunt meta, but I just don't get to do these often enough, and I already have two stacks of treasure maps. :(


And.. I'd like to finish the story on all my characters someday (9), but I seldom even find the time to do one scene per day. :(


Also, helping out people at anything they ask for in map chat while I am passing around to do other things.


I wish I could figure out a reason to get me to replay living story maps when I don't need a specific reward from them. For the rest of the world, daily events gets me visiting all the core + base expansion maps, but nothing out there leads you to LS if it's not a specific map reward, so I feel a little sad that I haven't found a way to justify enjoying all of those extra maps some more.


I really enjoy the combat system in this game, and thus I am happy just spending time honing my combat skills in the field in challenging events.


I guess, if I had the available free time, I could easily spend my whole day online. XD

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Things I do for fun:


1. Organizing inventories and banks

2. Create characters and do fashion wars on them. Got 57 so far

3. Collect skins, achievements, titles and items of rarity

4. Break out of maps, just to explore and see them from different angles

5. Try to climb on the highest spots in a map (sometimes requires map breaking to do so)

6. Fly around on griffon

7. Try to do crazy things on mounts that werent designed for it, for example climb vistas and stuff on skimmer and beetle

8. Make guild hall jumping puzzles and other decorations

9. Walk around and get immersed, listen to the ambience

10. Roleplay

11. Admire how the different skill effects look

12. Pay attention to the smallest details, mob designs etc

13. Try crazy things with different trait combinations

14. Attempt soloing dungeons, fractals and Cairn the Indomitable

15. Do challenges for self, like permadeath, no skills etc satuff inspired by WoodenPotatoes

16. PVP and WVW

17. Screenshotting

18. Mount fashion wars

19. Try to climb places that arent JPs but look climbable

20. Play with tonics, infusions and such

21. Replay story and try to look at it from a different perspective (your own, player character, the pact, random NPCs, elder dragons etc)

22. Funny deaths

23. Organize fashion shows and other social gatherings, hide and seek etc


And so on.


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I'm an alt-aholic and spend a lot of time gearing my toons. I do a bit of everything, and part of the reason I like having a lot of toons is that I like to mix up what I'm focused on, playstyle etc. quite often. This keeps it fun for me. On a given day I might do some WvW, some PvP, some dailies, crafting, levelling etc. If I ever run out of things to do I'll probably focus on helping guildies to achieve their goals, especially if they're new to the game.

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I don't really go in for raids or high level fractals (only occasionally if I'm really in the mood and have the time), I've always found more enjoyment in the more relaxing things I can do in the game. I do the dailies and while doing them I just try to think what I'm in the mood for. I'll usually check LFG to see if there is anything fun going on there, see which world bosses are up/upcoming and decide if I feel like doing them, same for metas as well (I used to base my playtime around the meta timers, but now I don't get that chance so I just see what's going on when I log in). But mostly I'll just roam around random maps and help out random players if I see any in trouble or any asking for help, I also enjoy spending lots of time in the starter & lower level zones offering to help or give advice to newer players too. Other times I'll switch to my Mesmer and tour most of the JPs to see if anyone is in need of a portal. Recently I've also been spending a bit of time on each of the classes I don't use very often just to try and get a better understanding of how they play (although they won't replace my main few as I just don't have the time to redo all maps & story with each). Recently my playtime has dropped significantly due to work, study and other irl stuff, but when it picks up again then I'd like to start doing WvW again as I found that enjoyable too.


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Open world metas, bosses, especially Hot metas. They are casual group pve content which are not stressful but still offer some challenge and does not require a meta build so you can really play it as you want.

PVP modes. Those never really get stale because it is against humans, every fight is different and exiting and challenging.

AP hunting. So many different goals you can set here for yourself. Either short term or long term. Just do little bit of casual exploring or complete a certain mission or event in a certain way, find and kill certain mobs... Really nice if you have a limited amount of play time and just want to complete something in that time.

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