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[Suggestion] AFKing at spawn


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> @"Mokuren.4069" said:

> > @Lionwait.4815 said:

> > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

> > > > @Lionwait.4815 said:

> > > > I don't believe AFKing is the main problem here. Its a symptom of a bigger problem. Those that put them self's to AFK to get the little bit of a reward is a symptom and can be fixed with a one time use per skirmish pip cash out NPC. The big problem is those that choose to AFK on a map that is queued. To fix this problem I would make all territories that you're server owns put decay on participation at the end of each 5 minute match. This well incentivise people to engage enemy's in enemy territories then their own territories. This ultimately enforces those that want more rewards have to take more risks. This will spread out population balance by incentivising zones people don't commonly go to. This fix would discourage people that multi-box leaving an account to watch a fortification while playing with ally's on another account. Implementing such a fix wouldn't hamper people defending fortifications because of how participation is gained by hitting enemy's but it will hamper those that hang out in safe territories as it should. Unless a commander puts share squad participation on one person to be their scout. As for all zones being queued up you might want to think about changing servers. :open_mouth: who would of thought of that one, only a genius........ Look no further!

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Which does absolutely nothing to help with the issue of people going AFK.

> >

> > You're in luck! That this posted isn't made for your eyes alone. But to others that can understand a deeper issue at hand that gives cos to bad habits. The bad habit is the main topic of this post. With my post reply I suggest is a system to fix a cos to deter this habit.

> >

> > Right now you are just calling out fire and doing nothing to put out that fire. You shout out awareness with out giving action. Sure awareness has its place but when every one is aware then action is needed.

> >

> > 1+1=2 basic math helps but advance math changes the world. Comprender?

> >


> Nice condescending tone you got going there. There is absolutely no need to address anyone voicing their opinion like that.

> Regardless of that though it seems to me that what you're proposing would only encourage people to flip objectives and not fortify or defend them. After all their participation will decay fast if they stick around in owned zones. Unless you're in a squad and get the commander to give you shared participation your participation would be dead pretty fast if you're scouting or fortifying objectives, after all enemy players aren't always kind enough to drop dead at your feet.

> I'm also unsure of why you feel your system would be more effective against afking than the suggested cash out option. I personally afk on low pop maps because I need my rewards. I'm by no means a rich person and every time I log off with participation left on the bar I feel it's a waste. I put in the effort to build that up after all, I deserve the reward it's worth in my opinion. Making it harder to keep that participation up would not change the fact that I feel I shouldn't log off without cashing in that reward. If anything I had to put in more effort and deserve it doubly.


> As to your changing server suggestion. Depending on what server you're matched up with you may or you may not experience queues. Last matchup my server barely had any. This matchup we have 20+ queues every night. It changes so paying to switch servers every time you get a match up that results in queues is a dumb idea. This besides the point that that person probably has friends and guildies on that server that they enjoy playing with. Personally I wouldn't leave my server for the world, unless they did as well.


Agree, defending is starting to have more value with the changes to higher tier structures have add more warscore, but there still needs more incentive to defend and not less, less just leads to K-Trains, we don't need that. I hear the devs about how the cashout could be abused but by using a cash-out now, at the current rate (minus outnumbered to prevent system gaming some) and then a timer lockout I think that would go a ways to doing it. Most people that are waiting for tick down have been out for a bit and are ready to move on to other things but they want their full reward for participation, so odds are good they would step out if they could. Unless I miss my guess a cashout would require less development time and if it didn't work, less work lost.

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I think the best suggestion so far has been the immediate cash out and fifteen minute timer. Means if you need to leave, you don't really lose anything. Base the cash out on the pips earned on the last tick - which encourages people to move off the stacked map to try and find the outnumbered one and then log off to preserve that 'bonus'. Reduce outnumbered bonus to 3 pips and boost base pips by 1 to even it out.


I frequently play a little before it's time to cook and eat, leave toon on to decay/kicked out to earn those pips, and also leave toon on to decay when it's time for stopping for the evening- tab across and do other stuff, tab back and move toon, etc. I always park on a map that's not queued.


If the suggestion above was implemented I'd log off/use an 'encashment' NPC straight away and I'm sure many others would to. It wouldn't get rid of all afk pip farmers but it would reduce the numbers, and shouldn't really be that hard to implement.


You'll still have people afking then running to flip a guard or camp every ten minutes- but at least they contribute a little to the score.

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If cashing out were a thing, in my opinion, only one tick worth of pips & reward track should be granted, participation should be reset to 0 with a 5 minute lock on the ability to gain participation.

Otherwise people who participate in large scale battles would cash out after every tick and be back up to T3+ before the next tick, effectively doubling their rewards.


edit- wow, okay, I see you guys have covered this already. Glad we're on the same page. Also, this thread is ancient.


~ Kovu

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> For the people suggesting time-outs, how would this affect those of us getting client crashes? From the servers' perspective, we left wvw.


It actually wouldn't. The cash-out option should be a specific button to leave + cash out WvW. A crash wouldn't trigger the lock out.

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> @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> I plan on getting the participation bars displaying in OS to help encourage people to afk there.


maybe you could add permanent outmaned buff for all sides in OS cause otherwise people would still prefer to afk on maps with the buff instead


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> @"Mikau.6920" said:

> Why just not make a WvW lobby? There you would get still get participation, have WvW NPCs, etc. (even crafting).


A server based lobby!!!!!!


That would be awsome.... no linkings either, just that server. There's so many positives from this situation I don't see why it shouldn't be done.


> @"Drinks.2361" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > > @ThomasC.1056 said:

> > > I know that too well. Unfortunately, either players don't know, or they're reluctant to go there. It must be said that participation bars aren't display in OS, eventhough they're still there, you only have /t chat and nothing to do. Adding more functionnality with some NPC's to OS would probably be the easiest and most clever solution.

> >

> > I plan on getting the participation bars displaying in OS to help encourage people to afk there.


> Any word on when this is happening?


Feb 6th I would say, it was mentioned that there is going to be a PvP/WvW split so best guess is in that patch.

> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

> > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > Assuming that all goes well and we don't have any unexpected issues, the next balance update is scheduled for February 6th.

> >

> > Are you guys going to give us any sneak peak of the Balance Patch? D:


> We are planning PvP/WvW splits, changes to the Confusion condition, regeneration effectiveness prioritization, boon/condition conversion table changes... PLUS MORE!! There are some mesmer changes we're excited about and hope to talk them about in more detail as we draw nearer to the update. Stay tuned!


> -Karl



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> @"wanya.1697" said:

> > @"Raymond Lukes.6305" said:

> > I plan on getting the participation bars displaying in OS to help encourage people to afk there.


> maybe you could add permanent outmaned buff for all sides in OS cause otherwise people would still prefer to afk on maps with the buff instead



Which isn't a problem.... If you are outnumbered with them there, you aren't taking up a slot...

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it can become a problem e.g. when guild raids are over

you often have the situation that your public zerg can´t get all players in map to defend stuff

cause there are atleast 20+ afk players still on it cause they wanted to cash-out with unmanned buff

while you have full enemy blobs banging against your doors/walls so your public is instantly handycapped

if the players knew for certain that they have guaranteed unmanned buff in OS they maybe might switch there before afking

so whole public could get on map to defend

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> @"wanya.1697" said:

> it can become a problem e.g. when guild raids are over

> you often have the situation that your public zerg can´t get all players in map to defend stuff

> cause there are atleast 20+ afk players still on it cause they wanted to cash-out with unmanned buff

> while you have full enemy blobs banging against your doors/walls so your public is instantly handycapped

> if the players knew for certain that they have guaranteed unmanned buff in OS they maybe might switch there before afking

> so whole public could get on map to defend

Lol when guild raids are *over*? Thats not a problem at all. The problem is they start gathering an hour or more before and stand afk in spawn. And the closer to primetime the worse it gets. I've seen 20+ people in just one guild standing and picking their navels in spawn because the clock is only 19:57 so its not time for raid yet, while we are getting roflstomped trying to fight entire zergs with like 5-10 people.


If only we had been outmanned *like we actually are many times* I wouldnt care but that is just stupid. Some days we have had many more in spawn than the enemy groups. I remember one time in particular when we tried defending our spawncamp against like 20 enemies... but we where just to few. We request help. Cant defend it. Die, port to spawn and prepare to run back for a valiant stand but instead just stands looking at spawn. We got more than 50 people there just standing around. 10 of them would have been enough to help fight the enemy but nope. 50+ kitten people. And we where wondering why the enemy seemed to be everywhere while we wasnt outmanned.


I would still like to see two incredibly simple changes:

1) if you have spawn buff more than 2.5m (half a tick), you will no longer be able to get pips or participation until you spend at least 5m without it.

2) if you have spawn buff more than 5m, you also stop counting towards the active population. You only start counting again when you start gaining participation per limitation in point 1.

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> @"Jana.6831" said:

> Don't know why you guys always get hung up on 'afk players'. I think it really is a symptom of other stuff that is wrong.

> I often come back from being afk when anything is attacked, so I'm not completely useless. But punishing me for taking a break to get coffee or throwing me out of wvw would just make me quit wvw faster and then you have the cries for more players again.



Agreed. Trying to 'fix' things by blanket punishing people doesn't work.

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I don't see the difference between a guy who has gone AFK after doing what ever it is he was doing....solo roam, flippin camps, dailys, what ever the case, and letting his pips run out, and the Zerg standing next to tag at spawn for 20 mins BEFORE they start. Well, I guess except that the solo roamer has already done something and earned his participation. Over the course of the last 6 months I have been through T1-T4 with the 2 servers I have been on, there is no 'mob' of afkers standing around, there is at most, (with the exception of the zerg standing around because commander called a 3-5 min break) 3-5 players "afking" at spawn. Yes the zerg is necessary, but so are the solo roamers, and all size groups in-between. This isn't the problem it was when the pips first arrived on scene. Most of the "PVE'rs" have gotten what they came for, or have decided that the rewards aren't worth their effort at this point. IMO Anet's limited WvW resources would be better utilized if they are focused on a different issue.

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> @"Bandlero.6312" said:

> A better solution would be to add a lobby map for WvW. Have this map reside in WvW just like the BLs, Mist, JP, etc. Relocate all npcs, merchants, etc to this lobby, and give enough gates to travel to each of the WvW maps, and a waypoint. Essentially this lobby can act as a staging area, an area for players to AFK, etc; and it is still considered WvW so players don't have to worry about ticks and decay, but this map would not count against the populations of the actual playing maps. They could even add a gemstore pass area with crafting tables to this lobby. Multiple copies of this map could be created as populations increase so that everyone can be at least in WvW benefiting from ticks even if they're stuck waiting in hours long queues during Friday primetimes.


i totally agree, its a great idea !

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This really seems to be a NA T1 server issue more than anything. I'm in t2 right now and the amount of people afking is hardly the amount people are complaining about here. I afk to let my pips run out but typically I have no reason to stay after I get below t3 participation. But I haven't been on a map on my server where there are 20 people afking after a guild rally.


Which is why I say it's more than likely a tier 1 server problem if your queued up everywhere and people are afk'ing, which making OS a place to do that is honestly the best solution for people like me.

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