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Warclaw is cool but...

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Yup that's why I used should and not have to. An opinion. I just think since it's available in WwW and PvE it could be useful for both type of players.

Like anything, it's designed how they want it to be. And of course it's their right!

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > In PvE it should be as fast as raptor because its abilities aren't useful

> >

> > Why, if you can just use raptor? You effectively ask to develop a new mount with Warclaw's skin on it. Why just won't wait till Anet will provide a new mount for PvE, then?


> Because if it gets cool skins I want to be incentivized to get them as bare minimum decent mount. There is specifically no reason not to bring it up to speed.


Yes, there IS a specific reason not to change it. The devs stated specifically that it was created so they could balance it's skill in WvW. Your now asking them to have 2 different versions, 1 for WvW and 1 for PVE. That would go against the reason they made a specific version for WvW so they do not have to waste development time and upkeep with 2 sets of stats.

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> @"Zunki.3916" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Nah it should satisfy everyone.


> Im a pve only player but: How do all the other mounts please wvw and pvp players? For pve it's a flavor mount right now and that's fine.


Simple, remove it from pve if it's meant to be WvW, or better remove it from WvW? Many was saying mounts will ruin WvW, and now that is has been released, everyone shout "It's our mount, our Wvw go away!" Should I remind that mount is a PvE thing? Cause I'm pver I can't enjoy fully the mount?! Mwelp It's going nowhere when posters are limited to their opinions not wanting to tolerate or even understand others, feel free to quote for nothing. Last comment there.


Giving ideas to make the mount worthly of buying skins for it, don't want them? Ok, continue spitting on money. I give up.


@"ShiningSquirrel.3751" is right, that why it should have been only released in WvW. We can't have two versions.

Yup so will continue using jackal.


I got the fact it was designed for WvW, so kinda an error to make it available for pve if no purposes.

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> @"Duncanmix.5238" said:

> Why is it so much worse then jackal in PVE? Its slower, it has only 2 leap bars, and its leap is worse then Jackals portal especially uphill.

> I understand logic behind limiting it in WvW, but in PVE it should offer similar speed to Jackal in my opinion.


Because its supposed to be most useful in WvW and a vanity item for PvE. If you want jackal functionality then, and i know this sounds odd but stay with me here, use the jackal. I know, its a bit outside the box, but it just might work.

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To help you out here op, I have an idea that the warclaw can do in PvE that the other mounts don't: they should allow its ability to spike enemies in PvE as it does in WvW. This might help on those level 80 maps that have spikeable enemies and allow some of its WvW flavor into the game mode. This way it has its "thing" like the other mounts have their "thing" and all is good, yeah?

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> @"Duncanmix.5238" said:

> Why is it so much worse then jackal in PVE? Its slower, it has only 2 leap bars, and its leap is worse then Jackals portal especially uphill.

> I understand logic behind limiting it in WvW, but in PVE it should offer similar speed to Jackal in my opinion.


Because it's a WvW mount and that's where it gets all the cool skills. ArenaNet allows people to use it in PvE as well but it still isn't meant for that. It's meant for WvW. I see no reason to make it better in PvE because you already have plenty of mounts there with all the good stuff.

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I personally think warclaw in pve should have the x3 stamina bar, just to make it more of viable option for map exploration. I know its meant for wvw, but anet did make it available to pve, so at least make it a little more useful then *as is*. From a marketing standpoint, if you want to make more $$ selling skins then you'll have to at least bring it up to a level that makes it satisfactory to use in pve. I like it, but its a little lacking of something.... the extra stamina will help people use it more generally in a pve environment & I truly believe anet will sell more skins as a result =)

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CJH... -_- That what I'm saying since the beginning, and nobody understood the argument. Instead they prefer ignoring me, putting all themselves against me and keeping saying the same thing again and again..... WvW mount blah blah for WvW..... not the main objective to have it in PvE... The mount in itself/ skin is great.

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> @"Critical Lag.9075" said:

> > @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> > This is why pve players shouldn’t be allowed to suggest things for wvw. Smh. They said this mount is made for wvw and wouldn’t be useful in pve. Why are you surprised?


> It doesn't have to be useful in PvE but it would be nice if it wasn't totally useless. Give me a single good reason why it can't have mastery skills and be a little bit faster outside WvW ? "Hurr durr it's WvW mount" is not a good reason.


> Anyway, I don't really care much myself, I would probably never use it, even if it was on par with jackal.


I hope they release more WvW mounts in the future that little PvErs like you find inadequate, because the bag farming is LEGENDARY right now.???

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Nah it should satisfy everyone. And so, the mount should be as fast as the jackal we speak about a feline. It's not a novelty, it's a mount, don't confound them. The only fact why it's called the WvW mount is simply due to the fact that only that mount can be used in WvW. PVE!!!! Should be fast in PvE. And how it is currently in WvW. Those skills are useless in PvE so as compensation, IMO it's the minimum to have a correct speed/jump.

> >

> > Um, no? It's called a WvW mount because it was specifically made for and designed to be used in WvW, and only WvW. It is a WvW mount that can be used in PvE. This is easy to verify, because no PvE mounts can be used in WvW. Since this one can be used in WvW, it must be a WvW mount specific to the game mode. You require NO compensation. Why should this mount provide you anything that another mount has, that's not how mounts work in this game. If the Jackal can do a thing, why should the Warclaw do it, it's already covered by the Jackal. The Warclaw is not the Jackal, it's the Warclaw, it does what the Warclaw does. Which, in PvE, is basically nothing.


> Ok will answer point by point.

> Can be a reply to evereryone who quoted.


> Yeah it have the speed of gryphon, but it's a quite low speed compared to raptor etc. But let's say it's due to armor.

> I never asked the warclaw to be a jackal obviously it is not, but to have at least a decent speed boost. Seriously,what will do the pve players after unlocking it? They will quit WvW. So at least, let's make that mount appealing. If it does nothing for pve it doesn't require an unlock. About the comment about pvp: yeah add it in PvP! We haven't destroyed enough the game. I do WvW and I was since the start of that war of threads defending the fact of not having mounts in wvw, they should stay in PvE. It's not restriction, it's good sense. Yeah the mount was made for WvW but your thinking can be used in reverse: So it's a WvW exclusive mount and it's available in PvE?

> WvW is more about the unlock medium, and so it's logical they added WvW skills.

> Frankly, increasing a little the mount speed/ change the speed boost in PvE will not kill anyone.


> It make me smile, peoples were saying mounts will destroy WvW, and now they want to keep it for themselves yeah so ok, remove the ability to use that mount in pve, done. If it's your mount, the mount of WvW as you are suggesting. I'm personnally for fun for everyone.

> But mounts are better in big maps so PvE and WvW.


> In case you aren't realizing, the more players that like the mount, (even PvE), higher is the probability to sell skins. So we are simply spitting on cash right now. Speed for money, a good deal.


> That's why we CAN't satisfy anyone, on any topic, you will have two extreme opinions. Instead let's construct a solid one all together..... I'm okay with disagreeing as long as we aren't biting/spitting on each other.


The main issue I'm seeing is the appearance of a belief that they somehow owe you something. They don't. You are correct about one thing, once the people who aren't interested in WvW get their mounts they'll be gone. I know I will. I want the mount for the novelty of the mount, not because I expect great things out of it. It's purpose isn't great things in PvE, it's mediocre at best in PvE and that it perfectly fine, because PvE has plenty of great mounts that do great things. There is no reason for there to be any overlap, and right now there isn't any. But just because you seem to want this mount to be the next great things PvE, even though it was never intended for that, doesn't mean ANet owes you anything of the kind. It isn't the least they could do to make it worthwhile in PvE. It's not designed for PvE so the least they can do for PvE is nothing.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> Anybody else have mount scaling to character issues? My Norn looks like he's riding a Chihuahua....


My Charr doesn't look any more ridiculous than usual, and my Asura looks cute (as always) on her matching kittyclaw. I've only really spent time on those two characters and since they are the extremes, I'd say the scaling was fine. Will check later on my hooman and Norn.


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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> The mount should be updated to be useful in pve. There is no reason not too. Saying that it's a "wvw mount" isn't a good reason as to why it doesnt do much in pve.


> Likewise they should make the other mounts useable in wvw as well. Even if all they do is increase movement speed.


Nope. There's already places that this mount can get past walls (albeit not as easily as the bunny or gryph would). The other mounts can stay out of WvW.

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Can some dev close this thread. I got my answer. I just don't want anyone to quote me or write me their essays about why this should stay potato in pve. I already said that's fine with me. Now go and do something more productive with your life and stop bickering like a bunch of crows over silly things.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > > Nah it should satisfy everyone. And so, the mount should be as fast as the jackal we speak about a feline. It's not a novelty, it's a mount, don't confound them. The only fact why it's called the WvW mount is simply due to the fact that only that mount can be used in WvW. PVE!!!! Should be fast in PvE. And how it is currently in WvW. Those skills are useless in PvE so as compensation, IMO it's the minimum to have a correct speed/jump.

> > >

> > > Um, no? It's called a WvW mount because it was specifically made for and designed to be used in WvW, and only WvW. It is a WvW mount that can be used in PvE. This is easy to verify, because no PvE mounts can be used in WvW. Since this one can be used in WvW, it must be a WvW mount specific to the game mode. You require NO compensation. Why should this mount provide you anything that another mount has, that's not how mounts work in this game. If the Jackal can do a thing, why should the Warclaw do it, it's already covered by the Jackal. The Warclaw is not the Jackal, it's the Warclaw, it does what the Warclaw does. Which, in PvE, is basically nothing.

> >

> > Ok will answer point by point.

> > Can be a reply to evereryone who quoted.

> >

> > Yeah it have the speed of gryphon, but it's a quite low speed compared to raptor etc. But let's say it's due to armor.

> > I never asked the warclaw to be a jackal obviously it is not, but to have at least a decent speed boost. Seriously,what will do the pve players after unlocking it? They will quit WvW. So at least, let's make that mount appealing. If it does nothing for pve it doesn't require an unlock. About the comment about pvp: yeah add it in PvP! We haven't destroyed enough the game. I do WvW and I was since the start of that war of threads defending the fact of not having mounts in wvw, they should stay in PvE. It's not restriction, it's good sense. Yeah the mount was made for WvW but your thinking can be used in reverse: So it's a WvW exclusive mount and it's available in PvE?

> > WvW is more about the unlock medium, and so it's logical they added WvW skills.

> > Frankly, increasing a little the mount speed/ change the speed boost in PvE will not kill anyone.

> >

> > It make me smile, peoples were saying mounts will destroy WvW, and now they want to keep it for themselves yeah so ok, remove the ability to use that mount in pve, done. If it's your mount, the mount of WvW as you are suggesting. I'm personnally for fun for everyone.

> > But mounts are better in big maps so PvE and WvW.

> >

> > In case you aren't realizing, the more players that like the mount, (even PvE), higher is the probability to sell skins. So we are simply spitting on cash right now. Speed for money, a good deal.

> >

> > That's why we CAN't satisfy anyone, on any topic, you will have two extreme opinions. Instead let's construct a solid one all together..... I'm okay with disagreeing as long as we aren't biting/spitting on each other.


> The main issue I'm seeing is the appearance of a belief that they somehow owe you something. They don't. You are correct about one thing, once the people who aren't interested in WvW get their mounts they'll be gone. I know I will. I want the mount for the novelty of the mount, not because I expect great things out of it. It's purpose isn't great things in PvE, it's mediocre at best in PvE and that it perfectly fine, because PvE has plenty of great mounts that do great things. There is no reason for there to be any overlap, and right now there isn't any. But just because you seem to want this mount to be the next great things PvE, even though it was never intended for that, doesn't mean ANet owes you anything of the kind. It isn't the least they could do to make it worthwhile in PvE. It's not designed for PvE so the least they can do for PvE is nothing.


Firstly, thx that's a constructive answer but nah nah nah you missed the argument. I'm personally fine with how the mount looks, its animations... what I'm pointing out, is why pve players will spend real money for gems to buy skins for that mount if they have no reasons to do so? That's why me and a bunch of other players/posters are suggesting a better speed/3rd endurance bar in PvE, the mount works well in WvW. Here it's just to make it more appealing.

If you're okay with just "unlocking the mount" it's okay, I respect that. But it's kinda spitting on money if some players don't buy it because too slow or anything else. Personnally I don't care at all I don't "own" anything, it's THEIR game. And if it stay as is it currently, will deal with it that's all. If I could complain about anything I would, but I'm satisfied with that awesome game.

Just re-add it in case of:

It's a Suggestion, I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, just some advices.


People understanding what they want to understand... it made me lost, op is right it's time to close the thread.

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> @"Duncanmix.5238" said:

> Why is it so much worse then jackal in PVE? Its slower, it has only 2 leap bars, and its leap is worse then Jackals portal especially uphill.

> I understand logic behind limiting it in WvW, but in PVE it should offer similar speed to Jackal in my opinion.


take it.

have it.

remove it from WvW add it to PvE give it run speed please do us old WvWers a favor..

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It's made for WvW, so working in PvE is king of just a bonus, or just for the sake of making it as useful and accessible as possible. As a mainly PvE player, I would have been upset if it wasn't available outside of WvW. But it having little to no function in PvE, even to the point of it being considerably inferior to the other mounts, is entirely fair.

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> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > In PvE it should be as fast as raptor because its abilities aren't useful

> > >

> > > Why, if you can just use raptor? You effectively ask to develop a new mount with Warclaw's skin on it. Why just won't wait till Anet will provide a new mount for PvE, then?

> >

> > Because if it gets cool skins I want to be incentivized to get them as bare minimum decent mount. There is specifically no reason not to bring it up to speed.


> Yes, there IS a specific reason not to change it. The devs stated specifically that it was created so they could balance it's skill in WvW. Your now asking them to have 2 different versions, 1 for WvW and 1 for PVE. That would go against the reason they made a specific version for WvW so they do not have to waste development time and upkeep with 2 sets of stats.


Like every split between WvW, PvP and PvE this isn't really an issue.

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