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Reaper mobility and Gap closers


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> @"Sakorath.8910" said:

> I'm fine with the low mobility. Reaper hits like a truck. As for acquiring more mobility, I am currently testing a build that uses Fireworks runes in WVW. It's fun to watch people try to run away from me with my 25% movement speed + swiftness.


It doesn't really hit harder than other classes...

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > > > if only NCSY was instant, could make for some high skilled plays, but might be too broken?

> > >

> > > Instant NCSY would just make it a crappy version of warrior's signet.

> > I agree it needs to be more than instant before its really relative to being a decent shout. My idea for NCSY

> > - instant cast (though not required would be nice if it was instant cast)

> > - applies 3 seconds of reveal on hit (needs this badly)

> > - always applies the 10 vuln on hit

> > - always strips stability, resistance, and protection on hit

> That suggestion is ludicrously overloaded for a 20s untraited cooldown skill.

> > > Quick reaper fix guide:

> > > - Death's charge and Death Spiral are now frontal blocks.

> > Death's charge yes... death spiral thats a bit questionable but maybe..... it would have to lose some of its current mechanics as its currently pretty loaded as is for 1 skill as is.

> I think you are confusing Death Spiral with Soul Spiral.

> > > - Grasping Darkness is no longer negated by projectile destructs.

> > Just make it unblockable ez fix (its still going to be buggy though)

> Grasping Darkness is not buggy tho, they fixed it a long time ago. It's just overly penalized due to being negated by all projectile destructs.

> > > - Executioner's Scythe will always apply it's stun the current target instead of picking one target at random to apply the stun to.

> > Im not sure this is a major thing either, Honestly the skill should technically just be partly reworked

> > - First of all it should at the very least be able to strike 3 targets (your target and/or the 2 closest foes to the landing center of the aoe)

> > - increase the stun duration in addition to the current damage based on foes hp value

> 3 targets is too much for how much damage the skill does. Also the stun duration is fine. 1.5s is already very punishing.


> > > - Chilled to the Bone cast time reduced from 1.25 to 0.75 to bring it inline with similar skills on other classes.

> > This is not a necessity but its would be a nice QoL although i don't see this as some sort of marvelous change

> It's very necessary in order to improve the ability to clutch with the skill. Moreover Anet has been moving similar skills on other classes down to 0.75s cast. (see Chaotic Release change)

> > > - Gravedigger's reset mechanic is removed and Gravedigger's power scaling increased by 25%.

> > Needs more tbh 25% is not worth the cd reset going away in its on its own.

> > - 25% Power scale increase

> > - Delivers a 2nd strike on foes under 50% hp after a short delay (this strike uses the same damage values as the normal strike)


> The cd reset has no value. You ain't hitting anyone twice with gravedigger and you will be lucky to hit someone once. The purpose of the change is to make gravedigger worth using. 25% does that because it puts the skill firmly in the 7k-10k critical range, whereas right now it's 5k-8k critical range and 3-5k non-critical which isn't worth the 1.25s cast. You second strike mechanic isn't desirable because it still leaves the skill worthless when the foe isn't below 50%, while at the same time being a guaranteed insta kill against a foe below 50%.

> > > - Entering Shroud resets the cooldowns of all shroud skills. Seriously, you should always have your shroud skills available when you enter shroud.

> > Thats not broken at all... lol i dont think thats a good way to do it Crinn while i think that shroud skill should be more available simply pressing f1 and getting them all back every 10 seconds for free is not acceptable nor would be looked upon in competitive modes as fair.

> Except you don't enter shroud every 10 seconds, because the cooldown doesn't start until you exit shroud.


> > You also forgot a few important things on your list

> > **Augury of Death**

> > - Shouts now Life Siphon into hp and life force on hit.

> > - In addition to the current cd reduction mechanic that this trait grants, all shouts now have their recharges partially reduced when other shouts you use strike foes. 2% per foe struck (the more shouts you run the more you can use them generally)

> That would be too much as a full shout build could potentially YSIM every 10s.

> > **Deathly Chill**

> > - Increases the effectiveness of chill from -66% to -77% movement and cooldown recharge, and additionally reduces the effective distance of skills that cause movement by an equal amount, Rush, Swoop, Bull charge etc (Blinks and shadow steps are not affected)

> No, that's too brutal. You'd be able to completely and effortlessly lockdown any class that doesn't have passive chill removal. It's too binary.



Well I'm currently playing a chill-power reaper. And I have to say, most classes have passive cleanses or immunities, they just don't care about the chill.


Current build:



With fireworks rune

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"wanya.1697" said:

> > perma swiftness on necro is possible so no idea where the mobility issue is coming from just trait for it

> > war horn and spectral walk give you pretty easy perma swiftness

> >


> When people talk about mobility in this game it's mostly about skill that make the player move from one point to another (charge skills/teleport skills). The movement speed isn't really taken into account. Technically you can perma 25% movement speed on most if not all professions and it's also true for swiftness, however being able to chain movement skills fluidly isn't something that all professions can do. And in this regard the necromancer is without a doubt the "worst".


Make Spectral Grasp: ground targeting instant cast skill, teleport to targeted area and chill foes in that area. Gain life force for each foe struck. Range 1200, radius 300, 30 second recharge. Gap closer if you need it, or a blink for OOC mobility. Tradeoff is losing the hard CC and needing discretion with positioning.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > > > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > > > > if only NCSY was instant, could make for some high skilled plays, but might be too broken?

> > > >

> > > > Instant NCSY would just make it a crappy version of warrior's signet.

> > > I agree it needs to be more than instant before its really relative to being a decent shout. My idea for NCSY

> > > - instant cast (though not required would be nice if it was instant cast)

> > > - applies 3 seconds of reveal on hit (needs this badly)

> > > - always applies the 10 vuln on hit

> > > - always strips stability, resistance, and protection on hit

> > That suggestion is ludicrously overloaded for a 20s untraited cooldown skill.


The biggest thing it needs is the reveal the rest maybe. Instant use would be good for obvious reasons.

But let me ask you this... Have you used the skill in pvp if not then why not? You could say "i just dont need it" but then you could say that about any old utility skill. You usually dont use something because it has no practical use, its not good or is too situational or offers no benefit.


In my case its often too situational. You have to totally predict the block rather than use it when you want to outplay a block that just went active. The cast time prevents you from easily combining it with other skills and while it already rips boons why shouldn't it focus on defensive boons as the shout is called "Nothing can save you." It only really makes sense. The cd of the skill is arguable if you want that can always be moved up or down generally but with this shout itself is generally bad.


> > > > Quick reaper fix guide:

> > > > - Death's charge and Death Spiral are now frontal blocks.

> > > Death's charge yes... death spiral thats a bit questionable but maybe..... it would have to lose some of its current mechanics as its currently pretty loaded as is for 1 skill as is.

> > I think you are confusing Death Spiral with Soul Spiral.

No im not, i know you are talking about the GS skill and have you read that skill lately its a multi hitting skill that applies alot vuln, generates life force, and deals increased damage above a hp threshold, and its damage is pretty solid.... while it hits multiple targets. ITs overloaded as is to also be able to block attacks would be INSANELY too much.

> > > > - Grasping Darkness is no longer negated by projectile destructs.

> > > Just make it unblockable ez fix (its still going to be buggy though)

> > Grasping Darkness is not buggy tho, they fixed it a long time ago. It's just overly penalized due to being negated by all projectile destructs.

Im sorry but no its still buggy. trying to pull some one who is butted up against a wall there is like a 50% chance the skill will out right fail.

The skill can fail when pulling people on different level of ground from you such a hills or steps where as other pulls would still work.

It also in my case has clipped right through people without doing strike damage or pulling them when they were clearly in range from time to time. Its still buggy if you think other wise then you don't use the skill enough. Its probably one of the most unreliable necromancer skills at the moment.

> > > > - Executioner's Scythe will always apply it's stun the current target instead of picking one target at random to apply the stun to.

> > > Im not sure this is a major thing either, Honestly the skill should technically just be partly reworked

> > > - First of all it should at the very least be able to strike 3 targets (your target and/or the 2 closest foes to the landing center of the aoe)

> > > - increase the stun duration in addition to the current damage based on foes hp value

> > 3 targets is too much for how much damage the skill does. Also the stun duration is fine. 1.5s is already very punishing.

stun duration i can understand thats greedy, but 3 targets being too much for a profession mechanic meant to specialize in melee team fighting i dont think thats too much to ask :/ I disagree with you on that bit. 100%

> > > > - Chilled to the Bone cast time reduced from 1.25 to 0.75 to bring it inline with similar skills on other classes.

> > > This is not a necessity but its would be a nice QoL although i don't see this as some sort of marvelous change

> > It's very necessary in order to improve the ability to clutch with the skill. Moreover Anet has been moving similar skills on other classes down to 0.75s cast. (see Chaotic Release change)

No its not a necessary change lol it still has a big flashy startup up people dont dodge it because of its slow cast people dodge it cause its overly visable to see coming. This change would help but overall the majority of people will still be able to dodge CttB with ease. . A necessary change , no... a nice change, sure...

> > > > - Gravedigger's reset mechanic is removed and Gravedigger's power scaling increased by 25%.

> > > Needs more tbh 25% is not worth the cd reset going away in its on its own.

> > > - 25% Power scale increase

> > > - Delivers a 2nd strike on foes under 50% hp after a short delay (this strike uses the same damage values as the normal strike)

> >

> > The cd reset has no value. You ain't hitting anyone twice with gravedigger and you will be lucky to hit someone once. The purpose of the change is to make gravedigger worth using. 25% does that because it puts the skill firmly in the 7k-10k critical range, whereas right now it's 5k-8k critical range and 3-5k non-critical which isn't worth the 1.25s cast. You second strike mechanic isn't desirable because it still leaves the skill worthless when the foe isn't below 50%, while at the same time being a guaranteed insta kill against a foe below 50%.

The biggest argument i make here.

Keep in mind im also thinking pve not just pvp. In pve the current use of the skill is quite common once something goes under 50% in extended fights to remove the cd reset in those situations yes it needs more than just a flat 25% boost. A flat 25% boost is fine for pvp but in pve thats crap and because anet is firm on not having a skill work in 2 different ways from pvp to pve when you do things like this you need to also consider its use in pve not just pvp situations. That was my reasoning behind the 2nd strike.

A 25% boost to damage vs end game content where its common at the current moment to use the skill several times during what would be its cooldown if you added the 25% damage. You could argue that its made up throughout the whole fight rather than just the end but thats requires crazy testing and off the top of my head i just dont see it. IT NEEDS MORE! for the sake of pve not pvp in this case. I dont think it would really make up for the lost in the end even with a optimal rotation.

Not everyone only does PvP and when you consider changing skills you should not only think from a pvp state of mind because anet does not split skills that way.


Second strike damage could always get an numbers change in pvp to make it less insta kill threatening but imo that wouldnt be needed. There are other things on other professions with far less tell that can kill you from above 50% hp from stealth or range. while this skill still has a 1.25 cast and only deals damage in melee range.


You could argue that in pve that the power scaling boost just be higher too which then comes to the point how much. In any case it needs more than just 25% thats pretty lame considering the skills current level of use value across all game modes.


> > > > - Entering Shroud resets the cooldowns of all shroud skills. Seriously, you should always have your shroud skills available when you enter shroud.

> > > Thats not broken at all... lol i dont think thats a good way to do it Crinn while i think that shroud skill should be more available simply pressing f1 and getting them all back every 10 seconds for free is not acceptable nor would be looked upon in competitive modes as fair.

> > Except you don't enter shroud every 10 seconds, because the cooldown doesn't start until you exit shroud.


This is not a valid argument or statement to be honest.


> >

> > > You also forgot a few important things on your list

> > > **Augury of Death**

> > > - Shouts now Life Siphon into hp and life force on hit.

> > > - In addition to the current cd reduction mechanic that this trait grants, all shouts now have their recharges partially reduced when other shouts you use strike foes. 2% per foe struck (the more shouts you run the more you can use them generally)

> > That would be too much as a full shout build could potentially YSIM every 10s.


Assuming you always hit 5 targets with every shout on your bar. In fact even with this change most players still likely wouldn't run all shouts as too many shouts are not viable in end game pve or pvp some one running all shouts atm is likely doing it for thematic purposes not optimal ones. YSIM is not that strong to start with its one of necros weaker heals. Its not the worst heal but its far from the best heal imo. Consume conditions, scourge heal are by far still considerable stronger YSIM wouldnt become stronger unless smashing shouts with perfect precision to get a YSIM every 10 seconds which realistically probably wont happen often.


Even if we drop the cd addition you left no thought on the life force part. Which is probably the more important bit.


> > > **Deathly Chill**

> > > - Increases the effectiveness of chill from -66% to -77% movement and cooldown recharge, and additionally reduces the effective distance of skills that cause movement by an equal amount, Rush, Swoop, Bull charge etc (Blinks and shadow steps are not affected)

> > No, that's too brutal. You'd be able to completely and effortlessly lockdown any class that doesn't have passive chill removal. It's too binary.

If you have played long enough you would know that this use to be a thing in the game and necros had to abuse it as part of their sustain. IT was also their way of catching professions that were out right faster than them and used movement skills to kite. Cripple and chill use to considerably reduce the distance of movement abilities. Anet removed it for some reason not sure why. But it would make for an interesting trait to bring back to necromancer as one of the slower lower mobile professions who is based on conditioning foes to overpower them.

> >


> Well I'm currently playing a chill-power reaper. And I have to say, most classes have passive cleanses or immunities, they just don't care about the chill.

This ^ also this. Unless you really catch some one who A either has no idea what they are doing or B has used all their immunities and cleansing chill is extra ignorable.




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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> just scrap it all and stick to the slow theme.

> dont make the reaper teleport and jump around like a thief - glue enemies to the reaper instead.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magebane_Tether_(trait_skill)

> was one of the best skill inventions of all time. unfortunately on the wrong e-spec :3


Alot of things that would make necro a force to be feared tend to end up on other professions as of late

Necros as for focus skill 4 rework

Guardian gets it instead when it really didnt need it.


Core shroud has tethers that do nothing when broken

See your example of Magebane tether


Fairly sure that wells sticking to the necro was an idea posted for necros looooong ago before the days of HoT

Scrapper now has wells that stick to them


Seems to be a on going trend.

People want more mobility we are going to see mobility improvement on other professions next lol


Im still waiting for a death magic rework that will never happen

A staff rework that will never happen

and a rework to Marks that spread them to some of the other weapon sets (offhand dagger and or focus, scepter etc.) like clone, phants, symbols etc on other professions. which will also never happen ;D


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Sakorath.8910" said:

> > I'm fine with the low mobility. Reaper hits like a truck. As for acquiring more mobility, I am currently testing a build that uses Fireworks runes in WVW. It's fun to watch people try to run away from me with my 25% movement speed + swiftness.


> It doesn't really hit harder than other classes...


Reaper _does_ hit harder than core power Necro. At least there is that.

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The problem I have with necro/reaper´s mobility is the complete lack of any mobility-skills on his weapons. Only reaper has a dash with shroud2.

I suggest either giving the next elite-spec´s weapon, a mobility-skill or rework existing weapons.

Though, due my recent activity in wvw, I´ve noticed that all mobility is useless if it´s not covered by i-frames(evasion-status) like warrior-gs 3. Because of the tab-target-system not adding such evasion-modifiers makes moving nonsensical.


Now necro´s lack of defense is another topic, though I guess it actually doesn´t need any explanation besides mentioning "shroud".

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The only things of Reaper should be improved are the following:



-Make it unblockable projectile or just a AOE effect, because currently this skill doesn't pull a single one in WVW fight.


Augury of Death

-This is trivial trait today, Shout skills don't outstandingly differ from other utility skills that make Reaper boring (out of option when Reaper's Shroud is on).

-So, the whole trait should be rewritten to:

[Reduce recharge time 15% and Shout skills can be used when Reaper's Shroud is on.]


Deathly Chill

-The damage which Chill given is underwhelming compared to Reaper's onslaught effect.

-It only need some tweak on damage.

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