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[Suggestion] Warclaw PvE skill - climb inclines

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One PvE only skill I would like to see with the warclaw to make it be able to climb steeper inclined surfaces than other mounts. A good example is the leaning tree in Bitterfrost Frontier. None of the mounts can really scale it but the warclaw with it's claws could make use of that type of incline. It could become a new thing for future maps is to have inclined surfaces that need the warclaw to climb. A good example would be a large inclined pipe or cave passage that requires the player to climb inside of with the warclaw. This would give it a PvE niche in the mount lineup.

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I doubt the Warclaw is designed in any way to be of use in pve. The only reason to have it pve available is so people can use the soon to be purchasable skins in both game modes.


Any pve unique benefits and perks would automatically make the Warclaw mandatory and force pve players to WvW, plus add work for the developers. I'm not seeing the overwhelming benefits of such a change or approach.


If they want more niche mounts for pve, they will introduce those via pve means. Added benefit: more skins to sell.


This counts double for any future WvW mount which might at any point get added. Visual availability for pve, but no use.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> This would give it a PvE niche in the mount lineup.


And therefore would make it mandatory for all PvE players to have to go into WvW to acquire the mount, whereas currently its only use in PvE is cosmetic.


Have you ever seen the kittenshow threads that pop up about PvE players objecting to the requirement of a Gift of Battle for legendary weapons? Your suggestion would lead to a similar explosion, but of cataclysmic proportions.



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It's a nice idea for a new mount, or maybe a new mount ability, but like other people have said it wouldn't be a good idea to give the warclaw any PvE abilities because then it becomes something PvE-only players "need" to unlock. At the moment it's a purely WvW mount. It can be used in PvE but only as a novelty so there's no need for anyone to get it if they don't want to play WvW.

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Gonna have the opposite opinion than the others, if no thumbs up, okay It seems everyone are stuck to their arguments. It's cool it's useful in WvW and i'm pretty sure a ton of WvWers liking THEIR WvW mount, will enjoy buying skins for it. But whereas they haven't tied any purposes to it in PvE, I can't see a majority of Pvers buying skins for it too. Note that i'm half PvEr-WvWer and currently, have it, but don't want to purchase anything related to it, I'm pretty sure they will release a skin pack soon as they always do, but I'm not into it. (Ignore that comment, if it's just to make drama again, or at least tolerate other opinions.)

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The thing about the forum is no matter what someone posts there is always going to be naysayers; all doom and gloom. The mount is already something you have to go to WvW to get and it's a battle kitty. Having it is yet another part of fashion wars. It's not like people are complaining about it that much more than normal. The whole point was to drive people to WvW which it did. Giving it a PvE niche would just give the ones on the fence about acquiring it a push towards doing the achievement; some of which might keep returning.


In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".


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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".


Or it can check in front of it for a vertical collision, and if yes perform a special animation and you can climb, but will require several programming and resources I guess :/



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".


> Or it can check in front of it for a vertical collision, and if yes perform a special animation and you can climb, but will require several programming and resources I guess :/


I think they would need three basic animation sets for climbing. Climbing convex, concave and flat surfaces. They probably could fudge the last two together but convex surfaces such as trees would require a rounded grasp as paws w/claws hug onto the tree.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> The thing about the forum is no matter what someone posts there is always going to be naysayers; all doom and gloom. The mount is already something you have to go to WvW to get and it's a battle kitty. Having it is yet another part of fashion wars. It's not like people are complaining about it that much more than normal. The whole point was to drive people to WvW which it did. Giving it a PvE niche would just give the ones on the fence about acquiring it a push towards doing the achievement; some of which might keep returning.


> In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".



It's not doom and gloom when your idea makes no sense. What reason is there to make the Warclaw mandatory for pve? None. Any people who are on the fence about getting the mount and spending 6-10 hours in WvW are very likely not even remotely interested in WvW.


The climbing idea could be easily implemented on a new mount for pve. It would circumvent a lot of issues with making the Warclaw mandatory and would allow for additional perks in form of more skin sales. Your idea simply does not make a lot of sense.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> The thing about the forum is no matter what someone posts there is always going to be naysayers; all doom and gloom. The mount is already something you have to go to WvW to get and it's a battle kitty. Having it is yet another part of fashion wars. It's not like people are complaining about it that much more than normal. The whole point was to drive people to WvW which it did. Giving it a PvE niche would just give the ones on the fence about acquiring it a push towards doing the achievement; some of which might keep returning.


> In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".



I would agree with you except I think you're missing the nuance of the distinction between allowing it in PvE and making it a requirement. If you have PvE content that is simply not accessible without this mount then it's a problem. And sure - Anet could just say 'tough noogies' and people would probably just groan about it like they do about needing WvW to get Gift of Battle. But it would establish for the first time in game that there are actual map locations inaccessible to anyone who doesn't do it. And if they're accessible otherwise, then why go to the trouble?


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > The thing about the forum is no matter what someone posts there is always going to be naysayers; all doom and gloom. The mount is already something you have to go to WvW to get and it's a battle kitty. Having it is yet another part of fashion wars. It's not like people are complaining about it that much more than normal. The whole point was to drive people to WvW which it did. Giving it a PvE niche would just give the ones on the fence about acquiring it a push towards doing the achievement; some of which might keep returning.

> >

> > In addition to what I suggested I think climbing large trees might be a good one. Although that would be more complicated because it wouldn't just be calculating inclines but rather knowing what is and isn't a tree. I'm not sure they have something tagged on tree objects to say "this is a tree" let alone "this is a large tree".

> >


> It's not doom and gloom when your idea makes no sense. What reason is there to make the Warclaw mandatory for pve? None. Any people who are on the fence about getting the mount and spending 6-10 hours in WvW are very likely not even remotely interested in WvW.


> The climbing idea could be easily implemented on a new mount for pve. It would circumvent a lot of issues with making the Warclaw mandatory and would allow for additional perks in form of more skin sales. Your idea simply does not make a lot of sense.


Cat's climb trees... How does a cat mount being able to climb inclines and trees not make sense? They could just make it a novelty thing in PvE and not exclude areas from being accessed by other means. It could just be a more direct path to climb with the warcat.


As far as the negative responses; it's my experience that someone could post that the sky is blue and others would aggressively take issue with that statement. People seem to forget that if they don't like something then ignore it and it'll fade to obscurity but if you respond to it the original post becomes more visible to the powers that be and might actually get them thinking. I guess in a way I should thank the negative responses for making my suggestion more visible.

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