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All mounts should have other skills on the UI like Warclaw!

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Why can't griffon have their special skills on the UI (**dive** be **#2** and **pull up** be **#3**) like Warclaw has it's other abilities on the Ui and not just the V/C special keys? It'd be nice to **visually** have that option . I currently keybind my V/C skills for mounts to 2/3 already and now that conflicts with the warclaw abilities **"sniff" is #2** and **"chain pull" is #3**. It would also be nice to have the Beetle's boost be **#2** and drift be **#3** on the UI just like Warclaw has it's other abilities there. It would then solve the keybinding problem and overall smooth out and unify all mount skills. It's odd that Warclaw has it but not the other mounts. Seems like something simple to update for a future release.



Mount Ability 1: Bound to the "c" key and used to pull griffon into a dive

Mount Ability 2: Bound to the "v" key and used to pull the griffon up into a climb




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I think you're misunderstanding how these function.

V and C are movement abilities. V is universally the main movement ability like Dodge because in all cases the V ability uses endurance. Climb and Drift don't have an analog to Dodge but they both interact with endurance by restoring them somewhat.

The numbered keys, though are actual abilities, far removed from endurance

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>I currently keybind my V/C skills for mounts to 2/3 already and now that conflicts with the warclaw abilities "sniff" is #2 and "chain pull" is #3.


You can keep your key binds. It doesn’t conflict because you can only use 2/3 for Warclaw in WvW only. PvE, where you use Mount abilities 1 and 2 (wherever you’ve bound them), are unaffected as Warclaws skill abilities are not usable. There’s no overlap.

Also, when you rebind, if the warning is written in yellow, it’s not going to conflict.

Like my WvW panel is bound to ‘B’, and so is my mount ability 2. When I’m mounted, Mount ability overrides the panel shortcut and won’t open, but unmounted it will.

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But isn't the point of a UI to make it easier for the user to see the actions? It took a while to figure out the beetle or for that matter all mounts. Heck it took 2-3 months for me to figure out that holding spacebar down while diving gave me a super boost. ("AH ha! that's how those griffon adventures are done!" :D - i wasn't the only one to fail that either btw. Got many whispers of people telling me "thanks" when i pointed it out to others. Pretty sure there are quite a few youtube videos and forums posts about this as well.) It seems it would have been simpler and made life easier for many to show the skills on the action bar.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> But isn't the point of a UI to make it easier for the user to see the actions? It took a while to figure out the beetle or for that matter all mounts. Would have been simpler to show the skills on the Action bar .


But would cause problems, as some people *don’t* want to use the same keys for weapon skills as they would for mount special abilities. Putting Mount abilities 1 and 2 on the skill bar would limit them to what weapon skills 2 and 3 are key bound to.

Not having Mount abilities on the skill bar gives better key bind flexibility, basically.


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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> >I currently keybind my V/C skills for mounts to 2/3 already and now that conflicts with the warclaw abilities "sniff" is #2 and "chain pull" is #3.


> You can keep your key binds. It doesn’t conflict because you can only use 2/3 for Warclaw in WvW only. PvE, where you use Mount abilities 1 and 2 (wherever you’ve bound them), are unaffected as Warclaws skill abilities are not usable. There’s no overlap.

> Also, when you rebind, if the warning in written in yellow, it’s not going to conflict.

> Like my WvW panel is bound to ‘B’, and so is my mount ability 2. When I’m mounted, Mount ability overrides the panel shortcut and won’t open, but unmounted it will.


well i actually re-keybind everything. wasd is too tiny. I do it differently. Though it shouldn't matter as default is 12345 i use 6543T. So 23 is 54 and it conflicts with my other mount abilities. In wvw sniff(5) and chain pull(4) cannot be used when pressed, because of how its bound for pve. 5 (or default 2 is bound to special ability 1) and 4 (or default 3) is bound to special ability 2. So in WvW I have to mouse click the warclaw skills for them to work.


edit: basically to overt all this keybind confusion having it displayed visually on the action bar would simplify things.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > But isn't the point of a UI to make it easier for the user to see the actions? It took a while to figure out the beetle or for that matter all mounts. Would have been simpler to show the skills on the Action bar .


> But would cause problems, as some people *don’t* want to use the same keys for weapon skills as they would for mount special abilities. Putting Mount abilities 1 and 2 on the skill bar would limit them to what weapon skills 2 and 3 are key bound to.

> Not having Mount abilities on the skill bar gives better key bind flexibility, basically.



You're keybinds for mounts in "control options" are different then weapon skills. You don't use weapon skills when you are mounted there for Mount skills should override combat weapon skills. When you dismount then weapon skills would be dominant. That way it would work and be more visually unified.


edit :up until warclaw there was no problem with this :D

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> edit :up until warclaw there was no problem with this :D



Sooo, curious. You had weapon skill 1 bound to a different skill than ‘Engage’?

Genuinely, you’re not understanding the basic limitations of the UI, which is why Anet put Mount Abilities 1 and 2 ingame as undefined, but bindable skills. /shrug.


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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> I think you're misunderstanding how these function.

> V and C are movement abilities. V is universally the main movement ability like Dodge because in all cases the V ability uses endurance. Climb and Drift don't have an analog to Dodge but they both interact with endurance by restoring them somewhat.

> The numbered keys, though are actual abilities, far removed from endurance


I think the probs for me is that special abilitiy 1 for warclaw leaps you forward. how is that a special ability? :) move forward and hold space bar down same leap occurs.

If they didn't have it bound this way, unifying all skills on the action bar would work. The C/V would become the 2/3 and they would still function the same way with endurance. Some mounts(warclaw) might adjust the #'s but they'd be all visually layed out on the action bar.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > edit :up until warclaw there was no problem with this :D



> Sooo, curious. You had weapon skill 1 bound to a different skill than ‘Engage’?

> Genuinely, you’re not understanding the basic limitations of the UI, which is why Anet put Mount Abilities 1 and 2 ingame as undefined, but bindable skills. /shrug.



You mean my keybinds? Yeah they're carried over from another mmo where u could swap skills around on the action bar. Basically my large hands are too big for that little wasd corner. and with no swapping skills around i kinda had to get used to reading things backwards on the screen then my keyboard layout, another fun thing :)

but yea my 12345 is 6543T thumb rests on NM, gives plenty of other buttons in reach, W (pinky), R/F(ringfinger), TYUIGHJKL6789(pointer finger), BNM , . (thumb), right alt button modifier - slightly move hand right on keyboard: Alt +TYUIOPGHJKLBNM. Lots more options then tiny wasd.


but no, weapon skill 1 is bound to 6 so engage is 6.

and the other part of your comment is what i think i figured out above, that i was typing while you commented just b4 me :D



It's a directional choice/ system design anet went with that i think could be modified for better visual unity was the point of all this.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > I think you're misunderstanding how these function.

> > V and C are movement abilities. V is universally the main movement ability like Dodge because in all cases the V ability uses endurance. Climb and Drift don't have an analog to Dodge but they both interact with endurance by restoring them somewhat.

> > The numbered keys, though are actual abilities, far removed from endurance


> I think the probs for me is that special abilitiy 1 for warclaw leaps you forward. how is that a special ability? :) move forward and hold space bar down same leap occurs.

> If they didn't have it bound this way, unifying all skills on the action bar would work. The C/V would become the 2/3 and they would still function the same way with endurance. Some mounts(warclaw) might adjust the #'s but they'd be all visually layed out on the action bar.


If by "Special Ability 1" you mean its dodge, it's just like Raptor and Jackal a forward dash (approx half of a fully mastered Raptor leap).


The problem with placing the abilities on the skill bar is that then those abilities **can not be separated** from whatever your keybind for the corresponding skill slots are. Just like I can't ever give Bond of Faith a keybind *other* than what I have my middle utility skill when unmounted bound to.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > I think you're misunderstanding how these function.

> > V and C are movement abilities. V is universally the main movement ability like Dodge because in all cases the V ability uses endurance. Climb and Drift don't have an analog to Dodge but they both interact with endurance by restoring them somewhat.

> > The numbered keys, though are actual abilities, far removed from endurance


> I think the probs for me is that special abilitiy 1 for warclaw leaps you forward. how is that a special ability? :) move forward and hold space bar down same leap occurs.

> If they didn't have it bound this way, unifying all skills on the action bar would work. The C/V would become the 2/3 and they would still function the same way with endurance. Some mounts(warclaw) might adjust the #'s but they'd be all visually layed out on the action bar.


There are two differences between V and jumping. You move farther, and once you've traited it, you can evade like a proper dodge.


Why would they make the Warclaw function differently than a character. You don't have dodge on your action bar. Why would the mount version of dodge be there?

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I would be rather unhappy if the special actions got moved to the action bar. I don't have awesome reflexes or large hands, so I like keeping actions 1 and 2 next to the space bar since they have to be used along with the space bar in split seconds at times.

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Sorry that some of you have difficulty playing the game, but that's not how those abilities work, nor should it be. They're dodge. Dodge shouldn't be wasting space on the action bar because it's not an action. I do agree it would be nice if all mounts had more functionality on the action bar, but that functionality shouldn't be dodge.

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