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Side noding isn't fun - Here is a possible solution

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The powercreep on sidenodes happens when a sidenoder profession without investing a single stat into healing power is able to have crazy high sustain plus damage to win 1vs1 (holosmith and soulbeast, chrono as well i guess) and hold people even 1vs2 and plus has good team fights abilities.


Right now scrapper is overtuned in sustain, but it can't win 1vs1s because doesn't have damage.

It's not healthy, but definitely better of a bunker who even have the chance to do kills.






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Here's to hoping they can even program something like that in the first place anyways.


I like the idea that if people are in a 1v1 they die quick. This suggestion forces the team to match rotations makes it so that a very tanky spec wil eventually be bursted, and that one tanky spec can't just tank 3 people and delay. Not bad phanta, but I wonder if ANET could execute something like this in the first place.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > I dont like the idea of taking increased damage.

> > Cause as it stands now....people still have room to go even beefier....like people still have the option to go paladins or even soldier amulet : /

> >

> > I do however think, that reducing healing as times go by could be interesting.

> > Obviously that would only be a band-aid fix though.... actual balance would be preferred.


> Soldier amulet, the amulet that was removed like nearly 3 years ago? I think you might be mixing WvW in PvP. There is not a single amulet with healing and toughness (other than celestial, but lets face it, most builds waste LOT of stats there so not really a good option for most).


Oh ye....I thought of Knight amulets...which I believed to have vitality on there as well for whatever reason.

I stand corrected.



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Just wait the revenant for the +1, cap and never lose it again.

If you want 1v1 that last less, play revenant, go 1v1, and if you manage to survive in a duel more than a minute you are a top tier revenant player. There's also a special hidden Achievement for doing that, "survive a minute in a side node duel using revenant".

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > I dont like the idea of taking increased damage.

> > > Cause as it stands now....people still have room to go even beefier....like people still have the option to go paladins or even soldier amulet : /

> > >

> > > I do however think, that reducing healing as times go by could be interesting.

> > > Obviously that would only be a band-aid fix though.... actual balance would be preferred.

> >

> > Soldier amulet, the amulet that was removed like nearly 3 years ago? I think you might be mixing WvW in PvP. There is not a single amulet with healing and toughness (other than celestial, but lets face it, most builds waste LOT of stats there so not really a good option for most).


> Oh ye....I thought of Knight amulets...which I believed to have vitality on there as well for whatever reason.

> I stand corrected.




Oh, Knight is Toughness, Power and Precision. But the dammage is really low, almost no one uses it.

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Damage is already generally high these days, so I'd favor the suggestion of reducing healing, rather than increasing taken damage further.


Prime example: Yesterday I 1v1'd a core Guardian with my heavily-nerfed-in-last-update condi Mirage on a side node. It was a long fight. We gradually wore each other down, but I was slightly ahead in HP. Then, I kid you not, just as the Guard was at 2% it full healed back to almost 100. That was the end.


We have enough damage, too much maybe. Duels that would be decisive get prolonged by excessive healing.

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This is complicated , and it's even difficult to explain the problem. First things first, we should show how this game should function (but doesn't)


Glass cannons > Bunker specs > Mid specs > Glass cannons.


(** Mid specs are most meta specs, the do decent dmg while having decent sustain)

Right now its closer to: Bunker specs > glass cannons < mid specs, though that's not always the case.


If anything the damage on mid specs need to be lowered

While the damange on glass cannons should be increased, there is only 150 power diffrence between berserker and maru, you can easily make up the diffrence with traits (+% dmg modifiers) Which will make the Sustain spec hit just as hard or harder then the glass cannon spec,


Lower the amount of power on Mid range amulets, while increasing the power on berserker specs would be the long term solution. keep in mind if they attempted to do this right now, it would break a ton of things ingame. since this is only 1 part of the overall problem.


This is quickly turning into an essay so i will stop here, but my reasoning on this is due to the lead attacks change. it was quite possible to 1vs1 a side node professions while running a core zerker d /d thief spec. the moment they changed LA, it became pointless to even try.


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I thought this over, and in the end I think it would encourage zergier rotational play to avoid the suggested effects. Not sure if it would be good or bad for conquest, but it would significantly change the way the game is played. It may even break traditional conquest job roles & build designs.



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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I remember from back in the old days your name being mentioned often in the ele subforum. Seems you still play the class, but it seems you havent been able to escape from being able to play the only "non completely useless" speccs have available; the annoying-far-self-healing-troll-staller weaver build.... how far have we eles fallen from grace from the old D/D cele days that were so much fun and engaging gameplay (although certainly overtuned at times).


> Here is my take on how to start approaching this issue, **Give everyone the ele treatment**:


> -You want sustain? Trait/amulet for it. Right now a palandin or marauder scrapper/holosmith/soulbeast/spellbreaker have as much, if not more sustain than an ele with mender/healing runes/water and arcane traits, yet 2-3x the damage for 1/2 the effort too. Reduce healing base values and increase scaling across the board. Do you want sustain, or damage? Take your pick, not both.


> -Give classes more windows of opportunities for retaliation. You know if an ele gets out of an element or overloads it, they are locked out of it, meanwhile, soulbeasts revive pets every 10 secs + many more perks, holosmiths have virtually no CD nor costs, mirages engage on their terms and their terms only, spellbreaker's GS is do-it-all-be-all, scrapper might as well fall asleep on keyboard (both sides). There are classes with little to no window of clear counterattacks, or predictability on rotations. Meanwhile eles are as predictable as it without much in terms of power return for such windows of vulnerability.


> I understand "nerfs" are not fun, but powercreep is never ending. We can bring eles up to par, or we can start hammering outliers, and I choose the later.


> https://clips.twitch.tv/SteamyDullNewtOptimizePrime (may I interest you in some interesting and engaging scrapper gameplay? here we see a scrapper at home, and one at far, contesting the nodes, and making everyone in the game have a blast :) )


But that sounds like going in the direction of trinity, which is what Anet won't do (but what is obviously more easier to balance and to play around with). They all love giving everything everyone, but some "everyones" get more "everything" than everyone (not gonna point fingers at Anet's favourites).

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