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Deadeye Nerf - Frustrated Player


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I'm not even sure what the point of this nerf was, spamming stealth was never good except for hiding and surprise flipping a location. That was a nice tradeoff for being dead useless in a zerg. At least mesmers have portals. Beyond that its useful defensively for not dying immediately when travelling, and offensively for being annoying to one person. Neither of those seem particularly degenerate. Also, can we just replace "kneel" with "sniper's cover" ? I get that its got great flavor, but its mostly a cast-time tax on sniper's cover, and I can't even imagine a way it would be good outside pve with the low stealth uptime DE has now. Well, I can, but it would only work if the Thief had a base kit as good as the Mesmers. Or Guardians. Or Engineers. Or Warriors


It REALLY bothers me that when I play basically any other class, I feel like I'm piloting a slightly toned-down version of a boss character with solid mechanics, phases of action and key points of interruption. When I play a thief, I feel like I'm playing a slightly buffed mook. They couldn't have picked a nerf better to be PURELY anger inducing. If damage was reduced, we could at least pretend our damage output was too high, and other classes couldn't deal with it. It would still be upsetting, but it would SEEM reasonable. This just feels gross. When they took away unblockable on DJ, I told myself that dodge-into-stealth was still there to define the rifle kit. Its NOT EVEN THAT GOOD! I guess I was wrong. At this point I just REALLY want to know HOW anet thinks about the rifle. Do they dislike it? Is it a mistake? They could at least let us know that "Hey we goofed up and need to go back to the drawing board with Rifle. We're nerfing it into oblivion so it doesn't cause trouble in the mean time, and we're sorry." if that's what is going on. Because if that isn't what they think, they have me fooled.

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created my first mesmer and tried to run a pvp. that a so lol compared to DE. Mesmer is like pressing 12345 and then u cat use one of shatter skills. The only problem was scourge. Mesmer has a lot of utilities with 0 sacrifice to his damage. Than i went to my rev. And it was much easier than DE, i live longer, i kill faster, i have more mobility, but i suffer from condies. Then i took warrior. Just push target at mid and thats all. Classes have some defensive cds, but its not about de. We had stealth that doesnt protect of taking damage, but it helpes to avoid some damage.

there is now tons of block in the game, tons of reflecting spells, i cant damage enyone, just if we 1v1. I have no survival abilities comparingto other classes, i have less permission to bring some damage, cuz of tons of blocks, etc. Every class easily kills u, when is near. So give us 7k autoattack or smth else. i sut continue ruining game to ppl i play with cuz any ranger kills me with longbow 4+2

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> @"Aihao.5824" said:

> created my first mesmer and tried to run a pvp. that a so lol compared to DE. Mesmer is like pressing 12345 and then u cat use one of shatter skills. The only problem was scourge. Mesmer has a lot of utilities with 0 sacrifice to his damage.


What build, what tier, and how many matches/duels?


OT: I am hardly seeing any DEs this season, so maybe they were somewhat deleted.

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i just cameback to the game after a long break, i used to main Ele but it got nerfed and that made me upset so i wanted to try something different.


before i leave i had an old desire to play thief in WvW sometime, so when i came back and played living season story against that bad ass sniper lady, her style was enough for me to convince me to create DE and craft full Asc gear for it.


Hell, i remember DE was way better than that ! i am new the the whole thing but srsly, (marked) buff literally kills the idea and ulti barely deals with it, and the 1sec stealth from evade is completely useless cuz target usually sticks to you when chasing, so unless u have couple stealthing utilitles up and ready after u dodge , you are pretty much dead.


Shame, i felt like its really fun to play but the amount of effort and time it takes to stay stealthed is realy annoying.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> In all honesty, I wish they made Thief more like the GW1 Assassin. The entire introduction of stealth to ANY profession is bad and shouldn't have even been a thing to begin with.




I'm sure many of you already know or if don't know; this isn't the same Anet from Guild Wars 1.

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im just gonna throw my 2 cents in here ( idc about grammar so come at me )


over 2k ranked thief games ( most before season even came out) /age 5.6k hours / 2.1k days

i've always soloq, and i pretty much only wvw and pvp.


to Op most these people here are just anti stealth, dont listen to them. your feelings are correct. Anet has nerfd thieves almost every update since i can remember. almost exclusively IMO. now before someone ask " well do you play any other classes?'', yes. i have one of each class and 2 mes. all has countless hours in wvw .. some have more than others in pvp.

thief gets nerf'd because of people laziness. now some people complaints are warrant. but still mostly L2P.

**Example**; thief stealths and goes for backstab. noob panics, blows all cooldowns doesnt thow AOE on top of self, turn cleave turn cleave dodge cleave , stand back to wall.... naw just does random. complain on forum, anet nerfs back-stab adding 1s delay ( on 3 sec stealth i was d/d thief for 2 years) if you get blocked, miss ,they are invul, they blind you, etc....and every class has abundance of access to these skills, on top of high damage, evades, stealth, stealth reveal, AOE etc., now while BS did hit kinda hard.. and you could stealth stack, they not only nerf'd the stealth via the delay, but lowered damage, stealth stacking in many attempts.


OMGLUL thief removed all my boons via a 2 step skill that has no cooldown . _Anet_ : remove less boons add delay tone damage down.OMGLUL they can port to us and not have to port back. _Anet_: NERFHAMMER!.. Thieves : well what about our porting issues? _Anet_: ADD MOAR.


i can go on trust me

the amount of nerfs that thieves have recieved are ridiculous. Mesmer tho? takes what 4 seasons? holosmith still doing everything lol... heck revs are better thieves than thieves without stealth. thieves are wet papers that is still expect to perform like heavy duty paper. and thats how it use to be. now... i hardly touch my thief and i always .. and i mean always go for thieves first even before necro... easy kill



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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> I don't understand... Nerf after nerf after nerf after a buff nerf after nerf.. Anywho here's a list I tried to make, im sure I missed many...


> September 2012:

> • Heartseeker: Reduced damage of the 100%-50% threshold by 20%. Damage thresholds changed. Old: 100%-66%, 66%-33%, 33%-0%. New: 100%-50%, 50%-25%, 25%-0%.

> • Descent of Shadows: This trait’s effect can now only trigger once every 8 seconds.

> October 2012:

> • Pistol Whip: Reduced damage by 15%.

> • Assassin’s Signet: This skill has been updated to grant 15% damage for 5 attacks rather than 50% damage for one attack.

> • Whirling Axe: This skill has had evasion removed from the ability and has a missile-reflection effect applied to the whirl effect.

> November 2012:

> • Dancing Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%.

> • Cluster Shot: This skill’s damage is reduced by 15% in PvP.

> • Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.

> December 2012:

> • Fear (Stolen item— Skull): This skill now works like the warrior skill “Fear Me.” It will now actually hit its range, but also have a falloff on fear duration based on distance.

> • Instinctual Response: Now triggers at 10% damage instead of 20%.(Can be either nerf or buff)

> • Piercing Shot: This skill is no longer able to fire at enemies behind the player.

> January 2013:

> • Leeching Venoms: This trait no longer affects gadgets.

> • Smoke Screen: This skill’s blinding pulse no longer follows the thief.

> March 2013:

> • Caltrops: Reduced duration from 15 seconds to 10 seconds. Now indicates its radius.

> • Basilisk Venom skill: No longer immobilizes targets in addition to stunning them.

> April 2013:

> • Mug trait: Can no longer critically hit. Now heals the thief from a range of 1980 health to 2700 health. (Buff or nerf depending on wether you think healing makes up for no crits)

> • Smoke Screen skill: No longer destroys unblockable missiles.

> • Trick Shot skill: First arrow is no longer heat-seeking.

> May 2013:

> • Black Powder skill: No longer fires its projectile backward while moving. The field can still be generated.

> • Shadow Return skill: No longer has infinite range.

> June 2013:

> • Cluster Bomb: Decreased the range set from 1200 to 900.

> • Larcenous Strike: Increased the initiative cost to 2.

> • Nine Tailed Strike: Increased the initiative cost from 3 to 5.

> • Shadow Assault: Increased the initiative cost from 5 to 7.

> • Shadow Return (Infiltrator Strike Toggle): This skill is no longer a stun breaker.

> July 2013:

> • Shadow Trap: This skill now has a maximum duration of 120 seconds.

> October 2013:

> • Destroy Shadow Trap: This skill now has a 1.5-second cast time. It plays an effect on the thief and on the trap location when it is being cast. Added 5 seconds of regeneration.

> • Larcenous Strike: This skill now steals only 1 boon.

> • Basilisk Venom: Petrify is now removed on stun break.

> December 2013:

> • Shadow Return on Sword. Renamed to Infiltrator’s return. Added a 1/4s cast time.

> • Critical Strikes 15 – Opportunist. Increased trigger chance to 50%. Increase cooldown from 1s to 5s.

> • Critical Strikes VIII – Signet Use. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.

> • Shadow Arts V – Infusion of Shadow – This trait functionality has been changed to “Gain initiative when you enter stealth.” 2 init.

> • Acrobatics III – Vigorous Recovery. Reduced Vigor duration to 5s from 8s.

> • Acrobatics IX – Quick Recovery. Reduced initiative gain from 2 to 1.

> • Trickery 5 – Kleptomaniac. Reduce initiative gain from 3 to 2.

> • Trickery IV – Flanking Strikes. Move to Master tier. (since it might hinder some builds)

> *Trickery VII – Bountiful Theft. Reduced vigor duration to from 15s to 10s.

> April 2014:

> • Pistol Whip has been split between PvP and PvE. It will now cost 6 initiative in PvP, while maintaining a 5 initiative cost in PvE.

> • Disabling Shot (SB): Reduced the length of this skill’s evasion component from 100% of the skill’s duration to 64% of the skill’s duration—an overall reduction of .3 seconds.

> • Choking Gas: Reduced the poison per pulse from 5 seconds to 3 seconds


> MARCH 2015

> • Infiltrator's Arrow: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target point cannot be found.

> Infiltrator's Signet: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.

> Infiltrator's Strike: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target cannot be found.

> Shadowstep: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target point cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.

> Shadow Escape: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target point cannot be found.

> Steal: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target cannot be found


> June 2015


> Cloaked in Shadow: Gaining stealth blinds nearby foes for 5 seconds. Release a blinding powder when you take falling damage. You take 50% less damage from falling.(big one for me i dont remember all the bad decisions that were made but this one I Hated making this a GM)(ps isn't this when they killed acro too?)


> December 2015


> Steal now requires a target. Cannot steal for boons only(why tho?)


> July 2016



> • Stealth Attacks: All stealth attack skills will now have a 1-second recharge between uses.

> Staff Strike: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%.

> Staff Bash: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%.

> Punishing Strikes: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%.

> Venomous Aura: The area-of-effect aspect of this trait has been merged into venoms as baseline. The radius has been reduced from 360 to 240. The recharge reduction has moved to Leeching Venoms.


> Leeching Venoms: This trait no longer grants might to allies it is applied to. This trait now reduces the recharge of venom abilities.

> Devourer Venom: The number of stacks that this skill applies has been reduced from 3 to 2.

> Basilisk Venom: The number of stacks that this skill applies has been reduced from 2 to 1. Stun duration has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.


> August 2016


> Infiltrator's Strike: Fixed a bug that prevented

> Infiltrator's Return from becoming available when the skill was used in midair

> (tho this was a bug it was a big 'you wish' to thieves face)


> March 2017


> Traps: All traps created by the thief will have a 1-second arm time before the trap can affect enemies.

> Needle Trap: This skill now delivers a strike.

> Tripwire: This skill now delivers a strike


> September 2017


> • Panic Strike: Reduced the duration of poison applied by this trait from 4 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.

> Impaling Lotus: Reduced duration of conditions applied by this skill by 50% in PvP and WvW.


> November 2017

> •

> Unhindered Combatant: Breaking inhibiting conditions with this trait now causes the thief to lose all endurance regeneration for 4 seconds. Direct endurance gains will still apply the full amount. Swiftness granted by this trait will now occur at the end of the dodge.

> Bandit's Defense: The recharge of this skill has been increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds


> Not to mention all the reveals and stealth Ed passed around to other classes these days... Only revealing we can do is on our self

> Then there's tracking in stealth.. To me those should be a 50% hits for realism, I'm in stealth and I get it you started to attack but how can you still see me


> Any class who's sneezes in our direction can rekt a unskilled thief, heck I've been downed by cleave attacks not even directed at me, not to mention the lovely aoe condis.


> Yet we keep getting nerf after nerf smh



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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> im just gonna throw my 2 cents in here ( idc about grammar so come at me )


> over 2k ranked thief games ( most before season even came out) /age 5.6k hours / 2.1k days

> i've always soloq, and i pretty much only wvw and pvp.


> to Op most these people here are just anti stealth, dont listen to them. your feelings are correct. Anet has nerfd thieves almost every update since i can remember. almost exclusively IMO. now before someone ask " well do you play any other classes?'', yes. i have one of each class and 2 mes. all has countless hours in wvw .. some have more than others in pvp.

> thief gets nerf'd because of people laziness. now some people complaints are warrant. but still mostly L2P.

> **Example**; thief stealths and goes for backstab. noob panics, blows all cooldowns doesnt thow AOE on top of self, turn cleave turn cleave dodge cleave , stand back to wall.... naw just does random. complain on forum, anet nerfs back-stab adding 1s delay ( on 3 sec stealth i was d/d thief for 2 years) if you get blocked, miss ,they are invul, they blind you, etc....and every class has abundance of access to these skills, on top of high damage, evades, stealth, stealth reveal, AOE etc., now while BS did hit kinda hard.. and you could stealth stack, they not only nerf'd the stealth via the delay, but lowered damage, stealth stacking in many attempts.


> OMGLUL thief removed all my boons via a 2 step skill that has no cooldown . _Anet_ : remove less boons add delay tone damage down.OMGLUL they can port to us and not have to port back. _Anet_: NERFHAMMER!.. Thieves : well what about our porting issues? _Anet_: ADD MOAR.


> i can go on trust me

> the amount of nerfs that thieves have recieved are ridiculous. Mesmer tho? takes what 4 seasons? holosmith still doing everything lol... heck revs are better thieves than thieves without stealth. thieves are wet papers that is still expect to perform like heavy duty paper. and thats how it use to be. now... i hardly touch my thief and i always .. and i mean always go for thieves first even before necro... easy kill




No ur wrong! go to the anti theif forum aka mesmer forum (for some reason) and u will clearly see thief is op broken and can be played and be very effective by noobs.steal is as effective as MC was,our ports are better,damage better and ini should be reduced 50% lmao cant believe u guys are complaining about a spec that's barely received any nerfs and last few yrs have just been buffed.i mesam look at all the crazy damage dueling with s/d does, the burst is crazy on sword not to mention the damage d/p does especially the pistol oh man drops people like crazy and just eats thru their sustain.l2p :)



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> No ur wrong! go to the anti theif forum aka mesmer forum (for some reason) and u will clearly see thief is op broken and can be played and be very effective by noobs.steal is as effective as MC was,our ports are better,damage better and ini should be reduced 50% lmao cant believe u guys are complaining about a spec that's barely received any nerfs and last few yrs have just been buffed.i mesam look at all the crazy damage dueling with s/d doe, the burst is crazy on sword not to mention the damage d/p does especially the pistol oh man drops people like crazy and just eats thru their sustain.l2p :)




took me a min lol i was in disbelief... i need coffee hahah . yea thats why i posted that list.

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main thief, anti stealth person here :D


u can play any thief without the need of constant stealth.

stealth on dodge is equally retarded to mesmer dodge + evade frames + CC break.


end of story, can play deadeye perfectly fine without stealth why cant you?

if u think u dont have mobility u should try number 4 i think it was and about face.

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