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Already tired of mounts

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> @Jheo.3015 said:

> > @Abakk.9176 said:

> > > @Rayti.6531 said:

> > > I preferred if the underlying issue was resolved instead of making lots of customers angry by removing an advertised feature they paid for.

> >

> > Like i said in another post... give all players a basic mount at lvl 10 or so and turn the damage off on the real ones (or remove them from core maps).

> >

> > Whatever suits anyones fancy. As long as all playingfields are even.

> >

> > My personal opinion is that all mounts should be removed from core game and preserve that as it is now.

> >


> The core game is already free, why would you want to give players a basic mount to even a playing field? I do not want to elaborate but GW2 is a game but also a business for the developers etc... maybe new players will actually be enticed to buy expansions when they see people on mounts and gliders, have you ever thought about that?


For me It has mostly to do with the point that the core game posesses a certain charm/beauty/originality. Something i and many others fell for when we first started this game. It is also stilll played by veteran players on alts for that same reason. Then there is also the gap between footmen and riders.


I can make this a page long essay but if by now you don't get it there is little use to me constantly repeating the same thing over and over again. If you don't feel it, you don't feel it. Simple as that.


> @Jheo.3015 said:

> Why should Anet remove mounts from the core game when it is one of the selling points of POF?


Because they are wildly out of place there. When i first started out i wasn't 'inspired' by max. level bling/overpoweredness. I see more value in a solid leveling experience as a bases for any long term (financial) support. Seeing that originality thrown aside to 'bling' players with fast mounts goes against that value.


And POF isn't core game so the only thing that could be a 'selling point' is that maybe someone starts out as free player and then buys an expansion because mounts??? Like i said... i was sold on the solid scaled leveling experience, before there was any mention of mounts.


> @Jheo.3015 said:

> Better scaling on mount skills will alleviate some issues.


Whatever, i think they should be removed.



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I've leveled 1 character from 1 to 80 since PoF release and I have not had this problem. I have a mount though, but I never seen the problem of someone killing something way too fast for me.

The reason? Because usually if I'm aiming to do a heart or an event or something, I tend to pick a side and sit there.

Harpies attacking in Plains of Ascalon? I pick one spot and not try to play Flash and dash to each corner with a raptor. It's possible, but tedious for me and not fair to any one else on the map.

If you see someone literally being a Tracy and killing things before you do, that's not right... if you simply saw one enemy coming your way and someone kills it before you... I don't see the problem.


Before mounts, when I'm playing on a melee-based class like Revenant or something, I've had times in those same low-leveled areas where I would try to reach for let's say banners in Shiverpeak of the Svanirs or maybe the Nightmare Court in that one area right in the beginning of Caledon Forest... usually beaten by anything that was using a longbow or thieves with dual pistols and just killing everything in one hit (sometimes two).

I usually just try and pick off the little bits I can get and by the time those people have their hearts completed, they would run off and I can continue my business.


Not to really say you're wrong, but the complaining seems a bit whiny that "They have mounts and I don't." and... that's like saying that it's not fair someone can get off the top of a mountain in let's say Silverwastes with a glider when you don't.

I won't be like the guy that went "Lol get a mount.", but I really don't see what the whole problem is as it's not a big epidemic where you see trains of raptors coming down your path like a stampede and they just kill everything off... and then when everything respawn they just turn around and kill them off leaving your character to be level 2 with 10% map completion because the anything you try to do is now destroyed by mount users.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


Maybe you could once play a character a little bit past level 80 just to unlock your first mount, you get the raptor VERY early in the Path of Fire story... once it's unlocked, delete your 80 and go back to low level playing but with a raptor to get around. Maybe you'll enjoy them more?

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


I like you.

I pick berries and kill bandits in QD at 80. It's most end gamey.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


Have you considered that perhaps those other players have as much right to be happy as you do?

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> People struggling to reach and tag mobs on event dailies wouldn’t be such an issue if everyone wasn’t crowded into the same map. They should make the event dailies region wide instead. Spread everyone across multiple maps and alleviate the crowding. There’d be less people on the same events if they were spread out on different maps and high levels might go off to higher level maps.


Best idea in the thread! Instead of Daily Cursed Shore event completer, make it Daily Orr event completion. Or Ascalon, Kryta, etc. It would spread people out a lot better! Make it so, Anet! :3

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


You start over? You chose to ignore all of the end-game content, including the three seasons and expansions? Why.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am so sick of these mounts blasting in to my maps, killing everything before I can even get there. Game is sucking because of this. Can we keep mounts on the upgraded maps? There is a coolness to them but they overpower everything on the lower levels. I am ready to quit this BS.


But why do you blame just mounts? You can narrow that down to basically anything that is - thankfully - locked to veteran/more experienced players.

Two days ago I "accidently" was screwing over a bunch of new player (or maybe a veteran on a twink character) because I repaired my stuff at the anvil in the Asura starter map and some monster killing event started. I was sniping it to death before anyone could anything. I am not doing that as a hobby, but why would I just stand back and do nothing when it's right infront of me? Of course I fight it with all I have.


When I was new, some huge Charr warrior dude was doing that for 30 minutes, and I was looking forward to get my account skilled up ASAP to have strenghts too, not being all snapped in self-pitty and quitted.



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> @RandomWolf.3986 said:

> > @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> > I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


> You start over? You chose to ignore all of the end-game content, including the three seasons and expansions? Why.


Because it's mediocre.

Core tyria is best tyria.

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MMORPG: The mount system, in general, has brought a renewed sense of exploration to Tyria again. Old areas are new again with the abilities they have. Was that part of the design goal, or was it just “Hey, it’s about time”?


Roy Cronacher: This was definitely something that was intentional with the design of mounts. We knew from the beginning that we wanted them to be used everywhere in the open world. It’s one of those things, like gliding, where once you have it you can’t live without it. It helps breathe new life into areas you have already been playing for a while by opening them up to explore in new ways.


Joel Helmich: We definitely wanted to rekindle that joy of exploration by letting players approach the beautiful world of Tyria in ways they couldn't before.



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> @kharmin.7683 said:

> MMORPG: The mount system, in general, has brought a renewed sense of exploration to Tyria again. Old areas are new again with the abilities they have. Was that part of the design goal, or was it just “Hey, it’s about time”?


> Roy Cronacher: This was definitely something that was intentional with the design of mounts. We knew from the beginning that we wanted them to be used everywhere in the open world. It’s one of those things, like gliding, where once you have it you can’t live without it. It helps breathe new life into areas you have already been playing for a while by opening them up to explore in new ways.


> Joel Helmich: We definitely wanted to rekindle that joy of exploration by letting players approach the beautiful world of Tyria in ways they couldn't before.


> http://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/interviews/arenanet-celebrates-the-griffon-with-a-secret-path-of-fire-mount-1000012103


Shame that they didnt make it so they couldnt obliterate mobs like they currently do.(this isnt a problem with mounts though, the downleveling system needs to be looked and redone.) I see no value at all in going to a level 1-15 zone on a level 80 character that can one shot literally everything. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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> @Dante.1763 said:

> > @kharmin.7683 said:

> > MMORPG: The mount system, in general, has brought a renewed sense of exploration to Tyria again. Old areas are new again with the abilities they have. Was that part of the design goal, or was it just “Hey, it’s about time”?

> >

> > Roy Cronacher: This was definitely something that was intentional with the design of mounts. We knew from the beginning that we wanted them to be used everywhere in the open world. It’s one of those things, like gliding, where once you have it you can’t live without it. It helps breathe new life into areas you have already been playing for a while by opening them up to explore in new ways.

> >

> > Joel Helmich: We definitely wanted to rekindle that joy of exploration by letting players approach the beautiful world of Tyria in ways they couldn't before.

> >

> > http://www.mmorpg.com/guild-wars-2/interviews/arenanet-celebrates-the-griffon-with-a-secret-path-of-fire-mount-1000012103


> Shame that they didnt make it so they couldnt obliterate mobs like they currently do.(this isnt a problem with mounts though, the downleveling system needs to be looked and redone.) I see no value at all in going to a level 1-15 zone on a level 80 character that can one shot literally everything. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Agreed. I think some downleveling would be helpful for those lower zones.

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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but when I do dailies in the low level areas as a level 80, I do try to scale back my power in events. I will use the mounts to get to the event, but I won't use for example, the tail strike on the Raptor etc once I get there. As a warrior for instance, I will stand back and use a longbow to hit the mobs because they just die way too fast if I use my greatsword. The bow allows me to get hits on the mobs without totally decimating them in 2 seconds so other people can get hits on them also. In low level areas as a level 80, especially when there are many other people around, it is totally unnecessary to bombard mobs with all your power. It's one thing if it's just a couple of you, but when you have 20-30 people there trying to get their dailies too, I like to give everybody a chance to get hits. I know it's supposed to scale depending on the amount of people, but in those low level areas it doesn't seem to make a difference - they still die extremely fast. I know other players are mindful like this too, but obviously not everyone.


It is true that the mounts have added an advantage for those that have them for getting to events quicker. Even on a mount you can end up too late for the event. Short of people becoming more mindful of other players in these circumstances, I'm not sure what to suggest for OP, especially considering they are not interested in post level 80 content in order to get the mounts too.

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Either Buy PoF or deal with the fact mounts are here, we all know they dont give a shit about the vocal minority on the forums. Your better off hitting up reddit or some other sub-forum site which they pay more attention too. They wont do a damn thing to mounts because we who bought PoF paid for them and we also (if you got the griffin had to pay and grind in game a bit) to get them.


I never wanted mounts but I do enjoy them and clearing maps is so much more fun with them, that said I would probably quit if they removed a feature that they said would be usable everywhere because of the people who did not buy the expansion. I paid for that content, just because you did not does not mean I or anyone else should suffer for your inability and dis-interest in said content. Grow up and deal with the situation or buy PoF and just join the band waggon, the game is about money and what they can get for bringing in core features for a price point. Will I buy the next expansion? Probably not. Will I bitch if they add some form of super movement that makes everyone move like the flash and kills things in one hit, Probably not.


I've come to expect the worst, and expect anything id be of interest in to either be butcher or ret-coned to shitsvile. If you don't like it then like everyone tells most people who don't like something about the game, don't play. If your on a free-to-play account I honestly have no sympathy for you, because you have the core game which most of us paid for as a free thing. I paid for the core game. This game should never of gone free-to-play to begin with, so either buy this content pack ( it is so not an expansion) or quit your shit. You.Dont.Matter. That is the sad and factual stand point of all things, You dont matter and your existence in a specific space is as pathetically inconsequential as everyone else's. The dev's will do what they want, how they want and what they want and more importantly HOWEVER they want and have proven time and again that they don't give a shit about us. It's all about that sweet sweet $


(mainly because they know most of the people on this game will buy whatever they make, even if it is a steaming pile of shit.)

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> Thanks to all the calm thoughtful responses to my post. I now confess that today I bought the expansion and earned a mount. I did it because I ran into a number of nice competitors and it gave me another look. I still don't like the but - inners, however I am looking forward to covering some major ground on the raptor. I paid the 29$ and earned the mount in short order. Join em was my rational.


Well that is awesome to hear! Have fun with your new mount!

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I am seeing lots of posts by folks who are not getting the argument. So sorry I was not more succinct. I think (after gaining a mount) that my real complaint is not the mount but a lack of etiquette by players...jumping on top of and dominating a situation, while proving how virile and skilled you are is not generally welcome by lower level players. Most of us would rather die by ourselves than be "rescued". I know your heroic feelings may be hurt when you see bad words popping up over our heads but surely words like: ---hole, and ---off should trigger in you a little voice that says "maybe I am being obnoxious and overbearing here and I should really check the situation before barging in." I understand that there are lots of younger players here...what a good time to develop life skills and self- control! So enjoy the mounts and the game and police your boundaries.



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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> People on mounts have an obvious advantage over unmounted players in core maps specifically.


> Mounted players are faster on the spot and if they are max lvl or close to that they obliterate any mobs in no time flat. First a divebomb and then normal AOE skills.


> Getting at an event after a call fast enough is starting to become a challenge all in itself.


> Dailies were already fast paced (for some more than for others) but since mounts happened you have to be even quicker.


> Mounts really have no business in Core Tyria.




Haha, you didn't have to stop at Core Tyria. Before Anet sold out to the newbie revolving door players, and introduced them, HOT content was challenging, too challenging sometimes, but now all that has been trivialized, running through tangled depths, a member of the group will always obnoxiously run around my character with his eyesore. That's such a slap in the face to people who had to slog thru it, and not only that, it makes me question a developer who would never nerf hard content in hot, but now they just randomly, and completely trivialize it with those idiotic cartoon eyesores AKA mounts. I also love how Anet seems to ignore so many objective lessons to be learned from previous mmorpg design, even the WoW devs said they regret flying mounts, and Anet not only implements mounts, they implement FLYING mounts also, and the ones that don't fly are implemented in the most asinine, overpowered way imaginable, you think "Well, surely they just run at swiftness speed..." Not even close.... Mounts were the biggest mistake this game ever made, bar none. Christ, what a sellout move. Kind of like the imbalanced, sellout Ascended gear move. They also trivialize the "fasionwars" dynamic, not surprisingly. All i see is these idiotic rabbits running down the path, I can't even see the player, or what abilities they would otherwise be using to travel.

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