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Stealth gank Thief wrecked my whole team

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In a mid gold ranked game there were two thieves running around with what I assume was a S/D or a D/D power gank build. I was running around on my Necro and the theif would open on me from stealth and I would have about a second or 2 then I would die(Im running a condi scourge build). In one instance of the above I watched as he ganked/downed me, then downed 2 others as they came to rez me.


Yes, I pre planted my cancer and once or twice I did manage to damage/kill the theif prior to them downing me, more over -


WHAT WAS THIS BUILD!!!!!, why have I not seen more of this non deadeye power gank build ? I tried to armory the players to no avail.


Has anyone seen this type of gameplay recently ? I assumed id hear about it long before I saw this

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Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

(If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )


Build included in link video.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )


> Build included in link video.



This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty shit in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.

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I remember your username from a few of my games and recall one like you described. I was on my alt, and I was the thief. My alt is ranked plat 1 at the moment including decay, so that's probably while I why I was matched with you, but my main is 1750ish.


I honestly didn't pay attention to what the other thief was running and just know he died a lot, but in case you were genuinely curious, my build is:


DA 2/2/3, Trickery 2/1/2, and Daredevil 1/3/2 with scholar rune, marauder amulet, dagger/pistol with exploitation and annulment, shortbow with agility and cleansing, channeled vigor, blinding powder, shadow step, signet of agility, and basilisk venom.


It is a tad bit high risk/high reward due to not taking improvisation and brawler's tenacity, but as long as you think fast on your feet and read animations well, you can skip around the damage while causing plenty of your own. Cheers!

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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> >

> > Build included in link video.

> >


> This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


Lol that makes no sense, why take longer to kill someone if you can do it quicker. It's not without its own risks anyways.

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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> >

> > Build included in link video.

> >


> This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


I think thats the main problem with thieves: "...but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point."

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> @Malafaia.8903 said:

> > @Zeald.4596 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> > >

> > > Build included in link video.

> > >

> >

> > This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


> I think thats the main problem with thieves: "...but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point."


agree also...


to the OP... you think thats bad ?


i once created a Facetanking SOLO Reaper build that was designed to survive freaking literaly anything with 3k armor and passive dmg reductions from like 2-3 different traits... i can go through entire zergs of spams and start spinning in their faces without issues...


then some thiefs build literaly melt me after 2 opening with me having NO change to fight back..... 1st opening literaly takes down like half my 25k HP in an instant with that much dmg reduction in a matter of what 1-2 sec ?... i pop shade to not die... so now im sitting there with my shade up and the thief just dances around waiting for either shade decays or i switch it off while he spams his redicoulus mobility so i cant even touch him... so i turn it off he again intantly open on me and im dead.....


BEST DESIGN EVER.....................................................


Thiefs literaly can kill glass cannons and any non bunker builds almost Instantly while blinking in and out of freaking reality.............


and lets not talk about the Daredevil jump spamming infinite evade + glass cannon AOE dmg builds......................


or the Condi thiefs that jumps in and out applies conditions on you that eguals to standing in a freaking Scourges Shade in an INSTANT then just jump invis teleport accros the whole world so you cant fight back and will repeat this until you not die.................


oh i almost forget...... best part when a thief comes with 1-2 of his friends because why not its not like thiefs cant almost instantly delete like 50% of the builds out there..... and the thiefs just decides to FREAKING DAZE SPAM YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! effectivvely making your 100% uselees until you not die to his friends...


BECAUSE FUCKING DESIGN........................................................


thiefs needs a damn rework.......... one of the most bullshit annyoing and broken class ever and its flying under the radar years now...........

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I dont really often die to thieves, but as soon as +1 pops into existance and joins a fight im insta ganked. Any other time in pvp the thief does his burst and if it fails he just teleports to the other side of the field waits for his next burst. Even running a full usain bolt build with tons of pulls and designed for mobility, a thief can easily get away from that without sacrificing any damage.

Im not saying the damage is OP on a thief is over the top. Im just saying that to have top dps a thief doesnt really have to sacrifice any mobility and any decent thief in full glass has no risk/reward gameplay because there is no risk from the mobility.


Most pvp matches i dont bother fighting a thief. I just scare them away from me.

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This is pretty funny because I was his duo partner in that game, I was on my alt named "Pay Me Or I Throw" as a druid, my main is "Do I Spam A Or B". I had a full view of what you were talking about.


I was pretty pissed the whole game at our teamates, they were under performing. We only started gaining traction around the 300 point mark, up to that point our teams were neck and neck. I had finished downing some enemy's with teamates on my home on foe fire. I ran to the ledge on mid and I saw you by the stairs, I lit you up with a rapid shot, you recoiled up onto the ledge. I had told Eragon in teamspeak to jump this target I was focusing. He heartseekered over a black powder and before the heartseeker hit he backstabbed you causing both to hit. I was down on mid waiting to see the outcome. I could see he trashed about three of you but then went down himself. I ran in and stomped you without stability using only protect me to interrupt someone attacking me. I got the stomp which rallied him, he got up and started throwin hands and we downed the last remaining player, you had a teamate on home but he was afk capping. Eragon went down again but since everyone was down I just ressed. Once I ressed him it was easy to sweep the remaining dead bodies into the trash bin. That did cause you to lose the game for sure.


Me and him are guild leaders of QCP a pvp plat guild, we have been playing this game for years, we are both rated in the 1700's on mains. We actively engage in 5 man tournaments even before AT's were a thing. The only reason I remember this is because I had asked him over teamspeak what the hell did you do to shitcan the whole team.

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> @Impendingdoom.5401 said:

> In a mid gold ranked game there were two thieves running around with what I assume was a S/D or a D/D power gank build. I was running around on my Necro and the theif would open on me from stealth and I would have about a second or 2 then I would die(Im running a condi scourge build). In one instance of the above I watched as he ganked/downed me, then downed 2 others as they came to rez me.


> Yes, I pre planted my cancer and once or twice I did manage to damage/kill the theif prior to them downing me, more over -


> WHAT WAS THIS BUILD!!!!!, why have I not seen more of this non deadeye power gank build ? I tried to armory the players to no avail.


> Has anyone seen this type of gameplay recently ? I assumed id hear about it long before I saw this


haha, A condi scourge is going to receive little sympathy on these forums.


But yeah, necros are weak to thief's--this is nothing new... And without shroud it leaves you open to getting thieved hard. A zerker thief in scholars can steal bomb one shot you with fist of flurry/palm strike all day. The same thing happened a lot when people were running Curses/Spite/Reaper procmancer that one season.

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> @huehuehueh.5106 said:

> This is pretty funny because I was his duo partner in that game, I was on my alt named "Pay Me Or I Throw" as a druid, my main is "Do I Spam A Or B". I had a full view of what you were talking about.


> I was pretty pissed the whole game at our teamates, they were under performing. We only started gaining traction around the 300 point mark, up to that point our teams were neck and neck. I had finished downing some enemy's with teamates on my home on foe fire. I ran to the ledge on mid and I saw you by the stairs, I lit you up with a rapid shot, you recoiled up onto the ledge. I had told Eragon in teamspeak to jump this target I was focusing. He heartseekered over a black powder and before the heartseeker hit he backstabbed you causing both to hit. I was down on mid waiting to see the outcome. I could see he trashed about three of you but then went down himself. I ran in and stomped you without stability using only protect me to interrupt someone attacking me. I got the stomp which rallied him, he got up and started throwin hands and we downed the last remaining player, you had a teamate on home but he was afk capping. Eragon went down again but since everyone was down I just ressed. Once I ressed him it was easy to sweep the remaining dead bodies into the trash bin. That did cause you to lose the game for sure.


> Me and him are guild leaders of QCP a pvp plat guild, we have been playing this game for years, we are both rated in the 1700's on mains. We actively engage in 5 man tournaments even before AT's were a thing. The only reason I remember this is because I had asked him over teamspeak what the hell did you do to shitcan the whole team.


This is exactly what is wrong with sPvP. 1700+ duo on voice coms stomping solo plebs on their tanked accounts vs playing their mains.

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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> >

> > Build included in link video.

> >


> This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


MMO combat should be 'tactful'. Just admit you got outclassed. Thieves have been getting rolled in the dirt by nerfs since launch. It's not because the thief is blatantly over powered. It's just the players are damned good with a class designed to wreck people's shit when they get the jump on them.

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> @Impendingdoom.5401 said:

> In a mid gold ranked game there were two thieves running around with what I assume was a S/D or a D/D power gank build. I was running around on my Necro and the theif would open on me from stealth and I would have about a second or 2 then I would die(Im running a condi scourge build). In one instance of the above I watched as he ganked/downed me, then downed 2 others as they came to rez me.


> Yes, I pre planted my cancer and once or twice I did manage to damage/kill the theif prior to them downing me, more over -


> WHAT WAS THIS BUILD!!!!!, why have I not seen more of this non deadeye power gank build ? I tried to armory the players to no avail.


> Has anyone seen this type of gameplay recently ? I assumed id hear about it long before I saw this


No special build, you just got owned by a player with a non-meta build. Thieves are just good at what they are supposed to do. Catch you out like the sneaky bastards we are and murder you.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @Zeald.4596 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> > >

> > > Build included in link video.

> > >

> >

> > This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


> MMO combat should be 'tactful'. Just admit you got outclassed. Thieves have been getting rolled in the dirt by nerfs since launch. It's not because the thief is blatantly over powered. It's just the players are damned good with a class designed to wreck people's kitten when they get the jump on them.


Thank you for the spelling correction i, for the the life of me, couldnt think of how to spell that.

If you read my other post below you'll see that i said that i rarely die from thieves. My problem is that they are hard to kill because their mobility is so damn high and they dont need to sacrifice damage for mobility.

Most fights in pvp with thieves they just end up running away from me, unless they +1 gank me.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )


> Build included in link video.



The guy is on WvW with food, running full zerk. He has 12k hp, no armor. Well, of course he is good at jumping in 1 target, he built the entire character for it. It has drawbacks: in medium/large scale fights a build like that can't stand the aoe and random dmg. Even 1 AC can do a lot of dmg to a thief running like this.

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> @xDudisx.5914 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> >

> > Build included in link video.

> >


> The guy is on WvW with food, running full zerk. He has 12k hp, no armor. Well, of course he is good at jumping in 1 target, he built the entire character for it. It has drawbacks: in medium/large scale fights a build like that can't stand the aoe and random dmg. Even 1 AC can do a lot of dmg to a thief running like this.


that does NOT justifies Insta killing other classes without any chance of fighting back....


NOTHING justifies that...... against some Thief builds you cant even realy react at all before its too late...


and if anyone comes with that that's their Design ? then Fuck that shit its a god damn broken horrible design.....


its like me saying Deal with Scourge they are 100% fine its THEIR design to melt groups of people.... as much as is the Design of of thiefs to Melt single/multi targets

but EVEN THEN.... at least you can react and have time to outplay or get away from a scourge...... most classes cant even get away run away from a thief no matter what.....


Broken class is Broken........


there is a REASON they constantly getting nerfs from devs...... yet they are still broken.... and Unduellable.... Thief abilities are too easy to abuse....

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> It is a tad bit high risk/high reward due to not taking improvisation and brawler's tenacity, but as long as you think fast on your feet and read animations well, you can skip around the damage while causing plenty of your own. Cheers!


That's the problem. Anybody who doesn't know thief or how to thief, are slow on their feet ;)

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> @Zeald.4596 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > Until thief is redesign or redone: i suggest you to not take the game seriously. 5 years of the same Bad Designs with Power Creeps should tell you something.

> > (If you want to know what games are fun with competitive play and with learning skill, just ask :) it's where competitive players are )

> >

> > Build included in link video.

> >


> This is what i hate about thieves and certain builds. I dont want this call of duty kitten in an mmo. Mmo combat should be tactiful, not who sees who first or who gets the first shot off. One shot builds are judt no fun. Sure you can counter x with y, but when you have a class likr the thief that just runs leagues away if its burst doesnt kill, then whats the point. Thats why i find all thieves just straight up cowards. None of them are willing to carry out a fight.


Lol, Thief gameplay not tactical? Again as i said multiple time here, make one, jump straight into pvp (can do that from lvl 3) randomly mash your buttons and see how much damage you actually do, and more importantly, how long you live. You might find the exercise enlightening.


Yes thieves are mobile, and good ones tend to excel at hit and run tactics. That's by design. Why? Because standing toe to toe virtually any other class mean's they're dead.


Besides who the heck said MMO PvP needed to be slow paced? Specially in a game like this where a death doesn't necessarily make or break a game (unlike say, in WoW Arena for example). Its not because people enjoy the MMO PvP format that the pinnacle of gameplay for them is staying in the backline spamming condis. Can you imagine a game of 5 scourges vs 5 scourges and how boring that would be? This game needs variety in play styles to stay entertaining. And variety means having strength and weaknesses, and anyone who played Thief 5 minutes in pvp see that they clearly aren't without the later.


P.S Can we stop using uni-dimensional full zerker full glass cannon build clickbait montages as any form of arguments. These guys never show full clips where someone actually targets them for a reason, despite the fact that your skill as a Thief tend to reflect a lot more when you have to play defensively than when you just get easy ganks out.

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> Lol, Thief gameplay not tactical? Again as i said multiple time here, make one, jump straight into pvp (can do that from lvl 3) randomly mash your buttons and see how much damage you actually do, and more importantly, how long you live. You might find the exercise enlightening.


Exactly. Didn't realize Thieves by nature are ones to stick around.

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