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Warclaw is great! Thanks ANet!


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So my feedback after 3 days of constant warclawing: WvW feels like a new game. Absolutely great! Running back to the action is not such an issue anymore. Keeps you playing. Also cheesy unfair one-hit builds have been pretty much neutralized.


Don't forget: All those negative people are a vocal minority. The wide player base loves the warclaw! Thanks again for revitalizing my favorite game mode in GW2. <3

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How successful is the warclaw can be determined in a few weeks by looking at the ebg queues after the mount hype has died down.


If they are larger than before the mount was introduced, then it seems it had a net overall positive effect in engaging players to the mode.


Maybe it's not the most accurate method, but at least it's a metric that's available to us players.

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I haven't played WvW in years because it took so long to get back into the action. My friend and I grinded out the mount last night and I'm hooked. Had a great time with zergs and small scale roaming on multiple maps and from what I could tell the warclaw speed advantage isn't so high that its game-breaking but the speed is high enough and with some very unique abilities that makes it worth the small grind.


I remember when they introduced mounts with the expansion and I was thinking, "Yeah, now I can ride in WvW, that will be so much more fun!" Obviously I was disappointed when I tried to summon the raptor. So... Yes, Anet, thank you for the WvW mount. About damn time!

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I have to concur with biczkowski. The addition of the Warclaw has really improved the WvW game. Reading most of the negative responses, it ultimately seems to come down to "I can't 1-shot roaming players or spawn camp," as most classes can now build without sacrificing into mobility.


I've opted to comment here because I really don't want to add to negative threads.


The other day I was with 2 pals in BL and we momentarily split up. I'm doing some minor inventory in enemy territory, on my mount, and then a Ranger comes up and clearly wants to gank me. I have NO interest in that kind of match. There's simply no point in dying there, nor in killing him/her there. So I disengage and ride away. Of course, I'm slower in enemy territory - and he's specced for mobility. I've got a good distance on him, and it's clear he won't take the hint. Leaving doesn't mean I'm running away - it means I don't want to fight you because I have better things to do with my time.


Anyway, I decide I'm annoyed after 30 secs as I come up to a dead-end of the canyon. I stop, dismount, let him catch up. He instantly unloads his burst at me, and I block the entire thing. I figure this is my window where he's off-guard, toss a few arrows his way to let him burn an evade or two, then close the gap, lay out a burn, lock him in place, trap him in fire, knock him down, plow a through more hits into him and then he's already down to 25%. He clearly thought that I was easy-picking because I wouldn't engage him. He starts to run and evade, and I know a heal is coming next- I rip his feet out from under him the moment I see his hand raise, pull him toward me and down him in burst of fire.


In the distance, I see one of his server mates on a mount and it's clear I need to end this. The name of the game is speed. Contrary to popular complaint, I don't wait for my mount and pounce him. I stick to tried and true, I blind him and stomp. His pet has no chance; I've blinded it too. Then I take account of the other player - s/he hasn't moved. Will this person also decide I'm easy pickings? Might have noticed I never went below 75% health. I run in a direction where I'll pass close by, but not directly at him. This one has enough sense to mind his/her own business. Then my combat CD ends, I mount up and I ride away.


Here's the thing: I removed all the wasted specs for mobility, as I find no joy in hit and reset skirmishes. If you fight me, I expect it to be a fair fight. I didn't run because I'm a coward - it's because I don't want that junky loot bag that drops off your corpse. You aren't special. I have friends and objectives in WvW, and a petty 1v1 with you does nothing for me. Go play the objectives and fight the rest of us there. Roamers do it. Zergs do it. It's where the rewards pile up.


I'm not sorry this made it so you actually have to participate in a fair fight. WvW is about tactics. 1-shotting newbs isn't a tactic. It's what abusers do. This particular one got fed his own set of arrows when he learned the 1-shot wouldn't work. Most of the time, I'm going to ignore this type of person and just keep riding.

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If I'm minding my own business in an open area, with no objectives around me, nor anywhere near your spawn camp, while clearly 100% idle, then yes, I expect you to leave me alone. If I see you doing the same, with not a soul in sight around you, with nothing in contest to be fought over that you can reinforce, I won't bother you either.


Some people call it courtesy.


I expect you to see me coming and be prepared for a fight if I'm going to engage you - if you run away instantly without putting up a fight and you aren't heading toward anything of import, I won't follow you. Again, the loot bag that you drop is garbage. I can get 1000x better from T4 Fractals in 15 minutes.

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> @"tethyr.6513" said:

> If I'm minding my own business in an open area, with no objectives around me, nor anywhere near your spawn camp, while clearly 100% idle, then yes, I expect you to leave me alone.

I'm afraid that's not how it works though - whether idle or not, people are going to come kill you as long as you're red, for the majority of the time whether you want them to or not. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with what you've said, but try this in any vs game and the outcome is also the same. You're enemy isn't going to be seeing it as you do - maybe they need to get better at fighting, maybe they need a pip, maybe they just feel like attacking because everyone seems to run. When the objective is to attack people and gain territory it will be hard to argue against them expecting them not to.

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This whole thread is just 'yikes' in text form. Also I would argue many people still dislike the mount. Actually more people were vocal about not liking it than liking it. However usually that is to be expected. That disgruntled people are more likely to vocalize concerns. You are clearly a troll poster trying to bait responses though looking at your post history. I'll take the bait just because I feel that you don't speak for the greater community like you claim to be. You don't decide who is minority and who is majority. I don't claim to either. So lets leave it at that.

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I think the main point was, I clearly decided I wasn't interested in the fight. If you see me run away, I'm not afraid to fight you. The thing about before the Mount was that many classes had to give up a lot to gain the mobility to come out even with others, and it left them extremely vulnerable to bursts, and sacrificed their ability to defend/damage. Now they can actually fight off those attacks.


I made it clear I wasn't interested in a 1v1 squabble and left. My opponent decided to give chase instead of find something better to do. In this instance, he got what he wanted and went back to spawn. If I hadn't hit a canyon, I would have kept going. Many a thread keeps coming up with this idea that players are afraid to die. I don't doubt that for really new players. But many of us just aren't interested in a lop-sided fight where you invisi-burst from behind while a person is doing something in the UI, and you think you won something that made you a better player.


Or attacking a Zerg-build that has no defense against that tactic that's trying to make the long commute back to the action. I don't Zerg, but I'm okay that those players can now withstand gankers and spawn campers, as they no longer have to waste their time on mobility. Which means you need to pick your battles, since the odds are now that you might be the one returning to spawn.

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Considering how many people are complaining about queues being packed full where WvW lifers are losing their minds at having to wait their turn and play alongside fresh blood, clearly a lot of people want the mount and don't "dislike" it. I've mostly encountered trepidation about its impact to WvW from the people I know that are WvWers, but aside from a thief here and there, no one is screaming bloody murder (except on the forums). I think you misjudge how many people dislike the mount, Duckota. I won't quabble with you over it though. I figure ArenaNet will watch the statistics for WvW over the next few weeks and judge for themselves how to keep it a viable part of the game.

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> @"biczkowski.2961" said:

> So my feedback after 3 days of constant warclawing: WvW feels like a new game. Absolutely great! Running back to the action is not such an issue anymore. Keeps you playing. Also cheesy unfair one-hit builds have been pretty much neutralized.


> Don't forget: All those negative people are a vocal minority. The wide player base loves the warclaw! Thanks again for revitalizing my favorite game mode in GW2. <3


So you only have problem with cheesy builds that one shot you, if they don't one shot you then those cheesy builds are fine? come on.


And saying WvW feels like a new game is where your issue is, and you could always run back to action ..... I think you should start running instead of walking.


The wide player base seems to be the pve players =p


If wvw was your favorite game mode you would honestly want balance things such as classes balance in zergs and roaming, numbers balance if possible, not a damn mount so you can die and run again or "oooh I am under attack" and get gazillion players to help or just avoid fights .


The people who liked wvw wouldn't need gliding or mounts, they would mostly care for class balance, not a mount balance.


OH and bug fixes ^^

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> The wide player base seems to be the pve players =p


"The people who liked." Lots of us like WvW, both before and after. I'm okay with changes - I adapt. Seems like you're angry that it isn't as easy for you to pick-off players anymore. You actually have to work for it. I think it's funny you think it's the PvEers that are getting the easy mode, when it's really that aggressively chasing down mobile-specced players with almost no defenses no longer works for you. Basically fighting people that can't fight back; now they can. The combat CD takes a while to allow for an escape. If you disengage that long, you weren't taking the fight serious to begin with.


I've had no problems at all dismounting people if they got close enough.

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> @"tethyr.6513" said:

> > @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > The wide player base seems to be the pve players =p


> "The people who liked." Lots of us like WvW, both before and after. I'm okay with changes - I adapt. Seems like you're angry that it isn't as easy for you to pick-off players anymore. You actually have to work for it. I think it's funny you think it's the PvEers that are getting the easy mode, when it's really that aggressively chasing down non-mobile players that no longer works for you. Basically fighting people that can't fight back; now they can. The combat CD takes a while to allow for an escape. If you disengage that long, you weren't taking the fight serious to begin with.


not sure what it had to do with picking off people, but if you put things that way I can say that I have few players that makes picking off people easy even with mount, and would probably be easier for us coz then we can just leave whenever we want while the classes that can't run will have hard time.


Also I don't have interest in fighting people who can't fight back.


Adapting is not issue for me, but I think your case is, whatever they throw at you, you have to adapt, never resist eh? even if they delete wvw and say there is "spvp" you would adapt.


They need to add mounts to spvp too!!! then all they have to do is adapt =D


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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > @"tethyr.6513" said:

> > > @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> > > The wide player base seems to be the pve players =p

> >

> > "The people who liked." Lots of us like WvW, both before and after. I'm okay with changes - I adapt. Seems like you're angry that it isn't as easy for you to pick-off players anymore. You actually have to work for it. I think it's funny you think it's the PvEers that are getting the easy mode, when it's really that aggressively chasing down non-mobile players that no longer works for you. Basically fighting people that can't fight back; now they can. The combat CD takes a while to allow for an escape. If you disengage that long, you weren't taking the fight serious to begin with.


> not sure what it had to do with picking off people, but if you put things that way I can say that I have few players that makes picking off people easy even with mount, and would probably be easier for us coz then we can just leave whenever we want while the classes that can't run will have hard time.


> Also I don't have interest in fighting people who can't fight back.


> Adapting is not issue for me, but I think your case is, whatever they throw at you, you have to adapt, never resist eh? even if they delete wvw and say there is "spvp" you would adapt.


> They need to add mounts to spvp too!!! then all they have to do is adapt =D



If you asked me, personally, I'd be okay with them getting rid of both PvP and WvW and tripling down on PvE content, while not creating the massive balancing mess for themselves of 3 modes.


So it's probably best you don't get what I want. ?


I think their time would be better spent making many of the fixes you suggested, including balancing, and that includes the mount mechanics. At the same time, they need to get rid of the 1-shot mechanics -- those are only fun to people that enjoy ruining other people's fun, and aren't in anyway competitive.


I'd say their #1 priority should be fixing WvW so you never end up in a battle where your skills don't work, like in throne room battles.

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> @"biczkowski.2961" said:

> So my feedback after 3 days of constant warclawing: WvW feels like a new game. Absolutely great! Running back to the action is not such an issue anymore. Keeps you playing. Also cheesy unfair one-hit builds have been pretty much neutralized.


> Don't forget: All those negative people are a vocal minority. The wide player base loves the warclaw! Thanks again for revitalizing my favorite game mode in GW2. <3


about the 1 shot build, a class can easily put down your warclaw health to 3% and if you jump off a small cliff (like from the left inner tower of red area to the baby bears area), you'll be instadead.

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I'm chiming in with a positive vote for the Warclaw. I also think it can bring new opportunities for build diversity, as mentioned above, because I don't always have to keep a speed boost skill/trait equipped for mobility just to get to objectives. I'm on a server that doesn't have high population, and our linked server lost guilds at the beginning of this match, so the queues have been low to non-existent. (Wonder if those guilds who left for a higher tier server have been enjoying their queues) It also means that with fewer players, we're always having to scurry across the map to defend, or to run away from a blob, and mounts have eased that pain a bit.


I've been encouraging wvw players to take the opportunity to attract new people to our game mode. Gaining new wvw'ers is critical to keeping a game mode fresh. I've seen a share of playing the blame game in map chat and globally dismissing all bad things because of 'pve'ers, and have tried to discourage that mentality. I've enjoyed both game modes these past 6+ years, and am glad to have a mount in wvw now!

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In the past I did WvW for the Gift of Battle a few times. I found it kind of enjoyable, but tedious, and left as soon as I got what I wanted. Probably the biggest frustration (I usually prefer to roam solo) was making my way slowly all the way across the map to get to a vulnerable enemy camp, only to blunder into a zerg or group of roamers or another solo who could kick my butt, or even occasionally messing up and letting the NPCs kill me, and having to respawn and walk alllll that way across the map again...and by the time you got there, someone else had captured it, or you got bushwacked along the way again.


After getting the Warclaw, it's not half so tedious to get back any more.

Other things I like:

1. Being able to jump into an ongoing skirmish with a big roar.

2. Better chance to evade the enemy.

3. It's a big metal kitty. A big...metal...kitty.

4. Sitting on someone--anyone--makes an Asura feel much taller and even more important.


Anyway, since getting the Warclaw, I finished another GoB I don't actually need at the moment, and am still not bored with it. Now thinking of getting slightly less casual about it. And, in any case, playing it for fun sometimes, not just when I need something.

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> "better chance to evade the enemy" xD

> So we just need to avoid the enemies and we are fine =p

> what about if we are attacking a keep or something and they rushed us with the mount? or are we just looking at one side now?


When you're solo, there's no point sticking around to fight three or more people, unless you are seriously hardcore or looking to get stomped. I am perfectly happy to take on one at a time.


If you are attacking a keep, you ought to expect some enemy interference.

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Heartpains, not everyone, at every moment, is rearing for a fight, especially against opponents that they know they can't fight or opponents they know are merely a distraction from their objective. You aren't entitled to a fight, no matter how blood thirsty you are. (And you really, really seem to be.)


"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." -Sun Tzu



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> @"tethyr.6513" said:

> Heartpains, not everyone, at every moment, is rearing for a fight, especially against opponents that they know they can't fight or opponents they know are merely a distraction from their objective. You aren't entitled to a fight, no matter how blood thirsty you are. (And you really, really seem to be.)


> "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." -Sun Tzu



People have tried to go that route before and again, Sun Tzu is talking about diplomacy. If you can agree with everyone on the enemy server to stand down and loose the matchup, props to you but I'm going to guess that doesnt happen every day. It is irrelevant.


We arent entitled to fights, but we should be able to decently control the map where we are present, such as choke points. The warclaw just makes it so that people run past each other instead, because only a specific subset of burst builds can dismount them, *if* they are lucky. Or if they outnumber them 10 to 1 and can force a fight.


Open field solo roaming is pretty much dead, this is a new era of havoc cavalry instead. Not entirerly unpleasant though.

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