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Mass Invisibility request


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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> @"mortrialus.3062"


> True that, I'm just trying to keep the facts straight.


> Sneak gyro does indeed seem a lot better than mass invis on paper and I won't be shocked to see it nerfed. However, comparing skill to skill in a vacuum is a slippery slope.


> If the most dangerous thing a scrapper has is that gyro I'm not too concerned (WvW wise anyhow). It's a pigeonholed barely functioning spec that struggles to stay on target and do any significant burst damage.


> Mesmer, though, has a comparitively giant tool kit it can use around mass invis. They can already instagib from what stealth they have and have oppressive condi application with scrapper like sustain.


> Again, I think you have to consider the skill in the context of the whole class.



Sorry mesmer does not have anywhere near scrapper like sustain.

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Frankly I think Mass Invis should work like a facet. Turn it on, and it makes the mesmer invisible (no duration just as long as it's on).


Attack and it drops and goes on cooldown.


"Consume" and it applies 5 seconds on invisibility to you and 9 allies in range, then goes on cooldown.


Same 90 cooldown.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Frankly I think Mass Invis should work like a facet. Turn it on, and it makes the mesmer invisible (no duration just as long as it's on).


> Attack and it drops and goes on cooldown.


> "Consume" and it applies 5 seconds on invisibility to you and 9 allies in range, then goes on cooldown.


> Same 90 cooldown.


Perma stealth is awful for the game so I don't like the suggestion. But if ANet introduced that, you can bet in a week it would be hotfixed because of thieves' cries, just like when PU got buffed.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > Frankly I think Mass Invis should work like a facet. Turn it on, and it makes the mesmer invisible (no duration just as long as it's on).

> >

> > Attack and it drops and goes on cooldown.

> >

> > "Consume" and it applies 5 seconds on invisibility to you and 9 allies in range, then goes on cooldown.

> >

> > Same 90 cooldown.


> Perma stealth is awful for the game so I don't like the suggestion. But if ANet introduced that, you can bet in a week it would be hotfixed because of thieves' cries, just like when PU got buffed.


I was actually really surprised by this thread as I could have sword back when I used Prismatic Understanding it applied an extra 1 second of stealth flat, not added an additional 50% of the base stealth. I just looked and it used to be 100%.


Really at the end the day, which it comes to class asymmetries and roles thieves are supposed to be the kings of personal stealth and mesmers should be the kings of party wide stealth. That engineer is better at both than both is an stupid.


Obviously permanent uptime is not good, but having Mass Invisibility function like a revanant facet would be a lot better. Even something like an ammo skill.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > > Frankly I think Mass Invis should work like a facet. Turn it on, and it makes the mesmer invisible (no duration just as long as it's on).

> > >

> > > Attack and it drops and goes on cooldown.

> > >

> > > "Consume" and it applies 5 seconds on invisibility to you and 9 allies in range, then goes on cooldown.

> > >

> > > Same 90 cooldown.

> >

> > Perma stealth is awful for the game so I don't like the suggestion. But if ANet introduced that, you can bet in a week it would be hotfixed because of thieves' cries, just like when PU got buffed.


> I was actually really surprised by this thread as I could have sword back when I used Prismatic Understanding it applied an extra 1 second of stealth flat, not added an additional 50% of the base stealth. I just looked and it used to be 100%.


> Really at the end the day, which it comes to class asymmetries and roles thieves are supposed to be the kings of personal stealth and mesmers should be the kings of party wide stealth. That engineer is better at both than both is an stupid.


> Obviously permanent uptime is not good, but having Mass Invisibility function like a revanant facet would be a lot better. Even something like an ammo skill.


Even tho I despise stealth I agree that MI needs a buff, an ammo take would be indeed a good solution, well with the anti-synergy master of manipulation rework.


As for PU when the trait got buffed there was a mass uproar, majority of which were thieves complaining how mesmers had more stealth than them and how unfair it was. Similarly to how they cried when mirage had more evade uptime than them (?) (heck some of them still say it), same with mirage mobility and same back with hot stealth gyro and some even complain how thieves should have the most burst (there was even a thread which suggested backstab should instagib always because of how much skill it was required to land one).

That's one of the reason I have no sympathy towards them - jealousy driven brats.

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