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Balance Patches Need To Be Pre-Season/Hotfixed


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While like most of us I would like more frequent balance patches, the biggest thing that annoys me about balance patches is when they take place with 0 follow up to address outliers. Whether you feel Scrapper is OP or not, we can definitely agree it is over performing and is being abused by players across ranks. My duo partner just sits on node and I literally don't have to work about him 1v3ing or if the enemy scrapper has their home node I know it is not worth it unless our team has CC to lock them down. But the bigger issue is that this happened while the season is taking place. Which should never happen.


It is literally industry standard across all genres of games to do balance patches a couple weeks out of the next season to allow players to test the changes and catch any major outliers before season start. The process should go as follows.


1. Season Ends

2. Look at feedback from forums/high rank players

3. Balance Discussion

4. Balance Patch

5. Look at feedback again

6. Hotfixes

7. Season start with monitoring and sure maybe a mid season balance patch


This is a process not even unique to game development even in web development we follow this process to make sure websites are launched bug free etc.


The most frustrating thing about PvP isn't OP builds being a thing or being abused. It is being told to pretty much just deal with it all season or until the season ends. I for one am tired of saying "well at least season is almost over so this maybe gets addressed" to myself.


Please take note of some of the standards. Ask your top tier players for balance suggestions(I know they give them on stream)

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> @"Malsheem.1794" said:

> Sadly, youre speaking to deaf ears.



I mean I know, but to me it is that frustrating that I need to bring it up again. PvP may not have a large community, but it is little things Anet could to to improve the QoL of the game mode. Give time to test balance changes, address outliers so your players don't quit mid season. Actually listen to your skilled players. Ubisoft did it with The Division and it completely turned the game around. I mean GW2 doesn't even have multiple game types to balance around in PvP they are all capture point so it isn't like they have to consider if we add this to this profession it would make it broken in XYZ game type. Not like that is considered now though anyways.

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This used to be the case. People complained that there was to much time between seasons so that got shorter. Balance happened at the same rate hence why it now comes mid seasons instead of at the start.


It's literally a case of careful what you wish for because when you get it you may regret it.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> This used to be the case. People complained that there was to much time between seasons so that got shorter. Balance happened at the same rate hence why it now comes mid seasons instead of at the start.


> It's literally a case of careful what you wish for because when you get it you may regret it.


I mean that is just silly to not adjust when they happen though. I mean that is super simple lol. Unless communication within Anet is pretty bad.

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I know what you mean and i completely agree. Ppl have brought it up for years tbh, but Anet wont listen. We can hope things will change after their "restructuring", but i wouldnt hold my breath. I no longer believe that things will change so im about to move on. Just waiting for another game to catch my interest. By now, its clear that Anet wont put in the work spvp needs.

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Anet only patch the game every two weeks.


Looking at feedback you get all sorts from a variety of people. E.g. scrapper some say it's fine some say it's OP. Also alot of feedback is subjective and biased, regardless of someone's skill level. They need to sift through all this, look at their own metrics because the forum goers are the vocal minority of the games player base,and then objectively weight stuff up and make the changes needed.


It's not as simple as people want to make out to balance the game. Generalisation and oversimplification.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> Anet only patch the game every two weeks.


> Looking at feedback you get all sorts from a variety of people. E.g. scrapper some say it's fine some say it's OP. Also alot of feedback is subjective and biased, regardless of someone's skill level. They need to sift through all this, look at their own metrics because the forum goers are the vocal minority of the games player base,and then objectively weight stuff up and make the changes needed.


> It's not as simple as people want to make out to balance the game. Generalization and oversimplification.


You are definitely correct, but that is why you prod your top players to see what makes sense so it is all a collaborative effort. Anet just needs to listen and realize that top players know the game better than they do. They don't put the time into theory craft like top players do. I mean they don't even give us any insight to why changes are made. The last notes I guess gave a bit but IMHO not enough.

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