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Hey, Recently getting back into the game. Had questions about barriers. I read up little that was on the wiki where there was basic information. But I didn’t find anything about how hitting barrier works. I run power build and I can hit player with barrier and barely do any damage. My question is can you not critically hit players with barrier? Would be awesome if developer looked into it if possible ?

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It's worth noting that some sources of Barrier keep adding on over time. So you may be hitting them as hard as you expect, but the barrier is being added to.


I'm 99% sure you can be hit with a critical while under a barrier, but I've never really thought about it before. Now I'll have to see if I can take some hits in-game and find out.


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> @"Alternatex.5734" said:

> Hey, Recently getting back into the game. Had questions about barriers. I read up little that was on the wiki where there was basic information. But I didn’t find anything about how hitting barrier works. I run power build and I can hit player with barrier and barely do any damage. My question is can you not critically hit players with barrier? Would be awesome if developer looked into it if possible ?


About a year ago people thought the same. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38564/barrier-mechanic-prevent-crits-or-something/p1 but it's already been answered in the thread by Cal:


> @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

> This isn't a thing. I did see an issue when hitting a target with barrier where the red crit background is offset from the damage number which could cause some confusion, but crits are happening as expected. The combat log shows these crits correctly, and I've also confirmed that there's no hidden damage reduction by using a steady weapon internally.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/0s26yQV.png "")


> Any appearance of a damage reduction is likely just weapon variance being noticed over a small sample. I'll get the damage floater bug written up and assigned to someone for investigation.





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