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Map events and LFG tool

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If the ability to complete content on a map rests solely on the ability to find a commander running that content at the given time that you happen to be online, then the LFG needs to be re-worked. (how's that for a run on sentence?)


Maybe the LFG tool could show the dialog for the stage of the event, and the nearest waypoint?

Instead of making the commander type in the description, he could just select the event, and it would autofill?


There has got to be a better way to do events than to 'stalk' the LFG tool in the hopes 'he/she shows themselves in the window'


Anyone have any input on how the LFG tool could be more useful?

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In the case of events on a timer (e.g. HoT map meta, world bosses, etc.), it's as simple as using the event timer wiki to know when to check LFG. For other types of events (e.g. PoF bounties), you'll likely have to be more proactive and either start a party/squad yourself or ask around on the appropriate map. I don't think this is a failing of the LFG system, but rather the fact that there isn't enough demand for these events for there to be squads listed for them at all times.

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> @"Reanne.5462" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > there isn't enough demand for these events for there to be squads listed for them at all times.


> How do we get more demand for events that I haven't gotten done yet?


That would depend on the event, but generally speaking events lack demand when they provide insufficient reward for players who have already completed them. This is the case with PoF bounties, which players need for various achievements and collections, but otherwise provide lackluster rewards.


The good news is that most of these types of events don't typically require a large group, so you may very well be able to simply announce in map chat that you're going to try to complete a specific event if anyone is interested.


Was there a particular event you needed help with? As kharmin.7683 suggests, the "Players Helping Players" forum would be a good place to ask. FYI, be sure to mention whether you're playing on American (NA) or European (EU) servers.

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