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Gave WvW one last try, going from thief to ranger.


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Wait, u were playing DD P/D and wondered why ure not winning fights? Lmao. One thing is that teef is prolly highest peak mechanical class in the game, one doesnt get good at thief in a week or two. Second thing is your build, teef has plenty of them, S/D, D/P, Staff. Theres also rifle, not so mechanical, received nerfs lately, but still kinda working. Just pick your poison, basically anything but condi builds (have a dignity, please)


And as others said, there are some classes that if played good, shouldnt be beaten. For example far too op Soulbeast. Holo can be kiiinda beaten, but its hard vs a good one.

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> Wait, u were playing DD D/P and wondered why ure not winning fights? Lmao. One thing is that teef is prolly highest peak mechanical class in the game, one doesnt get good at thief in a week or two. Second thing is your build, teef has plenty of them, S/D, D/P, Staff. Theres also rifle, not so mechanical, received nerfs lately, but still kinda working. Just pick your poison, basically anything but condi builds (have a dignity, please)


> And as others said, there are some classes that if played good, shouldnt be beaten. For example far too op Soulbeast. Holo can be kiiinda beaten, but its hard vs a good one.


I've since started using core S/D with better success. I find soulbeast easy to fight specially if they are running Sic' Em sniper as most the time they just kill themselves. Boonbeast is a different story, they just out sustain your damage. I've become pretty proficient after switching to S/D and practicing for an hour or two a day. I've also been asking lots of questions and researching the profession. I've come to understand that nothing should kill a good thief, but thief just doesn't have the damage to kill some other tanky professions.

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You don't make Thief work. Your opponent makes it work for you by being absolutely terrible!


Haha, I am messing ofcourse. Thief has a really high skill-ceiling that I could only HOPE to achieve, but with the amount of work I am currently putting into it and BARELY winning fights OCCASIONALLY, I feel like the stuff Thief Vets are pulling off must be fueling their waking nightmares and rapidly contribute to degenerating mental health.


Or maybe that's just how I feel right now with the class.

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I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?


So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.


Still no good, got revealed anyway.


We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.


And now that's been taken from me.


ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.


This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.


Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.


As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.


And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.

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> @"Voluptus.3509" said:

> I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?


> So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.


> Still no good, got revealed anyway.


> We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.


> And now that's been taken from me.


> ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.


> This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.


> Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.


> As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.


> And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.


Good luck. All the terrible players here think that thief is cheesy and easy and only kills them bc blah blah blah and they refuse to get good. So they cry for more and more nerfs and call every thief a gAnKeR. Revealed does need to be removed from marked but I also believe they should change it so that stealth can only be stacked via blasting smoke along with that change. So that a player must exit stealth before using another utility to apply stealth. This would still allow for things like d/p thief to p5 d2 leap into backstab if quick enough. You just wouldnt be able to leap it multiple times.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Voluptus.3509" said:

> > I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?

> >

> > So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.

> >

> > Still no good, got revealed anyway.

> >

> > We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.

> >

> > And now that's been taken from me.

> >

> > ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.

> >

> > This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.

> >

> > Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.

> >

> > As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.

> >

> > And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.


> Good luck. All the terrible players here think that thief is cheesy and easy and only kills them bc blah blah blah and they refuse to get good. So they cry for more and more nerfs and call every thief a gAnKeR. Revealed does need to be removed from marked but I also believe they should change it so that stealth can only be stacked via blasting smoke along with that change. So that a player must exit stealth before using another utility to apply stealth. This would still allow for things like d/p thief to p5 d2 leap into backstab if quick enough. You just wouldnt be able to leap it multiple times.


> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Voluptus.3509" said:

> > I've played this game since just a few months after launch and the only thing that kept me going lately is because I got the Chaos Gun. So, I finally made Quip and the moment I try to stealth near a guard, I am revealed?

> >

> > So then I check the mechanic and it says I get revealed *if I enter stealth* while marked. So I stealth *before* getting marked.

> >

> > Still no good, got revealed anyway.

> >

> > We're MASSIVELY outnumbered, I'm out there trying to take a few camps. Enemies are all running around on Warclaws and I can't get even 1/4 of the way across the map before being turned into a bag. My ONLY hope is stealth.

> >

> > And now that's been taken from me.

> >

> > ANET, if you want Warclaw then you have to get rid of reveal because people can move fast enough that anyone roaming get spotted from mounts passing by. All someone on a mount has to do is run around in a circle at high speed and then pick roamers off.

> >

> > This is why it's impossible to move on the map by yourself while getting hit with revealed.

> >

> > Revealed needs to go or you may as well kiss every thief goodbye. I and many others will NOT change to professions we don't like to play. We play thief because we *like* thief, or we did.

> >

> > As long as reveal is a thing, I'll go give some other company my money. Tonight my money is going to go to Assasin's Creed Odyssey but I'll check back here after Tuesday's patch to see if I'll be away another week.

> >

> > And I'll just check back once a week until it's safe for me to play.


> Good luck. All the terrible players here think that thief is cheesy and easy and only kills them bc blah blah blah and they refuse to get good. So they cry for more and more nerfs and call every thief a gAnKeR. Revealed does need to be removed from marked but I also believe they should change it so that stealth can only be stacked via blasting smoke along with that change. So that a player must exit stealth before using another utility to apply stealth. This would still allow for things like d/p thief to p5 d2 leap into backstab if quick enough. You just wouldnt be able to leap it multiple times.


So much this ^ non thief players hate the way that theyve died to thieves so much that due to its mechanics I can only gues they go around trying to spread some delusional bull crap about thieves being op somehow meanwhile they’ve been been taken down pretty hard over the years so not only were they already one of the hardest classes to play well now they’ve been nerfed so many times their always at a disadvantage. To top this all of its usually mirage players of all players who cry the most lmao. All these players that say thiefs op would get farmed hard if they tried playing the class yet the talk shit.

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Hit the enemy when they try to break contact. Either their tired of dealing with you, or don't want to deal with you. Hit, back up. Hit, back up. Pretty soon they'll get flustered and you can pour in the damage. Usually multiple stuns, basilisk venom and the right timing for backstab and you can really mess up someone's day.

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