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Farmable BLC keys

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> People just can't stop amazing me.. To be bothered with something like that weekly, spend a hour of their personal invaluable time for expendable character they'll delete, to get a 1.5$ item.. What mysterious beings people are :)


In the long run you've defined every player character in the game. For me it's the challenge of shaving off every minute of time on the key run. This is an excellent example of we all play our own game.


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> @"Zet.9130" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > People just can't stop amazing me.. To be bothered with something like that weekly, spend a hour of their personal invaluable time for expendable character they'll delete, to get a 1.5$ item.. What mysterious beings people are :)


> In the long run you've defined every player character in the game. For me it's the challenge of shaving off every minute of time on the key run. This is an excellent example of we all play our own game.



Human commoner. Finish starting instance.

Jackal up the hill to DR. Roller Beetle down the hill and around DR to the home instance.

Roller Beetle to the next conversation. Remount RB after the first line of dialogue, so it recharges while you click through the rest. RB to the bandit cave.

RB back to the conversation again, and again mount before clicking through the text. RB back to DR, then back to the home instance.

RB back out of DR, then use the Griffon to get to the next mission. Jump on the rooftops to get some height, and you can just fly the last part, making it an almost straight line.

Raptor back to DR, then Jackal from the gate up to Seraph HQ.

Raptor back to home instance.

Raptor back to Seraph HQ.


I may have done this a bit myself. :)

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> @"Turkeyspit.3965" , even in a case like that, spending 15 minutes of your time on doing some boring repetitive task like that, for 1.5$ item, when you probably already have thousands of gold stashed as well.. Still can't stop amaze me. I wouldn't find enough motivation to do something that deprived of any fun.


Now that I have all the vigil,whispers and priory weapons unlocked, I have backed off to just the level 10 story, but until recently, I created a new character every week and did three map completes to rank them up to get the key at the start of the Level 40 story. If you enjoy map completion it isn't boring and repetitive (though some of the stories got tiresome) and I sometimes got 5 keys a week off a key farmer, with two keys guaranteed. Anyway, well worth it from my point of view.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Or, since it's a low-level character, use Waypoints (they cost very little a low levels). :wink:


> Well, yes. Obviously. But there's no CHALLENGE to that.


I do use the waypoints, BUT I don't use the level boosters. I level on WP and HP XP. And for a challenge I've hit the Gendarran Leyline Anamoly run on a lvl 10 Warrior with a bow a few times. TBH most fun I've had ingame in a while.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Can we please get a more reasonable method of acquiring the keys other than purchasing them? I’ve got like 80 of the chest and hardly ever see keys and don’t want to spend money just to pen them.


Running a Key farm for the level 10 personal story takes 20 mins.

And you want it to be "more reasonable"?

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> @"zityz.6089" said:

> Id say have the ability to buy a key with whatever dungeon/raid currency once per week as an alternative.


In effect, one can already do that. Nearly all currencies can be monetized into coin and coin can be turned into gems, which can then be used for BL Keys.


It takes about 47 gold to buy 125 gems even at this week's March-sales-inflated exchange rate.

* Raids: 1000 mag-shards for a ghostly infusion that can be sold for 85 gold (net, after fees), so roughly 2 keys every 5 weeks for full clears.

* [Dungeons](https://redd.it/6xxbt7): 8 paths (without Arah) = ~10g for 8 paths (8 gold liquid + 790 tokens @0.2s each), so 16 dungeons per night is a key per week.

* RIBA & the Meta Circuit: depending on who you believe, that's more than 20g/hour, so let's say 5g hour (far too low to be realistic), which results in one key per week by farming less than 2 hrs per day on average.


By comparison, of course, 15-30 minutes for a key run is much, much better.

Still, the point remains: anyone who wants to buy keys using "whatever" currency can already do so.

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Here are my ways of farming BLC keys, note that you need specific things for a specific method:


Lvl 80 keyfarm, you need 79 tomes (or any other means to lvl up, read description). You can only do up to lvl 10 if you want to go cheap though (no tomes needed then).


Bloodstone fen exploration, where you trade teleport to friend for a 1/5 chance of a key

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> Here are my ways of farming BLC keys, note that you need specific things for a specific method:

> -

> Lvl 80 keyfarm, you need 79 tomes (or any other means to lvl up, read description). You can only do up to lvl 10 if you want to go cheap though (no tomes needed then).

> -

> Bloodstone fen exploration, where you trade teleport to friend for a 1/5 chance of a key


If you’re level 80 your char can use a Bloodstone Fen Portal scroll and skip the teleport 2 a friend.

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