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Enough with the repeatable hearts already

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So, I took the time to do full map completion of the PoF maps on my main character. For the sake of having done everything in every map at least one, and also to have everything unlocked in case I need to come back later.

Now, having done story and maps, I'm starting on various collections.

Gonna go and pick up stuff, right? Nope, because if I want item A I gotta go to heart vendor XYZ to buy it. I did the heart a few days ago. Doesn't fucking matter, since the repeatable hearts reset every day, I have to redo the shit every fucking time I need something new from the same vendor.

I love Guild Wars 2. I love the original heart system. This repeatable thing however is pure cancer.

If people want to go and redo a heart, fine, let them, but don't make it mandatory every time you have go back to the heart vendor. This feels like nobody could be bothered to think of things to keep you in the maps, so the answer was letting people do the same dumb hearts all-over again to give them something to do. That's why I still hate most of the living story maps.

It's bad game design and nothing more.

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I don't think it's bad game design, i think there was an element of experimentation with it. They experimented with having daily hearts, an idea that many in the community loved (myself included), and implemented it into the expansion.


I however, agree, that the requirement of the repeatable heart vendors to redo their heart just to get to their vendor items is a bit of a pain, though i wouldn't go anywhere close to calling the system " pure cancer".


Can it be adjusted? Yep, allow the vendor to be used after completing the heart for the first time, while still giving players the ability to repeat the heart as they wish, change the dialogue to "we could still use your help, but i can offer you things in the mean time" on npc dialogue.


Daily hearts are awesome, and one of the better additions to the game in recent periods, however the vendor issue is, at it's *absolute worst*, annoying. Not disastrous in any way shape or form, but I think allowing the heart vendor to permanently become a vendor after the first heart completion should bridge that gap (though there would be less reason to complete the heart again after the first time, so that has to have some thought put into it).

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> @staringcenter.5013 said:

> I do not mind the idea of having repeatable hearts. I wish that I could control if they reset them by talking to the vendor and selecting an option that says I would like to help again instead of it automatically resting progress for the hearts.


Yes! That's exactly how they should work!

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> @Midnight.7526 said:

> The problem with offering the items and still allowing you to do hearts is that no one will do the hearts without some kind of tangible reward.


They could make some of the rewards permanent and make some require doing the heart again. Split it up so you aren't doing hearts over and over.

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> @Midnight.7526 said:

> The problem with offering the items and still allowing you to do hearts is that no one will do the hearts without some kind of tangible reward.


Not being a Smart Alec but why do you feel it is necessary for everyone to re-do the heart quests? I do them for points to use my Mastery upgrades, there is no other reason to me. Thanks!!

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> It's made worse in that the hearts in PoF progress significantly slower than other hearts in the game. Kill 20 Forged and you've only progressed 20% of the heart. It is simply tedious.

I'm ambivalent about repeatable hearts, but it really does feel like a penalty and punishment to do them. The advancement on the repeat hearts needs to be much faster after the first time.


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You don't have to do every single Heart again though, only some of them are necessary for the collections, so only do those, but if you want to buy something from that particular vendor, do the Heart. As for taking an extraordinarily long time, that actually depends on which of the things you do that advance the Heart, I've noticed that different parts advance the Heart faster than others, with killing mobs being the slowest way to advance a Heart, unless there's also an event nearby that brings those enemies near enough. Oddly enough some of the Hearts I've been able to redo in a minimum of 6 functions. Once you have obtained the item you need then you no longer need to do that Heart again unless you choose to do so, so the basic concept is the same...there is no requirement for doing them daily.

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I don't mind the repeatable Renown Hearts, but perhaps the Devs could implement a scaling cost for items, sort of like in Dry Top.

High price for only have completed the Renown Heart once, and a lesser price for repeating it, and maybe an even lower price, or set of prices, for repeating it multiple times (something like price x for 1 time, price x-1 for 2 times, price x-3 for 5 time, price x-5 for 10 times, price x-10 for 25 times...or something like that). /shrug

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I also agree the vendor should be left open after completion, but I've been thinking about an alternative change to the heart system.


Make them party/squad wide.


There will always be people completing them for various reasons, so this would guarantee there always will be groups wanting to do the hearts. Every member's participation would be counted into the progress, and the heart could be completed faster together. This could create "heart trains" similar to HP and bounty trains, creating a bit more group content for those who need the hearts, even after the population in the PoF/LS3/LS4 maps goes down.

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I liked the hearts in core Tyria, because completing them offered a sense of progression. No such thing in PoF.


Most of the PoF hearts are tedious busywork, and it was bad enough having to do them once. Whereas I can only think of a couple in the core game that are that tedious (such as Beetletun). Raptor feeding was fun enough, but the rest... ehh.


Was this some kind of ploy to make the players hate renown hearts, so that those can be left out from the future content without any major complaints? Or did someone genuinely think that these would be fun?

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Truthfully I'd be bummed out if they removed them. Your truly being a give me everything with no work person.


You need to understand hearts do one simple thing, keep you in the game longer. You should be happy that you can't just buy what you want when you want. It gave you an extra ten or so minutes of gameplay.


You know what game used to have the most insane grind ever? Runescape. But why did so many people non stop play it and do the grind? Once you were done you felt rewarded. You felt accomplished.


Stop asking devs to literally remove content from the game, if they listened to you and others one day we'd log in with new toons at level 80 with full legendary gear and nothing in the game to even to.

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> @Sylent.3165 said:

> Truthfully I'd be bummed out if they removed them. Your truly being a give me everything with no work person.


> You need to understand hearts do one simple thing, keep you in the game longer. You should be happy that you can't just buy what you want when you want. It gave you an extra ten or so minutes of gameplay.


> You know what game used to have the most insane grind ever? Runescape. But why did so many people non stop play it and do the grind? Once you were done you felt rewarded. You felt accomplished.


> Stop asking devs to literally remove content from the game, if they listened to you and others one day we'd log in with new toons at level 80 with full legendary gear and nothing in the game to even to.


I cant tell if you are sarcastic or not. But if you arent: Id rather be doing something i find enjoyable, than a heart that takes 10-20 minutes to do because of how bloody slow it progresses. its not fun to do at all, theres plenty of other things that i would rather be doing *In game* than a heart that ive done 10 or more times already.


You know what game i didnt play? Runescape. You know why, because i /despise/ grinding. Its the same reason i wont play WoW, and its one of my major problems with GW1 too, even though that had far less. Ill put hundreds or thousands of hours into games like skyrim, or fallout 4, or hell even a game like WoT(over 26k battles) and starmade(well over 4000 hours in a game like minecraft with less features) because they make the "grind" *FUN*. If it was enjoyable to do, i wouldnt have any problems with it. I dont have a problem working for the things i want, but i want to enjoy my time doing it.


edited for grammar and spelling.

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