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Vote on and suggest new PvP leaderboard titles

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> @"Mr Alpaca.7268" said:

> What about - of battle, - of swords, or - of war?

> War would maybe be more wvw sounding but you dont have ranking titles there so:


> God/Goddess of War

> Legendary Demigod/Demigoddess of War

> King/Queen of War

> Prince/Princess of War

> Duke/Duchess of War

> Baron/Baroness of War

> Knight/Dame of War


Those are more suited for WvW, would be excellent to add them there somehow <3

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> One additional note. We'll keep the poll up for about a week before closing it! Also, whatever we decide will not be in place for next season.


I voted nobility, but i also like the military. For military though, instead of general, replace it with Warlord.

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Hello Ben.

The idea with new titles is, of course, not bad, but in this situation, which develops and is aggravated with each season, changing the titles will not do anything. The reward for the end of the season should be more substantial than the satisfaction of your own ego.

In this case, I do not know what kind of awards should be for the end of the season. It might be worth adding gems in addition to titles or special skins available for purchase only after reaching a certain rating.

Challenger Set (Top 100)

Elite Set (Top 25)

Set of God (for the top 1/2/3).

I don’t know what exactly the Pvp system can help in this case, but certainly not renaming old titles as the only measure

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1st: God of the Rift

2nd: Demigod of the Mists

3rd: Immortal Legend

4th – 10th: Balthazar's Champion

11th – 25th: Heroic Elite

26th – 100th: Unyielding Veteran

101st – 250th: Merciless Gladiator


Not a fan of noble, ranking, or military title ideas. The old feels the best of the suggestions by Ben P, but repeating "Legend" is meh. My change simply turned the titles to reflect the [NPC ranks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/NPC_rank), with exception of the top two to remain god/demigod, and the lowest ('normal') to being Gladiator. I removed Relentless in favor of Balthazar, and Ruthless in favor of Heroic (a nod to Ghostly Hero and Hero title of gw1 pvp) and moved that up a rank, bringing Unyielding down one. And lastly, changed "God of PvP" to "God of the Rift" to reflect that the highest gw1 pvp, Hall of Heroes / Heroes' Ascent, happened in the Rift, the center of the multiverse in GW's setting.

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> @"Bambi.8732" said:

> > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > @"Andromeda.8293" said:

> > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > > What if we introduce a different system of recognition instead or maybe something people actually care about?

> > > >

> > > > Changing the titles will have a very minimal effect if any at all. We already have badges too, but they don't really make any impact either, so what could we do instead?

> > > >

> > > > Well why don't we just give PvP players what they ACTUALLY want? Give them unique unlockable customisation options for appearances.

> > > >

> > > > I'm honestly not sure what's so hard to understand about this, PvP rewards should be centred on appearance and customisation rewards as much as, if not more that reputation systems. Look just consider these:

> > > >

> > > > • Unlockable togglable auras, (maybe one that shows floating kills vs deaths mid match and wins vs losses outside of a match).

> > > > • Customisable kill streak flavour text and animation (xxx is on a rampage).

> > > > • Unique hair styles unlockable for achieving a certain rank.

> > > > • Legendary dyes unlockable in PvP (chromatic or color changing for example)

> > > > • Unique emotes

> > > > • Unlockable UI skins

> > > > • Personality packs that affect your idle, sitting and run animations along with expressions.

> > > > • Customisable boon effect auras for your game only. (Great for streamers)

> > > >

> > > > How about a streamer mode even?

> > > >

> > > > The point is, please stop wasting time on things that people care very little about. K thanks bye

> > >

> > > Can't really do that because then they'd all be win trading and cheating like mad to get all the shinies, and others who /really/ want those items will risk paying $$$ to get it. Over the top prestigious rewards that are given out in a very limited number will drive the little diehards mad.

> >

> > So you're saying that we shouldn't make PvP more interesting or rewarding for anyone because a couple of win traders might enjoy it?


> GW2 is a casual game. Locking a few titles behind pvp seasons and some monthly ATs is one thing, but giving out legendary dyes, skins, auras that only a handful of people can obtain and is only distributed every few months is not reasonable. PVP is plenty rewarding, easily much more rewarding that wvw during the active pvp season.


> PVP is already the only game mode that limits the number of recipients of specific rewards. All wvw and pve rewards are obtainable by everyone who puts in the effort/gets carried. All pvp rewards are not reasonably obtainable by everyone.


That's not exactly true either, the only skill gated rewards are locked behind AT's and the PvP titles, of them the only thing that isn't a worthless meme are the gizmos. Everything else is easily earnt by just grinding, the unique armours, the unique weapon sets and even the legendary backpack.

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> @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > @"Bambi.8732" said:

> > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > > @"Andromeda.8293" said:

> > > > > @"Zlater.6789" said:

> > > > > What if we introduce a different system of recognition instead or maybe something people actually care about?

> > > > >

> > > > > Changing the titles will have a very minimal effect if any at all. We already have badges too, but they don't really make any impact either, so what could we do instead?

> > > > >

> > > > > Well why don't we just give PvP players what they ACTUALLY want? Give them unique unlockable customisation options for appearances.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm honestly not sure what's so hard to understand about this, PvP rewards should be centred on appearance and customisation rewards as much as, if not more that reputation systems. Look just consider these:

> > > > >

> > > > > • Unlockable togglable auras, (maybe one that shows floating kills vs deaths mid match and wins vs losses outside of a match).

> > > > > • Customisable kill streak flavour text and animation (xxx is on a rampage).

> > > > > • Unique hair styles unlockable for achieving a certain rank.

> > > > > • Legendary dyes unlockable in PvP (chromatic or color changing for example)

> > > > > • Unique emotes

> > > > > • Unlockable UI skins

> > > > > • Personality packs that affect your idle, sitting and run animations along with expressions.

> > > > > • Customisable boon effect auras for your game only. (Great for streamers)

> > > > >

> > > > > How about a streamer mode even?

> > > > >

> > > > > The point is, please stop wasting time on things that people care very little about. K thanks bye

> > > >

> > > > Can't really do that because then they'd all be win trading and cheating like mad to get all the shinies, and others who /really/ want those items will risk paying $$$ to get it. Over the top prestigious rewards that are given out in a very limited number will drive the little diehards mad.

> > >

> > > So you're saying that we shouldn't make PvP more interesting or rewarding for anyone because a couple of win traders might enjoy it?

> >

> > GW2 is a casual game. Locking a few titles behind pvp seasons and some monthly ATs is one thing, but giving out legendary dyes, skins, auras that only a handful of people can obtain and is only distributed every few months is not reasonable. PVP is plenty rewarding, easily much more rewarding that wvw during the active pvp season.

> >

> > PVP is already the only game mode that limits the number of recipients of specific rewards. All wvw and pve rewards are obtainable by everyone who puts in the effort/gets carried. All pvp rewards are not reasonably obtainable by everyone.


> That's not exactly true either, the only skill gated rewards are locked behind AT's and a few PvP titles, of them the only thing that isn't a worthless meme are the gizmos. Everything else is easily earnt by just grinding, the unique armours, the unique weapon sets and even the legendary backpack.



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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> Helio

> Helio's Alt 1

> Helio's Alt 2

> Helio's Alt 3

> Helio's Alt 4

> Whoever wintraded with Helio

> Whoever Wintraded with Helio 1

> Whoever Paid Helio

> Whoever Paid Helio 1


> is that 10 yet?


lol you know, I was going to post something like this, but then you did it for me.

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Who cares about titles....lets talk about new game modes!!!!!! Once new games modes happen and im excited for pvp again then we can talk about titles. But as it is now, theres no point in working towards them if im bored af with your game that hasnt had any real development for it since day 1.


New, fun, different, COMPETITIVE game modes first. Then a title rework. Imo

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Here is an unpopular opinion, old titles are way better and sound better than any of these proposals... being better than 9X% of the active player base is definitely something in a competitive game mode whereas these players have spent significantly! more time on getting better and master their individual skills. Let’s not argue about these topics like how competitive is this game now, or how matchmaking works or the question of alt accounts & match manipulation, undeserved placings, cheese builds and things like that. All I am saying being in top 250 require skill, knowledge and time, as such let’s acknowledge this with great titles which are really worth fighting for, so I’d like to encourage this community to come up with more ideas. :)

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> 1st: God of the Rift

> 2nd: Demigod of the Mists

> 3rd: Immortal Legend

> 4th – 10th: Balthazar's Champion

> 11th – 25th: Heroic Elite

> 26th – 100th: Unyielding Veteran

> 101st – 250th: Merciless Gladiator


> Not a fan of noble, ranking, or military title ideas. The old feels the best of the suggestions by Ben P, but repeating "Legend" is meh. My change simply turned the titles to reflect the [NPC ranks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/NPC_rank), with exception of the top two to remain god/demigod, and the lowest ('normal') to being Gladiator. I removed Relentless in favor of Balthazar, and Ruthless in favor of Heroic (a nod to Ghostly Hero and Hero title of gw1 pvp) and moved that up a rank, bringing Unyielding down one. And lastly, changed "God of PvP" to "God of the Rift" to reflect that the highest gw1 pvp, Hall of Heroes / Heroes' Ascent, happened in the Rift, the center of the multiverse in GW's setting.


I like the rift idea. I would like to keep a word constant in all the titles so you know it's from pvp at a glance. I would go with something like this.


1st: God of the Rift

2nd: Demigod of the Rift

3rd: Legend of the Rift

4th - 5th: Rift Champion

11th - 25th: Rift Elite

26th - 100th: Rift Veteran

101st - 250th: Rift Gladiator

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> @"Beanna.6712" said:

> I like both the current titles and the nobility titles, apart for "of PvP". That sounds wrong and disconnected from the game.

> "of the Mists" or "of Conquest" or any other proposition here sounds way better.


Ooo Of Conquest is great. Princess of Conquest... Baron of Conquest..

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Honestly not a fan of any of the suggested changes at all. They do not even give a desire to climb higher on ladder than I already have.


The PvP titles should be awarded a different font/color as well as changing the player nameplate font/color.


Also, new cosmetic auras should be given for different titles. Either in the form of an infusion or just an aura that goes with the title.


Something giving a guildwars 2 spin on Super Saiyan (Dragonball Z) effect

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> Helio

> Helio's Alt 1

> Helio's Alt 2

> Helio's Alt 3

> Helio's Alt 4

> Whoever wintraded with Helio

> Whoever Wintraded with Helio 1

> Whoever Paid Helio

> Whoever Paid Helio 1


> is that 10 yet?


Give us something for EU and you have my vote! Maybe something less specific will do it here:


Wintrader 1 of Season X

Wintrader 2 of Season X

Wintrader 3 of Season X

and so on


because we have a little bit more variation (or a bigger group of wintrader) in the Top 10/25 than NA.


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What a shame, Nobility titles are winning, even though they basically mostly fit the Human race aristocracy. I guess it is what it is, the majority wins. Boring and yet again excluding the other races thematically like a lot of the game does. I guess I'll stick with my current title title forever. Also ending titles with "of PvP" is super tacky. It'd be better to do "of the Mists", "of Conquest" or even "of the Arena".


For a Nobility theme, at least have some fun with it, I'd second this one as it fits into structured;


> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> The military ones are too similar to WvW.


> Maybe a llama nobility theme?


> * 1st: Llama God/Godess

> * 2nd: Llama Demigod/Demigoddess

> * 3rd: Llama King/Queen

> * 4th-10th: Llama Prince/Princess

> * 11th – 25th: Llama Duke/Duchess

> * 26th-100th: Llama Baron/Baroness

> * 101st – 250th: Llama Knight/Dame


As others points out, a prefix will shorten the titles rather than giving them lengthier suffixes. Thanks for the poll and checking with the Community btw., I love the added **dev ⇄ community** interaction seen lately across the Forums. Not to say you haven't done so in the past, I'm just noticing what feels like an increase of it. More of that is great.

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