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Offensive Boons/Traits


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Even tho, the latest balance patch was a good move in the right direction, I still think there are way too many "super-high-value traits" left in the game that need to be addressed.

Pre-Nerf RI was ludicrously good and the nerf (as much as I will get hate from guardian mains) was very much warranted.

The raw amount of stats you get from some traits are simply too high and not only add to the massive powercreep we have seen in the last years, but also hinder any form of build-diversity simply because other trait options don't even come close to begin able to compete.


As an example, lets take the "old" RI: 1% critchance equals 21 precision. Meaning that 50% critchance equal a wooping 1050 extra precision. From a single trait.

Things like that are simply unjustifiable. And there are lots more of those in the game.


My personal favorites:


Death Perception + Reaper's Onslaught:

693 extra Precision (33% critchance) + 300 Ferocity + an extra 300 ferocity on top of basically perma quickness while in shroud.

Talk about reaper viability all you want, but this is a prime example of powercreep.

Not only are those traits pretty boring but also, quite frankly, lazy design cause there is no active gameplay component to it...unless people want to call "pressing F1" interactive gameplay.

Why not double down on the chill-mechanic on reaper or the lifeforce mechanic on core necro?

Something where Reaper's onslaught gives you bonus crit dmg against chilled targets (and some extra when in shroud)?

Or making Death Perception give a stacking dmg buff for every X-amount of lifeforce they use?


Kinetic Battery + Elixir U:

With just the bonus concentration from the Alchemy traitline, this combination gives you 14s of quickness.

That alone makes Holo's extremely bursty. Especially since they have other modifiers / offensive boons.


Notoriety + Roiling Mists:

I am sorry to say this, but instead of nerfing OH sword on revenant some more, can we please just get rid of Notoriety?

Not only does it enable the "passive perma 25 might"-meme on Revenant, but it also makes those mighstacks 33% stronger.

...Thats an extra 1000 power. On Top of almost 100% critchance.

If Anet ever wants Revenants to play anything besides Devestation/Invocation in PvP, this simply needs to go.


Feel free to add your choices to the list.

At least for me, thats /rant.





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powercrept things




shake it off

bulls charge



sb elevated bond + pack alpha/pets prowess interaction

sb + sic em

the entire marksmanship traitline

dolyak stance



spectral walk



the entire fb spec






shocking speed

bulwark gyro



scepter 3

mirage cloak


classes/ traits/ skills I excluded is cuz I either don't know enough about em, you already listed em, or they simply haven't been power crept.



added some things.


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Something something Mirage Main.... Something something... now that you're nerfed your angry you can't kill other classes... something something.


Magebane Tether still gives a monstrous amount of might very easily.


Stand the Wall also has a lot of clear examples of clearly power crept stuff. Dolyak Stance in particular is very ergregious and offensive to me because it was already a best in slot skill before they slapped 33% damage reduction (Additive with Protection and Second Skin) on top of it. And Soulbeasts acted like they got smiter's booned when it happened because the cooldown went up 10 seconds.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> Notoriety + Roiling Mists:

> I am sorry to say this, but instead of nerfing OH sword on revenant some more, can we please just get rid of Notoriety?

> Not only does it enable the "passive perma 25 might"-meme on Revenant, but it also makes those mighstacks 33% stronger.

> ...Thats an extra 1000 power. On Top of almost 100% critchance.

> If Anet ever wants Revenants to play anything besides Devestation/Invocation in PvP, this simply needs to go.



I think you meant Incensed Response - the trait that gives 2 stacks of might every time the rev gets fury? And yeah I'd rather take a nerf to this and get the .5s cast time of sword 4 back cause I hate how it feels right now - it's still useful, still powerful, just less enjoyable to use. I still can hit people with it by being a bit more careful.



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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > Notoriety + Roiling Mists:

> > I am sorry to say this, but instead of nerfing OH sword on revenant some more, can we please just get rid of Notoriety?

> > Not only does it enable the "passive perma 25 might"-meme on Revenant, but it also makes those mighstacks 33% stronger.

> > ...Thats an extra 1000 power. On Top of almost 100% critchance.

> > If Anet ever wants Revenants to play anything besides Devestation/Invocation in PvP, this simply needs to go.

> >


> I think you meant Incensed Response - the trait that gives 2 stacks of might every time the rev gets fury? And yeah I'd rather take a nerf to this and get the .5s cast time of sword 4 back cause I hate how it feels right now - it's still useful, still powerful, just less enjoyable to use. I still can hit people with it by being a bit more careful.




No, I very much meant notoriety, the devestation-traitline master tier trait.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> powercrept things


> war

> rampage

> shake it off

> bulls charge


> rang

> sb elevated bond + pack alpha/pets prowess interaction

> sb + sic em

> the entire marksmanship traitline

> dolyak stance


> necro

> spectral walk


> guard

> the entire fb spec


> teef

> daggerstorm


> engi

> shocking speed

> bulwark gyro


> mes

> scepter 3

> mirage cloak


> classes/ traits/ skills I excluded is cuz I either don't know enough about em, you already listed em, or they simply haven't been power crept.


> edit

> added some things.



In my opinion traits are in general way more powercrept and offensive than skills. Sure some skills have been powercrept but 2015 trait rework (and then expansions) powercrept all traits massively (and made lots of traits baseline - indirectly powercreeping skills/weapons).


I think people compain about skills more because they are more visible, I.E. you die from being hit by skills. In most cases, current weapon skills and even utilities would be fine if transplanted onto 2014 classes.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:


> I think people compain about skills more because they are more visible, I.E. you die from being hit by skills. In most cases, current weapon skills and even utilities would be fine if transplanted onto 2014 classes.


100% agree.


People like to complain about Shackling Wave hitting for 10k for instance. It's not necessarily the skill that's the issue here, but rather the 100% critrate, the 25 mightstacks (that are 33% stronger thanks to notoriety) and the 4 to 5 different dmg modifiers on top of that.

Try hitting somebody for that amount of dmg with different traitlines...even when keeping the same amulet and rune combination. Good luck.

And to be fair...any skill with that amount of steroids will hit like a truck. So it really isn't as much about the skills themselves as it is about the traits.


Having said that, it's also worth pointing out just how self-sufficient some classes are at stacking those boons/modifiers.

Especially if those boons/mods are merely byproducts of the classes' general playstyle. "Passive damage stacking" so to speak.

It lowers to skillfloor of some classes to a point where even a monkey pressing two buttons can become a serious threat to a good player if they just catch them at a bad time.






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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> Reaper ????????????

> Reaper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



> I agree because every team win the AT or the monthly have reaper

> and their is 10 reapers in to 50 players on LB


> nerf reaper


If you would've actually read the section, you probably would've realized that I did't call it OP.

Just said it was braindead. uninteractive and lazy design.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > Reaper ????????????

> > Reaper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> > LMAO

> >

> > I agree because every team win the AT or the monthly have reaper

> > and their is 10 reapers in to 50 players on LB

> >

> > nerf reaper


> If you would've actually read the section, you probably would've realized that I did't call it OP.

> Just said it was braindead. uninteractive and lazy design.


All trait are braindead uninteractive and lazy design

and you complain about something so stupid when we have some thing like

bunker scrapper

chain CC with huge AA damage holo

rampaging SB

huge damage modifier herald

additive damage reduction on SLB




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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > Reaper ????????????

> > > Reaper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> > > LMAO

> > >

> > > I agree because every team win the AT or the monthly have reaper

> > > and their is 10 reapers in to 50 players on LB

> > >

> > > nerf reaper

> >

> > If you would've actually read the section, you probably would've realized that I did't call it OP.

> > Just said it was braindead. uninteractive and lazy design.


> All trait are braindead uninteractive and lazy design

> and you complain about something so stupid when we have some thing like

> bunker scrapper

> chain CC with huge AA damage holo

> rampaging SB

> huge damage modifier herald

> additive damage reduction on SLB





Did I hit a nerve with that reaper comment?

Cause I actually included Herald in my initial comment.

And for the others....yes, those are problematic as well...add them to the list.


You are correct with all your "what about...." comments.

Those are problematic as well.

I just listed some examples for powercreep from the top of my head.

And no matter how (un)viable Reaper is....1.3k extra stats from 2 traits is plain stupid no matter how you look at it.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > Reaper ????????????

> > > > Reaper !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> > > > LMAO

> > > >

> > > > I agree because every team win the AT or the monthly have reaper

> > > > and their is 10 reapers in to 50 players on LB

> > > >

> > > > nerf reaper

> > >

> > > If you would've actually read the section, you probably would've realized that I did't call it OP.

> > > Just said it was braindead. uninteractive and lazy design.

> >

> > All trait are braindead uninteractive and lazy design

> > and you complain about something so stupid when we have some thing like

> > bunker scrapper

> > chain CC with huge AA damage holo

> > rampaging SB

> > huge damage modifier herald

> > additive damage reduction on SLB

> >

> >

> >


> Did I hit a nerve with that reaper comment?

> Cause I actually included Herald in my initial comment.

> And for the others....yes, those are problematic as well...add them to the list.


> You are correct with all your "what about...." comments.

> Those are problematic as well.

> I just listed some examples for powercreep from the top of my head.

> And no matter how (un)viable Reaper is....1.3k extra stats from 2 traits is plain stupid no matter how you look at it.


bro having these traits with this huge stat wont make profession/ elites broken but the over loaded skill is some thing like rampage is way better than reaper form

other EX devouring darkness and more

and what you ll say to ele player when you tell them i want to nerf trait that give X amount of stat such as aeromancer training elemental surge ferocious and winds fresh air

why you just delete profession from PvP it is easier

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:


> bro having these traits with this huge stat wont make profession/ elites broken but the over loaded skill is some thing like rampage is way better than reaper form

> other EX devouring darkness and more

> and what you ll say to ele player when you tell them i want to nerf trait that give X amount of stat such as aeromancer training elemental surge ferocious and winds fresh air

> why you just delete profession from PvP it is easier


Are you purposely missing the point here?

Comparing a trait like aeromancer training to death perception is like comparing apples to oranges.

Trait A gives 180 ferocity (=12% crit dmg) and 20% CDR to air skills.

Trait B gives 300 ferocity (=20% crit dmg) and 693 precision (=33% crit chance).

There is no argument to be had here about which one has the higher value.


And funny you touch on rampage here.

Cause it's high base damage skills also are only partially the problem here.

Peak Performance (which gets triggered by every single rampage skill btw), high might stacks and other mods (like attacker's insight) are things that bloat this skill up even more. So yes - as said before - this one can be added to the list of "powercrept stuff" as well.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> >

> > bro having these traits with this huge stat wont make profession/ elites broken but the over loaded skill is some thing like rampage is way better than reaper form

> > other EX devouring darkness and more

> > and what you ll say to ele player when you tell them i want to nerf trait that give X amount of stat such as aeromancer training elemental surge ferocious and winds fresh air

> > why you just delete profession from PvP it is easier


> Are you purposely missing the point here?

> Comparing a trait like aeromancer training to death perception is like comparing apples to oranges.

> Trait A gives 180 ferocity (=12% crit dmg) and 20% CDR to air skills.

> Trait B gives 300 ferocity (=20% crit dmg) and 693 precision (=33% crit chance).

> There is no argument to be had here about which one has the higher value.


> And funny you touch on rampage here.

> Cause it's high base damage skills also are only partially the problem here.

> Peak Performance (which gets triggered by every single rampage skill btw), high might stacks and other mods (like attacker's insight) are things that bloat this skill up even more. So yes - as said before - this one can be added to the list of "powercrept stuff" as well.


and know you are purposely missing the point here!

i did NOT compare between skills

and funny how you compare master trait to grand master trait

and if you want to compare death perception compare it to Fresh Air "both grand master traits" and both of them dont need any nerf

and may i remind you that powercreep extend in both offensive and defensive style

with all this powercreep no one can kill scrapper in 1v1


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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:


> and may i remind you that powercreep extend in both offensive and defensive style

> with all this powercreep no one can kill scrapper in 1v1



You dont need to remind me.

I after all started this thread to specifically point out some of the powercrept stuff.

I never claimed that my "choices" are the be-all-end-all.

In fact, I even invited everybody to join in and post their respective choices on the matter.


So I really don't quite get why you had to start this argument with all those "what about..." comments.

It's not a competition on who can list the most broken stuff.

So I will say it once more: Yes, Scrapper, Soulbeast, Strength SB, Revenant, Holosmith, Firebrand etc.etc. are ALL out-of-line in some manner (be it offense or defense).


I guess I just stepped on your toes for calling out some overtuned stuff on Reaper....which I assume you play.

In fact even some of the stuff on weaver is borderline-broken. Like their ability to heal 50% of their health with a two-button-combo.


And since that's basically what I already said in my last 2 posts..... this is the last time I will re-repeat myself.



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