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What happend to Cantha?


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Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before. But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there. But we would probably travel there by airships is my guess and it would still be in its same location, south of Istan. We’ve lost contact with them ever since the Emporer kicked out all non-humans. Though I personally believe that the Tengu are still in contact with them or at least someone would have to be if we ever want to go back, unless they reach out to us. If you want to know more about what happened to Cantha, walk around Divinity’s Reach and listen to different NPC’s, almost most of them talk about Cantha. Also, the Priory has many books on it if you’d like to take a visit on over there and check it out. There is a lot of information on Cantha that you can read about in the game and on the Wiki.

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The very last thing we heard about Cantha came from the Zephyrites, who visited them between Bazaar of the Four Winds (late-mid 3226) and Festival of the Four Winds (early-mid 3227). Fade had this to say about them:


We just returned from one of our most culturally colorful ports of call.


Not really much, but it does show that Cantha's prospered to some degree, or at least were able to prosper enough to give a false show of prosperity to a visiting airship. This also shows they're not so entirely xenophobic as to not allow new foreign trade.


Before this, our best examples come from Sea of Sorrows, the Movement of the World, and the tengu. The TL;DR of it:


In 1127 AE, 48 years after the events of Winds of Change (where GW1 left off due to Elona's Beyond arc being canceled), Usoku took the throne. During his reign, he raised the military, conquered the Kurzicks and Luxons who had returned to their warring state before Winds of Change's time, and began exiling those who disagreed with his ways.


(NOTE: The xenophobia parts of Usoku's reign in The Movement of the World seems to be retconned, unless he lived for nearly a century - note that this is plausible, as Adelbern was in his early 70s when dying, yet was said in Ghosts of Ascalon to be "middle aged"; similarly, Kisu was 60 in Factions, yet presumably lived for another 50 years).


In 1219 AE, Kryta was still able to trade with Cantha. Cobiah Marriner was allowed to travel the streets of Kaineng City, the ship he was on an official transport for the Krytan government selling cotton and buying silk. It was Zhaitan's rise that put an end to this. Since then, the only sign of Cantha would be dead Canthan sailors washing ashore, so for a while they did try to contact Tyria; no doubt stopping long ago after no ship returned.


When the tengu arrived exactly is unknown, but it happened after Zhaitan's rise as they pushed through his undead armada to make landfall. It's unclear also when they were forced out (thus "seems to be retconned" above); it is possible that tengu were exiled before Usoku's death, but it's unclear. Usoku remains the last known emperor, so it's likely that he still reigned during Cobiah's time (if not, then Krytans never heard his successor's name).

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> @"Riah.4816" said:

> Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.


You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:


_The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._


_Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._


_Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._


_Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._


It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).


I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.


> But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.


Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).


This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Riah.4816" said:

> > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.


> You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:


> _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._


> _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._


> _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._


> _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._


> It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).


> I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.


> > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.


> Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).


> This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.


Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.

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> @"Riah.4816" said:



> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Riah.4816" said:

> > > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.

> >

> > You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:

> >

> > _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._

> >

> > _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._

> >

> > _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._

> >

> > _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._

> >

> > It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).

> >

> > I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.

> >

> > > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.

> >

> > Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).

> >

> > This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.


> Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.


Well and that’s the thing right. Anet can just make the DSD move to Cantha if they wanted to and wouldn’t necessarily bend any rules. Similar to how Kralkatorrik went from the Desert Highlands to Vabbi, with really no indication that he was going to move, then to his mountain perch after PoF, then the Mists. Also similar to how they just made Primordus move too. If Anet wants that dragon there, they just make it move there.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Riah.4816" said:

> >

> >

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > @"Riah.4816" said:

> > > > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.

> > >

> > > You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:

> > >

> > > _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._

> > >

> > > _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._

> > >

> > > _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._

> > >

> > > _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._

> > >

> > > It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).

> > >

> > > I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.

> > >

> > > > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.

> > >

> > > Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).

> > >

> > > This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.

> >

> > Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.


> Well and that’s the thing right. Anet can just make the DSD move to Cantha if they wanted to and wouldn’t necessarily bend any rules. Similar to how Kralkatorrik went from the Desert Highlands to Vabbi, with really no indication that he was going to move, then to his mountain perch after PoF, then the Mists. Also similar to how they just made Primordus move too. If Anet wants that dragon there, they just make it move there.


True, the DSD could move to Cantha for xyz reason. I was more stating "currently". Though suggestion does put it as moving towards Tyria atm, and I'm very doubtful we'll see Cantha anytime soon. And personally, I'd rather not; there's no related reason to go to Cantha for the Elder Dragon plot other than "oh suddenly the DSD changed directions and moved south instead of north like it was" and if that's the reason, how do we even learn about it? I doubt Canthans would just go "oh no, an Elder Dragon attacking from the north sea, we should send for help to our northern neighbors on the other side of the threat we may-or-maynot be able to handle ourselves". Cantha feels like a "post-Elder Dragon plot destination" to me, when we're done with Tyria/Elona and go off into far off lands like the Sunrise Crest, Forsaken Cliffs that won't be part of the same world map as Central Tyria/Elona.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Riah.4816" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > @"Riah.4816" said:

> > > > > Though we may never find out, (I’m still hoping that we do) I’ve read somewhere that after 250 years, The Jade Sea has started to return back to water and the Echovald Forest began to regrow. Kaineng City would be more of a utopia by now since Shiro is dead. I forget exactly where I’ve read this but I remember coming across it on multiple different sites and on the forums before.

> > > >

> > > > You're thinking of the Eye of the North manual. The exact words were:

> > > >

> > > > _The defeat of Shiro Tagachi ended the plague that had afflicted Cantha. However, it took adventurers and members of the imperial guard a few grueling years to track down all of the Afflicted and the remnants of the Shiro'ken army that the Betrayer had unleashed in his final attempt to destroy the empire._

> > > >

> > > > _Over the past few years, life has begun to spring up in Echovald Forest as many areas have seen new growth take hold. Some even claim to have seen a change in the Jade Sea—small pools of water forming or even waves moving beneath the frozen surface—but these reports are unsubstantiated rumors at best._

> > > >

> > > > _Life has returned to normal for most Canthan residents. Kaineng still struggles under the burdens of bureaucracy, overpopulation, and crime, while the Kurzicks and Luxons remain locked in a never-ending battle over scant resources. Shing Jea Island remains an oasis of pristine valleys and beautiful vistas. Monks come to the island regularly for scholarly pursuits, while the general populace descends in droves for every festival held within the safe confines of Shing Jea Monastery._

> > > >

> > > > _Commerce returned to a brisk pace once the Affliction ended, and since then, many Canthans have sought to re-establish old trade routes to Elona and Kryta as well as locate new opportunities farther north. However, recent reports of earthquakes and giant cracks opening in the middle of urban Cantha have some believing this time of relative peace and prosperity has now come to an end._

> > > >

> > > > It should be noted that Winds of Change made minor retcons to this. Firstly, Afflicted were still present until the events of Winds of Change, and Shiro'ken remained in Raisu Palace, not yet dealt with even during that plot. Secondly, the de-petrification was merely rumors during WoC's time (though even in Factions, we can see green foliage and pools of water in jade mine sites, though the latter could have easily been collected rainfall).

> > > >

> > > > I would doubt that Kaineng City would become a utopia. Its very foundations was falling apart, and the base of it was nothing but disgusting sewers and weakening structure. Isolation would cause a lack of resources in the end, that could lead to either a collapse or to a parallel to the industrial revolution, depending on if they manage to find new, and better, resource and fuel material.

> > > >

> > > > > But who really knows, for all we know Bubbles could be causing chaos over there.

> > > >

> > > > Not very likely, despite it being a common player thought. If the DSD was closer to Elona (thus Cantha) than to Tyria, we'd have seen some migration of krait, karka, and quaggan in Istan, Kourna, and Dajkah. But the only presence of any of them were the karka the Inquest had captured to experiment the Scarab Plague on. All influence by DSD felt on the supercontinent of Tyria happens to be felt at Central Tyria, suggesting that the first landfall that they could make is the shores of the Tarnished Coast, Ring of Fire, and Orr (which they'd mostly avoid).

> > > >

> > > > This would put the DSD at roughly due west of Dajkah or west by southwest of the Tarnished Coast, and pushing creatures northeast, but not due east or southeast.

> > >

> > > Well thanks for citing where it is from, it was refreshing to read. You could probably explain the background of Cantha and the lore better than I ever could. I don’t get to in depth with it. I like to think that Anet would bend the rules if they wanted to, with the idea of putting Bubbles with Cantha.

> >

> > Well and that’s the thing right. Anet can just make the DSD move to Cantha if they wanted to and wouldn’t necessarily bend any rules. Similar to how Kralkatorrik went from the Desert Highlands to Vabbi, with really no indication that he was going to move, then to his mountain perch after PoF, then the Mists. Also similar to how they just made Primordus move too. If Anet wants that dragon there, they just make it move there.


> True, the DSD could move to Cantha for xyz reason. I was more stating "currently". Though suggestion does put it as moving towards Tyria atm, and I'm very doubtful we'll see Cantha anytime soon. And personally, I'd rather not; there's no related reason to go to Cantha for the Elder Dragon plot other than "oh suddenly the DSD changed directions and moved south instead of north like it was" and if that's the reason, how do we even learn about it? I doubt Canthans would just go "oh no, an Elder Dragon attacking from the north sea, we should send for help to our northern neighbors on the other side of the threat we may-or-maynot be able to handle ourselves". Cantha feels like a "post-Elder Dragon plot destination" to me, when we're done with Tyria/Elona and go off into far off lands like the Sunrise Crest, Forsaken Cliffs that won't be part of the same world map as Central Tyria/Elona.


Just going off your idea of the DSD not being dragon related in Cantha, we could potentially have some other means of going to Cantha plot wise and that the outcome of the plot and story of what occurs in Cantha could potentially draw the DSD to Cantha, leading the DSD intro in a more living world Season 2 style campaign, eventually leading to an underwater expac.

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