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Many questions about storylines

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How many different storylines you have among all races?


I know you have 3 or 4 choices of 3 options in the beggining


After that you gotta chose vigil, whisper and priory and also the different races to learn about, not sure how many those are


After some level all stories all the same, I believe it's at the claw island attack


And at which point your initial choices stop making difference in your story?


I ask all these question because I plan to make a video series playing all storylines available


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To play through all of the mission options, as the primary on each mission, requires 30 characters.


These thirty have to play through the chapter II missions.

Fifteen must play through chapter III.

Ten must play through chapter V.

Six must play through chapter VI.

Three must play through until the last mission prior to Against the Corruption, in chapter VIII.

Two must play through the two missions after that one.

And, one must play through the end of the storyline.




Good luck.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> After that you gotta chose vigil, whisper and priory and also the different races to learn about, not sure how many those are


There's five of them: the grawl, the hylek, the ogre, the quaggan and the skritt. I always pick the quaggan because Shashoo is the best.


> After some level all stories all the same, I believe it's at the claw island attack


> And at which point your initial choices stop making difference in your story?


At the very end of the personal story, you get to choose one of the three plans the orders have to offer. Once you finish the plan you chose, there's one final choice you get to make which is either killing the corrupted priest of Grenth in the Cathedral of Silence or finding the source of Orr using Romke's blessed map. After that, there are no more choices to be made, just two more missions that end the personal story.

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Note: This post contains minor, generalised, spoilers for the events of the personal story.


How many different storylines there are is a tricky question to answer, because it depends on how different it needs to be for you to consider it a different storyline. The personal story is split into 10 'chapters' - the first 7 unlock every 10 levels and then once you're level 80 you can do the rest whenever you like.


The level 10 and 20 stories are determined by choices you make during character creation. The level 30 one starts off the same for everyone then it's determined by which Order/s you choose to help (ending with permanently joining one of them). Level 40 is based on the Order you joined. Level 50 is which race you choose to help. Level 60 is your Order again (with some steps shared by everyone). Level 70 is your greatest fear (chosen during the level 60 story). The first Level 80 chapter is the same for everyone, the second one depends on whose plan of attack you choose and the final one is the same for everyone.


At Level 10 and 20 there's 3 choices for each race (for example the charr level 10 story there's one for blood legion, one for iron legion and one for ash legion), so 15 choices total, at level 30 there's 2 choices per race for most steps and 3 for the last one. The Order chapters have 3 choices of course, and the one where you're helping another race has 5, but each character can only choose between 3 of them (based on their own race).


And on top of all _that_ many chapters have a point where you have to choose between two different options which will affect only the next instance in that story, but that might count as a different story, especially if it's the last one and changes how that plot ends.

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