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Warrior weapon skills reworks/balancing


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I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.



Maybe more damage on autos but it is a great weapon. I can’t think of any changes for skills.



Good skills.

Arcing Arrow – I think that this projectile should fly a bit faster and have some hard cc. Like a .5 second stun/daze or a 240-range knockback. It is an explosion after all.



Kill Shot – Having this skill deal more damage to enemies under 25% health would make it very dangerous however, I like it how it is.



The perfect weapon.

Triple Chop (3rd chain skill) – Making this cast in 1 second might be too strong. It would feel more fluid though.



Counterblow – Having an 8 second cooldown would put it in line with revenant and guard mace.




This weapon can be weird sometimes but the buffs to it were good.

Flurry – The root here is weird and does not always work well. I only use it for the root proc, then I cancel it. It needs more damage and should be usable while moving. If it stays as an immovable cast the damage should 100% higher otherwise 25% more damage wouldn’t hurt.

Impale & Riposte – I think these skills are good, but they are never a justifiable choice for offhand skills. I feel like they need work but I’m not sure where to start.



This offhand is too good and is only rivaled by axe offhand. I don’t think a nerf is necessary. The other off hands should just be buffed.



Not usable in many circumstances but when it needs to be used it works well. A boon share on it would be hilarious.


**Harpoon Gun**

Bleeds on more skills would help this weapon out.

Mariner’s shot – Along with more damage on distance it should apply bleeds similarly. 1, 2, and 3 bleeds for 5 seconds would be fine.

Puncture shot – Should cause 2 stacks of bleed for 5 seconds.

Split Shot – Bleeds are good, just needs more damage.

Knot shot – More damage would be nice, but it is a good skill.

Repeating Shot – A bleed on each hit for 4 seconds.

Forceful Shot – Bleed stacks per adrenaline level. 2, 3, & 4 stacks for 5 seconds.



Good weapon but more damage across the board would help make underwater nicer to play. Not a high priority.

That is my thoughts on what would help warriors fight in mainly a pvp/wvw point of view. If these ideas are bad let me know.


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Hundred Blades needs to work like Whirling Wrath and the cast is too long for something that locks you in place without any defensive aspect to it. Blade rail should be faster and do less damage but better as a cc tool.

Rifle is just weird how it works Brutal shot evade should come before the damage part and the distance should be bigger. Kill Shot shot should be reworked out right. They should make it work more like Assault rifle with shorter range and better damage spreading Gun Flame fits more with the theme and how fluid it is with the rest of the skills.

Sword has the same issue like rifle and gs at the same time the burst is bad, getting self imob is just bad when you consider that it doesn't do that much damage to be worth using, The off hand is just terrible. Mace is the best cc option, torch is the best condition, shield is the best defensive off hand and axe is the best power damage what is the purpose of off hand sword i don't know. The sword feels the same as the arms traitline, their purpose is not fleshed out.

Warhorn does a lot but the i think it just doesn't work because warrior doesn't really have support build, maybe the next elite specialization will help.

Mace the burst needs a little leap like skull grinder.

For dagger little dodge on aura slicer could be good if they don't make it better gap closer and remove the slow. The offhand Bladestorm remove the swiftness and make it so when it hits people they are blinded so it can be picked up instead of other weapons sometimes.


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I would love Hundred Blades to get an update. Changing target cap to 5 would be lovely together with faster cast time. I would prefer this over unrooting it.

Rush should have been already fixed... it drives me insane when I see those warrior mobs in Twilight Oasis whose Rush is almost instant and hits 99% of the time... triggering af.


Rifle has good damage if we exclude all this boon spam in PvP/WvW. The utility part of rifle is weird though. Brutal Shot needs to be more practical when it comes to using it for evade purposes. Evade first then shooting projectile.


Longbow is obsolete in PvP/WvW. Some hard CC on Arcing Arrow or Pin Down and faster projectiles speed should be enough.


Mace would work pretty well with berserker in PvP/WvW (thanks to Skull Grinder), but berserker sucks atm.


Sword is good mobility weapon with nice Final Thrust burst. But the F1 burst, Flurry is weird. I would prefer changing animation over unrooting it. The animation should be something fast and power favored, as opposed to Flaming Flurry which is obviously condition favored.


Sword off-hand... probably most obsolete and useless weapon. I think the only time it worked was pre-HoT when there was not that much of spam-of-everything.

I really don't know how to make it useful in any game mode. The only use of it is when skipping mobs to block to avoid getting in combat in PvE.

Even if Impale got some hard CC on it, I don't think it would make it more useful. Pull doesn't make that much sense.


Shield should get Shield Bash animation reverted. It was such nice skill to use for mobility purposes, too. Seriously, it makes me very sad that shield bash got bashed so badly :( All those changes together with Head Butt and Arc Divider are obsolete now.


Warhorn used to be very nice with condition to boon convert. But then this happened:

Anet: "Warrior's shouldn't convert conditions to boons because it doesn't fit warriors."

Also Anet: "But let's give them flaming swords, summoning and shattering rocks, magical meditation skills, big flashy bubble that removes boons, etc."

They could add this to Quick Breathing trait, that conditions are no longer removed, but rather converted. But that would just increase boon spam which I am against.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> For the warhorn why not convert to small number of specific boons like regeneration, protection, stability something like Well of Power.


That is a great idea. It would play into its support role very well. In my opinion it should be vigor instead of regeneration.

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You make some good points. I did not know that shield bash had more movement on it before. I don't think it needs it because of all the movement with other weapons. After playing a bit with longbow it definitely needs more speed to its projectiles. Making brutal shot unblock-able would alleviate the problems with boon spam and giving it more range would be nice.

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It's not that Shield Bash had more movement before (range was always the same), but it was very smooth to use, now it slows you down quite a lot when you use it. The start of animation takes some time for telegraph purposes which is now pretty much useless and crippling since everyone has stability and xy stunbreaks (we always had post-HoT).

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> It's not that Shield Bash had more movement before (range was always the same), but it was very smooth to use, now it slows you down quite a lot when you use it. The start of animation takes some time for telegraph purposes which is now pretty much useless and crippling since everyone has stability and xy stunbreaks (we always had post-HoT).


Shield Bash was 300 range with 1/2 second cast time, and both parameters were extended, to 450 range and 3/4 second cast time.

The stun used to come out really fast and reliably, but with the changes you really have to play around that.

I miss when it used to be affected by quickness but most travelling skills don't benefit from quickness anymore (and quickness isn't 100% but 50% now).


I'm still learning Warrior (always) but I do have some suggestions...


You can Sword F1 (stow immediately) into Shield Bash, or use a Dagger #3 into the Bash to chain it, or simply time it so that you fire it *just* before people approach you to cast a 3/4 second skill and you stun them mid-cast, easiest when you kite and they chase.

While people do have stability and stunbreaks, you can try to kite around or LoS until stability falls off, or use the Shield Bash as bait to remove stunbreaks so your Bull's Charge can land for the wombo-combo, or simply make them dodge while sticking to them so you can immediately connect with Shield Bash after the animation ends.


Or simply play normally, use Shield Bash to remove a dodge or something else, make sure they can't stop you (don't use it if they can interrupt Rampage or corrupt stability, CC before the cast if you have to) and pop Rampage so you can CC chain into Shield Bash at the end (by the time you're done with them in Rampage I don't think there's going to be much left... worst case you made them blow everything).

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > It's not that Shield Bash had more movement before (range was always the same), but it was very smooth to use, now it slows you down quite a lot when you use it. The start of animation takes some time for telegraph purposes which is now pretty much useless and crippling since everyone has stability and xy stunbreaks (we always had post-HoT).


> Shield Bash was 300 range with 1/2 second cast time, and both parameters were extended, to 450 range and 3/4 second cast time.


The range was always the same.


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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > Shield Bash was 300 range with 1/2 second cast time, and both parameters were extended, to 450 range and 3/4 second cast time.


> The range was always the same.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shield_Bash/history


I stand corrected.

Personally, it starts off so slow now I don't feel like it travels 450 range at all.

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The animation is not timed correctly because the skill was made to be 1/2 seconds you can notice the same issue with Aura slicer on dagger even though it has the same 3/4 cast time like Breaching Strike, it bugs me so much that is so bad remove the slow reduce the damage in pvp but make it good gap closer. This annoys me because a lot of stuff stays instant cast on many skills, its so inconsistent.

Also about the warhorn it could heal for every condition removed this outright removes boon spam and its useful.

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> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> **Greatsword**

> I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

> Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

> Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

> Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.

Why wouldnt you ask give you million damage and oneshot everyone who was touched by the GS? Kinda the same results would be achieved with your 'buffs'.

The only change warrior need is to make gs5 consistent and connect with animation and not hit people through walls from 500 range (for 8k at times).

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The way it works now it relies on prediction, the way i suggest works on reaction, but if you are so stuck on your ways i might suggest reducing the damage to negligible and making it instant cast with daze and Immobilize like Pummel bash on mace. The way it works is bad for the reason that it can be interrupted and the evade doesn't go off or you will eat at least one ability before evading.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Smh people always suggest to mess up Rifle 4, guys if you dodged first you'd move out of range of the shot. I use Rifle 4 a lot and its perfect how it is. Its for kiting. It immobs your foe and you roll away. Works so nice WvW, has let me eject from many intense moments.


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Smh people always suggest to mess up Rifle 4, guys if you dodged first you'd move out of range of the shot. I use Rifle 4 a lot and its perfect how it is. Its for kiting. It immobs your foe and you roll away. Works so nice WvW, has let me eject from many intense moments.


What if you use this evade on foes that are close or in melee range? The whole purpose of Brutal Shot's evade being useful is when target is melee or in medium range (300-600 range). Otherwise you are in advantage of not being pressured (unless target also has ranged attacks) and you can just keep autoattacking, volley, etc...

Now if the dodge was first and then immobilizing shot, you could actually use this evade more reliably and reactively.

Is the immobilize from Brutal Shot so valuable to you that it helps you land Kill Shot, Volley, etc much easier? From my experience, people tend to clear or even ignore immobilize too often, so I rely more on surprise and weapon stowing (dodge baiting), rather than Brutal Shot's immobilize.


The idea of changing Brutal Shot is to be more defensive, than offensive (if that makes any sense).


Imagine how cool it would be, if we were able to change direction of roll based on what direction key you hold during cast time till it finishes. That would be probably even better than swapping evade and shot on the skill. However, people would most likely ask for this on other skills, too, which could end up badly.


Another thing to keep in mind is that those are just suggestions to think about. Some of those suggestions could make things worse, no one denies that.

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> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> **Greatsword**

> I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

> Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

> Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

> Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.


> **Hammer**

> Maybe more damage on autos but it is a great weapon. I can’t think of any changes for skills.


> **Longbow**

> Good skills.

> Arcing Arrow – I think that this projectile should fly a bit faster and have some hard cc. Like a .5 second stun/daze or a 240-range knockback. It is an explosion after all.


> **Rifle**

> Kill Shot – Having this skill deal more damage to enemies under 25% health would make it very dangerous however, I like it how it is.


> **Axe**

> The perfect weapon.

> Triple Chop (3rd chain skill) – Making this cast in 1 second might be too strong. It would feel more fluid though.


> **Mace**

> Counterblow – Having an 8 second cooldown would put it in line with revenant and guard mace.



> **Sword**

> This weapon can be weird sometimes but the buffs to it were good.

> Flurry – The root here is weird and does not always work well. I only use it for the root proc, then I cancel it. It needs more damage and should be usable while moving. If it stays as an immovable cast the damage should 100% higher otherwise 25% more damage wouldn’t hurt.

> Impale & Riposte – I think these skills are good, but they are never a justifiable choice for offhand skills. I feel like they need work but I’m not sure where to start.


> **Shield**

> This offhand is too good and is only rivaled by axe offhand. I don’t think a nerf is necessary. The other off hands should just be buffed.


> **Warhorn**

> Not usable in many circumstances but when it needs to be used it works well. A boon share on it would be hilarious.


> **Harpoon Gun**

> Bleeds on more skills would help this weapon out.

> Mariner’s shot – Along with more damage on distance it should apply bleeds similarly. 1, 2, and 3 bleeds for 5 seconds would be fine.

> Puncture shot – Should cause 2 stacks of bleed for 5 seconds.

> Split Shot – Bleeds are good, just needs more damage.

> Knot shot – More damage would be nice, but it is a good skill.

> Repeating Shot – A bleed on each hit for 4 seconds.

> Forceful Shot – Bleed stacks per adrenaline level. 2, 3, & 4 stacks for 5 seconds.


> **Spear**

> Good weapon but more damage across the board would help make underwater nicer to play. Not a high priority.

> That is my thoughts on what would help warriors fight in mainly a pvp/wvw point of view. If these ideas are bad let me know.



> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> **Greatsword**

> I think about a few skills that need work, the rest are great.

> Hundred Blades – Should hit 5 targets. The damage is good it’s just very difficult to justify using, especially in competitive play because of it rooting you in place. Should be a faster cast, let you turn like with sword burst, or be useable while moving. The first and second options are preferred changes.

> Blade trail – Unlike other professions skills, warrior lacks hard cc on great sword. Guard has circle pull, ranger a stun, Mesmer a push, and reaper a forward pull. It should be turned into a hard cc skill, a block/throw skill like ranger, or something else. I doubt giving it more damage would make it super great, but it is rather low, and the cripple should be longer. Ranger gets a block, more damage, and a 5 second cripple on its throw.

> Rush – It can be messy to use because it does not reliably connect and can send you in weird directions. It might act strangly because of combat camera.


> **Hammer**

> Maybe more damage on autos but it is a great weapon. I can’t think of any changes for skills.


> **Longbow**

> Good skills.

> Arcing Arrow – I think that this projectile should fly a bit faster and have some hard cc. Like a .5 second stun/daze or a 240-range knockback. It is an explosion after all.


> **Rifle**

> Kill Shot – Having this skill deal more damage to enemies under 25% health would make it very dangerous however, I like it how it is.


> **Axe**

> The perfect weapon.

> Triple Chop (3rd chain skill) – Making this cast in 1 second might be too strong. It would feel more fluid though.


> **Mace**

> Counterblow – Having an 8 second cooldown would put it in line with revenant and guard mace.



> **Sword**

> This weapon can be weird sometimes but the buffs to it were good.

> Flurry – The root here is weird and does not always work well. I only use it for the root proc, then I cancel it. It needs more damage and should be usable while moving. If it stays as an immovable cast the damage should 100% higher otherwise 25% more damage wouldn’t hurt.

> Impale & Riposte – I think these skills are good, but they are never a justifiable choice for offhand skills. I feel like they need work but I’m not sure where to start.


> **Shield**

> This offhand is too good and is only rivaled by axe offhand. I don’t think a nerf is necessary. The other off hands should just be buffed.


> **Warhorn**

> Not usable in many circumstances but when it needs to be used it works well. A boon share on it would be hilarious.


> **Harpoon Gun**

> Bleeds on more skills would help this weapon out.

> Mariner’s shot – Along with more damage on distance it should apply bleeds similarly. 1, 2, and 3 bleeds for 5 seconds would be fine.

> Puncture shot – Should cause 2 stacks of bleed for 5 seconds.

> Split Shot – Bleeds are good, just needs more damage.

> Knot shot – More damage would be nice, but it is a good skill.

> Repeating Shot – A bleed on each hit for 4 seconds.

> Forceful Shot – Bleed stacks per adrenaline level. 2, 3, & 4 stacks for 5 seconds.


> **Spear**

> Good weapon but more damage across the board would help make underwater nicer to play. Not a high priority.

> That is my thoughts on what would help warriors fight in mainly a pvp/wvw point of view. If these ideas are bad let me know.



Interesting suggestions OP. Just a few comments I would like to make.




Only thing I would change here would be Hundres Blades hitting 5 targets. The skill is already powerful as is and can be devastating when combined with Shield Bash, Bull's Charge, Disrupting Stab, Rampage, etc. If you are running Demo Amulet with Forceful Greatsword in sPvP, just 3 hits of Hundred Blades will get you about 1,500 base damage, about the same as Maul on the Ranger's bar. I think Warriors don't throw the skill out enough tbh, even a few hits can make the skill worth using.


As for Bladetrail, it is no doubt the weakest skill on the bar, but keep in mind it can hit twice, which I often find happening when I use it after Whirlwind Attack. Using the same conditions as before, the skill can hit for around 1,400 base damage and apply 8s of cripple. Not bad when it hits.


Overall, I would confidently say that the Warrior's Greatsword bar is the best in the game, which I think time has proven. The damage and mobility it provides is really unmatched.




I agree, the weapon feels great after the rework. No major changes needed.




I would actually like to see this weapon move to full condi damage, instead of the weird hybrid it is now. Maybe Arcing Arrow could apply like 10 stack of vuln and some bleed instead? I would also like to Combustive Shot apply a little more burning. Feels a bit lackluster as it is now.




Again, I agree, weapon is mostly fine as is. I think we could consider allowing movement during the Killshot channel though. The skill isn't nearly as powerful as it once was.




Agreed, one of the best designed Warrior weapons. Simple but reliable. I do wish they'd reduce the aftercast on Eviserate though. Feels a bit clunky having to cancel out of the aftercast with a weapon swap.




IMO, Mace is currenty in the worst state of basically all Warrior weapons. Its in desperate need of a rework. Counter Blow needs an 8s CD, Pommel Bash is just.... God.... so bad. Whole skill needs to be reworked. Crushing Blow needs a 1/2s cast time and Tremor hits like a noodle for damage. Tbh I wish they'd scrap the whole thing and turn it into a single target, low damage, stun/vulnerability focused weapon set.




Sword is in a weird spot. Anet can't seem to decide what it should be and I'm not sure either. I do agree that Flurry needs a MASSIVE damage buff. Its so bad that most opponents won't even try to break out of a Flurry, they'll just sit their and out DPS you as you flail away. The needs to be way more threatening. As for Sword offhand, I don't think the design is all that bad, the numbers are just way undertuned.




A great and balanced weapon. Has defined Warrior PvP since 2012.




Pretty useless. A relic of when Anet had a different design philosphy for the classes. Tbh, I don't even care enough about this thing to even think about what it would need to be reworked to. I'd rather them spend time fixing Berserker or buffing the Defense tree.



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> @"Girth.9731"

I have a better perspective on mace now. I barely use it which does prove how underpowered it is. It definitely needs buffs or an overhaul of its skills. Longbow should have a defined roll. If it were to go all the way into condi (this is the best choice since it is very condi in zerker) the burning on autos trait should be built into the weapon. Adding burning to arcing arrow as well would be good. I don't think the burst needs changes, since it already applies burning per pulse. Something I want to bring up about bladetrail is that it is good on paper but in practice it does not do much. It should do more like the other melee great swords. That is all that caught my attention. Thanks for the response.

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> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> > @"Girth.9731"

> I have a better perspective on mace now. I barely use it which does prove how underpowered it is. It definitely needs buffs or an overhaul of its skills. Longbow should have a defined roll. If it were to go all the way into condi (this is the best choice since it is very condi in zerker) the burning on autos trait should be built into the weapon. Adding burning to arcing arrow as well would be good. I don't think the burst needs changes, since it already applies burning per pulse. Something I want to bring up about bladetrail is that it is good on paper but in practice it does not do much. It should do more like the other melee great swords. That is all that caught my attention. Thanks for the response.


> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> > @"Girth.9731"

> I have a better perspective on mace now. I barely use it which does prove how underpowered it is. It definitely needs buffs or an overhaul of its skills. Longbow should have a defined roll. If it were to go all the way into condi (this is the best choice since it is very condi in zerker) the burning on autos trait should be built into the weapon. Adding burning to arcing arrow as well would be good. I don't think the burst needs changes, since it already applies burning per pulse. Something I want to bring up about bladetrail is that it is good on paper but in practice it does not do much. It should do more like the other melee great swords. That is all that caught my attention. Thanks for the response.


Yeah, Bladetrail can be unreliable. However, I find that if I try to use it at just the right distance (usally after dodging into and whirwinding through an enemy), then both parts of the skills will usually hit making it pretty solid. My only worry with making the skill into some kind of CC is that it might make GS pretty busted. Even stronger than it already is. I mean of you think about it, virtually every power build in every gamemode for Warrior has included GS.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:


> Why wouldnt you ask give you million damage and oneshot everyone who was touched by the GS? Kinda the same results would be achieved with your 'buffs'.

> The only change warrior need is to make gs5 consistent and connect with animation and not hit people through walls from 500 range (for 8k at times).


Greatsword has good damage already. The only change I actually want is for hundred blades to hit 5 targets and for you to be able to turn with it. More damage is if it does not get either of those changes. Warriors should be dangerous to get close to since they can be kited, though not as easily as say a necro. Guardian and rangers skill 2 on great sword both hit 5 targets and do nice damage on top. They can also be moved around to hit more consistently. I prefer reworks that make things more fluid over "buffs". I agree with you on skill 5.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> Smh people always suggest to mess up Rifle 4, guys if you dodged first you'd move out of range of the shot. I use Rifle 4 a lot and its perfect how it is. Its for kiting. It immobs your foe and you roll away. Works so nice WvW, has let me eject from many intense moments.



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> @"Girth.9731" said:

> **Greatsword**

> Overall, I would confidently say that the Warrior's Greatsword bar is the best in the game, which I think time has proven. The damage and mobility it provides is really unmatched.


I have to disagree. Check ranger's greatsword and its utility kit.

Evade on autoattack which can be manipulated with weapon stow;

Maul hits like a truck, basically more effective 100b as its just single attack and it is way easier to pull off compared to 100b + doesn't root ranger (Hilt Bash into Maul is very strong and simple combo);

Swoop mobility skill with 1k range on 12 sec CD (9,5 sec when traited, also has evasion although not as practically useful as Whirlwind Attack);

Counterattack with block, with strong CC retaliate effect (although sometimes it can be more annoying that useful);

Hilt Bash with daze/Stun with 300 range.


When it comes to DPSing a golem, warrior greatsword may outperform ranger's (although, Soulbeast probably could beat it), but when it comes to overall usefulness, ranger's is better.

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> @"Mousehawk.1746" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:


> > Why wouldnt you ask give you million damage and oneshot everyone who was touched by the GS? Kinda the same results would be achieved with your 'buffs'.

> > The only change warrior need is to make gs5 consistent and connect with animation and not hit people through walls from 500 range (for 8k at times).


> Greatsword has good damage already. The only change I actually want is for hundred blades to hit 5 targets and for you to be able to turn with it. More damage is if it does not get either of those changes. Warriors should be dangerous to get close to since they can be kited, though not as easily as say a necro. Guardian and rangers skill 2 on great sword both hit 5 targets and do nice damage on top. They can also be moved around to hit more consistently. I prefer reworks that make things more fluid over "buffs". I agree with you on skill 5.


I think being able to turn would be a little much, not to mention look derpy. :tongue: The only reasonable change I could see being made for it would be for a wider cone and I don't think its really required. As @"Girth.9731" mentioned, even if you only land a couple hits it does decent enough damage. If it had a wider cone I think it would make landing those hits a bit more reliable.

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> @"Girth.9731" Said:


> Yeah, Bladetrail can be unreliable. However, I find that if I try to use it at just the right distance (usally after dodging into and whirwinding through an enemy), then both parts of the skills will usually hit making it pretty solid. My only worry with making the skill into some kind of CC is that it might make GS pretty busted. Even stronger than it already is. I mean of you think about it, virtually every power build in every gamemode for Warrior has included GS.


Greatsword is used a lot for its mobility since it has the longest charge in the game. I think that blade trail should start out as parry without hard cc after thinking a little bit. So instead of having a knockback like ranger it just has the benefit of hitting multiple times instead. Though greatsword just needs some change to hundred blades. The weapon without these issues is very fun to use already. Arcing slice is my favorite when it hits people for 9k.

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