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Psychology - do profession and race play a major part in categorizing ppl

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Disclaimer: races or professions depicted might or might not be purely fictional and there would or wouldn't be "strong language" , "violence" or "imitable behavior" involved so reader's discretion is or isn't advised :p :p ;)


**My observations**:

Ranger/human/sylvari: self doubt... always in doubt whether the current engagement with the enemy is profitable to the team. Should I ignore/runaway rotate to a diff node now or join the team fight


Druid/sylvari: clear minded... I think I can hold the node against anyone so I always go far and I can rezz anyone from mid fight condi bombs and cleave


Elementalist/human: (mixed evaluations) I think I can hold 1v1 but if enemy +1s, I'll run oR nOt


Warrior/charr/charr warrior : often think they are the only ones performing best in the match and often spend most of the time toxting(toxic chatting) but when asked for a friendly duel, switch status to offline


Necro/any race: expect a miracle... just a little more and I can down him let me throw some more junky smelly nasty putrid stuff around myself and run towards the enemy. Once gap closed, let me pop my shroud and spinn it as fast as I can :p -> outcome can be a lucky draw or not based on the spin to win he just pulled


Mirage/asuras/human/sylvari: ezpz no sweat... no matter what! I know I can win this hahahaha


Guardians: my teammates should survive... instead of tab selecting enemies, I wish I had a shortcut to find Which Ally necro about to get downed, so I can pop my bubble and rezz them... Why is that ranger fighting off point???? "Hey ranger, you don't know how to play your class. Come stand inside the mid point and fight" :p


Revenant/any race:(I could be 80% wrong here) assassin/ dragon infuse light / assassin / dragon infuse light / assassin / dragon infuse light/ shackling wave???


Holo/any race: jump jump jump jump... Oh hey ranger! You're standing on top of a ledge??? No worries, I'll jump here... Jump jump jump... I can jump into the mid fight I can't die...


Scrapper: mannn life is boringggg... c'mon hit me let's see if I can die... :p move like a sticky gum even if tried to remove from shoes, sticks to the fingers


Dead eye: so vigilant and careful... should I sit here? Should I give up stealth by attacking??? Idk... I'm confused right now... :p


Daredevil: greedy... I can run away easily... But let me try to hit that engi I think I can kill him... But after 10 secs, argghhh I should've just run away...

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A correlation, possibly. But most of the time, there are things that are somewhat obvious: People who ALREADY HAVE z-axis teleport, AI while evading/attacking/doing other actions, or instant cast burst and STILL MANAGES to have a reason to complain about how "underpowered" their class is goes into the "entitled" category.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> A correlation, possibly. But most of the time, there are things that are somewhat obvious: People who ALREADY HAVE z-axis teleport, AI while evading/attacking/doing other actions, or instant cast burst and STILL MANAGES to have a reason to complain about how "underpowered" their class is goes into the "entitled" category.


Seems ure a warrior main...


The things I observed about warriors might or might not be true...

I know you're a better warrior player and I believe I saw you somewhere top in leaderboards

U could be a nice warrior...

U can share your observations too... ;)

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Most of the "observations" exist in our own minds, lots of times i get ppl angry cuz they say i "think im good". The stuff that goes on in our mind and pisses us off is often only in our own heads. I can confess that i get tilted by jumping ppl, i don't know why but in my head it really pisses me off , as if ppl communicate they can't be touched by jumping , its stupid i know :)

PVP would be a better place if we all stopped mind reading ppl and pretend we know what goes on in there head and then take that as a fact.


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I've never noticed a correlation between race of the character and behavior.


However, I can say that people who play certain classes tend to have greater egos, while others who play other classes to be a little more humble. :tongue: The biggest egos I see in PvP typically come from warriors, thieves, and mesmers. I see more humility in guardians and eles.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> I've never noticed a correlation between race of the character and behavior.


> However, I can say that people who play certain classes tend to have greater egos, while others who play other classes to be a little more humble. :tongue: The biggest egos I see in PvP typically come from warriors, thieves, and mesmers. I see more humility in guardians and eles.


I also think people who play Revenant like to think they're masters at the class. I mean, pressing so many things at a time and seeing your character doing things quickly makes one think that way.

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Necromancers are eternal pessimists.


Warrior mains believe that any approach to combat that isn't both players walking up to each other and playing Rock Em Sock Em Robots is bull shit and should be nerfed.


Thieves are typically the most elitist try hard PvPers of the bunch. Revenants are close enough thematically to be thieves to attract the same type of players.



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Do Elementalist, guardian, warrior, Mesmer mains like to have a pet companion? Do they like Flora?/fauna?

Revenant might like legend companions I think

Necros like their pets to be rotten, intimidating and repulsive

Engi might like little robots as companions to fight alongside them

Thieves might like the idea but idk how much

Rangers love em ...

Druids => ??? Confused

Druids might like Flora much rather than fauna... They might look at life in a diff level ...


Ppl who like to be with a pet companion during their adventure and those who don't might have a diff perspective on things


Ppl who like plants might be level headed I think they don't go to extremes of joy nor sorrow


Quick googling says ppl with pets are cheerful... And those who don't might often express their hate towards other life(including human)(saltiness?) :p :p :p

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Theme and gameplay both influence class choice in my opinion, and is weighed differently for everyone. Other factors like playing with a friend or in a guild needing a certain class also influences this.


But the discussion seems only to deal with people who main 1 class.

What about players that ~~snitch~~ switch?

What about players that don't have a main, and randomly play any classes that suit their mood?

What about players that have 2 or more favourite classes?

What about players that only play whichever build is strongest because all they want is winning?

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:


> But the discussion seems only to deal with people who main 1 class.

> What about players that ~~snitch~~ switch?

> What about players that don't have a main, and randomly play any classes that suit their mood?

> What about players that have 2 or more favourite classes?

> What about players that only play whichever build is strongest because all they want is winning?


TBH, I have no answers for these questions...


But look at it this way... What class and race would you have chosen the first time in gw2 ... Rather than after 1000 hrs of gameplay in total ... Before trying out any other class...

Would you've chosen a class and a race the very first time based on other ppl opinions on which is OP in pvp? Idk ...


Some might try to create a IRL copy of themselves in GW2 or what they want to be or who they want to be or pick at random just to try it out coz they're bored

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> TBH, I have no answers for these questions...


> But look at it this way... What class and race would you have chosen the first time in gw2 ... Rather than after 1000 hrs of gameplay in total ... Before trying out any other class...

> Would you've chosen a class and a race the very first time based on other ppl opinions on which is OP in pvp? Idk ...


> Some might try to create a IRL copy of themselves in GW2 or what they want to be or who they want to be or pick at random just to try it out coz they're bored


Yes I'd say there's probably some general correlations that apply but I don't think anything should stand out super strongly.


For myself, starting from Core days, I picked Mesmer first because it seems like a class I've never seen in another MMO before, then Guardian because my first sPvP team wanted a Bunker Guard, then I played Condi P/P Engi because a friend played it and looked cool, then Banner Bunker Warrior because I felt sad at that time IRL and wanted something easy, then D/D Elementalist because I wanted even more buttons to press than Engineer.

Then in Heart of Thorns, I picked Power Reaper because my emo phase reached tremendous heights and I hated a lot of things and I just couldn't stand people being happy. Corrupt Boon and all the other corrupts in the build brought me high quality schadenfreude for a very long time as I go about ruining full bars of shiny boons.

In Path of Fire, I had a lot more time to appreciate nature and my Staffy died so I rolled a Druid/Sniper Soulbeast. Now I'm on Warrior again but it's because I'm bearing a lot of responsibilities now and want to play something that represents my determination.


So, lots of different reasons.


I quote myself from another thread:

> I think it's a spectrum with an ever expanding set of sliders from 1 to 100.

> You will have people who choose classes because of what they think the classes represent for them - e.g. Holy Warrior archetypes with themes of selflessness, sacrifice, dependability, cleansing etc. which some identify with or yearn for.

> You will have people who love winning more than anything and they will hop on FOTM classes and learn all the "cheap" tricks and class doesn't matter. I would put the trolling players here too because they do want to win, just in an aspect different from winning the match or the fight.

> You will have people who care about mechanical aspects - some want it easy, some like to play the piano.

> You will have people who care about stylistic aspects of classes or even just certain sound effects of a skill.


> People make decisions on whether to play a class based on multiple factors they consider simultaneously and weigh differently.

> You can make broad sweeping generalizations but they wouldn't apply to everyone.

> The most common ways to talk about classes though is through the theme (though GW2 doesn't have that much class lore), and in GW2 because it is so action-combat-heavy, the playstyle matters a bit more.


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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> >

> > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.


> You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.



Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?


You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.


But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.



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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > >

> > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> >

> > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.



> Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?


> You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.


> But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.




There is an option for standard friendly models as well

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Not that simple game is old what ppl chooses years ago as main often stays main. Smart ppl multi class I can imagine if they more focus on game play. Completionist if that word exist play a main and try to make the main perfect owning best gear all possible tam tam.


Some chosen a class for the visuals and some what suits the game mode they play best.


Wvw commanders in the past wanted be tanky


Some players come from other mmos and try to refind the class they played before or a class they never played but where curious before. Wow warlock/ necromancer Paladin/Guardian


In general people stick to the class they played most at start since it’s kinda a lot effort to top gear a new character (legendary/ bags/ mining tools etc)

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > > >

> > > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> > >

> > > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.

> >

> >

> > Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?

> >

> > You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.

> >

> > But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.

> >

> >


> There is an option for standard friendly models as well


ye different option but even then you still know who plays norn/charr

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > >

> > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> >

> > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.



> Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?


> You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.


> But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.




Wrong i am EU quaggan necro player, clearly the smartest of all player in this game. What salt btw?

You just don't know that you know me but i know you all (not necessarily for being a good player tho), that is enough.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > > >

> > > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> > >

> > > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.

> >

> >

> > Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?

> >

> > You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.

> >

> > But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.

> >

> >


> Wrong i am EU quaggan necro player, clearly the smartest of all player in this game. What salt btw?

> You just don't know that you know me but i know you all (not necessarily for being a good player tho), that is enough.


No I don't know you for real. Prolly for a reason. And I couldn't care less if another random player calls old ESL players not good.

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > > > >

> > > > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> > > >

> > > > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?

> > >

> > > You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.

> > >

> > > But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Wrong i am EU quaggan necro player, clearly the smartest of all player in this game. What salt btw?

> > You just don't know that you know me but i know you all (not necessarily for being a good player tho), that is enough.


> No I don't know you for real. Prolly for a reason. And I couldn't care less if another random player calls old ESL players not good.


Good that it doesn't matter if you believe me or not

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > > Great sword norn warrior players ushually are as dumb as the animations look like.

> > > > >

> > > > > Generally, the chance that a charr or norn player is an actual PvP player instead of a pver who farms chests is quite low.

> > > >

> > > > You probably forgot that you have standard models activated. And in my experience guard player (in particular core and dh) are the , lets say it kind, least smart ppl in this game.

> > >

> > >

> > > Hehe, Na-Plat1-norn warrior detected?

> > >

> > > You probably forgot that standard models do not affect your own teammates. Let's say it kind, you must be a core guard or dh player.

> > >

> > > But considering I have never seen you before nor does anyone recognize you in any way apart from forums, I guess it's okay to ignore your salt.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > There is an option for standard friendly models as well


> ye different option but even then you still know who plays norn/charr


Y, you just look at the gameplay



Edit: i think people who dodge jump excessively might be asura

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I'd imagine there is some correlation, but as with many things there are likely many other factors determining who feels drawn to play what.


For example in any kind of fantasy/science-fantasy game I never like playing the warrior/soldier - because I prefer the escapism of magical/metaphysical things that are vastly different from real life. I can go and practice with eg a sword IRL, but I can't practice summoning fireballs from the sky or making clones of myself (send one to work, send another to get shopping, etc). xD


Equally I almost never feel drawn to playing a dark character (eg necro) as the themes don't agree with me personally. I do like the idea of ritualistic morally grey characters, but not outright dark - and tbh green as a colour doesn't do much for me.


This is another thing - colour - I like purples and blues (mesmer and guardian) so naturally drawn to any class that uses those colours.


In gw2 there could be a spectrum of possible "main" options that would fit - but long time character investment does not encourage swapping profession and starting something new. Thematically there are aspects of Holo (optics/photonics is one of my favourite fields of science), DD (from the martial point of view - although I find DD staff animations too exaggerated such as Vault - just looks ridiculous when spammed), Druid (connection to nature), Revenant (drawing power from spirits) and Guardian (righteous zealot) I feel drawn too as well as mesmer. Ele is a strange one because I prefer games where you specialise in one element - I would feel drawn to ice/water and air, but not lightning (always confuses me why as an element there are so many electric effects as opposed to simply moving bulk quantities of air to throw people around... wish they would separate the two). Don't really get stimulated by Earth or Fire magic. Only classes I have no interest in here are warrior and necro for above mentioned reasons.


Anyway you can feel free to categorise my personality based on that. :p



Edit: racially, any game that allows me to play non-human I will always take that option. This is because 1. I don't care so much about the face in character creation (easier to make a beast race look good) and 2. again for escapism from being human IRL.

Between asura and charr - was a case of more affinity with asura culture/society/architecture etc, than that of the grimy/industrial/warlike charr. But I do like charr combat animations.

Sylvari models are just plant humans so don't truly count.

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Based on my limited knowledge on psychology, this is the thing with psychology and people; it is easy to project oneself onto others when trying to understand what associations other people have with certain classes. You can't objectively make an statement about other people's opinion on this without explicitly asking them via anonymous questionnaires which they explicitly know are anonymous, and you have to assume they answer honestly and that are willing to take it in the first place.


One example of these biases is one I will give you; my friend plays thieves, he likes them for their flashiness and movement, he feels like he is in Devil May Cry, he states he finds guardians the closest thematically to thieves even if not the same gameplay, to him thieves are more like Cayde-6 kind of cool "ninjas". Meanwhile my take on thieves (and rogue archetypes in general) is that they are "scoundrels", they rely on trickery, betraying, lying, hitting at the enemies' weakest moments, gameplay wise they look for ways to cause frustration on the enemy, even the skill and traits descriptions pretty much spell this out, I find them the total pole opposite of guardians which are about honor, helping others, making other people's life better ~~and smite the unbelievers if you have played a paladin before~~.


Different experiences and backgrounds, different personalities, sometimes we find ways to justify what we like by finding good associations, just like I did with guardians for me, and thieves for my friend.


The best way to describe this phenomenon is this: imagine a black cat. Whatever came to your mind is probably very different to mine; it could have been a literal black cat, or maybe thought about bad luck, or maybe thought of your pet, or maybe a bar called Black Cat, or maybe your GF likes to dress in tight black latex, or maybe your childhood friends and you played a game of black cat, etc etc..

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